Why the hell we don't shoot down US planes?

I don't understand why the US is allies with Erdogan, he's no good.
And I wonder why US is allies with Saudis, you certainly can't call them good either especially after that ugly planned assassination. But.. billions of dollars contracts and controlling the oil prices must be making them look like angels.

Saudi Arabian Prosecutors Now Say Jamal Khashoggi's Killing Was Planned
We are PEGGED to the Petro dollar..........Saudi Arabia helps control the price of oil GLOBALLY............Also holds bonds...........China has already Depegged the dollar..............BRIC which includes Russia is also trying to change the currency basket.............Depegging the Dollar across the globe would frag us.........because of our debt. and lead to WWIII.
And stupid and counter productive sanctions may affect US dollar as well.

Aug 14:

Sergey Lavrov: Sanctions are illegal and undermine every principle of global trade and the principles upheld by UN resolutions, according to which unilateral measures of economic coercion are illegitimate.

I’m confident that such a gross abuse of the role of the US dollar as a world reserve currency will undermine that role. To be on the safe side, more and more countries, even the ones that are not affected by US sanctions, will gradually stop using the dollar and rely on more dependable partners with whom they can agree on using their currency.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following a meeting of Turkish ambassadors and permanent representatives at international organisations, Ankara, August 14, 2018
The FSA was helped by the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia................the goal of the past .......to take him out.........changed under Trump......

Obama was funneling money in there.........so was Turkey and the Saudi's.............Their goal was to take Assad out............now those fighting there under the old rules are ISOLATED and trapped in Idlib...................and nobody really knows what to do with them.......Can't go to Syria.......they want to kill them........can't go to Turkey ...........they don't want them............

So now we a 3 million people problem...............what to do with them now..............hell of a fine mess we have there
Nothing changed under Trump.
BS.............He no longer agreed with the path of taking out Assad as Obama did.
Nothing changed. We are still there, biding our time.
I remember Trump has announced pulling the troops out of Syria in spring. Immediately he was attacked by Soros puppets in Congress so badly that he had to forget about that decision which would have been great for USA, Russia, Syria and even EU with their refugees problems. Deep State keeps cutting Trump's freedom of good decisions quite a bit.
Trump is President, Stratford. If we are still in Syria it is because he wants us there.
They are still hitting ISIS targets there in a mop up operation...........and we are still assisting Kurds finishing them off...............Now Turkey wants to kill the Kurds..........so does Iran.............they have been killing them in their areas now.........so do we feed the Kurds to the wolves............let them die too........

Let the 3 million die.

It is not so dang easy as you propose it is............
I don't understand why the US is allies with Erdogan, he's no good.
And I wonder why US is allies with Saudis, you certainly can't call them good either especially after that ugly planned assassination. But.. billions of dollars contracts and controlling the oil prices must be making them look like angels.

Saudi Arabian Prosecutors Now Say Jamal Khashoggi's Killing Was Planned
We are PEGGED to the Petro dollar..........Saudi Arabia helps control the price of oil GLOBALLY............Also holds bonds...........China has already Depegged the dollar..............BRIC which includes Russia is also trying to change the currency basket.............Depegging the Dollar across the globe would frag us.........because of our debt. and lead to WWIII.
The only reason these countries want to drop the dollar is because the US uses it as a weapon.
They want to drop it because it has become TOXIC..........
Turkey warns Russia an attack on Idlib will turn it into ‘lake of blood’

Speaking hours after a three-way summit in Tehran at which the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pleaded with Russia and Iran to halt any forthcoming offensive, Erdoğan ramped up his rhetoric, insisting Ankara would not participate in “furthering the interests of Bashar al-Assad”.

Vladimir Putin had earlier rejected Erdoğan’s calls for a ceasefire in Idlib, the last opposition stronghold in Syria. The Russian president holds the key to the forthcoming operation – the most significant in a series of Russian and Iranian-led victories across the country.

“We will neither watch from the sidelines nor participate in such a game,” Erdoğan said in a message on Twitter. Turkish government spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Saturday: “Idlib is a ticking bomb. We can turn it off and start a new process in Syria if the international community gets serious about the Syrian war and shows that they do care about the Syrian people.” Meanwhile, Russian jets renewed their bombardment of southern Idlib, intensively attacking the city of al-Habit, killing four people. Russian jets also struck in the east of the province.
very old info...about a month ago

Do you know why so many talks about Idlib? Because many US and european instructors stay there together their fosterlings - terrorists.
USA never hesitated bombing Raqqa and Mossul though a lot of civilians remained there but Aleppo and Idlib is widely protected in your media. Never thought why?

