Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

A perfect reflection of the problem.

Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism
Posted by Algernon Austin on September 21, 2017

“At this point, the whole race thing is over . . . it doesn’t matter anymore. We’ve transcended it. Now we have a black president, so clearly we are not racist,” stated one young woman after the first election of Barack Obama as president of the United States. In the euphoria of Obama’s first election, many Americans—on the left, right, and center—agreed that America had become post-racial. Today, many on the left recognize that America is still struggling with racism. But what liberals may not fully appreciate is the degree to which the rest of America is still deep within a post-racial haze.

New research from social psychologists at Yale and Northwestern Universities reveals that Americans—especially rich, white Americans—greatly overestimate how much racial progress we have made toward economic equality. Averaging across 5 economic measures, the researchers find that Americans estimate that we have made about 25 percent more progress toward black-white economic equality than we actually have made.

Worse still, Americans are most inaccurate on the most important economic measure—wealth. Scholars have come to recognize that wealth—the value of assets minus debts—is the most important measure of a family’s overall economic well-being. The social psychologists find that Americans overestimate our progress toward black-white wealth equality by about 80 percent. Today, for every dollar of wealth that whites have, blacks have only a few cents.

This view that black people are economically equal with white people or are rapidly approaching equality is part of what is animating conflicts over racism today. For example, the journalist Jesse Washington reports, “a lot of the people who are upset with the [NFL] flag protests do not believe that African-Americans are still treated unfairly in this country, that [African Americans] are still subject to oppression. They think that there is a level playing field.”

For those who believe that black people are already equal with white people, any policy that seeks to address anti-black discrimination looks like an attempt to give blacks an advantage over whites. Many Americans, particularly Republicans, believe that today there is more discrimination against white people than against black people.

Because so many Americans are not grounded in the reality of American racism, the call for a “conversation on race” is a bad idea. We need Americans to go on fact-finding missions on racism, not try to engage in conversation when there is no agreement on the basic facts.

We have to be aware that because we are a segregated society, many white people learn about black people from the media. Some white people see prominent, highly successful black people in movies and on television and assume that those individuals are indicative of the economic standing of African Americans. Also, there is right-wing media that consciously tries to mislead white Americans about racism and to foster a sense of white victimization. We have to find ways to penetrate Americans’ information bubbles.

Another challenge is the fact that it is high-income white people who are most inaccurate about how much more needs to be done to address racism. High-income white people are the most politically powerful segment of America because politicians tend to rely on them to finance their political campaigns. They have disproportionate influence over what is and is not seen as a legitimate political issue. This is another reason why we need to reduce the influence of money in politics, and to foster more non-rich, multi-racial engagement in the political process.

The first step in solving a problem is admitting that you have one. Only when more Americans face up to the reality of racism in American life will be able to make progress against racism in American life.

Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism
Why do blacks have such an obsession with being "equal" with white people? And if you're thus obsessed, why don't you start with having equal values about staying in school, using a condom or having a job? Do you think that it's just going to come about by FUCKING MAGIC???

Because we do all that.
Come back when blacks can make a continent, Africa, as good as a white continent, like North America.

Come back when you have the intelligence and courage to face the truth that whites ruined a perfectly good continent.

Most Whites are plum happy with this continent. And, since most of the rest of the world wants to come here, I could safely assume that they are also happy with this continent.

Learn how to read what's being responded to. OBTW you do know that during the past few years more people have left America than have come to America.
We have not made more progress w/r/t racism because "racism" is a cottage industry on the Left. It is sought out and embraced; people revel in it, and it is a fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people - mainly Black - who make a living promoting racism and the fears of it. Everyone in the country holding a title containing the word, "diversity" is a Race Pimp. They see racism hiding behind every corner, peeking out from under every rock.

And the "proof" of racism is the disparity between the races in so many areas of life: income, net worth, education level, even general HEALTH. Of course, when looking for ACTUAL EXAMPLES of racism, they come up a little empty. Where is the fully qualified applicant for that private college who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"? Where is that fully qualified applicant for the job at the Big Corporation who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"?

Hint: They don't exist. These colleges and companies are CRYING OUT for more qualified Blacks. Far from discriminating against them they are recruiting them and lowering standards so they can get more Blacks on board.

