Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?

Leave it to Republicans to have Hearings about their Fear for a non-Christian Religion.

Yet another Lefty liar who has no idea what the Hearings are actually about, and is just seeking to repeat the marching orders from Media Matters, Move on, and the Daily KOS.

Good job.

What's even MORE FUN is: Leave it to Republicans to have Hearings about their Fear for a non-Christian Religion chaired by an IRA terrorist organization apologist.
have we ever had hearings to understand the root cause of the many radical right wing hate groups that exist in the U.S., and what if anything has been accomplished.
Gout...I'm willing to bet that you would personally execute 5 muslims from the community, if you were promised 100% immunity from all prosecution.

DoxyPoxy.....Obviously, you are a whackjob and proudly advertise yourself as such.

As to the execution of Muslims....that depends on if they were jihadists or not.

I thought that they all were evil.


Just as there were an insignificant number of "good" Nazis who would not under any circumstances be like the "TRUE NAZIS" there are an insignificant number of "good" Muslims. And, I clearly spelled that out.

An established fact: you are a certified Obamarrhoidal MuslimArseLicking Whackjob.....and, now, you have proven that you also don't know how to read with understanding.

Clearly, you are a pathetic piece of shit.

My guess is that you are a fucking Lezbo like B.O....Duh...C'ya.

You certainly look like a Lezbo or a Trannie.
have we ever had hearings to understand the root cause of the many radical right wing hate groups that exist in the U.S., and what if anything has been accomplished.


Washington, DC, July 11, 1995...The threat of the fanatical anti-Federal Government militias was the focus of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) expert testimony today at a public hearing on the connection between the militia movement and racist hate groups. Thomas Halpern, Acting Director of the ADL Fact Finding Department, told the hearing, "America Under the Gun: The Militia Movement and Hate Groups in America," that since the Oklahoma City bombing, membership in the anti-democratic, paranoid militias has grown nationwide.

Today's hearing was convened by U.S. Rep. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) after he, Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin and others -- including ADL -- met with resistance to their requests for Congressional hearings on the militia movement, in view of the already scheduled extensive House investigation on supposed Government abuses during the 1993 events at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. Concerned about the increasing harassment and violence by the militias, Schumer, the Ranking Democrat on the House Crime Subcommittee, provided a forum for specialists, victims of militia intimidation and others to testify unofficially.

Halpern testified how some militia strategists have advised groups "to organize into small units designed to be less susceptible to detection, monitoring and infiltration by law enforcement." Known as "leaderless resistance," this approach is a concept promoted by the former leader of the Texas Ku Klux Klan and other far right figures.

ADL has issued two reports on the militias: Armed and Dangerous: Militias Take Aim at the Federal Government, published in October 1994 -- months before the Oklahoma City bombing -- and Beyond the Bombing: The Militia Menace Grows, released last month. Halpern said the "first report on militias noted that a number of militia figures have histories of bigotry. The current survey confirms that some militia propaganda continues to exhibit an anti-Semitic strain that could well become more pervasive among militia groups as a result of the movement's obsessive conspiracy-mongering."

Stating the chief responsibility for keeping on top of the militia threat plainly rests with the law enforcement arm of the government, Halpern said. ADL urges states that do not have anti-paramilitary training statutes to seriously consider implementing them. In the 1980's, ADL drafted a model anti-paramilitary training statute in response to a proliferation of paramilitary training camps then being operated by the KKK and other racist groups in clandestine training centers in several states. The ADL model statute provides for criminal penalties.

Editor's Note: Copies of the reports are available on-line on Nexis, code search USNWR, and from the ADL Public Relations Department.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
REPRESENTATIVE PETER KING, CHAIRMAN HOUSE HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE (R-NEW YORK): I’m now going to ask the witnesses to come forward. Let me just say also, I would hope, now that this hearing is over, that the media in particular would look back and reflect upon the mindless hysteria that occurred over the last two or three weeks, and not in the future rely so much on what opponents, such as CAIR and others, who do not want these type hearings, say. Again I think the hysteria and the madness leading up to this hearing did nobody much good and certainly didn’t reflect well on those who were reporting it.