Sergey Lavrov: We are facilitating the formation of humanitarian corridors and safe zones for civilians. Let me recall that we acted in the same way helping the Syrian army during the liberation of Eastern Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta. I do not want to make comparisons but to paint a complete picture let me recall that there were no local conciliations, and nobody even tried to establish safety or humanitarian corridors when the Air Force of the US coalition bombed Raqqa and Mosul. What happened and is still happening in Raqqa is a humanitarian catastrophe.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and replies to media questions during a joint news conference following talks with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, Berlin, September 14, 2018
Nothing changed under Trump.
BS.............He no longer agreed with the path of taking out Assad as Obama did.
Nothing changed. We are still there, biding our time.
I remember Trump has announced pulling the troops out of Syria in spring. Immediately he was attacked by Soros puppets in Congress so badly that he had to forget about that decision which would have been great for USA, Russia, Syria and even EU with their refugees problems. Deep State keeps cutting Trump's freedom of good decisions quite a bit.
Trump is President, Stratford. If we are still in Syria it is because he wants us there.
They are still hitting ISIS targets there in a mop up operation...........and we are still assisting Kurds finishing them off...............Now Turkey wants to kill the Kurds..........so does Iran.............they have been killing them in their areas now.........so do we feed the Kurds to the wolves............let them die too........

Let the 3 million die.

It is not so dang easy as you propose it is............
Stop pretending that the USG gives two shits about innocent lives.
I don't understand why the US is allies with Erdogan, he's no good.
And I wonder why US is allies with Saudis, you certainly can't call them good either especially after that ugly planned assassination. But.. billions of dollars contracts and controlling the oil prices must be making them look like angels.

Saudi Arabian Prosecutors Now Say Jamal Khashoggi's Killing Was Planned
We are PEGGED to the Petro dollar..........Saudi Arabia helps control the price of oil GLOBALLY............Also holds bonds...........China has already Depegged the dollar..............BRIC which includes Russia is also trying to change the currency basket.............Depegging the Dollar across the globe would frag us.........because of our debt. and lead to WWIII.
And stupid and counter productive sanctions may affect US dollar as well.

Aug 14:

Sergey Lavrov: Sanctions are illegal and undermine every principle of global trade and the principles upheld by UN resolutions, according to which unilateral measures of economic coercion are illegitimate.

I’m confident that such a gross abuse of the role of the US dollar as a world reserve currency will undermine that role. To be on the safe side, more and more countries, even the ones that are not affected by US sanctions, will gradually stop using the dollar and rely on more dependable partners with whom they can agree on using their currency.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following a meeting of Turkish ambassadors and permanent representatives at international organisations, Ankara, August 14, 2018
Sanctions in lue of War.................to those we still consider hostile to us.................

Or those the world says used chemical weapons.......yet the chemical weapons firing is not certain in my book.

In regards to DEPEGGING..............it is why I keep harping on threads lately on what will happen.......which very well could lead to WWIII........It would not be pretty for the world......

And it is not just Gov't debt that is the problem........it is WORLD DEBT at nearly 247 Trillion dollars........much of which is in U.S. currency...

Which is why the IMF always talks about a Global RESET.
BS.............He no longer agreed with the path of taking out Assad as Obama did.
Nothing changed. We are still there, biding our time.
I remember Trump has announced pulling the troops out of Syria in spring. Immediately he was attacked by Soros puppets in Congress so badly that he had to forget about that decision which would have been great for USA, Russia, Syria and even EU with their refugees problems. Deep State keeps cutting Trump's freedom of good decisions quite a bit.
Trump is President, Stratford. If we are still in Syria it is because he wants us there.
They are still hitting ISIS targets there in a mop up operation...........and we are still assisting Kurds finishing them off...............Now Turkey wants to kill the Kurds..........so does Iran.............they have been killing them in their areas now.........so do we feed the Kurds to the wolves............let them die too........

Let the 3 million die.

It is not so dang easy as you propose it is............
Stop pretending that the USG gives two shits about innocent lives.
Stop pretending that the back lash of 3 million lives getting ripped wouldn't matter............Again........Not that easy
I am angry as never before.
US plane was coordinating terrorists' drones attack against Russian base in Syria.
All the drones are shot down but American plane - not. Why, damn? Terrorists must be punished!!!
Kremlin Alarmed by Report That U.S. Led Drone Attack on Russian Base in Syria
But more detailed article is here: Kremlin alarmed by MoD report that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

I am absolutely sure that Americans are cowards. As soon as they get kicked they stop their aggression.

