Why would anyone object to Virginia’s new gun laws?

Straw-man / improper description. You are not asking for permission to sell or transfer. You (by compliance) are insuring, you are not transferring to a known risk, doing your part to prevent you having something to do with supporting domestic or international terrorism, criminal activity, or passing weapons to those mentally or emotionally unfit to be trusted with them. If your neighbor left his loaded gun available for his kid, who got mad and shot your kid, would you hold your neighbor responsible? Same in society. You are morally or legally responsible for every bullet you fire or weapon that leaves your control at least for first level.
You want to make me liable for the illegal actions of a third party?

How far do we go with that? If I sell a car to a person who likes to drink and drive, now I am responsible when said drunk kills someone with the car I sold him?

If he is a known drunk driver, losing his right to drive a car, yes.

You don't need a DL to purchase a car. I blind person can purchase a car.

If you live in a small town and know the person buying lost his car totaling it while drunk and lost his license, you sell him another one knowing he cannot legally drive it off the lot and he runs over somebody's kid while drunk, I suspect the parents would name you and sue under complicity. 50/50 might be your best shot, depending on quality of your lawyer, his lawyer and the judge and jury. I'm no lawyer. Only took business law.
Straw-man / improper description. You are not asking for permission to sell or transfer. You (by compliance) are insuring, you are not transferring to a known risk, doing your part to prevent you having something to do with supporting domestic or international terrorism, criminal activity, or passing weapons to those mentally or emotionally unfit to be trusted with them. If your neighbor left his loaded gun available for his kid, who got mad and shot your kid, would you hold your neighbor responsible? Same in society. You are morally or legally responsible for every bullet you fire or weapon that leaves your control at least for first level.
You want to make me liable for the illegal actions of a third party?

How far do we go with that? If I sell a car to a person who likes to drink and drive, now I am responsible when said drunk kills someone with the car I sold him?

If you applied due diligence to do s background check then you are not liable

But if you ignored a check and a criminal uses your gun. Then I hope you go to jail
Why is that my burden? Cars are much more deadly than guns. Are you suggesting that I should do a background check before I sell my car?

We have many, many rules making cars more safer
We can do the same with guns
We need to attack all sources of illegal weapons
Close down one at a time
Criminals are the source of illegal weapons.
They make them?
Yeah. Guns aren't illegal until they're stolen.

Some are.....others reach the black market through private sales

Nice gun you got there.....wanna sell it?
I’m not going to sell a criminal a gun, are you?
They can if there are no background checks
They can if they can buy on the secondary market
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
Not always
Private sales are a good source of guns
Straw purchases are another
Do the research. Stolen guns are a big problem.

We need to attack all sources of illegal weapons
Close down one at a time
Criminals are the source of illegal weapons.

Actually, private sales at gun shows, online sites, and local papers are the source of most illegal guns.
but i thought you could kick bruce lees ass.....

You have a reading comprehension problem. Would kiss bruce lees ass sound similar.
nope no reading problem....he said even he could kick bruce lee's ass.....
I can
you can what?....bleed all over him?....
I can’t kick the Asians ass easy, anyone that think lee could fight is a retard
Chuck Norris and every other fighter in the day respected and feared lee.
You have a reading comprehension problem. Would kiss bruce lees ass sound similar.
nope no reading problem....he said even he could kick bruce lee's ass.....
I can
you can what?....bleed all over him?....
I can’t kick the Asians ass easy, anyone that think lee could fight is a retard
Chuck Norris and every other fighter in the day respected and feared lee.
Hollywood talk
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

What is the point of one gun a month?

Now for my liberty logic sarcastic portion:
For universal background checks, its sounds like your going after people with rap sheets, which makes it racist
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

What is the point of one gun a month?

Now for my liberty logic sarcastic portion:
For universal background checks, its sounds like your going after people with rap sheets, which makes it racist
The reason is simple

End straw buyers who buy guns for felons
nope no reading problem....he said even he could kick bruce lee's ass.....
I can
you can what?....bleed all over him?....
I can’t kick the Asians ass easy, anyone that think lee could fight is a retard
Chuck Norris and every other fighter in the day respected and feared lee.
Hollywood talk
is that like your internet talk?....
you can what?....bleed all over him?....
I can’t kick the Asians ass easy, anyone that think lee could fight is a retard
Chuck Norris and every other fighter in the day respected and feared lee.
Hollywood talk
is that like your internet talk?....
Hey harry STFU LOL
yea i should have more respect for our top poster...
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

What is the purpose of "A limit to one handgun purchase per month"?