Indeed it didn't. Here's a small sampling of that hysteria:

* Carl Bernstein, Cenk Uygur Team Up to Thrash Muslim-American Hearings as 'Un-American,' 'Coliseum-like Atmosphere'
* On Faith' Reprints Testimony of Sheriff Critical of Muslim Radicalization Hearings, But Not of Muslim Man Who Supports Them
* Andrea Mitchell's Revelation to GOP Congressman: 'You and I Are Both White'
* CNN to Rep. Peter King: Are You Obsessed With Muslim Radicalization?
* Networks Frame Congressional Hearings on Radical Islam as 'Witch Hunt,' All Cite CAIR Spokesman
* Another New York Times Attack on an Opponent of Radical Islam, Brigitte Gabriel
* Ezra Klein Balks at Rep. King's Islamic Radicalism Hearings; 'We've Had School Shootings From Young Christians'
* CNN's 'Highly Regarded Expert on Extremism': Radical Right a Bigger Terror Threat Than Jihadis
* CNN Hypes Muslims' 'Islamophobia' Worries Over Rep. King's Hearings

Read more: Rep. King Bashes Media's 'Mindless Hysteria' Over Islamic Radicalization Hearings | NewsBusters.org

Is the media hysteria ignorance or something more sinister?
Following the hearing, King called it "extremely productive and worthwhile."

"I am more convinced than ever that it was the appropriate hearing to hold," the congressman said, adding he hoped critics realized the "mindless hysteria" that preceded it "did nobody much good."

King said he would hold another hearing in a few months that would likely focus on the radicalization of Muslims within the US prison system.

Read more: Rep. Peter King terror hearing starts amid heightened security - NYPOST.com

Wow. How will they be able to spin this?
REPRESENTATIVE PETER KING, CHAIRMAN HOUSE HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE (R-NEW YORK): I’m now going to ask the witnesses to come forward. Let me just say also, I would hope, now that this hearing is over, that the media in particular would look back and reflect upon the mindless hysteria that occurred over the last two or three weeks, and not in the future rely so much on what opponents, such as CAIR and others, who do not want these type hearings, say. Again I think the hysteria and the madness leading up to this hearing did nobody much good and certainly didn’t reflect well on those who were reporting it.

Indeed it didn't. Here's a small sampling of that hysteria:

* Carl Bernstein, Cenk Uygur Team Up to Thrash Muslim-American Hearings as 'Un-American,' 'Coliseum-like Atmosphere'
* On Faith' Reprints Testimony of Sheriff Critical of Muslim Radicalization Hearings, But Not of Muslim Man Who Supports Them
* Andrea Mitchell's Revelation to GOP Congressman: 'You and I Are Both White'
* CNN to Rep. Peter King: Are You Obsessed With Muslim Radicalization?
* Networks Frame Congressional Hearings on Radical Islam as 'Witch Hunt,' All Cite CAIR Spokesman
* Another New York Times Attack on an Opponent of Radical Islam, Brigitte Gabriel
* Ezra Klein Balks at Rep. King's Islamic Radicalism Hearings; 'We've Had School Shootings From Young Christians'
* CNN's 'Highly Regarded Expert on Extremism': Radical Right a Bigger Terror Threat Than Jihadis
* CNN Hypes Muslims' 'Islamophobia' Worries Over Rep. King's Hearings

Read more: Rep. King Bashes Media's 'Mindless Hysteria' Over Islamic Radicalization Hearings | NewsBusters.org

Is the media hysteria ignorance or something more sinister?
So funny that YOU would say that.
Following the hearing, King called it "extremely productive and worthwhile."

"I am more convinced than ever that it was the appropriate hearing to hold," the congressman said, adding he hoped critics realized the "mindless hysteria" that preceded it "did nobody much good."

King said he would hold another hearing in a few months that would likely focus on the radicalization of Muslims within the US prison system.

Read more: Rep. Peter King terror hearing starts amid heightened security - NYPOST.com

Wow. How will they be able to spin this?
I don't know, how will you spin it?
I am not a journalist Luissa, but I can see how you might confuse message board opinions with the MSM. You're not alone.

Mitch Silber, a top New York Police Department intelligence analyst, said inmates converting to Islam are so common that he and his colleagues call it "Prislam." Though many drop the faith once they are out, for some "the conversion sticks" and can fuel anger toward the United States, said Silber, co-author of the 2007 NYPD report "Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat."

Just as young people can be radicalized by "cut-and-paste" readings of the Quran on the Internet, new inmates may get a distorted view of Islam from gang leaders or other influential inmates, according to "Out of the Shadows: Getting Ahead of Prison Radicalization," a 2006 report by the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute and the University of Virginia Critical Incident Analysis Group.

Plot renews fears of radical prison Islam - U.S. news - Faith - msnbc.com
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REPRESENTATIVE PETER KING, CHAIRMAN HOUSE HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE (R-NEW YORK): I’m now going to ask the witnesses to come forward. Let me just say also, I would hope, now that this hearing is over, that the media in particular would look back and reflect upon the mindless hysteria that occurred over the last two or three weeks, and not in the future rely so much on what opponents, such as CAIR and others, who do not want these type hearings, say. Again I think the hysteria and the madness leading up to this hearing did nobody much good and certainly didn’t reflect well on those who were reporting it.