But the unspeakable fact is that no social program will ever "equalize" the races. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. So while there are many brilliant Blacks - and God bless them mightily - when the picture is broad-based, looking at averages, Blacks will always be sucking the hind teat when it comes to economic and academic success.

Because low intelligence is not just directly deleterious to one's success, but it is also indirectly deleterious. People of low intelligence MAKE BAD DECISIONS that hamper them even more than their low intelligence. They have kids out of wedlock. They decline to pursue the academic opportunities that are available at our public schools and colleges. They get involved in illegal/antisocial activities. They fail to see that economic success is a PROCESS, not a "thing." You have to start at the bottom, work diligently, seek out better opportunities over time, and stay out of trouble, both on the job and at home. It takes many years to enter into the Middle Class, but millions of poor people, Black and white, do it all the time. But not most of them.

OF COURSE racism still exists. It will never go away. But most racists are poor bastards with no power or influence of any kind. Who gives a shit if that guy in the pickup truck calls you a n****r as he drives by? He has no power to impact your prospects in any way. And if an employer gives you the cold shoulder, fuck it. There are tens of thousands of other employers to choose from. And literally millions of government jobs out there, which would be happy to have a Person of Color.

The core of all Leftist "solutions" to racism is to take money from the people who have it and give it to those who don't. Not only is that unconstitutional, it is stupid public policy that has never worked anywhere.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

But remember, if you choose to give that man a fish, you can be damned sure that the next morning he will be pounding on your door looking for another fish.


We don't need long winded lectures from whites who were given everything by the government.

I was given a public school education through the 12th grade. Were you deprived of that education? I can't think of anything else that the government gave me.

As a race of people, whites have been given what they have today because of the government. There is a pile of laws, policies, court decisions, local referendums etc., that support this comment. We are talking about a macro level issue that has created macro level inequality. So the I did not get and I did not do micro level argument you guys consistently try is without merit and I for one am not going to consider it.

Of course you wouldn't consider it. You are way too far into your White hatred to consider anything else.
Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.
We have not made more progress w/r/t racism because "racism" is a cottage industry on the Left. It is sought out and embraced; people revel in it, and it is a fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people - mainly Black - who make a living promoting racism and the fears of it. Everyone in the country holding a title containing the word, "diversity" is a Race Pimp. They see racism hiding behind every corner, peeking out from under every rock.

And the "proof" of racism is the disparity between the races in so many areas of life: income, net worth, education level, even general HEALTH. Of course, when looking for ACTUAL EXAMPLES of racism, they come up a little empty. Where is the fully qualified applicant for that private college who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"? Where is that fully qualified applicant for the job at the Big Corporation who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"?

Hint: They don't exist. These colleges and companies are CRYING OUT for more qualified Blacks. Far from discriminating against them they are recruiting them and lowering standards so they can get more Blacks on board.

But the unspeakable fact is that no social program will ever "equalize" the races. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. So while there are many brilliant Blacks - and God bless them mightily - when the picture is broad-based, looking at averages, Blacks will always be sucking the hind teat when it comes to economic and academic success.

Because low intelligence is not just directly deleterious to one's success, but it is also indirectly deleterious. People of low intelligence MAKE BAD DECISIONS that hamper them even more than their low intelligence. They have kids out of wedlock. They decline to pursue the academic opportunities that are available at our public schools and colleges. They get involved in illegal/antisocial activities. They fail to see that economic success is a PROCESS, not a "thing." You have to start at the bottom, work diligently, seek out better opportunities over time, and stay out of trouble, both on the job and at home. It takes many years to enter into the Middle Class, but millions of poor people, Black and white, do it all the time. But not most of them.

OF COURSE racism still exists. It will never go away. But most racists are poor bastards with no power or influence of any kind. Who gives a shit if that guy in the pickup truck calls you a n****r as he drives by? He has no power to impact your prospects in any way. And if an employer gives you the cold shoulder, fuck it. There are tens of thousands of other employers to choose from. And literally millions of government jobs out there, which would be happy to have a Person of Color.

