Why would anyone continue to claim the iraqi war was a failure?

Unkotare has failed.

2008, by McCain's own admission, was a referendum on the Iraq War.
Just FYI kid, wiki is NOT a legitimate source.

OK punk I'll defeat you with YOUR SOURCE.

On page 209 of this thread, I said:

On page 209 of this thread you said:

Now in YOUR source just above, from NPR, we have:
Feb. 4, 2008 -- Last fall, as the subprime housing crisis intensified, the economy replaced the war in Iraq as the top concern for Americans.

It is CLEAR from your source, as well as every one that I have cited, that the situation was EXACTLY as I originally stated, that the screw up of the Iraq war and the economic collapse of 2008 cost the repubs the election.

Geez, after Bush presided over economic collapse, the war in Iraq fell from 1 to 2 in importance. It was still a major issue in the election, and I have been right all along. Even per your source.

You need to learn how to read not just quote, kid. Wiki can't cure your stupidity, junior.

You have lost the debate, and don't have the common decency to admit it, or just leave like most others. This in not about wiki which shows you are wrong, I have also used your source to prove you are wrong. You are wrong, and too immature to admit it and leave it alone, punk. Seems all you can do it throw aimless insults, what a wimp. I now pity you.
2004 was a vote on the success of the invasion, before the insurgency kicked out asses for three years. 2008 was about a president whose approval rate, because of the war, was hovering around 30%. The recession pushed the final knife into the corpse of neo-con Republicanism. It and its followers are outside and will remain there. Romney will never engage in such stupidity.

You have a short memory, kid. By the 2004 election the insurgency was in full effect, Abu Ghraib had taken place, the failure to find WMDs was a hot issue, a video showing contractor Nicholas Berg being beheaded by insurgents had made the rounds; and second guessing, media attack, and democrats in congress running from their own positions and declaring failure was all over the news.

By the 2008 election the surge had been vindicated as successful and Iraq was moving toward greater stability.

The 2008 election was about the economy, McCain's horrible campaign, and a full-on media assault on Palin with one hand while fondling obama's sack with the other.

I already showed you above the quote, McCain wanted to make the 2008 election a referendum on the war in Iraq. (page 210, post 3138) You have failed to respond with anything except your "opinion".

So, here we go again, McCain saying he'd be fine staying in Iraq for 100 years. The american people didn't want that, and didn't trust the repubs to execute properly, so they voted against McCain.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFknKVjuyNk&feature=related]McCain: 100 years in Iraq "would be fine with me" - YouTube[/ame]

The Iraq war was a central issue in the 2008 election because the american people wanted it over with. Obama promised to get combat troops out, McCain didn't. McCain lost.

Of course the economic collapse presided over by Bush with the housing bubble and failure to regulate the mortgage market and banking system angered people, but Iraq was also a big issue, and I have repeatedly shown it, which is more than you can say, you have shown NOTHING.

Obama said he would not follow Bush's time line and get the troops out by 2011. He lied! He did follow Bush's agreement with Maliki (sp) to the day, and Obama was too busy running for re-election to negotiate immunity for our troops so a residual force could stay there. We were actually kicked out of Iraq.
Unkotare has failed.

2008, by McCain's own admission, was a referendum on the Iraq War.

You wanna go back and read all the posts, or just the ones you like, you dishonest shit?

It was obama's goal to make 2008 about the economy.

Which candidate was more successful in framing the election? Hmmmm...
OK punk I'll defeat you with YOUR SOURCE.

On page 209 of this thread, I said:

On page 209 of this thread you said:

Now in YOUR source just above, from NPR, we have:

It is CLEAR from your source, as well as every one that I have cited, that the situation was EXACTLY as I originally stated, that the screw up of the Iraq war and the economic collapse of 2008 cost the repubs the election.

Geez, after Bush presided over economic collapse, the war in Iraq fell from 1 to 2 in importance. It was still a major issue in the election, and I have been right all along. Even per your source.

You need to learn how to read not just quote, kid. Wiki can't cure your stupidity, junior.

You have lost the debate, and don't have the common decency to admit it, or just leave like most others. .

'Declarations' like that are a classic 'covering your retreat' technique. Go do your homework, kid.

Am missing something here?

Ya. The cost.

We could have worked within Iraq covertly to establish some crediblity to kill Saddam and gone ahead and killed him allowing a "whole" Iraq to establish his successor. If that guy didn't work out ..repeat until a satisfactory leader emmerged.