How did Afghanistan work out for you cupcake?

Can I get you another Stinger?
Nothing changed. We are still there, biding our time.
I remember Trump has announced pulling the troops out of Syria in spring. Immediately he was attacked by Soros puppets in Congress so badly that he had to forget about that decision which would have been great for USA, Russia, Syria and even EU with their refugees problems. Deep State keeps cutting Trump's freedom of good decisions quite a bit.
Trump is President, Stratford. If we are still in Syria it is because he wants us there.
They are still hitting ISIS targets there in a mop up operation...........and we are still assisting Kurds finishing them off...............Now Turkey wants to kill the Kurds..........so does Iran.............they have been killing them in their areas now.........so do we feed the Kurds to the wolves............let them die too........

Let the 3 million die.

It is not so dang easy as you propose it is............
Stop pretending that the USG gives two shits about innocent lives.
Stop pretending that the back lash of 3 million lives getting ripped wouldn't matter............Again........Not that easy
The Russia/Turkey agreement calls for a demilitarized zone. I trust the countries that have a legitimate reason to bring this thing to a satisfactory conclusion more than I trust the one country who is there illegitimately.
I don't understand why the US is allies with Erdogan, he's no good.
And I wonder why US is allies with Saudis, you certainly can't call them good either especially after that ugly planned assassination. But.. billions of dollars contracts and controlling the oil prices must be making them look like angels.

Saudi Arabian Prosecutors Now Say Jamal Khashoggi's Killing Was Planned
We are PEGGED to the Petro dollar..........Saudi Arabia helps control the price of oil GLOBALLY............Also holds bonds...........China has already Depegged the dollar..............BRIC which includes Russia is also trying to change the currency basket.............Depegging the Dollar across the globe would frag us.........because of our debt. and lead to WWIII.
And stupid and counter productive sanctions may affect US dollar as well.

Aug 14:

Sergey Lavrov: Sanctions are illegal and undermine every principle of global trade and the principles upheld by UN resolutions, according to which unilateral measures of economic coercion are illegitimate.

I’m confident that such a gross abuse of the role of the US dollar as a world reserve currency will undermine that role. To be on the safe side, more and more countries, even the ones that are not affected by US sanctions, will gradually stop using the dollar and rely on more dependable partners with whom they can agree on using their currency.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following a meeting of Turkish ambassadors and permanent representatives at international organisations, Ankara, August 14, 2018
Sanctions in lue of War.................to those we still consider hostile to us.................

Or those the world says used chemical weapons.......yet the chemical weapons firing is not certain in my book.

In regards to DEPEGGING..............it is why I keep harping on threads lately on what will happen.......which very well could lead to WWIII........It would not be pretty for the world......

And it is not just Gov't debt that is the problem........it is WORLD DEBT at nearly 247 Trillion dollars........much of which is in U.S. currency...

Which is why the IMF always talks about a Global RESET.
Don't you think you need to provide some solid evidence for using chemical weapons for sanctions? That White Helmets staged video CAN NOT be an evidence, the kids who participated in it are not only alive but even told the press how White Helmets grabbed them and started pouring water on them.

American journalist Pearson Sharp:

One America News reporter Pearson Sharp visited the war-torn town of Douma outside the capital of Damascus, looking for evidence of a chemical attack. However, residents there deny the claims of an attack, and say it was staged to help the rebels escape.

"When I asked [the doctors at the hospital] what they thought the chemical attack was, they told me --all of them told me-- that it was staged by the rebels who are occupying the town at the time. They said it was a fabrication and a hoax an when I asked them why, they told me it was because the rebels were desperate, and they needed a ploy to get the Syrian army off their backs so they could escape," Sharp reported.


OAN Reporter In Syria Finds No Evidence Of Chemical Weapon Attack In Douma=

This^ was told by a true American journalist, who wanted to know the truth and to deliver it to you, the people. The other Western "journalists" seem to tend to avoid the truth rather than to look for it. And it's a shame.
Last edited:
I remember Trump has announced pulling the troops out of Syria in spring. Immediately he was attacked by Soros puppets in Congress so badly that he had to forget about that decision which would have been great for USA, Russia, Syria and even EU with their refugees problems. Deep State keeps cutting Trump's freedom of good decisions quite a bit.
Trump is President, Stratford. If we are still in Syria it is because he wants us there.
They are still hitting ISIS targets there in a mop up operation...........and we are still assisting Kurds finishing them off...............Now Turkey wants to kill the Kurds..........so does Iran.............they have been killing them in their areas now.........so do we feed the Kurds to the wolves............let them die too........

