Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The following comes from a pizzeria owner in Atlanta with a Yale economics degree:

Truly one of the silliest memes the left is trotting out is the idea that Trump doesn’t care about the country or is a traitor to Russia. Those of you repeating this have zero idea how crazy you sound to middle America. Look at it from their point of view.

What America are you even talking about? Let’s say I’m a middle class worker in Ohio. For the last 20 years, and certainly the last 8, all I’ve heard from the left is that I’m a white bigot. Even as my local economy has flailed, I’m told that I’m the benefit of privilege and have to be brought down to size. I’m told that I have to step aside and make room for illegal invaders. That I can’t even call them that or I’m a bigot. The left hates my religion but thinks I’m a bigot for not wanting Islamists in the country.

So let me get this straight: Trump is not for me and my America? But you leftists are? Because Trump supposedly likes Putin? What does that have to do with me? I want to know who likes ME? You leftists hate me. You make that clear each and every day. I have to watch everything I say or you call me names and potentially damage my job. You write article after article basically saying you are waiting until I’m dead or diluted out. You value plants and turtles above me. YOU make that clear to me each and every day.

Why do I care if Trump likes Putin? I’m not even saying he does. I’m just wondering why I would care? Putin is not building a mega-mosque in my town. Putin is not censoring my Facebook posts. Putin is not saying he’s going to shut down the coal mine in my town. Putin is not charging my son with sexual harassment at college. You leftists are not for me and my America. You want me to die out and make room for YOUR ‘new’ America. Because the ‘old’ America, aka me, sucks. You are more loyal to Syrians and Mexicans and European globalists, than to me. You not only hate me, you mock the very idea of me liking myself. Make America Great Again – you hate and mock the slogan. Me liking me makes me a ‘Nationalist,’ a ‘supremacist’ or whatever word you come up with. You sure love to come up with words to bully me.

Trump says he likes me. You say that’s a con? What are you even talking about? You hate me. You hate the country. I’ll take my chances with Trump.”

I have yet to see a better explanation of the phenomenon of President Trump’s win against all odds.

Read more: This Might Be The Best Statement Of Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble
The following comes from a pizzeria owner in Atlanta with a Yale economics degree:

Truly one of the silliest memes the left is trotting out is the idea that Trump doesn’t care about the country or is a traitor to Russia. Those of you repeating this have zero idea how crazy you sound to middle America. Look at it from their point of view.

What America are you even talking about? Let’s say I’m a middle class worker in Ohio. For the last 20 years, and certainly the last 8, all I’ve heard from the left is that I’m a white bigot. Even as my local economy has flailed, I’m told that I’m the benefit of privilege and have to be brought down to size. I’m told that I have to step aside and make room for illegal invaders. That I can’t even call them that or I’m a bigot. The left hates my religion but thinks I’m a bigot for not wanting Islamists in the country.

So let me get this straight: Trump is not for me and my America? But you leftists are? Because Trump supposedly likes Putin? What does that have to do with me? I want to know who likes ME? You leftists hate me. You make that clear each and every day. I have to watch everything I say or you call me names and potentially damage my job. You write article after article basically saying you are waiting until I’m dead or diluted out. You value plants and turtles above me. YOU make that clear to me each and every day.

Why do I care if Trump likes Putin? I’m not even saying he does. I’m just wondering why I would care? Putin is not building a mega-mosque in my town. Putin is not censoring my Facebook posts. Putin is not saying he’s going to shut down the coal mine in my town. Putin is not charging my son with sexual harassment at college. You leftists are not for me and my America. You want me to die out and make room for YOUR ‘new’ America. Because the ‘old’ America, aka me, sucks. You are more loyal to Syrians and Mexicans and European globalists, than to me. You not only hate me, you mock the very idea of me liking myself. Make America Great Again – you hate and mock the slogan. Me liking me makes me a ‘Nationalist,’ a ‘supremacist’ or whatever word you come up with. You sure love to come up with words to bully me.

Trump says he likes me. You say that’s a con? What are you even talking about? You hate me. You hate the country. I’ll take my chances with Trump.”

