Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?

Thanks all for trying, but no one really gave a good answer.

In my view all these hearings will accomplish is the demonization of a group of Americans that are as a majority not in any way connected to terrorists.

Bad things happen when groups are demonized and I am ashamed of our politicians for taking this route.

But I am sure if they were to hold Hearings on the Radical Conservatives in America. You would have a sudden change of heart eh.

The Truth is the truth. These hearings are about trying to understand the cause of the Radicalization of some Muslims in America.

I would think you guys would be behind trying to figure out what we are doing to cause this.
Keep telling yourself that.

The hearings were actually pretty amusing and seemed to be about answering the question: are Republicans being retarded for holding these hearings?

Maybe next time they'll worry about actual terrorism instead of trying to demonize Americans with a religion they consider spooky.
Hey muzzie lover,Go move to a islamic nation and watch them bury women up to thier
waists and stone them to death for being raped.Your a idiot as far as iam concerned.
As a whole, American Muslims are higher educated than a typical American


A site for ethnic advertising strategies..i.e., "Propaganda R Us".

That's great, Liewinger.

Why don't you go burn down a mosque Allie?

BOGUS Rightwinger,

Why don't you use all the money you have, borrow the rest, and help the Muslims build a mosque, you fucking Obamarrhoidal MuslimArseLicker ?
Does that mean that Muslim conservatives are not acceptable to American conservatives?

The BOGUS Rightwinger is playing a BOGUS game, as usual.

The term "Muslim" is misleading. There are Muslims that are clueless about the correct interpretation of "TRUE MUSLIM". The "TRUE MUSLIM" is aware of, and the follower of, the FIRST DICTUM concocted by the Historically Documented Piece of Shit: the THIEF, MASS MURDERER, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, MOHAMMED: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

What this political shyster, the BOGUS Rightwinger is doing, in effect, is positing the following equivalent question:

"Does that mean that (as one of many examples) NONCONVICTED MASS MURDERERS & RAPISTS who also happen to hold some conservatives beliefs are not acceptable to American conservatives ?

Obviously, the Muslim Slime, i.e., the "TRUE MUSLIMS" are the ENEMY WITHIN, and just because they feel that, lets say, for example, that Obami Salami is a MARXIST Whackjob who is destroying the ECONOMY of America, and therefore destroying their well-being as well, they, by holding certain Conservative concepts, are welcome as American Conservatives.......and, of course these arseholes are not welcome as American Conservatives.

BTW, I am NOT a Conservative.

I am a vociferous Anti-Liberal.

There is a difference.

So nice that you can speak for a billion people

BOGUS Rightwinger,

So nice that an arsehole like you is an Obamarrhoidal LibTURD and not one of us Anti-LibTURDS.
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

What is the real question you are asking, Ravi?

If you want to know the "goal," wouldn't it make sense to track down what Congressman King has SAID about his purpose? I mean, it's not like lots of lefties haven't followed the script and claimed that he's just being another Joe McCarthy.

So, you KNOW he's already addressed the dissenters.

For example:
Rep. Peter King defended his planned "Muslim radicalization" hearings Sunday, repeating on CNN his assertion that he is seeking to investigate a perceived rise in homegrown terrorism.

"When we were going after the Mafia, we looked at the Italian community; the Westies, the Irish community," he said. "In New York, [when] they go after the Russian mob, they go into the Russian community in Brighton Beach and Coney Island."
* * * *
King said it is "affiliates of al-Qaida" who have caused harm and threaten to cause more harm in the United States on a scale that far exceeds any other threats.

"There's been self-radicalization going on within the Muslim community, within a very small minority, but it's there and that's where the threat is coming from at this time," King said. "To be having investigations into every type of violence would be suggesting an equivalency that's not there."

When CNN anchor Candy Crowley asked King if the hearings would further spoil the nation's image in the Muslim world, King said the results will speak for themselves.

"Let people watch the hearing and decide," he said. "I think the hearing is going to be very productive; it's going to go forward and it's going to talk about something which is not being talked about publicly, which I think should be."
-- Newsday: King: Muslim hearings will be productive | The House Commitee [sic] on Homeland Security

Then there's this: Muslim Journalist: Congressman King’s Radical Islam Hearings A Good Idea

In short, it could be beneficial to Muslim Americans to have these hearings and to start spreading the word that it's good and proper to disassociate themselves from the radical Jihadist Muslims who would, on their own, smear the name of ALL Muslims.
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

I think that they are trying to help the country have a better understanding of muslim viewpoints and culture with the hearings in order to gain a better understanding of the religion of choice of the majority of modern day terrorists.