Let the 3 million die.

It is not so dang easy as you propose it is............
Stop pretending that the USG gives two shits about innocent lives.
Stop pretending that the back lash of 3 million lives getting ripped wouldn't matter............Again........Not that easy
The Russia/Turkey agreement calls for a demilitarized zone. I trust the countries that have a legitimate reason to bring this thing to a satisfactory conclusion more than I trust the one country who is there illegitimately.
ISIS formed due to a civil war between Sunni versus Shia..............and those let go by Iraq from the prison camps........moved to Syria and began the caliphate.............

The region is on fire as the balance of power has shifted RELIGIOUSLY................to Islamic groups vying for power of the region.........which is why some wanted Assad gone........to balance the region for THEOLOGY..................turned into a blood bath.........It hasn't ended.....

If we leave doesn't mean it will end either...........and I want us gone...........but their is a serious problem there as I have stated.........what to do with all those remaining people...........

That is a serious problem..........no matter how anybody white washes it.
I don't understand why the US is allies with Erdogan, he's no good.
And I wonder why US is allies with Saudis, you certainly can't call them good either especially after that ugly planned assassination. But.. billions of dollars contracts and controlling the oil prices must be making them look like angels.

Saudi Arabian Prosecutors Now Say Jamal Khashoggi's Killing Was Planned
We are PEGGED to the Petro dollar..........Saudi Arabia helps control the price of oil GLOBALLY............Also holds bonds...........China has already Depegged the dollar..............BRIC which includes Russia is also trying to change the currency basket.............Depegging the Dollar across the globe would frag us.........because of our debt. and lead to WWIII.
And stupid and counter productive sanctions may affect US dollar as well.

Aug 14:

Sergey Lavrov: Sanctions are illegal and undermine every principle of global trade and the principles upheld by UN resolutions, according to which unilateral measures of economic coercion are illegitimate.

I’m confident that such a gross abuse of the role of the US dollar as a world reserve currency will undermine that role. To be on the safe side, more and more countries, even the ones that are not affected by US sanctions, will gradually stop using the dollar and rely on more dependable partners with whom they can agree on using their currency.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following a meeting of Turkish ambassadors and permanent representatives at international organisations, Ankara, August 14, 2018
Sanctions in lue of War.................to those we still consider hostile to us.................

Or those the world says used chemical weapons.......yet the chemical weapons firing is not certain in my book.

In regards to DEPEGGING..............it is why I keep harping on threads lately on what will happen.......which very well could lead to WWIII........It would not be pretty for the world......

And it is not just Gov't debt that is the problem........it is WORLD DEBT at nearly 247 Trillion dollars........much of which is in U.S. currency...

Which is why the IMF always talks about a Global RESET.
Don't you think you need to provide some solid evidence for using chemical weapons for sanctions? That White Helmets staged video CAN NOT be an evidence, the kids who participated in it are not only alive but even told the press how White Helmets grabbed them and started pouring water on them.

American journalist Pearson Sharp:

One America News reporter Pearson Sharp visited the war-torn town of Douma outside the capital of Damascus, looking for evidence of a chemical attack. However, residents there deny the claims of an attack, and say it was staged to help the rebels escape.

"When I asked [the doctors at the hospital] what they thought the chemical attack was, they told me --all of them told me-- that it was staged by the rebels who are occupying the town at the time. They said it was a fabrication and a hoax an when I asked them why, they told me it was because the rebels were desperate, and they needed a ploy to get the Syrian army off their backs so they could escape," Sharp reported.


OAN Reporter In Syria Finds No Evidence Of Chemical Weapon Attack In Douma=

I found some plausible and some not.............

I looked at as much information as I could back then...............but also understood that the policy under Obama wanted to take Assad out. Just as I understood Turkey did to.............

I don't think Trump wants to stay there......not at all........but he's in a political bind over the issues I discussed.
you're a real troll
all your childish far from real posts of garbage do not worth to be answered though I can say in short that those pictures are either too old, from the times pro-american Yeltsyn was ruling and ruining Russia or not from Russia at all...like dancing men...they are some arabic, as I can judge by how they look and what they have in the background.
That was my last answer to you as I am not psycologist to cure you

Let’s look at it this way Eugene.
You take on the US Military and we will be marching down Red Square and stealing your women within a month
Why are you so hard up to provoke a War with Russia.............still butt hurt over Hillary.........LOL
I don’t advocate a war with Russia

They have enough problems without us kicking their butts
you're a real troll
all your childish far from real posts of garbage do not worth to be answered though I can say in short that those pictures are either too old, from the times pro-american Yeltsyn was ruling and ruining Russia or not from Russia at all...like dancing men...they are some arabic, as I can judge by how they look and what they have in the background.
That was my last answer to you as I am not psycologist to cure you

Let’s look at it this way Eugene.
You take on the US Military and we will be marching down Red Square and stealing your women within a month
Why are you so hard up to provoke a War with Russia.............still butt hurt over Hillary.........LOL
I don’t advocate a war with Russia

They have enough problems without us kicking their butts
You are trolling them...........easy to see..........