I have yet to see a better explanation of the phenomenon of President Trump’s win against all odds.

Read more: This Might Be The Best Statement Of Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble
That is some of the most hateful, divisive bullshit I've ever read, and you want me to believe an average American wrote it? Only a political hack of the highest order could even dream of this shit.
The following comes from a pizzeria owner in Atlanta with a Yale economics degree:

Truly one of the silliest memes the left is trotting out is the idea that Trump doesn’t care about the country or is a traitor to Russia. Those of you repeating this have zero idea how crazy you sound to middle America. Look at it from their point of view.

What America are you even talking about? Let’s say I’m a middle class worker in Ohio. For the last 20 years, and certainly the last 8, all I’ve heard from the left is that I’m a white bigot. Even as my local economy has flailed, I’m told that I’m the benefit of privilege and have to be brought down to size. I’m told that I have to step aside and make room for illegal invaders. That I can’t even call them that or I’m a bigot. The left hates my religion but thinks I’m a bigot for not wanting Islamists in the country.

So let me get this straight: Trump is not for me and my America? But you leftists are? Because Trump supposedly likes Putin? What does that have to do with me? I want to know who likes ME? You leftists hate me. You make that clear each and every day. I have to watch everything I say or you call me names and potentially damage my job. You write article after article basically saying you are waiting until I’m dead or diluted out. You value plants and turtles above me. YOU make that clear to me each and every day.

Why do I care if Trump likes Putin? I’m not even saying he does. I’m just wondering why I would care? Putin is not building a mega-mosque in my town. Putin is not censoring my Facebook posts. Putin is not saying he’s going to shut down the coal mine in my town. Putin is not charging my son with sexual harassment at college. You leftists are not for me and my America. You want me to die out and make room for YOUR ‘new’ America. Because the ‘old’ America, aka me, sucks. You are more loyal to Syrians and Mexicans and European globalists, than to me. You not only hate me, you mock the very idea of me liking myself. Make America Great Again – you hate and mock the slogan. Me liking me makes me a ‘Nationalist,’ a ‘supremacist’ or whatever word you come up with. You sure love to come up with words to bully me.

Trump says he likes me. You say that’s a con? What are you even talking about? You hate me. You hate the country. I’ll take my chances with Trump.”

I have yet to see a better explanation of the phenomenon of President Trump’s win against all odds.

Read more: This Might Be The Best Statement Of Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble
That is some of the most hateful, divisive bullshit I've ever read, and you want me to believe an average American wrote it? Only a political hack of the highest order could even dream of this shit.

Clearly what I read is nowhere close to what you read. Brain damage on your part perhaps.
The following comes from a pizzeria owner in Atlanta with a Yale economics degree:

Truly one of the silliest memes the left is trotting out is the idea that Trump doesn’t care about the country or is a traitor to Russia. Those of you repeating this have zero idea how crazy you sound to middle America. Look at it from their point of view.

What America are you even talking about? Let’s say I’m a middle class worker in Ohio. For the last 20 years, and certainly the last 8, all I’ve heard from the left is that I’m a white bigot. Even as my local economy has flailed, I’m told that I’m the benefit of privilege and have to be brought down to size. I’m told that I have to step aside and make room for illegal invaders. That I can’t even call them that or I’m a bigot. The left hates my religion but thinks I’m a bigot for not wanting Islamists in the country.

So let me get this straight: Trump is not for me and my America? But you leftists are? Because Trump supposedly likes Putin? What does that have to do with me? I want to know who likes ME? You leftists hate me. You make that clear each and every day. I have to watch everything I say or you call me names and potentially damage my job. You write article after article basically saying you are waiting until I’m dead or diluted out. You value plants and turtles above me. YOU make that clear to me each and every day.

