CDZ Why the Hysteria about Donald Trump?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The liberal reaction to Donald Trump's election seems to be way out of proportion to the event itself. Can anyone explain, specifically, what is so feared from his presidency?
For generations liberals have been inflating their self image by pretending that their enemies were villains of epic scope.

TO the point that they convinced themselves that this time, their enemy was ACTUALLY a HITLER.

Thus, his victory led to panic and rage.
Global elites tied their wagon to Obama and stoopid American progressives. Now they are scared, thus hysteria........this is the Cliff Notes version. Nontheless, true.
The liberal reaction to Donald Trump's election seems to be way out of proportion to the event itself. Can anyone explain, specifically, what is so feared from his presidency?

They see that Trump has assembled possibly the single most qualified Cabinet any President-elect has assembled in recent history all with the singular aim to promote the United States economy. Liberals see that Trump will succeed in creating one of the most robust economies in history by rolling back business killing and job killing federal regulations and by cutting the tax burden on American companies and corporations. What is scaring Liberals to death is that they are realizing that Donald Trump is well on a path toward creating a booming economy which will serve to reduce the Democratic Party to a Party of insignificance in future elections.
Pollution is the main thing and rich getting richer, and he is a charlatan.

When he gets impeached and he will if he does not obey Ryan, and Pence becomes President, remember no one voted for any of the Pubs that debated with him. So they do not want the Pubs, only crooked Trump and only because he said he'd bring jobs back, which he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back that were not already coming back. Know many were coming back as the Chinese raised their salaries, and the Pubs want lower wages. Welcome to slave labor time, the joke is going to be on you.
It has been "common knowledge" among Leftists for at least the last two years that HRC would be our next President. This "knowledge" has resulted in an arrogant attitude about the future, which was made near insufferable by the nomination of Mr. Trump, whom the Left has ALWAYS considered not only un-electable but farcical.

Trump himself has fed into this perception continually as he says or tweets whatever is on his mind at the moment, whether it is real or provable, or even possible. It just blurts out. He seems to be a fool.

To think that such a buffoon could defeat the Leftist Wimmin's Messiah in a free and fair election just doesn't compute in the Leftist brain. It is like watching a monkey recite poetry; you see it but your brain can't wrap itself around it. So they grasp at every available straw - maybe Trump cheated, maybe the Russians got him elected, maybe the Electors can be induced to vote for HRC or somebody else (this last strategy is bizarre, since the result would be Trump being elected anyway).

Unfortunately, the hysteria will not end when Trump is sworn in - as he surely will be. We'll be hearing this sort of thing for 8 years. It will be exactly like "Bush lied, people died!" Totally untrue - provably untrue - but that won't make any difference. He will be cast as an illegitimate President, and will be fought at every step for the next eight years.

I hope.
The more interesting question is will Trump manage to do half as much damage to the Ds as they are doing to themselves.
The liberal reaction to Donald Trump's election seems to be way out of proportion to the event itself. Can anyone explain, specifically, what is so feared from his presidency?
What Republicans and conservatives said about him during the GOP primaries, and during the general election.

What was said about how pathetically unqualified and unprepared the loser is. It was said on a debate stage, by Republicans, in front of a nationwide audience.Never saw anything like that before

Is that clear enough?
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Pollution is the main thing and rich getting richer, and he is a charlatan.

When he gets impeached and he will if he does not obey Ryan, and Pence becomes President, remember no one voted for any of the Pubs that debated with him. So they do not want the Pubs, only crooked Trump and only because he said he'd bring jobs back, which he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back that were not already coming back. Know many were coming back as the Chinese raised their salaries, and the Pubs want lower wages. Welcome to slave labor time, the joke is going to be on you.

Quick! Call a butt-hurt detected!
It has been "common knowledge" among Leftists for at least the last two years that HRC would be our next President. This "knowledge" has resulted in an arrogant attitude about the future, which was made near insufferable by the nomination of Mr. Trump, whom the Left has ALWAYS considered not only un-electable but farcical.

Trump himself has fed into this perception continually as he says or tweets whatever is on his mind at the moment, whether it is real or provable, or even possible. It just blurts out. He seems to be a fool.

To think that such a buffoon could defeat the Leftist Wimmin's Messiah in a free and fair election just doesn't compute in the Leftist brain. It is like watching a monkey recite poetry; you see it but your brain can't wrap itself around it. So they grasp at every available straw - maybe Trump cheated, maybe the Russians got him elected, maybe the Electors can be induced to vote for HRC or somebody else (this last strategy is bizarre, since the result would be Trump being elected anyway).

