Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP

Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxycholoroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP
17 May 2020 ~~ By Rob Williamson
A preliminary study done by New York's Grossman School of Medicine reports on the use of HCQ+AZT+Zinc versus HCQ+AZT alone in four New York Hospitals has issued its report. Here's the key finding of the abstract.
Zinc sulfate increased the frequency of patients being discharged home, and decreased the need for ventilation, admission to the ICU, and mortality or transfer to hospice for patients who were never admitted to the ICU. After adjusting for the time at which zinc sulfate was added to our protocol, an increased frequency of being discharged home (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.12-2.09) reduction in mortality or transfer to hospice remained significant (OR 0.449, 95% CI 0.271-0.744). Conclusion: This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.
The "main finding of this study is that after adjusting for the timing of zinc therapy, we found that the addition of zinc sulfate to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was found to associate with a decrease in mortality or transition to hospice among patients who did not require ICU level of care, but this association was not significant in patients who were treated in the ICU."
Here are the statistics:
  • Zinc, 317 (77.1%) No Zinc 356 (68.3%)
  • Needed ICU Zinc: 38 (9.2%) No Zinc 82 (15.7%)
  • Needed Invasive Ventilation Zinc 33 (8.0%) No Zinc 86 (16.5%)
  • Expired/Hospice Zinc 54 (13.1%) No Zinc 119 (22.8%)
  • Expired/Hospice (Patients needing ICU) Zinc 28 (73.6%) No Zinc 61 (74.4)
  • Expired/Hospice (Non-ICU Patients) Zinc 26 (6.9%), No Zinc 58 (13.2%)
Why do we need a clinical trial of HCQ+AZT+Zinc?
It may cut ICU visits by 40%
It may halve the need for ventilation.
And it may cut the death rate by almost 50%.

What is far more important is to lift the restrictions on prescribing hydroxychloroquine dictated by PMS/DSA Democratic governors. This regimen works best when prescribed early in the disease. It should be prescribed at the onset of fevers and cough. Waiting until a “positive” test is in hand or when the patient develops an actual radiographically proven pneumonitis results in a poor prognosis. The Democratic governors are preventing primary care physicians from doing their life saving jobs. These vile politicians have blood on their hands. In particular those governors that purposely forced Nursing Homes to treat patients that shoed positive for the virus.
I find it amazing that these very promising results have been reported in many countries and still the fake news peddlers deride it and try to claim it has no value. Never seen anything like the hatred and contempt the fake news peddlers have for Americans.
It seems that the Prime Minister of the UK was treated with the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate cocktail and his rebound very quickly. This also includes Dr. Seigel's 90 plus year old father.
A logical person would have to question why the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists and their sycophants in the CDC would negate the use of the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate. Simply it's about the profits that can be made by introducing a new drug. That's something the Chinese have recognized and are producing as you read this. It's called Remdesivir. Then there's how will Big Pharma will profit from this relatively cheap drug combination as compared to Remdesivir.
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Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP

Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxycholoroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP
17 May 2020 ~~ By Rob Williamson
A preliminary study done by New York's Grossman School of Medicine reports on the use of HCQ+AZT+Zinc versus HCQ+AZT alone in four New York Hospitals has issued its report. Here's the key finding of the abstract.
Zinc sulfate increased the frequency of patients being discharged home, and decreased the need for ventilation, admission to the ICU, and mortality or transfer to hospice for patients who were never admitted to the ICU. After adjusting for the time at which zinc sulfate was added to our protocol, an increased frequency of being discharged home (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.12-2.09) reduction in mortality or transfer to hospice remained significant (OR 0.449, 95% CI 0.271-0.744). Conclusion: This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.
The "main finding of this study is that after adjusting for the timing of zinc therapy, we found that the addition of zinc sulfate to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was found to associate with a decrease in mortality or transition to hospice among patients who did not require ICU level of care, but this association was not significant in patients who were treated in the ICU."
Here are the statistics:
  • Zinc, 317 (77.1%) No Zinc 356 (68.3%)
  • Needed ICU Zinc: 38 (9.2%) No Zinc 82 (15.7%)
  • Needed Invasive Ventilation Zinc 33 (8.0%) No Zinc 86 (16.5%)
  • Expired/Hospice Zinc 54 (13.1%) No Zinc 119 (22.8%)
  • Expired/Hospice (Patients needing ICU) Zinc 28 (73.6%) No Zinc 61 (74.4)
  • Expired/Hospice (Non-ICU Patients) Zinc 26 (6.9%), No Zinc 58 (13.2%)
Why do we need a clinical trial of HCQ+AZT+Zinc?
It may cut ICU visits by 40%
It may halve the need for ventilation.
And it may cut the death rate by almost 50%.