Why do I care if Trump likes Putin? I’m not even saying he does. I’m just wondering why I would care? Putin is not building a mega-mosque in my town. Putin is not censoring my Facebook posts. Putin is not saying he’s going to shut down the coal mine in my town. Putin is not charging my son with sexual harassment at college. You leftists are not for me and my America. You want me to die out and make room for YOUR ‘new’ America. Because the ‘old’ America, aka me, sucks. You are more loyal to Syrians and Mexicans and European globalists, than to me. You not only hate me, you mock the very idea of me liking myself. Make America Great Again – you hate and mock the slogan. Me liking me makes me a ‘Nationalist,’ a ‘supremacist’ or whatever word you come up with. You sure love to come up with words to bully me.

Trump says he likes me. You say that’s a con? What are you even talking about? You hate me. You hate the country. I’ll take my chances with Trump.”

I have yet to see a better explanation of the phenomenon of President Trump’s win against all odds.

Read more: This Might Be The Best Statement Of Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble
That is some of the most hateful, divisive bullshit I've ever read, and you want me to believe an average American wrote it? Only a political hack of the highest order could even dream of this shit.
Are you kidding?

1st, calling that hateful is insane IMO

2nd, it is clearly stated that this concept came from a Yale grad who is a small biz owner in Atlanta

I think It is spot on & a good analysis of why middle America flocked to Trump

I do want to understand your POV here - what is hateful about this?
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yeah, the Dems are in their last throes ... the same last throes they've been in for the entire century.


oh yeah,

Yep, it's time for those bigots to get a reality check.
So, the OP rant seems to be about how Trump won because he attracted the very stupid and very cowardly.

Duh. Tell us what we didn't know.
Take it fwiw, but your comment tends to prove or at least support the premise of the OP
The following comes from a pizzeria owner in Atlanta with a Yale economics degree:

Truly one of the silliest memes the left is trotting out is the idea that Trump doesn’t care about the country or is a traitor to Russia. Those of you repeating this have zero idea how crazy you sound to middle America. Look at it from their point of view.

What America are you even talking about? Let’s say I’m a middle class worker in Ohio. For the last 20 years, and certainly the last 8, all I’ve heard from the left is that I’m a white bigot. Even as my local economy has flailed, I’m told that I’m the benefit of privilege and have to be brought down to size. I’m told that I have to step aside and make room for illegal invaders. That I can’t even call them that or I’m a bigot. The left hates my religion but thinks I’m a bigot for not wanting Islamists in the country.

So let me get this straight: Trump is not for me and my America? But you leftists are? Because Trump supposedly likes Putin? What does that have to do with me? I want to know who likes ME? You leftists hate me. You make that clear each and every day. I have to watch everything I say or you call me names and potentially damage my job. You write article after article basically saying you are waiting until I’m dead or diluted out. You value plants and turtles above me. YOU make that clear to me each and every day.

Why do I care if Trump likes Putin? I’m not even saying he does. I’m just wondering why I would care? Putin is not building a mega-mosque in my town. Putin is not censoring my Facebook posts. Putin is not saying he’s going to shut down the coal mine in my town. Putin is not charging my son with sexual harassment at college. You leftists are not for me and my America. You want me to die out and make room for YOUR ‘new’ America. Because the ‘old’ America, aka me, sucks. You are more loyal to Syrians and Mexicans and European globalists, than to me. You not only hate me, you mock the very idea of me liking myself. Make America Great Again – you hate and mock the slogan. Me liking me makes me a ‘Nationalist,’ a ‘supremacist’ or whatever word you come up with. You sure love to come up with words to bully me.

Trump says he likes me. You say that’s a con? What are you even talking about? You hate me. You hate the country. I’ll take my chances with Trump.”

I have yet to see a better explanation of the phenomenon of President Trump’s win against all odds.

Read more: This Might Be The Best Statement Of Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble
That is some of the most hateful, divisive bullshit I've ever read, and you want me to believe an average American wrote it? Only a political hack of the highest order could even dream of this shit.
Are you kidding?

1st, that anyone would call that hateful is insane IMO

2nd, it is clearly stated that this concept came from a Yale grad who is a small biz owner in Atlanta

I think I is spot on & a good analysis of why middle America flocked to Trump

I do want to understand your POV here - what is hateful about this?
Why is someone with a Ph.D. from Yale running a small pizza shop in Atlanta? Because his/her head is so far up his/her ass that he/she couldn't keep a job doing anything else.