Why should people have to have the approval of the government to dispose of their private property?

Why should a person who is not breaking the law be limited in public places?
I can’t kick the Asians ass easy, anyone that think lee could fight is a retard
Chuck Norris and every other fighter in the day respected and feared lee.
Hollywood talk
is that like your internet talk?....
Hey harry STFU LOL
yea i should have more respect for our top poster...
Do what you want just STFU
Well, that is something isn't it? Some who did not pass would fail to obtain. Those that went ahead and broke the law to obtain would be subject to prosecution as criminals, along with whoever broke the law to sell them. If fines were high penalties and fines were high enogh, it would have some effect. Criminals obtaining illegal weapons will never be stopped completely, unless you come up with a way to stop crime completely. I'm ok with that.
Once again:it's onerous, it's useless...and yet again, it is not enforceable.
You are grasping at straws. As a licensed owner and carrier, I reject your straw-man slippery slope argument.

Until it's you. You fall into the Fudd class with talk like that. You are licensed until the day you get a divorce in which you typically have a restraining order against you and you get caught with that licensed gun in your possession. Then you are just a fellon, yes, that's settled hash in SCOTUS, but does an avrage cop know that or care? Or a pissed off X or guy at work says you got a gun and you are talking crazy. Or your loacal PD grabs some crap you posted off line and red flag laws your gun. Sure you can go to court and fix it. If you got the $$$. It's not an issue for you because you haven't had an issue for now. These laws are about separating citizens from their guns period.

Next he will tell us that they will let him keep his shotgun and deer rifle after they ban AR-15s.....
They will not ban AR-15s in Tennessee, much less my rifles, shotguns, handguns, bow, or hunt/survival knives here. Suggest you move.

Yes......Blacks suffering from democrat party jim crow laws should have just moved....
I don't think I was around when the Jim Crow laws were passed. I am unsure of the time-frame. I do know that back in the day (way before i, my parents or grandparents were born), even uneducated slaves, ran away with nothing but the clothes on their backs, when staying was to reprehensible to continue. They sought sanctuary in the free states. Do you bring it up because you are a lesser man, because yesterday was celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, or just to pitch something out that I never voted for? Whatever, it is not an effective argument.
You are ignorant. Gun control was a cornerstone of Jim Crow.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Suddenly criminals will begin obeying laws? Why?
I’m not going to sell a criminal a gun, are you?
They can if there are no background checks
They can if they can buy on the secondary market
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
No...he is not naive, he is either EVIL or just STUPID.
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Suddenly criminals will begin obeying laws? Why?
I’m not going to sell a criminal a gun, are you?
They can if there are no background checks
They can if they can buy on the secondary market
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
Not always
Private sales are a good source of guns
Straw purchases are another

Yet again, at least the tenth time: straw purchases are already a crime.
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
Not always
Private sales are a good source of guns
Straw purchases are another
Do the research. Stolen guns are a big problem.

We need to attack all sources of illegal weapons
Close down one at a time
Criminals are the source of illegal weapons.

Actually, private sales at gun shows, online sites, and local papers are the source of most illegal guns.
Have any actual PROOF of that?
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
Not always
Private sales are a good source of guns
Straw purchases are another
Do the research. Stolen guns are a big problem.

We need to attack all sources of illegal weapons
Close down one at a time
Criminals are the source of illegal weapons.

Actually, private sales at gun shows, online sites, and local papers are the source of most illegal guns.

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Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

What is the point of one gun a month?

Now for my liberty logic sarcastic portion:
For universal background checks, its sounds like your going after people with rap sheets, which makes it racist
The reason is simple

End straw buyers who buy guns for felons
Never going to happen

How many laws do we have that make it illegal to sell prescription drugs on the street?

Has that stopped it?


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