The core of all Leftist "solutions" to racism is to take money from the people who have it and give it to those who don't. Not only is that unconstitutional, it is stupid public policy that has never worked anywhere.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

But remember, if you choose to give that man a fish, you can be damned sure that the next morning he will be pounding on your door looking for another fish.


We don't need long winded lectures from whites who were given everything by the government.

I was given a public school education through the 12th grade. Were you deprived of that education? I can't think of anything else that the government gave me.

As a race of people, whites have been given what they have today because of the government. There is a pile of laws, policies, court decisions, local referendums etc., that support this comment. We are talking about a macro level issue that has created macro level inequality. So the I did not get and I did not do micro level argument you guys consistently try is without merit and I for one am not going to consider it.

Of course you wouldn't consider it. You are way too far into your White hatred to consider anything else.

Not exactly. I explained myself and anyone with intelligence understands that you cannot debate a macro level issue using micro level arguments. Your racism has you thinking that you can deny 242 years of laws and policies affecting every generation that has lived in this country with what only you say you did not get.
Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.

I don't think that you, a person whose mind is addled with psychosis, is capable of telling me what I have been for. I really think whites need to shut up about people thinking they deserve some kind of advantage.
Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.

I don't think that you, a person whose mind is addled with psychosis, is capable of telling me what I have been for. I really think whites need to shut up about people thinking they deserve some kind of advantage.

Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.

All these Democrats/Liberals should have an award show called ‘The Night Of A Thousand Grievances’…the big winner would be ‘Victim of the Year’…they could have it on the Democrat cable channel called ‘Why Me!!!’
What amazes me is how the Black Racism business keeps promoting THUG Michael Brown as a hero of the BLM. If Black people in the modern day US really wanted change they should have continued the vigil for Treyvon and not muddied it up with lying about a violent Black criminal like Fergusen's Michael Brown who was proven by Obama's own FBI to have threatened both a store clerk and a police officer. "Hands up Don't Shoot" is a race baiting Black Hate LIE. Shoulda kept it focused on Treyvon! What We Know -- And Don't Know -- About Michael Brown's Shooting "A struggle ensued at the police car. Wilson drew his gun and fired twice. One of the bullets hit Brown’s right thumb. Based on gunpowder residue and Brown’s blood on the gun, Brown’s hand was close to the gun when it fired." BLM LOST ITS FOCUS AND MEANING...
Have you seen the posts about Trayvon Martin by the majority of these white posters?

They spoke of him no differently than they, and you now, speak of Michael Brown.

Moreover, I've never observed any pushback from you on how Trayvon Martin is, and has been, constantly disparaged.

But you want to make these types of posts pretending that things aren't so.

This is the dishonesty that doesn't help.
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What amazes me is how the Black Racism business keeps promoting THUG Michael Brown as a hero of the BLM. If Black people in the modern day US really wanted change they should have continued the vigil for Treyvon and not muddied it up with lying about a violent Black criminal like Fergusen's Michael Brown who was proven by Obama's own FBI to have threatened both a store clerk and a police officer. "Hands up Don't Shoot" is a race baiting Black Hate LIE. Shoulda kept it focused on Treyvon! What We Know -- And Don't Know -- About Michael Brown's Shooting "A struggle ensued at the police car. Wilson drew his gun and fired twice. One of the bullets hit Brown’s right thumb. Based on gunpowder residue and Brown’s blood on the gun, Brown’s hand was close to the gun when it fired." BLM LOST ITS FOCUS AND MEANING...

If 'black lives' actually mattered', they'd be protesting in front of Planned Parenthood.
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Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.

All these Democrats/Liberals should have an award show called ‘The Night Of A Thousand Grievances’…the big winner would be ‘Victim of the Year’…they could have it on the Democrat cable channel called ‘Why Me!!!’

That's already a TV channel. It's called Fox News.
Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.

All these Democrats/Liberals should have an award show called ‘The Night Of A Thousand Grievances’…the big winner would be ‘Victim of the Year’…they could have it on the Democrat cable channel called ‘Why Me!!!’

That's already a TV channel. It's called Fox News.

Fox tells viewers that they are victims???

When Galileo stated that everything falls at the same speed, he wasn’t considering your reputation.
Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.

I don't think that you, a person whose mind is addled with psychosis, is capable of telling me what I have been for. I really think whites need to shut up about people thinking they deserve some kind of advantage.


