Why Trump is after NATO...only 5 countries out of 27 members are meeting their pledge!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:
Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:

Uhhh...this is not about dues, this is about individual military expenditures.
Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:

Uhhh...this is not about dues, this is about individual military expenditures.

Not according NPR..and by the way Trump never used the term "dues"... that's the MSM contribution.

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact
Last edited:
Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:

Uhhh...this is not about dues, this is about individual military expenditures.

Not according NPR..and by the way Trump never used the term "dues"... that's the MSM contribution.

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At 50 seconds into the video Trump speaks of money owed from past years, those would be the NATO dues.

Your OP is not about the dues but about the lack of their own defense spending.

Do try and keep up with your own post, that way I will not have to explain them to you.
Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:

Uhhh...this is not about dues, this is about individual military expenditures.

Not according NPR..and by the way Trump never used the term "dues"... that's the MSM contribution.

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At 50 seconds into the video Trump speaks of money owed from past years, those would be the NATO dues.

Your OP is not about the dues but about the lack of their own defense spending.

Do try and keep up with your own post, that way I will not have to explain them to you.

"Grumpygator"..I didn't use the term "dues". Nor Did Trump.

Trump was using figures similar to what I showed asking countries to do what they agreed to i.e. spend at least 2% on NATO support.

Now that that minor point is settled, let's identify the point of the thread..
countries like Germany that are making money off gas & oil deal with Russia while spending less than 2% no NATO.

Germany is Totally Controlled By Russia': Trump Greets NATO Allies With Combative Opening Salvo
'Germany is Totally Controlled By Russia': Trump Greets NATO Allies With Combative Opening Salvo
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How Trump opened his time at NATO this AM: "Good morning, everybody. Good morning to the media -- the legitimate media and the fake-news media. Good morning to them. A lot of good people here. Surprising."
Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:

Uhhh...this is not about dues, this is about individual military expenditures.

Not according NPR..and by the way Trump never used the term "dues"... that's the MSM contribution.

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At 50 seconds into the video Trump speaks of money owed from past years, those would be the NATO dues.

Your OP is not about the dues but about the lack of their own defense spending.

Do try and keep up with your own post, that way I will not have to explain them to you.

"Grumpygator"..I didn't use the term "dues". Nor Did Trump.

Trump was using figures similar to what I showed asking countries to do what they agreed to i.e. spend at least 2% on NATO support.

Now that that minor point is settled, let's identify the point of the thread..
countries like Germany that are making money off gas & oil deal with Russia while spending less than 2% no NATO.

Germany is Totally Controlled By Russia': Trump Greets NATO Allies With Combative Opening Salvo
'Germany is Totally Controlled By Russia': Trump Greets NATO Allies With Combative Opening Salvo

They did not agree to spend 2% on NATO, they agreed to have a military budget that was at least 2% of their GDP.

You do not even understand what your own post show

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
War is a business and business is always good in America no matter which party is in power. This is why we spend so much on the military. More advanced countries like the ones in the op's chart spend more on social programs that the conservatives will never allow in this country.
Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:

Uhhh...this is not about dues, this is about individual military expenditures.

Not according NPR..and by the way Trump never used the term "dues"... that's the MSM contribution.

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At NATO, Trump calls out allies on unpaid dues while staying mum on joint defense pact

At 50 seconds into the video Trump speaks of money owed from past years, those would be the NATO dues.

Your OP is not about the dues but about the lack of their own defense spending.

Do try and keep up with your own post, that way I will not have to explain them to you.

"Grumpygator"..I didn't use the term "dues". Nor Did Trump.

Trump was using figures similar to what I showed asking countries to do what they agreed to i.e. spend at least 2% on NATO support.

Now that that minor point is settled, let's identify the point of the thread..
countries like Germany that are making money off gas & oil deal with Russia while spending less than 2% no NATO.

Germany is Totally Controlled By Russia': Trump Greets NATO Allies With Combative Opening Salvo
'Germany is Totally Controlled By Russia': Trump Greets NATO Allies With Combative Opening Salvo

They did not agree to spend 2% on NATO, they agreed to have a military budget that was at least 2% of their GDP.

