Why the USA GDP grows FASTER under a Democrat President...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The supertanker is humanity’s largest conveyance; some nearly a quarter of a mile long.
It can take a supertanker 15 minutes, and more than a mile, to change course.

The bigger something gets, the harder it is to change course.

So given the penchant for Democrats to write MORE Laws, restrict economic growth is it NO wonder that the following Presidents had outstanding GDP growth AFTER a GOP administration REVERSED the prior Democrat restrictive economic policies???

How much harder and longer does it take to reverse the economic BRAKES that Democrats apply and WHICH administration BENEFITS from looser, less restrictive tax policies, less government rules regulations? DEMOCRATS!

But which party ENCOURAGES GDP growth by eliminating (OBAMACARE???) economic impediments??? GOP!

"central feature of the U.S. economy is the economic freedom afforded to the
private sector by allowing the private sector to make the majority of economic decisions in determining the direction and scale of what the U.S. economy produces.
This is enhanced by relatively low levels of regulation and government involvement, as well as a court system that generally protects property rights and enforces contracts. Today, the United States is home to 29.6 million small businesses, 30% of the world's millionaires, 40% of the world's billionaires, as well as 139 of the world's 500 largest companies
Economy of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The below chart compares average annual increase in GDP* for each president (highest growth to lowest growth).

Democrat Kennedy/Johnson 5.2% (After Eisenhower didn't get in the way!)
Clinton 3.7% After H Bush/Reagan planted the economic growth seeds!
Carter 3.4% After Nixon/Ford reduced rules, regulations!
Reagan 3.3% coming off the restrictive Carter "Misery Index" Inflation 18%
Nixon/Ford 2.7% after Johnson's Great Society ADDED PAYROLL tax increases!
Eisenhower 2.3% Truman's takeover of steel industry
GHW Bush 1.9% (No New TAXES... remember?)
Truman 1.8%
GW Bush 1.7% $8 trillion - $300 billion a year in lost tax revenue due to:
dot.com bust..
anyone remember 9/11, no flights for 3 days..Wall st. closed 10 days!
worst hurricane SEASONS!!! in History!! Katrina??

Economy In Perspective - GDP
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A couple of things.

First, that brief 30 year post WW2 era was an anomoly not likely to ever again be repeated. It was the perfect storm of opportunity made possible by the confluence of unique circumstances - that the rest of the industrial world lay in bombed out ruin not being the least of them.

Secondly, the way we now measure GDP is heavily dependent on government spending. Government spending is now over 40% of GDP, so GDP is now (sadly) largely driven by deficit spending:

A couple of things.

First, that brief 30 year post WW2 era was an anomoly not likely to ever again be repeated. It was the perfect storm of opportunity made possible by the confluence of unique circumstances - that the rest of the industrial world lay in bombed out ruin not being the least of them.

Secondly, the way we now measure GDP is heavily dependent on government spending. Government spending is now over 40% of GDP, so GDP is now (sadly) largely driven by deficit spending:


I note that the two spikes coincide with two world wars...interesting.
Again.. YOU don't change a supertanker's course immediately !
Much less a $15 trillion GDP!
So ALL of the Democrat policies, restrictive laws, etc. take time to be implemented and more time to take affect! Conversely reducing, cutting, eliminating restrictive economic barriers isn't done overnight!
So each GOP president has to whack out wasted Govt. interventions and guess who benefits??
So I take it that Everyone on this board agrees?

That because Democrats run the US economy into the ground, that when a GOP president takes office it takes at least 3 years to turn the ship of state from the course towards the rocks of destruction Democrats have charted, the Dems take over again!
And the idiocy starts over..!
IKE played a lot of golf let the country grow!

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