I don't think so.

Between 1957 and 1967 the absolute number of self-employed managers, officials and proprietors declined by 39.6%. During the same period, the share of non-White, self-employed proprietors rose from 2.9%to 4.2%(Brimmer and Terrell,1971).

It's kinda dfficult for 40 percent of blacks to own a business when 4.2 percent of all non whites were self employed.
Probably since I was 5 yeas old and saw what real lack of equal rights was. I'm not like you. Young, white and dumb who grew up in an era of fictional white victimization.

Nonsense, you have never been for equal rights. You believe you, that you personally, are a victim and deserve some sort of advantage over all other people. You do not.

All these Democrats/Liberals should have an award show called ‘The Night Of A Thousand Grievances’…the big winner would be ‘Victim of the Year’…they could have it on the Democrat cable channel called ‘Why Me!!!’

That's already a TV channel. It's called Fox News.

Fox tells viewers that they are victims???

When Galileo stated that everything falls at the same speed, he wasn’t considering your reputation.

Every day.
What amazes me is how the Black Racism business keeps promoting THUG Michael Brown as a hero of the BLM. If Black people in the modern day US really wanted change they should have continued the vigil for Treyvon and not muddied it up with lying about a violent Black criminal like Fergusen's Michael Brown who was proven by Obama's own FBI to have threatened both a store clerk and a police officer. "Hands up Don't Shoot" is a race baiting Black Hate LIE. Shoulda kept it focused on Treyvon! What We Know -- And Don't Know -- About Michael Brown's Shooting "A struggle ensued at the police car. Wilson drew his gun and fired twice. One of the bullets hit Brown’s right thumb. Based on gunpowder residue and Brown’s blood on the gun, Brown’s hand was close to the gun when it fired." BLM LOST ITS FOCUS AND MEANING...
Have you seen the posts about Trayvon Martin by the majority of these white posters?

They spoke of him no differently than they, and you now, speak of Michael Brown.

Moreover, I've never observed any pushback from you on how Trayvon Martin is, and has been, constantly disparaged.

But you want to make these types of posts pretending that things aren't so.

This is the dishonesty that doesn't help.

When has anyone been talking about either? You must live in a very weird circle of friends.
We have not made more progress w/r/t racism because "racism" is a cottage industry on the Left. It is sought out and embraced; people revel in it, and it is a fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people - mainly Black - who make a living promoting racism and the fears of it. Everyone in the country holding a title containing the word, "diversity" is a Race Pimp. They see racism hiding behind every corner, peeking out from under every rock.

And the "proof" of racism is the disparity between the races in so many areas of life: income, net worth, education level, even general HEALTH. Of course, when looking for ACTUAL EXAMPLES of racism, they come up a little empty. Where is the fully qualified applicant for that private college who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"? Where is that fully qualified applicant for the job at the Big Corporation who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"?

Hint: They don't exist. These colleges and companies are CRYING OUT for more qualified Blacks. Far from discriminating against them they are recruiting them and lowering standards so they can get more Blacks on board.

But the unspeakable fact is that no social program will ever "equalize" the races. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. So while there are many brilliant Blacks - and God bless them mightily - when the picture is broad-based, looking at averages, Blacks will always be sucking the hind teat when it comes to economic and academic success.

Because low intelligence is not just directly deleterious to one's success, but it is also indirectly deleterious. People of low intelligence MAKE BAD DECISIONS that hamper them even more than their low intelligence. They have kids out of wedlock. They decline to pursue the academic opportunities that are available at our public schools and colleges. They get involved in illegal/antisocial activities. They fail to see that economic success is a PROCESS, not a "thing." You have to start at the bottom, work diligently, seek out better opportunities over time, and stay out of trouble, both on the job and at home. It takes many years to enter into the Middle Class, but millions of poor people, Black and white, do it all the time. But not most of them.

OF COURSE racism still exists. It will never go away. But most racists are poor bastards with no power or influence of any kind. Who gives a shit if that guy in the pickup truck calls you a n****r as he drives by? He has no power to impact your prospects in any way. And if an employer gives you the cold shoulder, fuck it. There are tens of thousands of other employers to choose from. And literally millions of government jobs out there, which would be happy to have a Person of Color.

