Why vote Democrat/Obama.?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just wondering.. why vote a Democrat/Obama ticket in the 2012 election?

1) Obama can use a teleprompter very well and has a knack for making speeches..

2) Osama is dead

The only reason to vote Democrat is the hope of getting more liberal judges in the supreme court. That would be the only reason. The biggest Republican drawback is their association with the religious right which will limit everyones freedom and liberty.

Other than those two things there is absolutely no and I mean no difference between the two parties. Both are corrupt, both are morally corrupt, and both parties love nepotism and cronyism.
Because Obama saved the country from... get ready for it.... here it comes.... A Great Depression............................................... I know I know, it seems so "meh" being Bush saved the US from 37 Great Depressions.

The only reason to vote Democrat is the hope of getting more liberal judges in the supreme court. That would be the only reason. The biggest Republican drawback is their association with the religious right which will limit everyones freedom and liberty.

Other than those two things there is absolutely no and I mean no difference between the two parties. Both are corrupt, both are morally corrupt, and both parties love nepotism and cronyism.

I have to study up on this....:dunno:... but it seems many believe that the Judicial Branch has been overstepped it power over the years and check on their power could be implemented..

There is the difference of nanny state vs self reliance..

This site shows a comparison between Democrats & Republicans

Democrat vs Republican - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

and Yup examples of your view can be found with both Parties..
ya know, lumpster...

it's really important that rightwingnut trolls understand that they need to run people for office who aren't losers


Yah well... your view seems a tad one sided Sweets...:lol:
Maybe because the last Pub was a total catastrophe, domestically and in foreign affairs- and Obama saved the country from a SECOND Pub Great Depression, and only Pub no compromise "un-American" (TIME mag.) filibustering has ruined the recovery.
But continue with your ridiculous Rush/Murdoch/Moon/Koch talking points, tools of greedy/mega rich/corps...your brainwashed drivel and stupid insults are our best argument...
If a nutter on the right gets the nomination?

that is the only way I would vote "for" Obama.
It would really be a vote against the right not for Obama.

I will likely vote for Mitt if he gets the nomination.
Among the better reasons to vote Democratic/Obama is to keep conservative ideologues out of Federal courts and the Supreme Court, which could jeopardize Americans’ privacy, due process, and equal protection rights.
The only reason to vote Democrat is the hope of getting more liberal judges in the supreme court. That would be the only reason. The biggest Republican drawback is their association with the religious right which will limit everyones freedom and liberty.

Other than those two things there is absolutely no and I mean no difference between the two parties. Both are corrupt, both are morally corrupt, and both parties love nepotism and cronyism.

I have to study up on this....:dunno:... but it seems many believe that the Judicial Branch has been overstepped it power over the years and check on their power could be implemented..

There is the difference of nanny state vs self reliance..

This site shows a comparison between Democrats & Republicans

Democrat vs Republican - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

and Yup examples of your view can be found with both Parties..

Absolutely true, but the kid has a point. If we MUST have lifers legislating from the bench, I for one would prefer they lean toward liberty and transparency.
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ya know, lumpster...

it's really important that rightwingnut trolls understand that they need to run people for office who aren't losers


Yah well... your view seems a tad one sided Sweets...:lol:

not really, lumpster. i voted for guiliani twice for mayor. and pataki for governor once. i might have considered huntsman.

but you rightwingnuts hate him because he fraternized with the enemy.

so you pick imbeciles who get their economic plans from the sims and don't know china has nukes.

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Just wondering.. why vote a Democrat/Obama ticket in the 2012 election?

1) Obama can use a teleprompter very well and has a knack for making speeches..

2) Osama is dead


Hey, check out this post:


Remember when Obama debated the entire Republican "elite" at the Republican retreat WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER and tore them a new asshole? It was hilarious.

