Why the West supports Ukrainian Holocaust Deniers and SS Nazis?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The entirely Ukrainian 'parliament' is a bunch of hard-core SS-Nazis and Holocaust deniers, the most popular persons for them are Hitler, Merkel, Bendera, Soros and all well-known Holocaust deniers and history revisionists. Why the West says nothing against this bunch of resurrected hitlers?In Europe for example Holocaust deniers go to prison, in Ukraine receive money from EU and USA. It's something wrong here.

Good guys for the West, must be supported by tax money of western tax payers


Very very bad folks for the West, all must be killed!


The Mother of Genocide on Russians in Ukraine


This politician demands openly Murder of 1.5m Donbas population in Central Ukrainian TV. No Reaction from Western 'Human Rights' 'Activists'.Only more money for Ukrainian 'democracy'

Putin: Now they [official Kiev] have erected a monument to Petlyura. He was a man with Nazi views, an anti-Semite who killed Jews during the war. Except for the Zionist Jewish Congress, everyone else is silent. This is not being done by the Ukrainian people; this is being done at the prompting of the relevant ruling authorities. But why are you keeping silent? Until it is understood that this problem cannot be resolved without influencing the other side, nothing will happen.

I believe that it is becoming obvious and most importantly, it is becoming obvious to the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens. We like Ukraine and I really regard the Ukrainian people as a brotherly nation if not just one nation, part of the Russian nation.

Sooner or later, it will happen – reunification, not on an interstate level but in terms of restoring our relations. The sooner, the better, we will do our utmost towards this end.

Meeting with participants of 19th World Festival of Youth and Students
Putin: Now they [official Kiev] have erected a monument to Petlyura. He was a man with Nazi views, an anti-Semite who killed Jews during the war. Except for the Zionist Jewish Congress, everyone else is silent. This is not being done by the Ukrainian people; this is being done at the prompting of the relevant ruling authorities. But why are you keeping silent? Until it is understood that this problem cannot be resolved without influencing the other side, nothing will happen.

I believe that it is becoming obvious and most importantly, it is becoming obvious to the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens. We like Ukraine and I really regard the Ukrainian people as a brotherly nation if not just one nation, part of the Russian nation.

Sooner or later, it will happen – reunification, not on an interstate level but in terms of restoring our relations. The sooner, the better, we will do our utmost towards this end.

Meeting with participants of 19th World Festival of Youth and Students

Just imagine outrage of western politicians if in Germany would siting resurrected Hitler and Members of NSDAP now.But in case of Ukraine and resurrected Banderas in Parliament no problem
BTW, the concept “Ukrainian opposition” doesn't exist any more.

After the coup official Kiev has been getting rid of its opposition by all means: the people who didn't accept an external control of Ukraine from Washington have been killed, imprisoned, over 100 burnt alive in Odessa (May 2, 2014), squeezed from Ukraine abroad or just constantly shelled with Grads, Tochka-U, phosphor bombs, etc in Donbass.

The ones who are still alive (their names and home addresses) keep being exposed on Ukrainian site “Mirotvorets” making it comfortable for Nazis to find them and to kill ( a lot of people from that site have already been killed and not only journalists).
journalists have faced threats and violence since Myrotvorets began publishing the details of those it believes to be supporting separatism in Ukraine

Myrotvorets has long been raising concerns and criticism of Ukrainian human rights activists. Launched in the spring of 2014, it publishes the personal data of people its writers see as supporting separatism in Ukraine.

In particular, it had published the personal data of former Ukrainian lawmaker Oleh Kalashnikov and journalist Oles Buzyna. Both were murdered near their apartments shortly after the release of their information.

Journalists, whose personal data was published, have already received threats. Ukrainian freelance journalist Roman Stepanovych has published a threat he received via e-mail.

Ukraine: Website leaks personal information of more than 4,000 journalists

Can you imagine if something like that was happening with Western darling opposition in Russia???? Western “Human rights” activists have been hypocritically silent about Ukraine though.
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Stalin starved their brains
Blaming modern Russia for Stalin is same stupid as blaming modern Germany for Hitler.