What is far more important is to lift the restrictions on prescribing hydroxychloroquine dictated by PMS/DSA Democratic governors. This regimen works best when prescribed early in the disease. It should be prescribed at the onset of fevers and cough. Waiting until a “positive” test is in hand or when the patient develops an actual radiographically proven pneumonitis results in a poor prognosis. The Democratic governors are preventing primary care physicians from doing their life saving jobs. These vile politicians have blood on their hands. In particular those governors that purposely forced Nursing Homes to treat patients that shoed positive for the virus.
I find it amazing that these very promising results have been reported in many countries and still the fake news peddlers deride it and try to claim it has no value. Never seen anything like the hatred and contempt the fake news peddlers have for Americans.
It seems that the Prime Minister of the UK was treated with the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate cocktail and his rebound very quickly. This also includes Dr. Seigel's 90 plus year old father.
A logical person would have to question why the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists and their sycophants in the CDC would negate the use of the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate. Simply it's about the profits that can be made by introducing a new drug. That's something the Chinese have recognized and are producing as you read this. It's called Remdesivir. Then there's how will Big Pharma will profit from this relatively cheap drug combination as compared to Remdesivir.

From the link.

"this is a retrospective observational study and therefor not a clinical trial"

End of discussion. If clinical trials show it's effective, then they'll produce it and approve it.
The tests they have done with hydroxychloroquine seem to have been comprised of subjects who already had advanced symptoms of COVID-19. That is the LEAST EFFECTIVE scenario for this drug. It is extremely effective when taken during early stages of infection but not very effective when taken late.
Some even gave them way over the FDA recommended dosage of hydroxychloroquine. These idiots claimed that people died, well no duh. There are recommendations for a reason.
hydroxychloroquine hails from homeopathic alkaloid therapy

which has no pharmaceutical value

ergo on pharmaceutical profits

Tonic water, green tea, and zinc. (if you can throw in vitamin C , D, and melatonin).

NOTE: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice!
Look at the statistics....
What about them? Correlation is not causation. That's why we have double blind clinical trials. That's why anecdotes are worthless.

At no time, ever, has chloroquine been shown to be an effective treatment for any virus. Do you know the origin story of the chloroquine/covid myth?
Funny how conservatives were quick to point out that marijuana isn't medicine until the FDA says it's medicine ... but now with hydroxychloroquine it's all about jamming it down people's throats so their dividends don't tank completely before the FDA gives approval ...

Congress set the steps before us to allow hydroxychloroquine to be used for treatment of Covid-19 ... and we've done the health risk assessments long ago, we just need to set up our double blind clinical trials to see if it's effective against SARS virus infection, and if it works then we have a treatment ... we can all go back to spitting in each other's mouths again ...