He was right on:

Health Care
the Space Program
100 MPG
He got Bin Laden
His Stimulus (over 100 GOP congressmen took billions in stimulus and created jobs they took credit for but voted against)
Extended Benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees
Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years
Appointed first Latina to the US Supreme Court
Reversed 'global gag rule', allowing US aid to go to organizations regardless of whether they provide abortions or hand out condoms
Signed New START Treaty - nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia
Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB
Signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health care to 11 million kids -- 4 million of whom were previously uninsured (which Republicans want to end. The GOP is focused on birth, but lose interest right after)
Stopped Republican/Bush torture
Allowing children to remain covered by their parents' insurance until the age of 26 - means they are covered during college
Tax cuts for up to 3.5 million small businesses to help pay for employee health care coverage
Require health insurance plans to disclose how much of the premium actually goes to patient care (instead of 100 million dollar CEO paychecks. Do Republicans know where the money comes from? It has to be skimmed off policies or from people denied coverage)

and the list is endless.

Remember the Republican/Bush list?

thousands of American dead in Iraq
Tens of thousands maimed in Iraq
Tax cuts mostly for the wealthy
Drugs for votes bill costing trillions
trillions in debt

And Republicans see those as "the good old days". Not me. I see it as disaster.

The right wing Conservative Confederate Republicans want to keep the black guy out of the WHITE House. Oh, he can be there. But they want him to serve dinner.
ya know, lumpster...

it's really important that rightwingnut trolls understand that they need to run people for office who aren't losers


Yah well... your view seems a tad one sided Sweets...:lol:

not really, lumpster. i voted for guiliani twice for mayor. and pataki for governor once. i might have considered huntsman.

but you rightwingnuts hate him because he fraternized with the enemy.

so you pick imbeciles who get their economic plans from the sims and don't know china has nukes.


I don't think I'd go as low as the imbecile level, ya meany but I'm thinking we both must have realized the pathetic result from voting for a President that spoke well but was wholly untested in abundant rigorous debate.

I feel the media chose and protected Obama and the voters were duped, in retrospect. That hasn't really changed though..
Just wondering.. why vote a Democrat/Obama ticket in the 2012 election?

1) Obama can use a teleprompter very well and has a knack for making speeches..

2) Osama is dead


Hey, check out this post:


Remember when Obama debated the entire Republican "elite" at the Republican retreat WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER and tore them a new asshole? It was hilarious.

He was right on:

Health Care
the Space Program
100 MPG
He got Bin Laden
His Stimulus (over 100 GOP congressmen took billions in stimulus and created jobs they took credit for but voted against)
Extended Benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees
Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years
Appointed first Latina to the US Supreme Court
Reversed 'global gag rule', allowing US aid to go to organizations regardless of whether they provide abortions or hand out condoms
Signed New START Treaty - nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia
Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB
Signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health care to 11 million kids -- 4 million of whom were previously uninsured (which Republicans want to end. The GOP is focused on birth, but lose interest right after)
Stopped Republican/Bush torture
Allowing children to remain covered by their parents' insurance until the age of 26 - means they are covered during college
Tax cuts for up to 3.5 million small businesses to help pay for employee health care coverage
Require health insurance plans to disclose how much of the premium actually goes to patient care (instead of 100 million dollar CEO paychecks. Do Republicans know where the money comes from? It has to be skimmed off policies or from people denied coverage)

and the list is endless.

Remember the Republican/Bush list?

thousands of American dead in Iraq
Tens of thousands maimed in Iraq
Tax cuts mostly for the wealthy
Drugs for votes bill costing trillions
trillions in debt

And Republicans see those as "the good old days". Not me. I see it as disaster.

The right wing Conservative Confederate Republicans want to keep the black guy out of the WHITE House. Oh, he can be there. But they want him to serve dinner.

"Remember when Obama debated the entire Republican "elite" at the Republican retreat WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER and tore them a new asshole? It was hilarious."

Who told you that.. and why did you believe them?...:lol:

It is just because he hogged the microphone and didn't answer the questions asked?

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