You do not even understand what your own post show

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Many European members -- including big economies like France and Germany -- spend less than the amount called for by NATO guidelines.

The U.S. shells out far more money on defense than any other nation on the planet.

According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year.
That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.
Which NATO members are falling short on military spending?
The AGREEMENT of 27 NATO members is that they would spend 2% or more on their OWN defense .

What is your problem?
Do these NATO countries spend money on their troops stationed in countries as the USA does as a member of NATO to defend these countries as best illustrated as
to their % of GDP being spent on defense.

By the way are you such a Trump hater you put that first rather than the USA interest? I mean what is SO wrong with Trump raising issues like this?
You and others like you malign Trump for larger military expenditures and when he asks NATO to share a bigger load... you attack Trump? That makes no sense!

It's proven that healthcare should NOT do statistics (-:

Trump Still Distorting NATO Spending - FactCheck.org

And aside from the actual numbers, Nato members disproportionately share more than the US in troop levels in Afghanistan

Trump's actual motives are always suspect. He does think Europe has gotten more than its given since WWII, and he may actually be right on that. I've wondered why Germany acquiesced to a new natl gas pipeline being routed through Russian controlled territory rather than around it. And it seems the answer is a weird mutually assured destruction. Russia cannot eat without German Euros, so Russia's ability to defeat Germany may be limited. Thus, Germany may view military readiness less importantly than we do. However, to Putin's world view that may not jive with Germany's. Hitler invaded the West to gain manufacturing economies. Putin does not subscribe to the Geneva and Hague conventions prohibiting using force or external coercion to change intl borders. Nor does he believe in open markets. His thinking is rooted in the 1950s and Stalin's foreign diplomacy ... and Stalin's distain of individual rights.

So, imo, Trump is right that Germany is being played for a fool, and should be spending more to maintain its defenses. Whether Germany wants or needs more tanks or aircraft ..... Germany's aggression dominated an entire century and cost billions of lives. Goethe, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Durer ... all on as ashpile of concentration camps. Perhaps their contribution should be something other than tanks.
It's proven that healthcare should NOT do statistics (-:

Trump Still Distorting NATO Spending - FactCheck.org

And aside from the actual numbers, Nato members disproportionately share more than the US in troop levels in Afghanistan

Trump's actual motives are always suspect. He does think Europe has gotten more than its given since WWII, and he may actually be right on that. I've wondered why Germany acquiesced to a new natl gas pipeline being routed through Russian controlled territory rather than around it. And it seems the answer is a weird mutually assured destruction. Russia cannot eat without German Euros, so Russia's ability to defeat Germany may be limited. Thus, Germany may view military readiness less importantly than we do. However, to Putin's world view that may not jive with Germany's. Hitler invaded the West to gain manufacturing economies. Putin does not subscribe to the Geneva and Hague conventions prohibiting using force or external coercion to change intl borders. Nor does he believe in open markets. His thinking is rooted in the 1950s and Stalin's foreign diplomacy ... and Stalin's distain of individual rights.

So, imo, Trump is right that Germany is being played for a fool, and should be spending more to maintain its defenses. Whether Germany wants or needs more tanks or aircraft ..... Germany's aggression dominated an entire century and cost billions of lives. Goethe, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Durer ... all on as ashpile of concentration camps. Perhaps their contribution should be something other than tanks.

That article is a pile of shit.

The start by claiming that Trump is wrong for stating that the US supports 90% of NATO.

No shirt, shitlock. Trump speaks in parables. Always has.

The truth comes later when they state that we support over 22% of NATO spending 67% of Military spending -- Including in the Pacific where NATO don't spend shit.

dimocraps are scum and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is just that......
It's proven that healthcare should NOT do statistics (-:

Trump Still Distorting NATO Spending - FactCheck.org

And aside from the actual numbers, Nato members disproportionately share more than the US in troop levels in Afghanistan

Trump's actual motives are always suspect. He does think Europe has gotten more than its given since WWII, and he may actually be right on that. I've wondered why Germany acquiesced to a new natl gas pipeline being routed through Russian controlled territory rather than around it. And it seems the answer is a weird mutually assured destruction. Russia cannot eat without German Euros, so Russia's ability to defeat Germany may be limited. Thus, Germany may view military readiness less importantly than we do. However, to Putin's world view that may not jive with Germany's. Hitler invaded the West to gain manufacturing economies. Putin does not subscribe to the Geneva and Hague conventions prohibiting using force or external coercion to change intl borders. Nor does he believe in open markets. His thinking is rooted in the 1950s and Stalin's foreign diplomacy ... and Stalin's distain of individual rights.