Unfortunately, the hysteria will not end when Trump is sworn in - as he surely will be. We'll be hearing this sort of thing for 8 years. It will be exactly like "Bush lied, people died!" Totally untrue - provably untrue - but that won't make any difference. He will be cast as an illegitimate President, and will be fought at every step for the next eight years.

I hope.

I'm hoping for secession on the left coast.
Pollution is the main thing and rich getting richer, and he is a charlatan.

When he gets impeached and he will if he does not obey Ryan, and Pence becomes President, remember no one voted for any of the Pubs that debated with him. So they do not want the Pubs, only crooked Trump and only because he said he'd bring jobs back, which he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back that were not already coming back. Know many were coming back as the Chinese raised their salaries, and the Pubs want lower wages. Welcome to slave labor time, the joke is going to be on you.

Quick! Call a butt-hurt detected!

You don't think Ryan has control over him, are you kidding me. The Pubs have control over him, no ifs , ands or buts. You seen what they did to the Clintons, they will do the same to him, if he does not tow the line.
Pollution is the main thing and rich getting richer, and he is a charlatan.

When he gets impeached and he will if he does not obey Ryan, and Pence becomes President, remember no one voted for any of the Pubs that debated with him. So they do not want the Pubs, only crooked Trump and only because he said he'd bring jobs back, which he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back that were not already coming back. Know many were coming back as the Chinese raised their salaries, and the Pubs want lower wages. Welcome to slave labor time, the joke is going to be on you.

Quick! Call a butt-hurt detected!

You don't think Ryan has control over him, are you kidding me. The Pubs have control over him, no ifs , ands or buts. You seen what they did to the Clintons, they will do the same to him, if he does not tow the line.

So, within the GOP, you think the RINO's are gonna get the upperhand over the Populists. Your magic 8-ball is broken.
The same people that have shit the bed during the last eight years over everything Obama has done now have the gull to whine about liberals acting hysterical. Partisan hacks, God love them. lol
Pollution is the main thing and rich getting richer, and he is a charlatan.

When he gets impeached and he will if he does not obey Ryan, and Pence becomes President, remember no one voted for any of the Pubs that debated with him. So they do not want the Pubs, only crooked Trump and only because he said he'd bring jobs back, which he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back that were not already coming back. Know many were coming back as the Chinese raised their salaries, and the Pubs want lower wages. Welcome to slave labor time, the joke is going to be on you.

Quick! Call a butt-hurt detected!

You don't think Ryan has control over him, are you kidding me. The Pubs have control over him, no ifs , ands or buts. You seen what they did to the Clintons, they will do the same to him, if he does not tow the line.

So, within the GOP, you think the RINO's are gonna get the upperhand over the Populists. Your magic 8-ball is broken.

Time will tell wont it. He had best get rid of his stuff, and sign it over, or he is a ticking time bomb. For his own good. They will use any excuse to get him out and Pence in, if he does not go along with them. NO one voted for the PUBS.
Think, either they were pretending before he was elected to not like him, or they are pretending now to like him.

You decide which it is, its not both. If it is both, then you really are in for a long 4 years with such dishonest men in control.:laugh2:
Pollution is the main thing and rich getting richer, and he is a charlatan.

When he gets impeached and he will if he does not obey Ryan, and Pence becomes President, remember no one voted for any of the Pubs that debated with him. So they do not want the Pubs, only crooked Trump and only because he said he'd bring jobs back, which he is not going to bring manufacturing jobs back that were not already coming back. Know many were coming back as the Chinese raised their salaries, and the Pubs want lower wages. Welcome to slave labor time, the joke is going to be on you.

Quick! Call a butt-hurt detected!

You don't think Ryan has control over him, are you kidding me. The Pubs have control over him, no ifs , ands or buts. You seen what they did to the Clintons, they will do the same to him, if he does not tow the line.

So, within the GOP, you think the RINO's are gonna get the upperhand over the Populists. Your magic 8-ball is broken.

Time will tell wont it. He had best get rid of his stuff, and sign it over, or he is a ticking time bomb. For his own good. They will use any excuse to get him out and Pence in, if he does not go along with them. NO one voted for the PUBS.

Trump has the best lawyers working on that. They're preceeding slowly and being meticulous, which is why he is putting off til' January what the firewall will be between him and his business. And, it will be legal.......:eusa_clap:.
The same people that have shit the bed during the last eight years over everything Obama has done now have the gull to whine about liberals acting hysterical. Partisan hacks, God love them. lol

The same people that have shit the bed and called us racists during the last eight years over everything we said about Obama now have the gull to complain insanely about Trump. Partisan hacks, God love them.
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