This could have all been done a thousand times cheaper and with 5,000 fewer Americans killed, hundred thousands less wounded trillions less spent. Thousands fewer terrorists created.

Am missing something here?

Ya. The cost.

We could have worked within Iraq covertly to establish some crediblity to kill Saddam and gone ahead and killed him allowing a "whole" Iraq to establish his successor. If that guy didn't work out ..repeat until a satisfactory leader emmerged.

This could have all been done a thousand times cheaper and with 5,000 fewer Americans killed, hundred thousands less wounded trillions less spent. Thousands fewer terrorists created.

They (Iraqi people) hung Saddam, not us
How could anything be done with "man" who had killed millions and the NY times reported close to 1 million of his own people (gassed)
Al Qaeda was setting up base there in 02
Saddam was lying
He had munitions, He has Anthrax and there was 550 metric tons of un secured yellow cake there
You liberals and your childish name calling blows me away. your not taken serious by any-one after your first name calling event
I have no idea who you people are and have nothing against you. I post factual information that is 100% from links.
I really am amazed at that getting some-one into a 1st grade on the play ground childish rant
Wa Wa Wa

Actually you seem perfectly suited to a 1st grade playground.


So, when are you going to try posting something "factual" again?

here and now

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
Report: Uranium Stockpile Removed From Iraq in Secret U.S. Mission | Fox News
So no US military women were killed in Iraq? Oh, but nice try with the "Daddy" comment.

The troops that died in Iraq is never a good thing, but the number is tiny compared to other wars.

The majority of the dead troops are because of mistakes made in the post-war efforts when we blocked Baath party members from important roles in the new Iraq. That caused the insurgents and terrorists to turn the country into a mess for awhile until we changed our course with the Sunni people.

So the mistakes made after we took control of the country don't support your false premise that Saddam shouldn't be removed from power for various reasons. You wouldn't have a pot to pee in if we didn't screw up the internal politics inside Iraq with the Baath party.

Don't see an answer to my very direct question there, so I'll try again.

Worth it, yes or no?


Not only yes, but hell yes.

I have Mac on ignore, his way of honoring those who gave it all to fight our battles have some serious ways that those who were there and those of us who support them do not take kindly too

Now as far as those sacrifices? No Al Qaeda, no Saddam, no wars
Mac and his daddy comment is being circulated in certain circles
Ignore his, he is a sick pup who has gained the interest of many
The Iraq war was a central issue in the 2008 election because the american people wanted it over with. Obama promised to get combat troops out, McCain didn't. McCain lost.

Of course the economic collapse presided over by Bush with the housing bubble and failure to regulate the mortgage market and banking system angered people, but Iraq was also a big issue, and I have repeatedly shown it, which is more than you can say, you have shown NOTHING.
Obama is proving marginally usable, to end the debacle of American presence in Iraq, evident since the CIA supported Saddam's career, since 1958, and likely before, concurrent with the 1953 CIA and MI6 involvement in Iran, to install the Shah, which also resulted in the creation, of modern BP.

But notice Bill Clinton signed deregulation, of courts, energy, and banks (1999). Obama bailed the banks, in 2008, and he calls Jamie Dimon 'smart.'

In 2008, Obama told governors public healthcare was off the table, to be followed with 2700 pages of private-insurer debacle, known as Obamacare. The Democrats lost the House in 2010 and finally tried to pass biomass research, which lost, 2012. Obama signed NDAA, killed more people with drones in four years, and his USDOJ busted more pot clubs, than GW Bush did, in eight years.

'Barak' is the name of an ancient Israelite general. Obama keeps thinking he can get fascists to vote for him, but they keep coming up with 'birther' allegations. What a zoo.
The Iraq war was a central issue in the 2008 election because the american people wanted it over with. Obama promised to get combat troops out, McCain didn't. McCain lost.

Of course the economic collapse presided over by Bush with the housing bubble and failure to regulate the mortgage market and banking system angered people, but Iraq was also a big issue, and I have repeatedly shown it, which is more than you can say, you have shown NOTHING.
Obama is proving marginally usable, to end the debacle of American presence in Iraq, evident since the CIA supported Saddam's career, since 1958, and likely before, concurrent with the 1953 CIA and MI6 involvement in Iran, to install the Shah, which also resulted in the creation, of modern BP.

But notice Bill Clinton signed deregulation, of courts, energy, and banks (1999). Obama bailed the banks, in 2008, and he calls Jamie Dimon 'smart.'