So, imo, Trump is right that Germany is being played for a fool, and should be spending more to maintain its defenses. Whether Germany wants or needs more tanks or aircraft ..... Germany's aggression dominated an entire century and cost billions of lives. Goethe, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Durer ... all on as ashpile of concentration camps. Perhaps their contribution should be something other than tanks.

That article is a pile of shit.

The start by claiming that Trump is wrong for stating that the US supports 90% of NATO.

No shirt, shitlock. Trump speaks in parables. Always has.

The truth comes later when they state that we support over 22% of NATO spending 67% of Military spending -- Including in the Pacific where NATO don't spend shit.

dimocraps are scum and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is just that......

Well thankyou fucktard for admitting Trump didn't state the truth, and the US pays for aroung 22% of nato. Now fuck off.
Many European members -- including big economies like France and Germany -- spend less than the amount called for by NATO guidelines.

The U.S. shells out far more money on defense than any other nation on the planet.

According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year.
That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.
Which NATO members are falling short on military spending?
The AGREEMENT of 27 NATO members is that they would spend 2% or more on their OWN defense .

What is your problem?

My problem is that for far too many people like you they see that we spend more money on defense than any other nation on the planet, more than the next 7 combined, and your response is not "holy fuck why do we spend so much" it is "those deadbeats should spend more".

My problem is that people like you call it "defense" spending when the vast majority of what we do with our military has little to do with defense.

Has it ever even once enterd that little sheep mind of yours that perhaps the issue is not the rest of the world, but our own spending?

Do these NATO countries spend money on their troops stationed in countries as the USA does as a member of NATO to defend these countries as best illustrated as
to their % of GDP being spent on defense.

By the way are you such a Trump hater you put that first rather than the USA interest? I mean what is SO wrong with Trump raising issues like this?
You and others like you malign Trump for larger military expenditures and when he asks NATO to share a bigger load... you attack Trump? That makes no sense!

You are barking up the wrong tree here, I am the guy that for as long as I have been on this forum have advocated pulling our troops, at least half if not more, out of Europe and stationing them on our southern border to actually defend this country for a change.

We do not under spend on our military, it is not underfunded, it is misused.
What a GLORIOUS beginning the NATO meetings are off to! In what was supposed to be a most "civilized" setting, Trump has gone GONZO laying into these sissies like a whirling dervish. Their mouths fell open when he told them he's seen enough foot-dragging, playing Uncle Sam for a sucker, and doing business with the Ivans while we protect them from the Ivans. This isn't a euro-loving fool like Barry and he's not obliged to beg them for help in the ME anymore. Now it's time to balance the books, which they can more than afford to do. Merkel got all miffed trying to head-fake the German people that her crazy immigration problems aren't as important as Trump trashing her pittance military spending. These limp-wrists will either pay up and quick or face the Russians alone and it starts with yanking our troops out of Germany...Trump is PISSED and not taking anything but YES for an answer this time.

Many European members -- including big economies like France and Germany -- spend less than the amount called for by NATO guidelines.

The U.S. shells out far more money on defense than any other nation on the planet.

According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year.
That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.
Which NATO members are falling short on military spending?
The AGREEMENT of 27 NATO members is that they would spend 2% or more on their OWN defense .

What is your problem?

My problem is that for far too many people like you they see that we spend more money on defense than any other nation on the planet, more than the next 7 combined, and your response is not "holy fuck why do we spend so much" it is "those deadbeats should spend more".

My problem is that people like you call it "defense" spending when the vast majority of what we do with our military has little to do with defense.

Has it ever even once enterd that little sheep mind of yours that perhaps the issue is not the rest of the world, but our own spending?

