CDZ Why the Sudden Fear of Blonde Blued Eyed Designer Babies?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Our medical tech is advancing rapidly and one of the things I have heard used to put the breaks on rolling this stuff out that could save literally millions of lives is how that tech can be abused. Even conservative doctors that are frequent guests on talk shows say that they support government regulation to prevent Designer babies.


From where does this fear that every parent will pick out perfect blonde haired Blue Eyed babies come from?

Whatever look that they want their kids to have is their choice, it seems to me, what is the harm of it?

Meanwhile we could have ZERO children born with defects or genetically prone to diseases.

Having more blond blue eyed kids running around seems like such a small price to pay, but I dont see what is wrong with that anyway.

Could someone explain this fear to me?
Maybe it's just ingrained into our psyche by movies like Village of the Damned, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that a bunch of blond blue eyed kids running around would freak me the fuck out. :dunno:
Maybe it's just ingrained into our psyche by movies like Village of the Damned, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that a bunch of blond blue eyed kids running around would freak me the fuck out. :dunno:

What freaks me out is that anyone would want to pick all that out. I'd be satisfied knowing the kids would be healthy.
Maybe it's just ingrained into our psyche by movies like Village of the Damned, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that a bunch of blond blue eyed kids running around would freak me the fuck out. :dunno:

I would be petrified if a bunch of these kids were running around!


It mean my condom broke!
Maybe it's just ingrained into our psyche by movies like Village of the Damned, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that a bunch of blond blue eyed kids running around would freak me the fuck out. :dunno:


So now my family gatherings are some sort horror movie in your mind?



...Though there is the occasional strawberry blonde to add variety.
Maybe it's just ingrained into our psyche by movies like Village of the Damned, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that a bunch of blond blue eyed kids running around would freak me the fuck out. :dunno:
So it is a conditioned reflex?
Maybe it's just ingrained into our psyche by movies like Village of the Damned, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that a bunch of blond blue eyed kids running around would freak me the fuck out. :dunno:

What freaks me out is that anyone would want to pick all that out. I'd be satisfied knowing the kids would be healthy.
Yeah, I would settle for just healthy genes and let the kid have their own personality via random selection on appearance genes, but why the hysteria?

If parents want their kids to look exactly like they want, why not?
Yeah, I would settle for just healthy genes and let the kid have their own personality via random selection on appearance genes, but why the hysteria?

If parents want their kids to look exactly like they want, why not?

I don't think we need a law against it, it's just fuckin wierd.
Yeah, I would settle for just healthy genes and let the kid have their own personality via random selection on appearance genes, but why the hysteria?

If parents want their kids to look exactly like they want, why not?

I don't think we need a law against it, it's just fuckin wierd.

Yeah well everyone wants the government to regulate genetic engineering, which I do as well.

But not to prevent Designer Babies.
It would depend on whether the intended modifications were benevolent or hostile. In other words are we doing it to ensure certain genetic defects are eliminated or are we doing it in some attempt to create what some would consider a superior being...
Not sure why.

They will be able to engineer living people to be perfect physically as well.

Why not? If you want any color of eyes, you will be able to have them, if you can pay for the procedure.

If you want to be taller, stronger, etc, or younger in physical age, you will have that available as well.

If we're talking about such things like eye color, baldness, height, etc,... or even eliminating debilitating genetic defects/diseases such as Parkinson, Huntington, inheritable diabetes, etc,... I find no objection to such... modifications.

On the other hand when we are talking of creating an enhanced human by making them stronger, increased agility, increased endurance, increased brain capacity, etc,... and it being done by a organization or government entity I question the motives. Especially if they are making those enhancements available only to a select group of individuals.


Not sure what color the eyes would be but you could lace in some eagle, owl and shark DNA. Excellent sight, night sight and underwater vision.
Our medical tech is advancing rapidly and one of the things I have heard used to put the breaks on rolling this stuff out that could save literally millions of lives is how that tech can be abused. Even conservative doctors that are frequent guests on talk shows say that they support government regulation to prevent Designer babies.


From where does this fear that every parent will pick out perfect blonde haired Blue Eyed babies come from?

Whatever look that they want their kids to have is their choice, it seems to me, what is the harm of it?

Meanwhile we could have ZERO children born with defects or genetically prone to diseases.

Having more blond blue eyed kids running around seems like such a small price to pay, but I dont see what is wrong with that anyway.

Could someone explain this fear to me?
by manipulating the genes, we are not allowing Nature to run it's course by choosing what makes us stronger and better... the manipulation weakens the human race in the long run....