Middle America is hurting financially, yes, and the transition in manufacturing and technology is hurting a lot of people who didn't see this coming. I get that.
The majority of Americans worry about their own bills and their own family's success and health. They voted out the Dems when the major recession we just went through couldn't be fixed overnight with a magic wand.
You hate me. You hate the country.
All the whining in this article by this flaming snowflake is unreal. If you can't see the poisonous twisting of the truth in everything it says, fine. I can't teach you.
The following comes from a pizzeria owner in Atlanta with a Yale economics degree:

Truly one of the silliest memes the left is trotting out is the idea that Trump doesn’t care about the country or is a traitor to Russia. Those of you repeating this have zero idea how crazy you sound to middle America. Look at it from their point of view.

What America are you even talking about? Let’s say I’m a middle class worker in Ohio. For the last 20 years, and certainly the last 8, all I’ve heard from the left is that I’m a white bigot. Even as my local economy has flailed, I’m told that I’m the benefit of privilege and have to be brought down to size. I’m told that I have to step aside and make room for illegal invaders. That I can’t even call them that or I’m a bigot. The left hates my religion but thinks I’m a bigot for not wanting Islamists in the country.

So let me get this straight: Trump is not for me and my America? But you leftists are? Because Trump supposedly likes Putin? What does that have to do with me? I want to know who likes ME? You leftists hate me. You make that clear each and every day. I have to watch everything I say or you call me names and potentially damage my job. You write article after article basically saying you are waiting until I’m dead or diluted out. You value plants and turtles above me. YOU make that clear to me each and every day.

Why do I care if Trump likes Putin? I’m not even saying he does. I’m just wondering why I would care? Putin is not building a mega-mosque in my town. Putin is not censoring my Facebook posts. Putin is not saying he’s going to shut down the coal mine in my town. Putin is not charging my son with sexual harassment at college. You leftists are not for me and my America. You want me to die out and make room for YOUR ‘new’ America. Because the ‘old’ America, aka me, sucks. You are more loyal to Syrians and Mexicans and European globalists, than to me. You not only hate me, you mock the very idea of me liking myself. Make America Great Again – you hate and mock the slogan. Me liking me makes me a ‘Nationalist,’ a ‘supremacist’ or whatever word you come up with. You sure love to come up with words to bully me.

Trump says he likes me. You say that’s a con? What are you even talking about? You hate me. You hate the country. I’ll take my chances with Trump.”

I have yet to see a better explanation of the phenomenon of President Trump’s win against all odds.

Read more: This Might Be The Best Statement Of Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble
That is some of the most hateful, divisive bullshit I've ever read, and you want me to believe an average American wrote it? Only a political hack of the highest order could even dream of this shit.
Are you kidding?

1st, that anyone would call that hateful is insane IMO

2nd, it is clearly stated that this concept came from a Yale grad who is a small biz owner in Atlanta

I think I is spot on & a good analysis of why middle America flocked to Trump

I do want to understand your POV here - what is hateful about this?
Why is someone with a Ph.D. from Yale running a small pizza shop in Atlanta? Because his/her head is so far up his/her ass that he/she couldn't keep a job doing anything else.

Middle America is hurting financially, yes, and the transition in manufacturing and technology is hurting a lot of people who didn't see this coming. I get that.
The majority of Americans worry about their own bills and their own family's success and health. They voted out the Dems when the major recession we just went through couldn't be fixed overnight with a magic wand.
You hate me. You hate the country.
All the whining in this article by this flaming snowflake is unreal. If you can't see the poisonous twisting of the truth in everything it says, fine. I can't teach you.
I revised my comment so that I am not calling you insane

And the analysis is pretty accurate - middle America feels scorned by a he "power elite" on the l for and in the media

Calling them hateful won't win them back

They will continue to cling to their Bibles and guns (a truly hateful comment) and vote republican
Last edited:
The following comes from a pizzeria owner in Atlanta with a Yale economics degree:

Truly one of the silliest memes the left is trotting out is the idea that Trump doesn’t care about the country or is a traitor to Russia. Those of you repeating this have zero idea how crazy you sound to middle America. Look at it from their point of view.