Most of the time, I do not have a full understanding of a subject matter until it is covered in a Congressional hearing.

The left panders to muslims. Muslims are one of their "protected" special interests. Unions, queers, teachers, blacks, muslims. It's all about votes. The libs couldn't care less about national security.
Yep,Liberals love to trash Christians .But they protect the evil muslim beasts
who want to destroy are freedoms and make the USA a islamic nation under sharia law.
F liberals! F islam!Iam A PROUD infidel who HATES islam!!!!!!!!!!!islam is a evil backward deathcult from hell!!!!!!!!

Yes, everyone's out to get you.
But I am sure if they were to hold Hearings on the Radical Conservatives in America. You would have a sudden change of heart eh.

The Truth is the truth. These hearings are about trying to understand the cause of the Radicalization of some Muslims in America.

I would think you guys would be behind trying to figure out what we are doing to cause this.
Keep telling yourself that.

The hearings were actually pretty amusing and seemed to be about answering the question: are Republicans being retarded for holding these hearings?

Maybe next time they'll worry about actual terrorism instead of trying to demonize Americans with a religion they consider spooky.
Hey muzzie lover,Go move to a islamic nation and watch them bury women up to thier
waists and stone them to death for being raped.Your a idiot as far as iam concerned.

So, these hearings are about what other governments in the Middle East do to their women?
The BOGUS Rightwinger is playing a BOGUS game, as usual.

The term "Muslim" is misleading. There are Muslims that are clueless about the correct interpretation of "TRUE MUSLIM". The "TRUE MUSLIM" is aware of, and the follower of, the FIRST DICTUM concocted by the Historically Documented Piece of Shit: the THIEF, MASS MURDERER, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, MOHAMMED: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

What this political shyster, the BOGUS Rightwinger is doing, in effect, is positing the following equivalent question:

"Does that mean that (as one of many examples) NONCONVICTED MASS MURDERERS & RAPISTS who also happen to hold some conservatives beliefs are not acceptable to American conservatives ?

Obviously, the Muslim Slime, i.e., the "TRUE MUSLIMS" are the ENEMY WITHIN, and just because they feel that, lets say, for example, that Obami Salami is a MARXIST Whackjob who is destroying the ECONOMY of America, and therefore destroying their well-being as well, they, by holding certain Conservative concepts, are welcome as American Conservatives.......and, of course these arseholes are not welcome as American Conservatives.

BTW, I am NOT a Conservative.

I am a vociferous Anti-Liberal.

There is a difference.

So nice that you can speak for a billion people
Well the religious debate is fun, people honestly think simply banning Islam or ending that religion will make terrorism go away but who can forget the acts of domestic terrorism, and politically motivated terrorism* that had nothing to do with religion? :lol:

*I think the South Park episode with Dawkins put it best, simply removing religion won't make terrorism, war and violence go away, merely redirect to other arguments and ideological standpoints.


What's wrong with getting rid of one evil at a time, you fool ????

Let's say you had two or more illnesses, wouldn't it be smart to get rid of one, as starters ?

What's wrong with getting rid of one evil at a time, you fool ????

Let's say you had two or more illnesses, wouldn't it be smart to get rid of one, as starters ?

Gout...I'm willing to bet that you would personally execute 5 muslims from the community, if you were promised 100% immunity from all prosecution.

What's wrong with getting rid of one evil at a time, you fool ????

Let's say you had two or more illnesses, wouldn't it be smart to get rid of one, as starters ?

Gout...I'm willing to bet that you would personally execute 5 muslims from the community, if you were promised 100% immunity from all prosecution.

I would not take that bet. And then he'd go after 5 gays...if there was a guarantee of immunity from the law....and there was a guarantee that the muslims and gays wouldn't be able to fight back.

What's wrong with getting rid of one evil at a time, you fool ????

Let's say you had two or more illnesses, wouldn't it be smart to get rid of one, as starters ?

Gout...I'm willing to bet that you would personally execute 5 muslims from the community, if you were promised 100% immunity from all prosecution.

DoxyPoxy.....Obviously, you are a whackjob and proudly advertise yourself as such.

As to the execution of Muslims....that depends on if they were jihadists or not.

What's wrong with getting rid of one evil at a time, you fool ????

Let's say you had two or more illnesses, wouldn't it be smart to get rid of one, as starters ?

