Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump? Where were the vested armed guards in the dead of night, tearing apart dressers and stealing electronics??

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserves charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump?

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
So you don't know about what happened before the raid.

They didn't just raid Mar A Lago on Day One. Other stuff happened first.

True story.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserves charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump?

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
I'm sure there are huge differences.

Do you realize that Biden is the President of the mother fucking united states? If not him who can have "classified" documents? Trump was on his way out and stealing shit he was going to sell. He wish he had more time but he didn't plan on losing. So he was scrambling to steal stuff that was valuable maybe to the Saudi's? They did pay Jared Kushner $2 billion. For what?
I'm sure there are huge differences.

Do you realize that Biden is the President of the mother fucking united states? If not him who can have "classified" documents? Trump was on his way out and stealing shit he was going to sell. He wish he had more time but he didn't plan on losing. So he was scrambling to steal stuff that was valuable maybe to the Saudi's? They did pay Jared Kushner $2 billion. For what?
You are pretty slow aren't you? He didn't have these documents while President asshat, he took them illegally while vice President he does not have the authority to decalssify them! Get it now?
What I find funny is none of you racist Republicans minded ever that the FBI spied on MLK. MLK was harmless. But Trump. Trump is a criminal. And the FBI should be tapping his calls to Roger Stone as they plan their insurrections and coups.
Ok that settles it you are nuts they spied on Frank Sinatra and elvis also!
You are pretty slow aren't you? He didn't have these documents while President asshat, he took them illegally while vice President he does not have the authority to decalssify them! Get it now?
It’s odd how people don’t know this.. obviously CNN and MSNBC are leaving that part out
You are pretty slow aren't you? He didn't have these documents while President asshat, he took them illegally while vice President he does not have the authority to decalssify them! Get it now?
^^^ hence Dems are shitting a brick now. They tried to spin this as some huge crime that Trump should be arrested for, now Biden has done something 10x worse. lol
Ok that settles it you are nuts they spied on Frank Sinatra and elvis also!
Right! But you never cared. I never cared either. Trump is a criminal. On every level, he's a criminal. With the IRS, with the Government, in business, his charities, etc.

Of course they are all watching his every move. He walks a fine line. Like his CFO just plead guilty to tax fraud and will only spend a few months in jail. How come Trump didn't go to jail? Or Michael Cohen went to jail. He was Trump's fixer. Lots of people who help Trump go to jail. They should spy on Trump.
You are pretty slow aren't you? He didn't have these documents while President asshat, he took them illegally while vice President he does not have the authority to decalssify them! Get it now?
What's with the hangup on declassification? This has nothing to do with Biden declassifying anything. They were classified then, and they probably remain classified now. Nobody changed that, or is even arguing that point.

The POINT, is that as Vice President, Biden LEGALLY, and under his constitutional authority possessed, moved, and locked up the classified documents in his VP office.

Nothing in the stories says that Biden even visited his office, once he left office.
Where else is Biden illegally and criminally holding classified documents???
As sitting president, all classified documents are under his control. He can do anything he wants with them. Just like when Trump told the Russian ambassador about the Top Secret Israeli intelligence.
Rules for thee.

Guess that whole "can't run for President because of classified documents" goes right out the window now.

All that work for nothing.
Him stealing classified documents is just one of like, 20 reasons Trump can't run for president.

Trump has done so much shady shit this classified documents thing is literally just the tip of the iceberg on why he can't run again.
The Dem's Trump witch hunt EXPOSED as pure partisan BS when Biden is discovered to be sitting on classified documents for years.
I'm sure there are huge differences.

Do you realize that Biden is the President of the mother fucking united states? If not him who can have "classified" documents? Trump was on his way out and stealing shit he was going to sell. He wish he had more time but he didn't plan on losing. So he was scrambling to steal stuff that was valuable maybe to the Saudi's? They did pay Jared Kushner $2 billion. For what?
theres a lot of stupid in your comment,,
biden wasnt POTUS when he stole them and didnt have authority to take them,, also they were not under bidens control with no security but stored in his office that we know not who had access,, remember biden didnt find them,, someone else did, did that person read them?? if so who else read them or who did they tell about them??

trump was POTUS when he took them to mar lago and had authority to do so,, while he had them they had a high security as well as secret service protection,,

not sure what jared has to do with this,,
They should raid his houses and vacation homes.. I mean, this is serious, right???

Where did all the concern for classified documents go?
Actually Biden takes classified documents seriously. He has a SCIFF in his Delaware home, and when his lawyers found classified documents in the VP old office while they were cleaning it out, they followed the law, and turned them over to the National Archives (ASAP)

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