What America are you even talking about? Let’s say I’m a middle class worker in Ohio. For the last 20 years, and certainly the last 8, all I’ve heard from the left is that I’m a white bigot. Even as my local economy has flailed, I’m told that I’m the benefit of privilege and have to be brought down to size. I’m told that I have to step aside and make room for illegal invaders. That I can’t even call them that or I’m a bigot. The left hates my religion but thinks I’m a bigot for not wanting Islamists in the country.

So let me get this straight: Trump is not for me and my America? But you leftists are? Because Trump supposedly likes Putin? What does that have to do with me? I want to know who likes ME? You leftists hate me. You make that clear each and every day. I have to watch everything I say or you call me names and potentially damage my job. You write article after article basically saying you are waiting until I’m dead or diluted out. You value plants and turtles above me. YOU make that clear to me each and every day.

Why do I care if Trump likes Putin? I’m not even saying he does. I’m just wondering why I would care? Putin is not building a mega-mosque in my town. Putin is not censoring my Facebook posts. Putin is not saying he’s going to shut down the coal mine in my town. Putin is not charging my son with sexual harassment at college. You leftists are not for me and my America. You want me to die out and make room for YOUR ‘new’ America. Because the ‘old’ America, aka me, sucks. You are more loyal to Syrians and Mexicans and European globalists, than to me. You not only hate me, you mock the very idea of me liking myself. Make America Great Again – you hate and mock the slogan. Me liking me makes me a ‘Nationalist,’ a ‘supremacist’ or whatever word you come up with. You sure love to come up with words to bully me.

Trump says he likes me. You say that’s a con? What are you even talking about? You hate me. You hate the country. I’ll take my chances with Trump.”

I have yet to see a better explanation of the phenomenon of President Trump’s win against all odds.

Read more: This Might Be The Best Statement Of Why Trump Won And The Democrats Are In Trouble
That is some of the most hateful, divisive bullshit I've ever read, and you want me to believe an average American wrote it? Only a political hack of the highest order could even dream of this shit.
Are you kidding?

1st, that anyone would call that hateful is insane IMO

2nd, it is clearly stated that this concept came from a Yale grad who is a small biz owner in Atlanta

I think I is spot on & a good analysis of why middle America flocked to Trump

I do want to understand your POV here - what is hateful about this?
Why is someone with a Ph.D. from Yale running a small pizza shop in Atlanta? Because his/her head is so far up his/her ass that he/she couldn't keep a job doing anything else.

Middle America is hurting financially, yes, and the transition in manufacturing and technology is hurting a lot of people who didn't see this coming. I get that.
The majority of Americans worry about their own bills and their own family's success and health. They voted out the Dems when the major recession we just went through couldn't be fixed overnight with a magic wand.
You hate me. You hate the country.
All the whining in this article by this flaming snowflake is unreal. If you can't see the poisonous twisting of the truth in everything it says, fine. I can't teach you.
I revised my comment so that I am not calling you insane

And the analysis is pretty accurate - middle America feels scorned by a he "power elite" on the l for and in the media

Calling them hateful won't win them back

They will continue to cling to their Bibles and guns (a truly hateful comment) and vote republican
Ahhh, but I am defending Middle America, not calling them hateful. I live in forgotten America. My people are forgotten Americans. I very much believe (because I know) that people are not all in an uproar over your hyper-exaggerated political talking points that stick it to the Democrats. Learn from me. I'm not a political hack. Sure there are a small number of xenophobes out there, and racists, and folks who have unfortunately been persuaded by the bilious words of radio show hosts and Alt Right sites and sometimes even Fox News to think of their fellow countrymen as the enemy. But they are NOT the majority and the person who wrote that OP article is living in a world that does not exist.

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