In 2008, Obama told governors public healthcare was off the table, to be followed with 2700 pages of private-insurer debacle, known as Obamacare. The Democrats lost the House in 2010 and finally tried to pass biomass research, which lost, 2012. Obama signed NDAA, killed more people with drones in four years, and his USDOJ busted more pot clubs, than GW Bush did, in eight years.

'Barak' is the name of an ancient Israelite general. Obama keeps thinking he can get fascists to vote for him, but they keep coming up with 'birther' allegations. What a zoo.

finehead the Iraq war end date was done, signed and complete in 2008
BHO had nothing to do with it and it had little to do with his winning

Lying about his balanced budget's
Lying about inheriting the same
Lying about his priorities
Lying about the job creation
The press and BHO blaming every thing on the GOP (who had not been in power for 24 months)

BTW this is not personal. I respect BHO and what he did to continue the war on terror has been surprisingly a GWB continued path of success
he lied about all of those things I mentioned

I did not mention Gitmo as well those other items he stated he would un-do that GWB put into place to keep us safe
here and now

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
Report: Uranium Stockpile Removed From Iraq in Secret U.S. Mission | Fox News
U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq - msnbc.com

"Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."


"The yellowcake removed from Iraq - which was not the same yellowcake that President George W. Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Saddam was trying to purchase in Africa - could be used in an early stage of the nuclear fuel cycle. Only after intensive processing would it become low-enriched uranium, which could fuel reactors producing power. Highly enriched uranium can be used in nuclear bombs."

Hey. Jerkoff! You are a ranting idiot.

1. Saddam was a CIA client, at least since 1958, so fuck off, the US was teeing off on Iraq, the whole time;
2. GHW Bush got cold feet, on the road to Basra, which let GW Bush and Cheney tee off on Iraq when the CIA and FBI blew off leads, where both three-letter punk-bureaus knew the 9/11 terrorists were in the US and active, so now we have to have a DHS, and GW Bush wanted two wars, with Sunnis, since he is an asshole, and shit is number 2;
3. In operation Curveball, GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the conspirators in that fascist administration used a lying Iraqi informant, to justify lying to Congress;
4. No WMDs were found in Iraq, and your stupid rants about yellowcake refer to unusable crap in aging drums, from the 1981 Israeli raid, and no yellowcake referred to by lying GW Bush was found.

You are a lying asshole. Shut the fuck up, 212 pages late, you narcissistic fucktard.
Last edited:
You liberals and your childish name calling blows me away. your not taken serious by any-one after your first name calling event
I have no idea who you people are and have nothing against you. I post factual information that is 100% from links.
I really am amazed at that getting some-one into a 1st grade on the play ground childish rant
Wa Wa Wa

Actually you seem perfectly suited to a 1st grade playground.


So, when are you going to try posting something "factual" again?

here and now

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
Report: Uranium Stockpile Removed From Iraq in Secret U.S. Mission | Fox News

As usual you Bush suck ups try to play treason with his terrorism against Iraq. Their were no WMD in Iraq when Bush attacked and murdered over one and a half million innocent Iraqi people.

Saddam was another American failed puppet and the Bush/Rumsfeld/Cheney axis of evil were the ones that sold Saddam the classified information to make his chemical and biological weapons as well as the chemicals through Cheney's Serle company.

Bush is nothing but a treasonous murdering dog that will get what he deserves like the rest of his Nazi supporting family.

You traitors that want to continue terrorism wars need to move to Israel where your terrorist support will be welcome.
here and now

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
Report: Uranium Stockpile Removed From Iraq in Secret U.S. Mission | Fox News
U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq - msnbc.com

"Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."


"The yellowcake removed from Iraq - which was not the same yellowcake that President George W. Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Saddam was trying to purchase in Africa - could be used in an early stage of the nuclear fuel cycle. Only after intensive processing would it become low-enriched uranium, which could fuel reactors producing power. Highly enriched uranium can be used in nuclear bombs."

Hey. Jerkoff! You are a ranting idiot.

1. Saddam was a CIA client, at least since 1958, so fuck off, the US was teeing off on Iraq, the whole time;
2. GHW Bush got cold feet, on the road to Basra, which let GW Bush and Cheney tee off on Iraq when the CIA and FBI blew off leads, where both three-letter punk-bureaus knew the 9/11 terrorists were in the US and active, so now we have to have a DHS, and GW Bush wanted two wars, with Sunnis, since he is an asshole, and shit is number 2;
3. In operation Curveball, GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the conspirators in that fascist administration used a lying Iraqi informant, to justify lying to Congress;
4. No WMDs were found in Iraq, and your stupid rants about yellowcake refer to unusable crap in aging drums, from the 1981 Israeli raid, and no yellowcake referred to by lying GW Bush was found.