(to the point where in a thousand years from now, we'll all end up looking like the Grays....the us... of the future, and have to time travel back to abduct humans to harvest their sperm and eggs from those who had no manipulation done so the us, of the future can try to get themselves back to normal again)

:D :p
The Earth is 25,000 miles in circumference. There's no way the increase the surface area of our planet.

Rather, we could miniaturise the human species over the course of a few generations.
by manipulating the genes, we are not allowing Nature to run it's course by choosing what makes us stronger and better... the manipulation weakens the human race in the long run....

(to the point where in a thousand years from now, we'll all end up looking like the Grays....the us... of the future, and have to time travel back to abduct humans to harvest their sperm and eggs from those who had no manipulation done so the us, of the future can try to get themselves back to normal again)

:D :p
While I appreciate your input, I totally disagree, and here is why.

Our ecologists today do not count domesticated and genetically engineered species as part of a species in question. They instead consider it a whole new species. For instance salmon grown on fish farms is plentiful and indistinguishable from normal natural salmon, but they do grow faster and are hardier. We can grow as many as are needed, but ecologists refuse to count them among the number of salmon alive and so when the discussion of salmon population arises, salmon is constantly on the downward trend despite their being huge numbers of salmon. The long and short of it all is that the good news about genetic engineering is seldom repeated to people. We come away with this Frankenstein mythology that defies actual facts.

Genetically Modified Salmon: Changing The Future

Now lets look at human populations improving or not by genetic engineering vrs natural selection. We can improve humanity to the point that we become virtually immortal, and the opponents make similar arguments that the Earth has too many humans already and we need to die off, we could be introducing new mutations without knowing it, Nature does it better, etc. None of which applies directly to the specific individual who chooses to undergo the procedure or not, and if the government tries to quell it, they make things worse by losing all oversight and control as people go to the black market to get the procedures instead.

I would have the procedure done. I would do everything I can to compel my wife to have it done also. I do not want to live without her and I can be selfish that way, believe me.

So we have the following factoids to consider;
1) it is not an option really for the government to try to suppress this medical tech, and they cant really even if they wanted to. So they should control and monitor it instead

2) It is an improvement on us and totally voluntary. To be able to choose such things is a hallmark of having a free society.

3) The genetic "damage" is purely speculative and completely short on any real facts since it has not yet become a realistic option for anyone.

This thing is going to happen Care4all; I am just trying to understand the negative reactions to it.

I think I would like being an omniscient immortal. :D
by manipulating the genes, we are not allowing Nature to run it's course by choosing what makes us stronger and better... the manipulation weakens the human race in the long run....

(to the point where in a thousand years from now, we'll all end up looking like the Grays....the us... of the future, and have to time travel back to abduct humans to harvest their sperm and eggs from those who had no manipulation done so the us, of the future can try to get themselves back to normal again)

:D :p
While I appreciate your input, I totally disagree, and here is why.

Our ecologists today do not count domesticated and genetically engineered species as part of a species in question. They instead consider it a whole new species. For instance salmon grown on fish farms is plentiful and indistinguishable from normal natural salmon, but they do grow faster and are hardier. We can grow as many as are needed, but ecologists refuse to count them among the number of salmon alive and so when the discussion of salmon population arises, salmon is constantly on the downward trend despite their being huge numbers of salmon. The long and short of it all is that the good news about genetic engineering is seldom repeated to people. We come away with this Frankenstein mythology that defies actual facts.

Genetically Modified Salmon: Changing The Future

Now lets look at human populations improving or not by genetic engineering vrs natural selection. We can improve humanity to the point that we become virtually immortal, and the opponents make similar arguments that the Earth has too many humans already and we need to die off, we could be introducing new mutations without knowing it, Nature does it better, etc. None of which applies directly to the specific individual who chooses to undergo the procedure or not, and if the government tries to quell it, they make things worse by losing all oversight and control as people go to the black market to get the procedures instead.

I would have the procedure done. I would do everything I can to compel my wife to have it done also. I do not want to live without her and I can be selfish that way, believe me.

So we have the following factoids to consider;
1) it is not an option really for the government to try to suppress this medical tech, and they cant really even if they wanted to. So they should control and monitor it instead

2) It is an improvement on us and totally voluntary. To be able to choose such things is a hallmark of having a free society.

3) The genetic "damage" is purely speculative and completely short on any real facts since it has not yet become a realistic option for anyone.

This thing is going to happen Care4all; I am just trying to understand the negative reactions to it.