Is there not enough death and destruction going on today for you........
I don't understand why the US is allies with Erdogan, he's no good.

I say let Russia and Syria kill ISIS and fuck the Turks that are there, too. They're ISIS too, fuck it.

Turkey has no business being in Syria.
I've never liked Erdogan........I've heard his speeches...........there's nothing to like.

We have no real interest strategically there.......We sure as hell don't need it or want Syria..........but killing off ISIS was a Strategic goal........but our past strategy was to take out Assad........which has changed..........Trump is honestly just trying to get us out.............but Idlib has us in a bind because so many people are trapped..........and leave's us with a real shitty situation........because a lot of them that are trapped were there to take out Assad............

So.......what to do with 3 million people that nobody wants anymore.........serious problem.
Don't be so naive!
USA never does anything basing on humanity or any other real values except for money.
They stay there to protect ISIS, created by them for certain purposes
you're a real troll
all your childish far from real posts of garbage do not worth to be answered though I can say in short that those pictures are either too old, from the times pro-american Yeltsyn was ruling and ruining Russia or not from Russia at all...like dancing men...they are some arabic, as I can judge by how they look and what they have in the background.
That was my last answer to you as I am not psycologist to cure you

Let’s look at it this way Eugene.
You take on the US Military and we will be marching down Red Square and stealing your women within a month
Why are you so hard up to provoke a War with Russia.............still butt hurt over Hillary.........LOL
I don’t advocate a war with Russia

They have enough problems without us kicking their butts
You are trolling them...........easy to see..........

Is there not enough death and destruction going on today for you........
Damn....you ARE the sharpest crayon
I don't understand why the US is allies with Erdogan, he's no good.

I say let Russia and Syria kill ISIS and fuck the Turks that are there, too. They're ISIS too, fuck it.

Turkey has no business being in Syria.
I've never liked Erdogan........I've heard his speeches...........there's nothing to like.

We have no real interest strategically there.......We sure as hell don't need it or want Syria..........but killing off ISIS was a Strategic goal........but our past strategy was to take out Assad........which has changed..........Trump is honestly just trying to get us out.............but Idlib has us in a bind because so many people are trapped..........and leave's us with a real shitty situation........because a lot of them that are trapped were there to take out Assad............

So.......what to do with 3 million people that nobody wants anymore.........serious problem.
Don't be so naive!
USA never does anything basing on humanity or any other real values except for money.
They stay there to protect ISIS, created by them for certain purposes
have you guys figured out how to make washing machines yet?...just asking...
Since you guys have figured out how to make washing machines, why won't you make them fly to the Space Station instead of asking Russia for a ride? Just asking...
in a few years maybe sooner you will be riding with us again....now can you guys make can openers yet?.....
I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile keep enjoying your washing machines.
at least we do laundry here....you guys still use wash boards?.....
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences
funny i got one.....can you back that up?....or is this just rusky talk?...
Ha! We have washing machines in every home while in USA you prefer go to laundry...you are afraid of washing machines in own residences

Your wife? Mom? Sister?

At least she is cleaning. Most Russians are lucky to see a shower once a week. They seem happy that way
one more fact put into your head by your propaganda...

Even in the 11th century Anna, a daughter of russian tsar Yaroslav who was a French queen surprised european elites with her knowledges and love to stay clean and washed while they prefered nt to wash at all believing it was harmfull and who used hairbrush for combing out lice.

11 th century is where Russian hygiene stands today
Have you discovered the wonders of toilet paper yet?
russian tp...

you're a real troll
all your childish far from real posts of garbage do not worth to be answered though I can say in short that those pictures are either too old, from the times pro-american Yeltsyn was ruling and ruining Russia or not from Russia at all...like dancing men...they are some arabic, as I can judge by how they look and what they have in the background.
That was my last answer to you as I am not psycologist to cure you
you started this thread genie.....that kinda makes you a troll yourself.....

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