You want a magical cure ... try peppermint tea ... cures everything ...
Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP

Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxycholoroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP
17 May 2020 ~~ By Rob Williamson
A preliminary study done by New York's Grossman School of Medicine reports on the use of HCQ+AZT+Zinc versus HCQ+AZT alone in four New York Hospitals has issued its report. Here's the key finding of the abstract.
Zinc sulfate increased the frequency of patients being discharged home, and decreased the need for ventilation, admission to the ICU, and mortality or transfer to hospice for patients who were never admitted to the ICU. After adjusting for the time at which zinc sulfate was added to our protocol, an increased frequency of being discharged home (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.12-2.09) reduction in mortality or transfer to hospice remained significant (OR 0.449, 95% CI 0.271-0.744). Conclusion: This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.
The "main finding of this study is that after adjusting for the timing of zinc therapy, we found that the addition of zinc sulfate to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was found to associate with a decrease in mortality or transition to hospice among patients who did not require ICU level of care, but this association was not significant in patients who were treated in the ICU."
Here are the statistics:
  • Zinc, 317 (77.1%) No Zinc 356 (68.3%)
  • Needed ICU Zinc: 38 (9.2%) No Zinc 82 (15.7%)
  • Needed Invasive Ventilation Zinc 33 (8.0%) No Zinc 86 (16.5%)
  • Expired/Hospice Zinc 54 (13.1%) No Zinc 119 (22.8%)
  • Expired/Hospice (Patients needing ICU) Zinc 28 (73.6%) No Zinc 61 (74.4)
  • Expired/Hospice (Non-ICU Patients) Zinc 26 (6.9%), No Zinc 58 (13.2%)
Why do we need a clinical trial of HCQ+AZT+Zinc?
It may cut ICU visits by 40%
It may halve the need for ventilation.
And it may cut the death rate by almost 50%.

What is far more important is to lift the restrictions on prescribing hydroxychloroquine dictated by PMS/DSA Democratic governors. This regimen works best when prescribed early in the disease. It should be prescribed at the onset of fevers and cough. Waiting until a “positive” test is in hand or when the patient develops an actual radiographically proven pneumonitis results in a poor prognosis. The Democratic governors are preventing primary care physicians from doing their life saving jobs. These vile politicians have blood on their hands. In particular those governors that purposely forced Nursing Homes to treat patients that shoed positive for the virus.
I find it amazing that these very promising results have been reported in many countries and still the fake news peddlers deride it and try to claim it has no value. Never seen anything like the hatred and contempt the fake news peddlers have for Americans.
It seems that the Prime Minister of the UK was treated with the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate cocktail and his rebound very quickly. This also includes Dr. Seigel's 90 plus year old father.
A logical person would have to question why the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists and their sycophants in the CDC would negate the use of the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate. Simply it's about the profits that can be made by introducing a new drug. That's something the Chinese have recognized and are producing as you read this. It's called Remdesivir. Then there's how will Big Pharma will profit from this relatively cheap drug combination as compared to Remdesivir.
Welp, here you go:

No evidence of benefit for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients, study finds
The tests they have done with hydroxychloroquine seem to have been comprised of subjects who already had advanced symptoms of COVID-19. That is the LEAST EFFECTIVE scenario for this drug. It is extremely effective when taken during early stages of infection but not very effective when taken late.
pretty shitty miracle drug when it only "allegedly" works in situations where giving nothing works the same lol.
Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP

Why we need a clinical trial of hydroxycholoroquine, azithromycin, and zinc ASAP
17 May 2020 ~~ By Rob Williamson
A preliminary study done by New York's Grossman School of Medicine reports on the use of HCQ+AZT+Zinc versus HCQ+AZT alone in four New York Hospitals has issued its report. Here's the key finding of the abstract.
Zinc sulfate increased the frequency of patients being discharged home, and decreased the need for ventilation, admission to the ICU, and mortality or transfer to hospice for patients who were never admitted to the ICU. After adjusting for the time at which zinc sulfate was added to our protocol, an increased frequency of being discharged home (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.12-2.09) reduction in mortality or transfer to hospice remained significant (OR 0.449, 95% CI 0.271-0.744). Conclusion: This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.
The "main finding of this study is that after adjusting for the timing of zinc therapy, we found that the addition of zinc sulfate to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was found to associate with a decrease in mortality or transition to hospice among patients who did not require ICU level of care, but this association was not significant in patients who were treated in the ICU."
Here are the statistics:
  • Zinc, 317 (77.1%) No Zinc 356 (68.3%)
  • Needed ICU Zinc: 38 (9.2%) No Zinc 82 (15.7%)
  • Needed Invasive Ventilation Zinc 33 (8.0%) No Zinc 86 (16.5%)
  • Expired/Hospice Zinc 54 (13.1%) No Zinc 119 (22.8%)
  • Expired/Hospice (Patients needing ICU) Zinc 28 (73.6%) No Zinc 61 (74.4)
  • Expired/Hospice (Non-ICU Patients) Zinc 26 (6.9%), No Zinc 58 (13.2%)
Why do we need a clinical trial of HCQ+AZT+Zinc?
It may cut ICU visits by 40%
It may halve the need for ventilation.
And it may cut the death rate by almost 50%.