I think I would like being an omniscient immortal. :D
God doesn't want us to become gods Jim...he didn't even want us to have knowledge....I have no idea why and can't even imagine why...but I guess we will find out some day! :p
by manipulating the genes, we are not allowing Nature to run it's course by choosing what makes us stronger and better... the manipulation weakens the human race in the long run....

(to the point where in a thousand years from now, we'll all end up looking like the Grays....the us... of the future, and have to time travel back to abduct humans to harvest their sperm and eggs from those who had no manipulation done so the us, of the future can try to get themselves back to normal again)

:D :p
While I appreciate your input, I totally disagree, and here is why.

Our ecologists today do not count domesticated and genetically engineered species as part of a species in question. They instead consider it a whole new species. For instance salmon grown on fish farms is plentiful and indistinguishable from normal natural salmon, but they do grow faster and are hardier. We can grow as many as are needed, but ecologists refuse to count them among the number of salmon alive and so when the discussion of salmon population arises, salmon is constantly on the downward trend despite their being huge numbers of salmon. The long and short of it all is that the good news about genetic engineering is seldom repeated to people. We come away with this Frankenstein mythology that defies actual facts.

Genetically Modified Salmon: Changing The Future

Now lets look at human populations improving or not by genetic engineering vrs natural selection. We can improve humanity to the point that we become virtually immortal, and the opponents make similar arguments that the Earth has too many humans already and we need to die off, we could be introducing new mutations without knowing it, Nature does it better, etc. None of which applies directly to the specific individual who chooses to undergo the procedure or not, and if the government tries to quell it, they make things worse by losing all oversight and control as people go to the black market to get the procedures instead.

I would have the procedure done. I would do everything I can to compel my wife to have it done also. I do not want to live without her and I can be selfish that way, believe me.

So we have the following factoids to consider;
1) it is not an option really for the government to try to suppress this medical tech, and they cant really even if they wanted to. So they should control and monitor it instead

2) It is an improvement on us and totally voluntary. To be able to choose such things is a hallmark of having a free society.

3) The genetic "damage" is purely speculative and completely short on any real facts since it has not yet become a realistic option for anyone.

This thing is going to happen Care4all; I am just trying to understand the negative reactions to it.

I think I would like being an omniscient immortal. :D

Whether it's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the Greek story of Prometheus giving humans the secret of fire, the tree of knowledge, etc., we should not dismiss the cautionary lessons of mythology.

But what you're talking about seems inevitable. I can imagine a day when you'll be considered an abusive parent if you don't insert the approved and patented gene strain produced by corporation X.

Either some calamity sets us back to the pre-industrial age, or genetically modified humans will become the norm. This trajectory will eventually lead to a new species of humanoid, a bio machine which is superior to humans in many ways but lacking in many noble human qualities.

Homo sapiens will go the way of the Neanderthal

In the meta view, the universal view, there's no right or wrong in human replacement. I just happen to like humans. I'm biased
Our medical tech is advancing rapidly and one of the things I have heard used to put the breaks on rolling this stuff out that could save literally millions of lives is how that tech can be abused. Even conservative doctors that are frequent guests on talk shows say that they support government regulation to prevent Designer babies.


From where does this fear that every parent will pick out perfect blonde haired Blue Eyed babies come from?

Whatever look that they want their kids to have is their choice, it seems to me, what is the harm of it?

Meanwhile we could have ZERO children born with defects or genetically prone to diseases.

Having more blond blue eyed kids running around seems like such a small price to pay, but I dont see what is wrong with that anyway.

Could someone explain this fear to me?
by manipulating the genes, we are not allowing Nature to run it's course by choosing what makes us stronger and better... the manipulation weakens the human race in the long run....

(to the point where in a thousand years from now, we'll all end up looking like the Grays....the us... of the future, and have to time travel back to abduct humans to harvest their sperm and eggs from those who had no manipulation done so the us, of the future can try to get themselves back to normal again)

:D :p
Modern medicine, sanitation, housing, and other conforms of our modern society have already circumvented nature to the extent that natural selection is not making the human race stronger. The harshness of nature is not eliminating our weak as it did just a couple of hundred years ago. People with genetic defects and weaknesses are surviving and reproducing in the present that would have never survived and reproduced in the past.

Genetic engineering may very be the solution to our end run around natural selection. Care4all may be correct that Genetic manipulation will make us weaker, but that promise seems to be based on fiction not science. If advances in the human genome through natural selection make us stronger, why would advances through purposeful genetic engineering make us weaker?

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