Why Trump is Right About Growing Revenues by Ending the EPA

You know, Trump missed a chance to further explain how ending the EPA will do more than just save $8 billion. It will also unfetter new growth.

The Many Problems of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations: A Primer
  • An average annual employment shortfall of nearly 300,000 jobs;
  • A peak employment shortfall of more than 1 million jobs;
  • A loss of more than $2.5 trillion (inflation-adjusted) in aggregate gross domestic product (GDP); and
  • A total income loss of more than $7,000 (inflation-adjusted) per person.
Getting rid of the EPA would put at least $1 trillion in the US treasuries pocket annually from unfettered economic growth.

Two words; Respiratory Disease.
It's a fact the Respiratory Therapy industry can't keep up with the demand for Respiratory Therapist and Respiratory Deaths have been increasing by crazy numbers.
What's more important? Money or human lives.
We do not need a bunch of Marxists in the EPA to pursue such remedy.
frankly I'd rather have a bunch of Marxists running the SPA than a bunch of soulless Republicans who put business and profit above everything else, including human health.
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?
I am also bothered by the anti-EPA sentiment.
And then you want to bitch that there's no jobs in America
You want pollution?
As incredible as it seems, I think they DO want pollution. These guys must be invested heavily in medical supply stocks or pharmaceuticals. No other plausible explanation is possible with the exception of "pure evil."
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?
EPA policy has choked off economies to the point of killing off poor people in third world countries. So choose your poison.
I think you are confusing the EPA with the IMF or the World Bank. There is no relation. Your non sensical retort is frivolous.
EPA policy drives energy constriction. Expensive energy breaks economies. Broken economies starve people.
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?
EPA policy has choked off economies to the point of killing off poor people in third world countries. So choose your poison.

Such as?
Proper electric wiring?
Proper gas and water piping?
Please share with us some of the HORRID Codes that have destroyed YOUR town.
And I DO mean YOUR town.
why do you supposed he knows all of the regulation codes? do you? Post up some of your necessary codes.

He made a very generalized statement; I prefer facts I can sink my teeth into.
Unlike you, I actually have a full set of straight teeth.
4 new mansions have burned down in my neighborhood in the last 3 years due to Code violations.
That is a local and county inspection service. Under the NEC and FIre Code.........If that is happening then LOCALLY your inspectors aren't doing their job..............More than likely the house fires were a result of faulty wiring.
EPA-inspired energy policy drove energy prices up and that has choked the economy.

I know what you mean. My propane company just contacted me and told me to stop making my level bill payment.

Seems like the cost of propane has fallen and my level bill payment was to high. My next fill up is already paid for.

It's killing me I tell ya. Choking me to death. Really.
Why Trump is Right About Growing Revenues by Ending the EPA

Oh good, because I was thinking about starting up a benzene plant just upstream from my community's water supply. Now there won't be any pesky regulations or oversight/permits to start up my operation. I can save costs too on not lining my effluent pond from that lead smelting plant I wanted to build too. Sweet. Cutting costs will help me hire more people! Of course they'll need good healthcare because they'll be drinking toxic water, but I'll deny them that too by only hiring part time workers; maybe at half the wages with VISAs!

God bless America! (I'll retire and buy a manor house with an estate in the boonies where the drinking water is still good)
Why would you think the water there is still good?
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?
EPA policy has choked off economies to the point of killing off poor people in third world countries. So choose your poison.
I think you are confusing the EPA with the IMF or the World Bank. There is no relation. Your non sensical retort is frivolous.
EPA policy drives energy constriction. Expensive energy breaks economies. Broken economies starve people.
You just described GOP economic policies. You know that, right?
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?
EPA policy has choked off economies to the point of killing off poor people in third world countries. So choose your poison.
I think you are confusing the EPA with the IMF or the World Bank. There is no relation. Your non sensical retort is frivolous.
EPA policy drives energy constriction. Expensive energy breaks economies. Broken economies starve people.
Where did that pejorative term, "Third World" originate? from the demeaning sound of it, I suspect the phrase was coined by RW carpetbaggers as part of their verbal arsenal to dehumanize poor countries and make it easier to justify exploitation. Colonialism played some part in the plight of impoverished nations that were raped of their resources and people by brutal western imperialists. In the era of post colonialism, well before the EPA was even a dream, struggling nations were left with weak leaders and few technological savvy people. Again, the west was afforded the opportunity for exploitation by sanctioning usurious loans to struggling nations that kept them in a perpetual state of austerity. The EPA had nothing to do with that.
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?

The EPA knew about the Flint, Michigan water contamination and said nothing.

The EPA caused a massive release of toxic material into a river.

Obviously, we're not getting our money's worth.
You know, Trump missed a chance to further explain how ending the EPA will do more than just save $8 billion. It will also unfetter new growth.