What is far more important is to lift the restrictions on prescribing hydroxychloroquine dictated by PMS/DSA Democratic governors. This regimen works best when prescribed early in the disease. It should be prescribed at the onset of fevers and cough. Waiting until a “positive” test is in hand or when the patient develops an actual radiographically proven pneumonitis results in a poor prognosis. The Democratic governors are preventing primary care physicians from doing their life saving jobs. These vile politicians have blood on their hands. In particular those governors that purposely forced Nursing Homes to treat patients that shoed positive for the virus.
I find it amazing that these very promising results have been reported in many countries and still the fake news peddlers deride it and try to claim it has no value. Never seen anything like the hatred and contempt the fake news peddlers have for Americans.
It seems that the Prime Minister of the UK was treated with the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate cocktail and his rebound very quickly. This also includes Dr. Seigel's 90 plus year old father.
A logical person would have to question why the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists and their sycophants in the CDC would negate the use of the HCQ+AZT+Zinc Sulfate. Simply it's about the profits that can be made by introducing a new drug. That's something the Chinese have recognized and are producing as you read this. It's called Remdesivir. Then there's how will Big Pharma will profit from this relatively cheap drug combination as compared to Remdesivir.
Welp, here you go:

No evidence of benefit for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients, study finds

Prime minister Boris Johnson was treated with the HCQ cocktail after he was infected with Covid-19 virus. Then there's the 90 yr old plus father of Doctor Seigel who was successfully treated and survived the infection. That is just two out of thousand now treated effectively with the HCQ, AZT and Zn cocktail.

Prime minister Boris Johnson was treated with the HCQ cocktail after he was infected with Covid-19 virus.
So what? Thats not evidence of anything.

Then there's the 90 yr old plus father of Doctor Seigel who was successfully treated and survived the infection.
That doesn't mean he was successfully treated by chloroquine. You really, really do not understand how this works.
The tests they have done with hydroxychloroquine seem to have been comprised of subjects who already had advanced symptoms of COVID-19. That is the LEAST EFFECTIVE scenario for this drug. It is extremely effective when taken during early stages of infection but not very effective when taken late.
pretty shitty miracle drug when it only "allegedly" works in situations where giving nothing works the same lol.
Was that supposed to make sense in some way?
The tests they have done with hydroxychloroquine seem to have been comprised of subjects who already had advanced symptoms of COVID-19. That is the LEAST EFFECTIVE scenario for this drug. It is extremely effective when taken during early stages of infection but not very effective when taken late.
pretty shitty miracle drug when it only "allegedly" works in situations where giving nothing works the same lol.
Was that supposed to make sense in some way?
sure. maybe someone can explain it to you, perfessor.
I saw this article and I thought it was so funny:

A Wisconsin woman who has been taking hydroxychloroquine for 19 years to treat lupus says she still contracted coronavirus despite claims the drug could help prevent infection.

Kim, who did not want to give her full name or show her face, said she was shocked to learn she tested positive for COVID-19 last month.

Since they didn’t give a name, who even knows if it’s true. But it sure is funny.

but they’re reporting right now on TV that people that take this drug while they’re sick with COVID-19 are three times more likely to die.

so I would stay away from it.

Trump may insist that he’s smarter than all the doctors, but he’s not really a doctor. He’s not even as qualified as Dr. Seuss.

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