The core of all Leftist "solutions" to racism is to take money from the people who have it and give it to those who don't. Not only is that unconstitutional, it is stupid public policy that has never worked anywhere.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

But remember, if you choose to give that man a fish, you can be damned sure that the next morning he will be pounding on your door looking for another fish.


We don't need long winded lectures from whites who were given everything by the government.

I was given a public school education through the 12th grade. Were you deprived of that education? I can't think of anything else that the government gave me.

As a race of people, whites have been given what they have today because of the government. There is a pile of laws, policies, court decisions, local referendums etc., that support this comment. We are talking about a macro level issue that has created macro level inequality. So the I did not get and I did not do micro level argument you guys consistently try is without merit and I for one am not going to consider it.
What laws and policies today do whites have that you don't?
We have not made more progress w/r/t racism because "racism" is a cottage industry on the Left. It is sought out and embraced; people revel in it, and it is a fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people - mainly Black - who make a living promoting racism and the fears of it. Everyone in the country holding a title containing the word, "diversity" is a Race Pimp. They see racism hiding behind every corner, peeking out from under every rock.

And the "proof" of racism is the disparity between the races in so many areas of life: income, net worth, education level, even general HEALTH. Of course, when looking for ACTUAL EXAMPLES of racism, they come up a little empty. Where is the fully qualified applicant for that private college who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"? Where is that fully qualified applicant for the job at the Big Corporation who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"?

Hint: They don't exist. These colleges and companies are CRYING OUT for more qualified Blacks. Far from discriminating against them they are recruiting them and lowering standards so they can get more Blacks on board.

But the unspeakable fact is that no social program will ever "equalize" the races. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. So while there are many brilliant Blacks - and God bless them mightily - when the picture is broad-based, looking at averages, Blacks will always be sucking the hind teat when it comes to economic and academic success.

Because low intelligence is not just directly deleterious to one's success, but it is also indirectly deleterious. People of low intelligence MAKE BAD DECISIONS that hamper them even more than their low intelligence. They have kids out of wedlock. They decline to pursue the academic opportunities that are available at our public schools and colleges. They get involved in illegal/antisocial activities. They fail to see that economic success is a PROCESS, not a "thing." You have to start at the bottom, work diligently, seek out better opportunities over time, and stay out of trouble, both on the job and at home. It takes many years to enter into the Middle Class, but millions of poor people, Black and white, do it all the time. But not most of them.

OF COURSE racism still exists. It will never go away. But most racists are poor bastards with no power or influence of any kind. Who gives a shit if that guy in the pickup truck calls you a n****r as he drives by? He has no power to impact your prospects in any way. And if an employer gives you the cold shoulder, fuck it. There are tens of thousands of other employers to choose from. And literally millions of government jobs out there, which would be happy to have a Person of Color.

The core of all Leftist "solutions" to racism is to take money from the people who have it and give it to those who don't. Not only is that unconstitutional, it is stupid public policy that has never worked anywhere.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

But remember, if you choose to give that man a fish, you can be damned sure that the next morning he will be pounding on your door looking for another fish.


We don't need long winded lectures from whites who were given everything by the government.

I was given a public school education through the 12th grade. Were you deprived of that education? I can't think of anything else that the government gave me.

As a race of people, whites have been given what they have today because of the government. There is a pile of laws, policies, court decisions, local referendums etc., that support this comment. We are talking about a macro level issue that has created macro level inequality. So the I did not get and I did not do micro level argument you guys consistently try is without merit and I for one am not going to consider it.
What laws and policies today do whites have that you don't?

Why are you trying to communicate with this freak? Lol.

I understand. I made the same mistake in the past. But now I just encourage everyone to ignore the retard in the room.

In before he starts trying to make fun of me because I'm in my twenties. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
Once again for IM2.



In the wake of Hurricane Katrina's destruction of New Orleans, President Bush gave America's poverty pimps and race hustlers new ammunition. The president said, "As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action."

The president's espousing such a vision not only supplies ammunition to poverty pimps and race hustlers, it focuses attention away from the true connection between race and poverty.