The Many Problems of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations: A Primer
  • An average annual employment shortfall of nearly 300,000 jobs;
  • A peak employment shortfall of more than 1 million jobs;
  • A loss of more than $2.5 trillion (inflation-adjusted) in aggregate gross domestic product (GDP); and
  • A total income loss of more than $7,000 (inflation-adjusted) per person.
Getting rid of the EPA would put at least $1 trillion in the US treasuries pocket annually from unfettered economic growth.
Heritage as a source? You do know that they came up w/ the idea for Obamneycare right?
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?
Of course it is but the EPA has been hijacked by wack jobs who are classifying carbon dioxide, you know the thing that plants need to BREATH, as a pollutant. That is retarded.

We need to shut down the EPA and shift its one time responsibilities to someone that can handle the job better, like maybe the Interior department.
We need to shut down the EPA and shift its one time responsibilities to someone that can handle the job better, like maybe the Interior design department

fixed it for you.
At what expense to the people's health and life? Is that not worth anything anymore?
EPA policy has choked off economies to the point of killing off poor people in third world countries. So choose your poison.

Such as?
Proper electric wiring?
Proper gas and water piping?
Please share with us some of the HORRID Codes that have destroyed YOUR town.
And I DO mean YOUR town.
why do you supposed he knows all of the regulation codes? do you? Post up some of your necessary codes.

He made a very generalized statement; I prefer facts I can sink my teeth into.
Unlike you, I actually have a full set of straight teeth.
4 new mansions have burned down in my neighborhood in the last 3 years due to Code violations.
well I listen to the people that the regulations affect and they tell us they are crippling them. So, unless you can post up those critical codes, why are they needed?

And your drinking water has fluoride which is hazardous to your health. I bet you never knew that. And your dentists have told you it makes teeth whiter and harder. LOL you should do some research on what you've been drinking. And that is all with regulations.
My drinking water has no fluoride.
I say keep the rat poison on hand for the rats. But then, I guess they did need to come up with a way to dispose of the toxic waste produced by the aluminum industry.
You know, Trump missed a chance to further explain how ending the EPA will do more than just save $8 billion. It will also unfetter new growth.

The Many Problems of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations: A Primer
  • An average annual employment shortfall of nearly 300,000 jobs;
  • A peak employment shortfall of more than 1 million jobs;
  • A loss of more than $2.5 trillion (inflation-adjusted) in aggregate gross domestic product (GDP); and
  • A total income loss of more than $7,000 (inflation-adjusted) per person.
Getting rid of the EPA would put at least $1 trillion in the US treasuries pocket annually from unfettered economic growth.

Yippee- we could be like China......

Unfettered economic growth means no regulatory controls to prevent pollution, poison, and toxic waste from entering our environment and our bodies. Proponents of this "unfettering" are pushing their brand of "free stuff": Black lung disease, lead poisoning, et al., and misery and early death for everyone ... no charge. Hope we can buy bottled air and water from Canada.

Canadian start-up sells bottled air to China - CNN.com
You know, Trump missed a chance to further explain how ending the EPA will do more than just save $8 billion. It will also unfetter new growth.

The Many Problems of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations: A Primer
  • An average annual employment shortfall of nearly 300,000 jobs;
  • A peak employment shortfall of more than 1 million jobs;
  • A loss of more than $2.5 trillion (inflation-adjusted) in aggregate gross domestic product (GDP); and
  • A total income loss of more than $7,000 (inflation-adjusted) per person.
Getting rid of the EPA would put at least $1 trillion in the US treasuries pocket annually from unfettered economic growth.
Obviously, when the EPA delays or stops a project, there is economic impact. However, the other side of the coin is the cost to society of dealing with environmental problems that result from projects that do not consider environmental impact. One does not have to look hard to see the results of poorly planed economic expansion and the trillions of dollars in lawsuits, cleanup costs, and lost revenue. However, the greatest losses can not be measured in dollars and sense.

You can not do away with the EPA without repealing 38 pieces of federal legislation that charge the administration with protecting the environment. Any attempt to do so, would bring quick action by the courts. Surprisingly, large developers would be the first to defend the EPA because adherence to EPA regulations, certification, and required documentation, are a business's best defense in environmental lawsuits.

Many politicians believe the states should be responsible for environmental protection, not the federal government. If environmental issues were actually confined to the state, that would be reasonable but the fact is they aren't. Pollution in our air, rivers, groundwater do not follow state lines nor does protection of wildlife, food sources, and the climate.
EPA-inspired energy policy drove energy prices up and that has choked the economy.

I know what you mean. My propane company just contacted me and told me to stop making my level bill payment.

Seems like the cost of propane has fallen and my level bill payment was to high. My next fill up is already paid for.

It's killing me I tell ya. Choking me to death. Really.
You lost tens of thousands over obama's first six years and apparently you are unaware. Some of us can't afford to be that oblivious.