You are a lying asshole. Shut the fuck up, 212 pages late, you narcissistic fucktard.

Lets skip strike 1 and go straight to strike 2 to the ignore list
I have no idea what your talking about other than 2 sides to these events and why you conduct your self as a 3rd grade bully is confusing

You think any-one will take you serious with that rant and conducting your self as such?

The yellow cake was yellow cake, Being in the shape it was, was all the more reason to get it out of Iraq
I never said the intel that was all over the place and from different countries from the mid 90s through today had anything to do with the 550 metric tons of yellow cake, YOU DID
Curve ball was 1 side of so many stories. So what does this mean? and why does this mean so much to you as the only event that matters?
Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=15918Jun 29, 2006 – Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says. By Samantha L. Quigley American Forces Press Service. WASHINGTON, June 29 ...

GWB admitted much of the intel was wrong (which most came from the Clinton years)

RightWingNews.com :: Archives
rightwingnews.com/quotes/demsonwmds.phpSince we haven't found WMD in Iraq, a lot of the anti-war/anti-Bush crowd is ... "Whereas Iraq has consistently breached its cease-fire agreement between Iraq ...

The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." -- Bill Clinton in 1998

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction." -- Bob Graham, December 2002
Actually you seem perfectly suited to a 1st grade playground.


So, when are you going to try posting something "factual" again?

here and now

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
Report: Uranium Stockpile Removed From Iraq in Secret U.S. Mission | Fox News

As usual you Bush suck ups try to play treason with his terrorism against Iraq. Their were no WMD in Iraq when Bush attacked and murdered over one and a half million innocent Iraqi people.

Saddam was another American failed puppet and the Bush/Rumsfeld/Cheney axis of evil were the ones that sold Saddam the classified information to make his chemical and biological weapons as well as the chemicals through Cheney's Serle company.

Bush is nothing but a treasonous murdering dog that will get what he deserves like the rest of his Nazi supporting family.

You traitors that want to continue terrorism wars need to move to Israel where your terrorist support will be welcome.

The US had nothing to do with Saddam's behavior
The number of innocent people killed in Iraq by Saddam, Saddam loyalist, Al Qaeda and the other terrorist insurgents in Iraq where less than the same killed in the US by criminals
Crime has only your defining and numbers that are in error
Iraq Body Count project 105,052 — 114,731 civilian deaths as a result of the conflict. Over 162,000 civilian and combatant deaths[1][2] March 2003 to January 2012
WikiLeaks. Classified Iraq war logs[1][3][4][5] 109,032 deaths including 66,081 civilian deaths.[6][7] January 2004 to December 2009
Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why you Libs blame every-one except those who actually did the killing is beyond me. You have no desire to point out evil unless it advance your cause

Each post shows the rants of a madman.

FYI....you forgot to mention the "number 2" in your post. :eusa_whistle:

Dumbass.....Powell showed our intel photos that showed Saddam's troops were moving stuff around prior to IAEA inspectors showing up at those sites. He also brought up Saddam's human rights violations, support to suicide bombers, and violations of the ceasefire terms/UN resolutions.

But go on about how Saddam was innocent, etc.:cuckoo:
Tardy, don't forget to notice how full of shit you are, in traffic. GWs gang used a lying informant, to dupe Congress. Nobody found WMDs. Saddam was a CIA client-asset, in 1958, and GWH konked out, on the road to Basra, so GW could be a lying hero.

You are a punk-fuck, who ducks issues and spams. Eat shit and die.
Powell is a dick sucker to whoever is in charge at the time and based on the wind blowing. Once the war turned south inside the beltway and around NYC cocktail parties, Powell wanted to be liked so he turned on the war.

He sucked dicks to get where he is at and today he is doing it with Obamination....kinda strange for a so-called Republican, eh? Oh, maybe it is because he puts his skin color above this nation.

Colin Powell is the first to state publicly now he was conned.
Why do you think he was pushed out of the administration?
Powell, Nam combat vet.
Bush, Commander In Wannahbe.
The UN speech Powell gave was full of factual problems.
The military knew better. Their version of that speech amongst the top brass in the Pentagon was it was cooked.
Powell stated that speech was a blot on his record. It was a complete fraud.

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