Though I grow weary of pointing it out, let's do it again. Let's examine some numbers readily available from the Census Bureau's 2004 Current Population Survey and ask some questions. There's one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. There's another segment that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Among whites, one segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. The other segment suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations among blacks?

Would you buy an explanation that it's because white people practice discrimination against one segment of the black population and not the other or one segment had a history of slavery and not the other? You'd have to be a lunatic to buy such an explanation. The only distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage -- lower poverty in married-couple families.

In 1960, only 28 percent of black females ages 15 to 44 were never married and illegitimacy among blacks was 22 percent. Today, the never-married rate is 56 percent and illegitimacy stands at 70 percent. If today's black family structure were what it was in 1960, the overall black poverty rate would be in or near single digits. The weakening of the black family structure, and its devastating consequences, have nothing to do with the history of slavery or racial discrimination.

Dr. Charles Murray, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, argues in an article titled "Rediscovering the Underclass" in the Institute's On the Issues series (October 2005) that self-destructive behavior has become the hallmark of the underclass. He says that unemployment in the underclass is not caused by the lack of jobs but by the inability to get up every morning and go to work. In 1954, the percentage of black males, age 20 to 24, not looking for work was nine percent. In 1999, it rose to 30 percent, and that was at a time when employers were beating the bushes for employees. Murray adds that "the statistical reality is that people who get into the American job market and stay there seldom remain poor unless they do something self-destructive.

I share Murray's sentiment expressed at the beginning of his article where he says, "Watching the courage of ordinary low-income people as they deal with the aftermath of Katrina and Rita, it is hard to decide which politicians are more contemptible -- Democrats who are rediscovering poverty and blaming it on George W. Bush, or Republicans who are rediscovering poverty and claiming that the government can fix it." Since President Johnson's War on Poverty, controlling for inflation, the nation has spent $9 trillion on about 80 anti-poverty programs. To put that figure in perspective, last year's U.S. GDP was $11 trillion; $9 trillion exceeds the GDP of any nation except the U.S. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita uncovered the result of the War on Poverty -- dependency and self-destructive behavior.

Guess what the president [President George Walker Bush] and politicians from both parties are asking the American people to do? If you said, "Enact programs that will sustain and enhance dependency," go to the head of the class.

Ammunition For Poverty Pimps
We have not made more progress w/r/t racism because "racism" is a cottage industry on the Left. It is sought out and embraced; people revel in it, and it is a fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people - mainly Black - who make a living promoting racism and the fears of it. Everyone in the country holding a title containing the word, "diversity" is a Race Pimp. They see racism hiding behind every corner, peeking out from under every rock.

Got any sort of list that you can perhaps link to showing these hundreds of thousands? With such a number, surely there's a list somewhere.
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Once again for IM2.



In the wake of Hurricane Katrina's destruction of New Orleans, President Bush gave America's poverty pimps and race hustlers new ammunition. The president said, "As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action."

The president's espousing such a vision not only supplies ammunition to poverty pimps and race hustlers, it focuses attention away from the true connection between race and poverty.

Though I grow weary of pointing it out, let's do it again. Let's examine some numbers readily available from the Census Bureau's 2004 Current Population Survey and ask some questions. There's one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. There's another segment that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Among whites, one segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. The other segment suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations among blacks?

Would you buy an explanation that it's because white people practice discrimination against one segment of the black population and not the other or one segment had a history of slavery and not the other? You'd have to be a lunatic to buy such an explanation. The only distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage -- lower poverty in married-couple families.

In 1960, only 28 percent of black females ages 15 to 44 were never married and illegitimacy among blacks was 22 percent. Today, the never-married rate is 56 percent and illegitimacy stands at 70 percent. If today's black family structure were what it was in 1960, the overall black poverty rate would be in or near single digits. The weakening of the black family structure, and its devastating consequences, have nothing to do with the history of slavery or racial discrimination.

Dr. Charles Murray, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, argues in an article titled "Rediscovering the Underclass" in the Institute's On the Issues series (October 2005) that self-destructive behavior has become the hallmark of the underclass. He says that unemployment in the underclass is not caused by the lack of jobs but by the inability to get up every morning and go to work. In 1954, the percentage of black males, age 20 to 24, not looking for work was nine percent. In 1999, it rose to 30 percent, and that was at a time when employers were beating the bushes for employees. Murray adds that "the statistical reality is that people who get into the American job market and stay there seldom remain poor unless they do something self-destructive.