Gout...I'm willing to bet that you would personally execute 5 muslims from the community, if you were promised 100% immunity from all prosecution.

I would not take that bet. And then he'd go after 5 gays...if there was a guarantee of immunity from the law....and there was a guarantee that the muslims and gays wouldn't be able to fight back.

He's just one of those guys who is so angry at people unlike himself and loathes the fact that they are part of his cherished nation, that he would kill if allowed.

What's wrong with getting rid of one evil at a time, you fool ????

Let's say you had two or more illnesses, wouldn't it be smart to get rid of one, as starters ?

Gout...I'm willing to bet that you would personally execute 5 muslims from the community, if you were promised 100% immunity from all prosecution.

DoxyPoxy.....Obviously, you are a whackjob and proudly advertise yourself as such.

As to the execution of Muslims....that depends on if they were jihadists or not.

I thought that they all were evil.
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

What do you think was the first critical issue democrats tackled when they gained the majority in the House and the senate midway into Bush's 2nd term, cowgirl? Fannie Mae was about to go under. Was it the economy? Nope. Iraq or Afghanistan? Nope. Democrats held hearings about steroid use in Baseball and turned it into a circus. How many Maj. Hasan shootings do we need before someone wonders if mosques are centers for jihad radicalism? Let's air it out.
Last edited:
Thanks all for trying, but no one really gave a good answer.

In my view all these hearings will accomplish is the demonization of a group of Americans that are as a majority not in any way connected to terrorists.

Bad things happen when groups are demonized and I am ashamed of our politicians for taking this route.

But I am sure if they were to hold Hearings on the Radical Conservatives in America. You would have a sudden change of heart eh.

The Truth is the truth. These hearings are about trying to understand the cause of the Radicalization of some Muslims in America.

I would think you guys would be behind trying to figure out what we are doing to cause this.
Keep telling yourself that.

The hearings were actually pretty amusing and seemed to be about answering the question: are Republicans being retarded for holding these hearings?

Maybe next time they'll worry about actual terrorism instead of trying to demonize Americans with a religion they consider spooky.

Seems like all you did was Cherry pick what the Dems on the Commission said, and ignored what the Hearings were really about. I suppose you missed the Muslim American who was talking about the importance of holding the hearings.

It's ok Ravi we all know you have selective hearing, and little respect for the truth. As long as you can Smear some republicans your happy.
But I am sure if they were to hold Hearings on the Radical Conservatives in America. You would have a sudden change of heart eh.

The Truth is the truth. These hearings are about trying to understand the cause of the Radicalization of some Muslims in America.

I would think you guys would be behind trying to figure out what we are doing to cause this.
Keep telling yourself that.

The hearings were actually pretty amusing and seemed to be about answering the question: are Republicans being retarded for holding these hearings?

Maybe next time they'll worry about actual terrorism instead of trying to demonize Americans with a religion they consider spooky.

These hearings are about terrorism, not demonizing muslim Americans. You're confused, either deliberately or through misinformation.

In Ravi's case I am pretty sure it is Deliberate. I know deep down she knows the hearings not only make sense, but they may in fact be the first time we have actually tried to understand what is causing the Radicalization. She just can not pass up a chance to smear republicans by twisting facts.
But I am sure if they were to hold Hearings on the Radical Conservatives in America. You would have a sudden change of heart eh.

The Truth is the truth. These hearings are about trying to understand the cause of the Radicalization of some Muslims in America.

I would think you guys would be behind trying to figure out what we are doing to cause this.
Keep telling yourself that.

The hearings were actually pretty amusing and seemed to be about answering the question: are Republicans being retarded for holding these hearings?

Maybe next time they'll worry about actual terrorism instead of trying to demonize Americans with a religion they consider spooky.
Hey muzzie lover,Go move to a islamic nation and watch them bury women up to thier
waists and stone them to death for being raped.Your a idiot as far as iam concerned.

If your trying to help with that BS, you are not. You are playing right into her hands. Muzzie lover really?

Read the transcripts of the Meetings Ravi. If you get past the rhetoric from the left, you will see that all they are doing is trying to understand what the root cause of the Radicalization of some Muslim Americans is.

Not that I actually expect you to do it.
Leave it to Republicans to have Hearings about their Fear for a non-Christian Religion.

Yet another Lefty liar who has no idea what the Hearings are actually about, and is just seeking to repeat the marching orders from Media Matters, Move on, and the Daily KOS.

Good job.

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