Almost 50% Americans do not know who Stalin was.It is a deliberately dumbing down this former great country.

"blaming Russia for Stalin"???? What does that mean?
Stalin was Russian. He was a very important Russian
leader. Cromwell was British. Would "blaming modern
England for Cromwell" be a 'thing' ? --------".......blaming
china for Mao......."???
Can you imagine if something like that was happening with Western darling opposition in Russia???? Western “Human rights” activists have been hypocritically silent about Ukraine.

The entirely Russian 'opposition' is working against Russians and for NWO,Soros, Deep State. Everyone knows it.Sure the West will cry out and protect its beloved navalnys with their aunt Zilas.
Stalin starved their brains
Blaming modern Russia for Stalin is same stupid as blaming modern Germany for Hitler.

Almost 50% Americans do not know who Stalin was.It is a deliberately dumbing down this former great country.

"blaming Russia for Stalin"???? What does that mean?
Stalin was Russian. He was a very important Russian
leader. Cromwell was British. Would "blaming modern
England for Cromwell" be a 'thing' ? --------".......blaming
china for Mao......."???
Oh, please, stop showing your ignorance.

Stalin was Georgian, his real name was Dzhugashvili and Stalin was his nick.
Stalin starved their brains
Blaming modern Russia for Stalin is same stupid as blaming modern Germany for Hitler.

Almost 50% Americans do not know who Stalin was.It is a deliberately dumbing down this former great country.

"blaming Russia for Stalin"???? What does that mean?
Stalin was Russian. He was a very important Russian
leader. Cromwell was British. Would "blaming modern
England for Cromwell" be a 'thing' ? --------".......blaming
china for Mao......."???

Stalin was a Caucasian, not Russian. Putin is the First Russian run the country after Tsar Nikolai II
Stalin starved their brains
Blaming modern Russia for Stalin is same stupid as blaming modern Germany for Hitler.

Almost 50% Americans do not know who Stalin was.It is a deliberately dumbing down this former great country.

How sad... And same with NK.

How Many Americans Know Where North Korea Is?

80% had no idea where NK was.

My neighbors believe NK is in Africa.
Stalin starved their brains
Blaming modern Russia for Stalin is same stupid as blaming modern Germany for Hitler.

Almost 50% Americans do not know who Stalin was.It is a deliberately dumbing down this former great country.

"blaming Russia for Stalin"???? What does that mean?
Stalin was Russian. He was a very important Russian
leader. Cromwell was British. Would "blaming modern
England for Cromwell" be a 'thing' ? --------".......blaming
china for Mao......."???
Oh, please, stop showing your ignorence.

Stalin was Georgian, his real name was Dzhugashvili and Stalin was his nick.

OH excuse me-------when I was ten years old we had a
habit of calling the whole USSR----"Russia"
A couple of days ago:
Question: Media reports say unknown individuals have poured cement on the Eternal Flame memorial in the Park of Glory in Kiev. What can you say about this?

Sergey Lavrov: This is an outrageous act of sacrilege that is at odds with all European values and principles underlying the UN. Unfortunately, such things that involve defacing Great Patriotic War monuments are not rare in Ukraine. This shows the inability of the Kiev regime to clamp down on ultra-radicals and neo-Nazis, who feel very much at ease in today’s Ukraine. These radicals also organised a bloodbath, a massacre in Odessa and a number of other cities. We have seen no results of the investigation conducted by the Ukrainian authorities that is supposedly being overseen by the respected European organisation.