I share Murray's sentiment expressed at the beginning of his article where he says, "Watching the courage of ordinary low-income people as they deal with the aftermath of Katrina and Rita, it is hard to decide which politicians are more contemptible -- Democrats who are rediscovering poverty and blaming it on George W. Bush, or Republicans who are rediscovering poverty and claiming that the government can fix it." Since President Johnson's War on Poverty, controlling for inflation, the nation has spent $9 trillion on about 80 anti-poverty programs. To put that figure in perspective, last year's U.S. GDP was $11 trillion; $9 trillion exceeds the GDP of any nation except the U.S. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita uncovered the result of the War on Poverty -- dependency and self-destructive behavior.

Guess what the president [President George Walker Bush] and politicians from both parties are asking the American people to do? If you said, "Enact programs that will sustain and enhance dependency," go to the head of the class.

Ammunition For Poverty Pimps

Walter Williams?

We have not made more progress w/r/t racism because "racism" is a cottage industry on the Left. It is sought out and embraced; people revel in it, and it is a fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people - mainly Black - who make a living promoting racism and the fears of it. Everyone in the country holding a title containing the word, "diversity" is a Race Pimp. They see racism hiding behind every corner, peeking out from under every rock.

And the "proof" of racism is the disparity between the races in so many areas of life: income, net worth, education level, even general HEALTH. Of course, when looking for ACTUAL EXAMPLES of racism, they come up a little empty. Where is the fully qualified applicant for that private college who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"? Where is that fully qualified applicant for the job at the Big Corporation who was turned away "just because s/he was Black"?

Hint: They don't exist. These colleges and companies are CRYING OUT for more qualified Blacks. Far from discriminating against them they are recruiting them and lowering standards so they can get more Blacks on board.

But the unspeakable fact is that no social program will ever "equalize" the races. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. So while there are many brilliant Blacks - and God bless them mightily - when the picture is broad-based, looking at averages, Blacks will always be sucking the hind teat when it comes to economic and academic success.

Because low intelligence is not just directly deleterious to one's success, but it is also indirectly deleterious. People of low intelligence MAKE BAD DECISIONS that hamper them even more than their low intelligence. They have kids out of wedlock. They decline to pursue the academic opportunities that are available at our public schools and colleges. They get involved in illegal/antisocial activities. They fail to see that economic success is a PROCESS, not a "thing." You have to start at the bottom, work diligently, seek out better opportunities over time, and stay out of trouble, both on the job and at home. It takes many years to enter into the Middle Class, but millions of poor people, Black and white, do it all the time. But not most of them.

OF COURSE racism still exists. It will never go away. But most racists are poor bastards with no power or influence of any kind. Who gives a shit if that guy in the pickup truck calls you a n****r as he drives by? He has no power to impact your prospects in any way. And if an employer gives you the cold shoulder, fuck it. There are tens of thousands of other employers to choose from. And literally millions of government jobs out there, which would be happy to have a Person of Color.

The core of all Leftist "solutions" to racism is to take money from the people who have it and give it to those who don't. Not only is that unconstitutional, it is stupid public policy that has never worked anywhere.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

But remember, if you choose to give that man a fish, you can be damned sure that the next morning he will be pounding on your door looking for another fish.


We don't need long winded lectures from whites who were given everything by the government.

I was given a public school education through the 12th grade. Were you deprived of that education? I can't think of anything else that the government gave me.

As a race of people, whites have been given what they have today because of the government. There is a pile of laws, policies, court decisions, local referendums etc., that support this comment. We are talking about a macro level issue that has created macro level inequality. So the I did not get and I did not do micro level argument you guys consistently try is without merit and I for one am not going to consider it.
What laws and policies today do whites have that you don't?

Why are you trying to communicate with this freak? Lol.

I understand. I made the same mistake in the past. But now I just encourage everyone to ignore the retard in the room.

In before he starts trying to make fun of me because I'm in my twenties. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...

Well it's just a simple fact that you don't know as much now as you will in 30 years.

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