Why They Hate Trump

“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.

Bullshit ^^^

The "Elite Ruling Class" defines the swamp creatures in Trump's cabinet.
Says the Pelosi Big Government cheerleader.

Give Trump a break. Let him pass his laws so you know what's in them........

Please tell the reader what is in the Tax Bill he recently signed.
“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.

There's a social realignment that's happening before our eyes...this has LefTards paranoid and pissing their pants daily...the piece of shits almost had their no boundaries, anything goes, free for all set in stone forever. The whackos can try to make his presidency about other shit but that's it in a nutshell.
Trump has brought prideful real American's who lost faith in government back together...real American's are becoming likeminded again, America is becoming American again. This has whackos, illegals, pole puffers, bottom feeders and feminazis livid. If I was all fucked up in the head and twisted I’d be pissing myself as well.
“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.

There's a social realignment that's happening before our eyes...this has LefTards paranoid and pissing their pants daily...the piece of shits almost had their no boundaries, anything goes, free for all set in stone forever. The whackos can try to make his presidency about other shit but that's it in a nutshell.
Trump has brought prideful real American's who lost faith in government back together...real American's are becoming likeminded again, America is becoming American again. This has whackos, illegals, pole puffers, bottom feeders and feminazis livid. If I was all fucked up in the head and twisted I’d be pissing myself as well.
Most delusional post of the day.
“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.

There's a social realignment that's happening before our eyes...this has LefTards paranoid and pissing their pants daily...the piece of shits almost had their no boundaries, anything goes, free for all set in stone forever. The whackos can try to make his presidency about other shit but that's it in a nutshell.
Trump has brought prideful real American's who lost faith in government back together...real American's are becoming likeminded again, America is becoming American again. This has whackos, illegals, pole puffers, bottom feeders and feminazis livid. If I was all fucked up in the head and twisted I’d be pissing myself as well.
Most delusional post of the day.

“Your post is spot-on, it hurts my feelings...I’m going to pretend you’re delusional so I can stay fucked up in the head without reconsidering my position on issues.”
“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.

There's a social realignment that's happening before our eyes...this has LefTards paranoid and pissing their pants daily...the piece of shits almost had their no boundaries, anything goes, free for all set in stone forever. The whackos can try to make his presidency about other shit but that's it in a nutshell.
Trump has brought prideful real American's who lost faith in government back together...real American's are becoming likeminded again, America is becoming American again. This has whackos, illegals, pole puffers, bottom feeders and feminazis livid. If I was all fucked up in the head and twisted I’d be pissing myself as well.
Most delusional post of the day.

“Your post is spot-on, it hurts my feelings...I’m going to pretend you’re delusional so I can stay fucked up in the head without reconsidering my position on issues.”
No dunce, the realignment that is visible at this time, meaning supported by empirical data, is the results of the latest special elections indicating surges of Democratic support in normally Red regions and districts.
You make a list of why you like trump, that would be some thing to discuss, unless you read minds you cant know why others don't like him.
The left expected that George W. Bush was the last republican president we would ever have. They expected that the landslide election of Hillary Clinton would completely sweep all oppositions to democratic rule away. Trump snatched that right out from under them. Trump could be anyone, the demonrats were ready to do the same thing to Mitt Romney, they tried with John McCain. This is a war. So far, this war has been fought in the political process. So far, but that's getting ready to change.
“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.
Because Trump is a liar, fraud, business cheat, woman abuser, accused child rapist, adulterer, uninformed but thinks he knows more than everyone else, is a poor judge of people, can't manage shit, wastes money on trips to Florida, colluded with the Russians, handed classified information to people without the proper clearance, starting a war with NK, Making our air & water more polluted, Insults our allies, fucking up trade, Running up the debt, Ignoring Global Warming, and his followers are complete dumbasses.
“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.
It seems the Democrats hate him more and anyone else in the party: Read more.
A Homestead, Fla., man is under arrest after threatening to kill U.S. GOP Rep. Carlos Curbelo on Twitter, even as the Left-wing Democratic base is blaming POTUS Donald Trump for violence in America.

As reported by WFOR-TV, the suspect’s name is Pierre Alexandro Verges-Castro. He’s been accused of tweeting, “I will kill Carlos Curbelo.”

Roll Call added that Curbelo’s office discovered the threat early last week and turned the matter over to the Capitol Police for investigation.

That led them to post additional security to his Washington, D.C. and Florida offices as a precaution while beefing up security at public events Curbelo attended
“Mr. Trump may have aggravated some of the current nastiness, but his chief offense has been breaking ranks with the bipartisan coalition that produced the only period of absolute and relative decline in American history.”

Every single person who hates Trump also supports huge government spending, open borders, low interest in crime fighting, hates much of the US Constitution, loves mega corporations, and understands and sympathizes with what bathroom confusion means.

The Elite Ruling Class running this nation into the ground must be purged, and the only one we see doing anything about it is Trump.
It seems the Democrats hate him more and anyone else in the party: Read more.
A Homestead, Fla., man is under arrest after threatening to kill U.S. GOP Rep. Carlos Curbelo on Twitter, even as the Left-wing Democratic base is blaming POTUS Donald Trump for violence in America.

As reported by WFOR-TV, the suspect’s name is Pierre Alexandro Verges-Castro. He’s been accused of tweeting, “I will kill Carlos Curbelo.”

Roll Call added that Curbelo’s office discovered the threat early last week and turned the matter over to the Capitol Police for investigation.

That led them to post additional security to his Washington, D.C. and Florida offices as a precaution while beefing up security at public events Curbelo attended

You do realize that a President doing it is different than some regular person? Or are you really this fucking srtupid
Over the past month, I think the category "people who hate Trump" has seen a significant increase in population. No wall. Amnesty. Exploding deficit, with NO ATTEMPT WHATSOEVER to slow it down.

Why the fuck did we vote for this guy?
Except his popularity has dramatically risen the past few months.

No it hasn't. Still stuck around 40% as he always has been.
Who gives a crap? Leadership is not a popularity contest.
That's what wrong with you leftards. You are too busy putting people in charge who will hand out free ice cream instead of being leaders.

A few minutes a go you said his popularity has “dramatically risen”…and when it is pointed out that you were lying…the response is “who gives a crap”.

I think you’re an example that answers your own query about why they hate the blob. You, nor he, can tell the truth.
I hate Trump because he's a liar, and not fit to run a McDonald's, nevermind the country.
yes, couldnt run a small fast food joint. Lets ignore he is a multi billionaire real estate mogul. :rolleyes:

You think it's him? Or his team? Look at how he operates now. He was born to wealth and surrounded himself with yes men all his life. No one with critical thinking skills is fooled or impressed with his "resume".
He was born to wealth and increased it 10 fold.
Look, you can be hacked out if you want, IDC.
There are SO many things to trash that clown for. Why be stupid about it?

10 fold? That is a stretch. He was given a company worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money.

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The multiple bankruptcies and the dozens of failed business ventures are there as well.
I have always had distate for Trump and have always found him to be dishonest, humorless, amoral, ignorant, incurious, unethical, and narcissistic. I never fell under the delusion that becoming president would change any of this.I can agree or disagree with policies he suggests (and i do both), but that doesn't change any of the above. He's a poor president, and a poor example in general for anyone.

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