When they proudly declare from Brussels that a European choice should be open to the Ukrainians, they should first of all consider just how ready the present Ukrainian regime is to embrace European standards and values. For starters, they should demand respect for the norms of civilised behaviour and a crackdown on the neo-Nazi scum who are committing atrocities as well as trying to call the shots together with imposing their will on the country. Perhaps nobody would be surprised to learn that special responsibility for the way the Kiev authorities are carrying on rests with the United States that is essentially directing the Kiev authorities in a manual control mode.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during a joint press conference after talks with Mauritania’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Isselkou Ould Ahmed Izid Bih, Moscow, November 7, 2017 ода

At least official Kiev can't blame that on Russia, as they always do with other numerous crimes committed in Ukraine.
A couple of days ago:
Question: Media reports say unknown individuals have poured cement on the Eternal Flame memorial in the Park of Glory in Kiev. What can you say about this?

At least official Kiev can't blame that on Russia, as they always do with other numerous crimes committed in Ukraine.

After Russian and Ukrainian folks became reunited currently Kiev's Nazi Gang shall be sued as Nurnberg 2.0 somewhere in Vorkuta.
A couple of days ago:
Question: Media reports say unknown individuals have poured cement on the Eternal Flame memorial in the Park of Glory in Kiev. What can you say about this?

At least official Kiev can't blame that on Russia, as they always do with other numerous crimes committed in Ukraine.

After Russian and Ukrainian folks became reunited currently Kiev's Nazi Gang shall be sued as Nurnberg 2.0 somewhere in Vorkuta.
They have committed numerous crimes against humanity. Vorkuta or somewhere else, but the world should get to know about their crimes and the crimes of their puppeteers from Washington.
A couple of days ago:
Question: Media reports say unknown individuals have poured cement on the Eternal Flame memorial in the Park of Glory in Kiev. What can you say about this?

At least official Kiev can't blame that on Russia, as they always do with other numerous crimes committed in Ukraine.

After Russian and Ukrainian folks became reunited currently Kiev's Nazi Gang shall be sued as Nurnberg 2.0 somewhere in Vorkuta.
They have committed numerous crimes against humanity. Vorkuta or somewhere else, but the world should get to know about their crimes and the crimes of their puppeteers from Washington.

But what the world can do against USA and its boss Israel?Absolutely nothing.After January 1st, 2018 Rothschilds gonna purchase 40% of all Ukrainian black soil for 0,001 % of its true price.They all are happy they can steal Ukrainian property therefore they support dumb Bandera Nazis.And the world can only watch it because any criticizing of it would be 'racism', 'antisemitism' and 'pogrom'.
Putin: Now they [official Kiev] have erected a monument to Petlyura. He was a man with Nazi views, an anti-Semite who killed Jews during the war. Except for the Zionist Jewish Congress, everyone else is silent. This is not being done by the Ukrainian people; this is being done at the prompting of the relevant ruling authorities. But why are you keeping silent? Until it is understood that this problem cannot be resolved without influencing the other side, nothing will happen.

I believe that it is becoming obvious and most importantly, it is becoming obvious to the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens. We like Ukraine and I really regard the Ukrainian people as a brotherly nation if not just one nation, part of the Russian nation.

Sooner or later, it will happen – reunification, not on an interstate level but in terms of restoring our relations. The sooner, the better, we will do our utmost towards this end.

Meeting with participants of 19th World Festival of Youth and Students
It is a good example how Russian propaganda machine works. Misinformation calling Petliura a man with Nazi views is aimed on ignorant and lazy people who don’t bother to read something about real history – these people are main audience of Russian propaganda. In reality Petliura lived in the times when the Nazism not only didn’t fully form yet, but he was a man who supported the views which is close to social-democratic ones. In the times of co-called Ukrainian revolution in the Russian Empire he followed moderate views and sometimes was criticized by other representatives of Ukrainian national movement as those one who had pro-Russian views.

Also, according to his contemporaries he didn’t have anti-semite views and there aren’t direct evidences that he was a supporter of the pogroms. But at the same time he (virtually as a head of the state) did virtually nothing to stop or prevent them, but this is not because of his views but because of utter weakness of then authorities. This period of Ukrainian history is sometimes called ‘atamanshchina’, because the leaders of military units (atamans) wasn’t really controlled and sometimes did what they want. But then again, this doesn’t take responsibility from him for what happened to the Jews.

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