Why the Olmecs did not stay in Ancient America. Blacks came to America before Columbus

Liar! !!!! Phoenix is land-locked
No no. It really is.

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Black Africans didn't go anywhere. They were not an ocean going people, had no explorations and never invented the sail. They were certainly not olmecs who also was not an ocean going people, had no explorations and also never invented the sail
There is a vast difference between the East Africans, who took part in the Indian Ocean trade network since about Roman times, and West Africans such as the Senegalese, whom the OP insists made it to central Mexico a thousand years earlier. Also, neither of these groups include the Arabs, who invented the kamal but who didn't show up until about 800 years later, or the Polynesians, who were on the other side of the planet.

The Olmec stone heads were built about 900 BC. West Africans at that time were farmers; they built stone tombs and carved art into cliffs and were just starting to embrace iron-working. They were still 600-ish years out from building the Senegalese standing stones.

The OP is asserting that that those landlocked farmers with no discernible seagoing tradition, somehow developed ocean-worthy transportation and navigation and used it all to cross to Mexico (ignoring all of the islands and other lands in between), then interacted with the natives strongly enough to define their most distinctive form of art, only to return directly to their African homelands, successfully. They did all of this without bringing any Olmec influence back to Africa, without introducing the devastating Old World diseases that would eventually kill off about 90% of the Americas, and without leaving any evidence of their vessels or tech.

You need a lot more evidence.
I looked for west African seacraft but couldn't find any. I Somali in east Africa had this in the pic and seem to have traveled a good distance on the sea.
They did all of this without bringing any Olmec influence back to Africa, without introducing the devastating Old World diseases that would eventually kill off about 90% of the Americas, and without leaving any evidence of their vessels or tech.

And did it without any sexual relations either way, so there would also be no DNA appearing out of place in one location or another.
I looked for west African seacraft but couldn't find any. I Somali in east Africa had this in the pic and seem to have traveled a good distance on the sea.

Good luck sailing in that thing all the way around the Cape of Good Hope. Of course, even if they did dare to travel out across the South Atlantic they would have appeared in modern Argentina.
The Olmecs visited America, Mexico, and south America. These Olmecs were black people. Their appearance was similar to a tribe of Africans that inhabit modern day Senegal.
What are "African appearances" and how have these "appearances" been preserved so that we can judge? The moai statues of Easter Island are grey. Does it mean the people were grey?
Forget what you were taught and take an honest look at the carvings, those are African faces.
So ... you've never seen any Polynesians, huh?

1). Africans never wore any such headgear.
2). Indian/Polynesians have straight hair. Kinky hair of Africans is a profound difference that would have been remarked and yet there are no "carvings" depicting it.
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Why the Olmecs did not stay in Ancient America. Blacks came to America before Columbus​

Your thoughts.
My thoughts? I am convinced it were African mariners who sailed to the Americas with enslaved European powder monkeys, some of whom "jumped ship" just as mutineers did some time later on Pitcairn but Columbus couldn't admit that the "New World" was already inhabited by white people so he suppressed the account in his captain's log. :biggrin:
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There are still many native tribes around in Mexico, Central and South America, and none of them look 'black', they look more like Polynesians and slightly Asian in some cases. But they still look different enough from both of those to be separate, even between each other there are variances that make one tribe distinguishable from another. If they were 'African' the DNA would tell us that was the case, and it doesn't.

As for myself, looking at new as well as old finds, I think its obvious the 'common origin' myth is going to be proven false in the next few decades. The differences are too pronounced and the time periods far too short to allow for such changes. DNA is useful for a lot of things but as a timeline methodology it sucks.
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