Why Trump must win


Gold Member
Sep 24, 2013
I'm gonna say it again.... And please listen to the logic before any knee-jerk responses...

Why Trump needs to win...

Trump will never succeed in building walls.

He will succeed in building a particle accelerator that blows apart both Repulican and Demotroic views.

Like a particle accelerator, these underlying reasons why people vote (D) or (R) will get destructed into their fundamental particles. And people will start realizing that it's not the "letter" they're voting for, but the true underlying values that we cherish.

Any other politician being voted as President this election, will maintain the status quo. And that is the steady decline of us, the citizens. Trump will do worse... He will make us hit rock-bottom very fast. And then the fallout will make us start to get better.

We need Trump to win, not because he is the better candidate, it is because he is by far the worst. And he won't give in to corrupt lobbyists. Things will become anarchy, political parties will disband. Which is what is necessary for the public to recognize what is needed, and for new flowers to flourish.

We need anarchy, to hit rock-bottom and improve the BS that has been wrapped around us for decades. There is only one candidate that offers that chance, if you're willing to hit rock-bottom.

And when it happens, be absolutely sure that it never happens again with your subsequent votes... Don't want to troll along the bottom. We want to bounce up and be #1 again!

Please vote Trump! We need it... And have yourself a short-term survival plan if things aren't immediately fixed...

We'll work on that in another thread. :)
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The only way for improvement, the way things are going... is to just start over...

If you hear me, you know which way to vote...
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If you vote for any of the DR candidates, you're just a glutton for punishment.

It is better to rip off the bandaid, than to slowly peel it off, or worse, leave it on and get it infected again.
I'm gonna say it again.... And please listen to the logic before any knee-jerk responses...

Why Trump needs to win...

Trump will never succeed in building walls.

He will succeed in building a particle accelerator that blows apart both Repulican and Demotroic views.

Like a particle accelerator, these underlying reasons why people vote (D) or (R) will get destructed into their fundamental particles. And people will start realizing that it's not the "letter" they're voting for, but the true underlying values that we cherish.

Any other politician being voted as President this election, will maintain the status quo. And that is the steady decline of us, the citizens. Trump will do worse... He will make us hit rock-bottom very fast. And then the fallout will make us start to get better.

We need Trump to win, not because he is the better candidate, it is because he is by far the worst. And he won't give in to corrupt lobbyists. Things will become anarchy, political parties will disband. Which is what is necessary for the public to recognize what is needed, and for new flowers to flourish.

We need anarchy, to hit rock-bottom and improve the BS that has been wrapped around us for decades. There is only one candidate that offers that chance, if you're willing to hit rock-bottom.

And when it happens, be absolutely sure that it never happens again with your subsequent votes... Don't want to troll along the bottom. We want to bounce up and be #1 again!

Please vote Trump! We need it... And have yourself a short-term survival plan if things aren't immediately fixed...

We'll work on that in another thread. :)

Hitting rock bottom? You go first.
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I'll be happy to do so, when I can expect it.

It's hard to do so, when you slowly get crept to the bottom, as we are.
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Either way, we're gonna hit the bottom.

Would you rather it be fast and quick, and rebound?

Or just dragged along trolling the bottom, as every other politician wants to do?

You gotta make a choice that is good for the people, even if it hurts at first.
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Trump is the obvious choice, because he will get us there fast and quick, and we will rebound fast and quick. And we will revolutionize politics forever after that. And maybe get some good people in charge.

But if you vote for the status quo, that will never happen....

Trump's candidacy will be just the push that the GOP leadership needs to end the Gerrymandered extremism that is now tearing the party apart.

The Republican Party shot itself in the foot when it began to push it's more moderate voices out of the party as a way to protect their seats in congress and now it's bleeding out.

Very interesting times. The convention is certainly going to be 'must watch' t.v.
If Trump becomes the candidate, and unless something big happens he will, Hillary will win.
Obama will pardon her for the emails...and she will continue to turn America completely over to the corporations.
End of Story
So.... if the republican leadership continues to stonewall the Supreme Court vacancy and Trump pushes Hillary in to the Whitehouse, what are the odds that Obama will sit on the court for the rest of his life?

I'm giving it an 85% chance in the casino of my own humble opinion.

Interesting times indeed.
Very interesting spirals this can create!

I would hate for politics to win, and things to go business as usual.

It's a nice safety net, but we're getting worse. Slowly but surely. They will run us into the ground very slowly and gradually, to the point that our resources cannot pick us up anymore.

And Trump will do that as well, but he'll do it QUICKLY, and we'll rebound and realize the necessity of a revolution of government.

The other option is to just decline slowly, until we're forced to go to war to generate a heartbeat from the public....
If Trump becomes the candidate, and unless something big happens he will, Hillary will win.
Obama will pardon her for the emails...and she will continue to turn America completely over to the corporations.
End of Story

I am not sure Obama would pardon Hillary.

She and Bill said some rather nasty and racist things about Obama during the 2008 campaign and shallow punks like Obama have long memory and strong desire for vengeance for real or imaginary insults, trivial or otherwise.
i'm just finishing up here at Cpac, and i can tell you that there has been a non stop barrage of attacks on Trump from every direction. while i do have to say that reince pribus has been remarkably neutral in his position, i'm a big fan of him. he's a class act. same for matt schlapp, although his disappointment is visible, about trump pulling out. this has been a tremendous event, well organised/executed too. i'm planning to come back next year, won't be quite as crazy, but i like that too.

the mood here is bright and sunny. what strikes me and inspires me the most are the young people. they are of such high caliber, i am so thrilled with how intelligent and informed they are.

if anyone has doubts about America's future, don't, because the young people hold the key. i don't think there is a problem in the world they won't/can't solve, with their motivation, skill and the implementation of new technology.

though i'm disappointed not to see Trump speak to this crowd, some of it is like the madhouse debates with the wildness of the gallery. i can tell you though, every time mitt romney's name is mentioned he gets a shitload of boos. i think donald made the right call not to come here, i think he will win the nomination, despite every direction assaults. in the end the people will have their way, and i like that that will never go away. nothing so far has lessened my loyalty or support for Trump. we do need him to straighten things out.
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So.... if the republican leadership continues to stonewall the Supreme Court vacancy and Trump pushes Hillary in to the Whitehouse, what are the odds that Obama will sit on the court for the rest of his life?

I'm giving it an 85% chance in the casino of my own humble opinion.

Interesting times indeed.
still a republican senate, but that can change too.

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