Do these NATO countries spend money on their troops stationed in countries as the USA does as a member of NATO to defend these countries as best illustrated as
to their % of GDP being spent on defense.

By the way are you such a Trump hater you put that first rather than the USA interest? I mean what is SO wrong with Trump raising issues like this?
You and others like you malign Trump for larger military expenditures and when he asks NATO to share a bigger load... you attack Trump? That makes no sense!

You are barking up the wrong tree here, I am the guy that for as long as I have been on this forum have advocated pulling our troops, at least half if not more, out of Europe and stationing them on our southern border to actually defend this country for a change.

We do not under spend on our military, it is not underfunded, it is misused.
Unfortunately, Trump is probably not the guy for the job, but reevaluating just what we are trying to do with defense spending is overdue. Bannon was his strategist, but Bannon is more or less a white supremacist bomb thrower, so people like the Mercers and Mellon Scafides have no use for him either. Still, Trump even at age 73 saw the question

On the left ... yeah Pelosi and Shumer .... that's the ticket. Bernie Sanders is the intellectual giant and motivator of new thinking!:08621:\

Putin is unique in that he's the only threat still viewing the world as did Stalin in creating an economic empire contained by military and not by consent of people.

But do we need the Ford Class to keep open trade with China? Trump's policy towards Iran is NOT to trade with them. Meanwhile Germany and China are working a deal to trade and stay outside US banking sanctions. If THAT doesn't give you a sphinter check, you're brain dead.

Merkel is doing a gas deal with Putin to tie their economies together. Not totally diferent than we did with the Saudis ... and Carter and Reagan were both in on it.
Many European members -- including big economies like France and Germany -- spend less than the amount called for by NATO guidelines.

The U.S. shells out far more money on defense than any other nation on the planet.

According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year.
That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.
Which NATO members are falling short on military spending?
The AGREEMENT of 27 NATO members is that they would spend 2% or more on their OWN defense .

What is your problem?

My problem is that for far too many people like you they see that we spend more money on defense than any other nation on the planet, more than the next 7 combined, and your response is not "holy fuck why do we spend so much" it is "those deadbeats should spend more".

My problem is that people like you call it "defense" spending when the vast majority of what we do with our military has little to do with defense.

Has it ever even once enterd that little sheep mind of yours that perhaps the issue is not the rest of the world, but our own spending?

Do these NATO countries spend money on their troops stationed in countries as the USA does as a member of NATO to defend these countries as best illustrated as
to their % of GDP being spent on defense.

By the way are you such a Trump hater you put that first rather than the USA interest? I mean what is SO wrong with Trump raising issues like this?
You and others like you malign Trump for larger military expenditures and when he asks NATO to share a bigger load... you attack Trump? That makes no sense!

You are barking up the wrong tree here, I am the guy that for as long as I have been on this forum have advocated pulling our troops, at least half if not more, out of Europe and stationing them on our southern border to actually defend this country for a change.

We do not under spend on our military, it is not underfunded, it is misused.
Unfortunately, Trump is probably not the guy for the job, but reevaluating just what we are trying to do with defense spending is overdue. Bannon was his strategist, but Bannon is more or less a white supremacist bomb thrower, so people like the Mercers and Mellon Scafides have no use for him either. Still, Trump even at age 73 saw the question

On the left ... yeah Pelosi and Shumer .... that's the ticket. Bernie Sanders is the intellectual giant and motivator of new thinking!:08621:\

Putin is unique in that he's the only threat still viewing the world as did Stalin in creating an economic empire contained by military and not by consent of people.

But do we need the Ford Class to keep open trade with China? Trump's policy towards Iran is NOT to trade with them. Meanwhile Germany and China are working a deal to trade and stay outside US banking sanctions. If THAT doesn't give you a sphinter check, you're brain dead.

Merkel is doing a gas deal with Putin to tie their economies together. Not totally diferent than we did with the Saudis ... and Carter and Reagan were both in on it.

Economies that are tied together are much less likely to go to war with each other, something neither Trump nor his sheep understand
Not just liberal Democrats, this is why the establishment is on Trump's tail. He's doing the right things and that interfere's with their pocket books.

Best POTUS since Reagan. He'd be even better if he weren't such a dick.

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