Indeed it didn't. Here's a small sampling of that hysteria:

* Carl Bernstein, Cenk Uygur Team Up to Thrash Muslim-American Hearings as 'Un-American,' 'Coliseum-like Atmosphere'
* On Faith' Reprints Testimony of Sheriff Critical of Muslim Radicalization Hearings, But Not of Muslim Man Who Supports Them
* Andrea Mitchell's Revelation to GOP Congressman: 'You and I Are Both White'
* CNN to Rep. Peter King: Are You Obsessed With Muslim Radicalization?
* Networks Frame Congressional Hearings on Radical Islam as 'Witch Hunt,' All Cite CAIR Spokesman
* Another New York Times Attack on an Opponent of Radical Islam, Brigitte Gabriel
* Ezra Klein Balks at Rep. King's Islamic Radicalism Hearings; 'We've Had School Shootings From Young Christians'
* CNN's 'Highly Regarded Expert on Extremism': Radical Right a Bigger Terror Threat Than Jihadis
* CNN Hypes Muslims' 'Islamophobia' Worries Over Rep. King's Hearings

Read more: Rep. King Bashes Media's 'Mindless Hysteria' Over Islamic Radicalization Hearings | NewsBusters.org

Is the media hysteria ignorance or something more sinister?

Dhimie mindset.
The bowing and scraping to Islam is standard.
REPRESENTATIVE PETER KING, CHAIRMAN HOUSE HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE (R-NEW YORK): I’m now going to ask the witnesses to come forward. Let me just say also, I would hope, now that this hearing is over, that the media in particular would look back and reflect upon the mindless hysteria that occurred over the last two or three weeks, and not in the future rely so much on what opponents, such as CAIR and others, who do not want these type hearings, say. Again I think the hysteria and the madness leading up to this hearing did nobody much good and certainly didn’t reflect well on those who were reporting it.

Indeed it didn't. Here's a small sampling of that hysteria:

* Carl Bernstein, Cenk Uygur Team Up to Thrash Muslim-American Hearings as 'Un-American,' 'Coliseum-like Atmosphere'
* On Faith' Reprints Testimony of Sheriff Critical of Muslim Radicalization Hearings, But Not of Muslim Man Who Supports Them
* Andrea Mitchell's Revelation to GOP Congressman: 'You and I Are Both White'
* CNN to Rep. Peter King: Are You Obsessed With Muslim Radicalization?
* Networks Frame Congressional Hearings on Radical Islam as 'Witch Hunt,' All Cite CAIR Spokesman
* Another New York Times Attack on an Opponent of Radical Islam, Brigitte Gabriel
* Ezra Klein Balks at Rep. King's Islamic Radicalism Hearings; 'We've Had School Shootings From Young Christians'
* CNN's 'Highly Regarded Expert on Extremism': Radical Right a Bigger Terror Threat Than Jihadis
* CNN Hypes Muslims' 'Islamophobia' Worries Over Rep. King's Hearings

Read more: Rep. King Bashes Media's 'Mindless Hysteria' Over Islamic Radicalization Hearings | NewsBusters.org
Is the media hysteria ignorance or something more sinister?
Thanks for proving that the hearings turned out to be hearings on the question: Are Republicans retarded for having these hearings.

And LOL on linking opinion pieces from rightwing media over the supposed hysteria.
Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?

Republicans are 90% white and mostly Christian. They choose a different group to hate every week because there are so many to choose from. So many that aren't "them".

Polls show Americans in support by impressive numbers. Sorry s0n!!

The hate-America types like Ravi, Rightwinger and RDean can be counted on to desperately embrace the extreme PC mantra.

Fringe Americans for the gay......particularly the ones who hail from places nobody cares about like Scratchmyassville USA or Bumfook USA. Like what? They have to worry about their local cornfield being bombed? Some of us live in places that are big old bullseyes...........people who Peter King represents................like me.!!!

Fcukking limpwristed assholes...............they lose............again.:fu::fu::fu::blowup:

Peter King is the shit........unlike phoney ass representatiioves who are sheep for their Disney constituents.
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PS.........Great Britain has tried this silly-ass experiment and now they are fcukked.

King doesnt want us to be next given all the PC fcukupedness going on in America. Make no mistake.........Al-Queda coould be marching down Main Street in your town and assholes like RDean, Ravi and Rightwinger would be out setting up fruit stands and welcoming committees for the terrorists.
Your not to bright,islam is a murdering deathcult from hell,remember 9/11
and Fort Hood?The evil quran orders the muzzie savage animals to
do crimes against humanity.islam should be banned here!With pride I HATE islam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How nice....tho you are slightly outnumbered if they all hate you the same way.

The Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) has said: "The faith of a believer is never complete until his love is for Allah's sake and his hatred is for Allah's sake". And he also said: "Love for Allah and love for His enemy can never co-exist in the heart of a believer".

Well, based on what I learned in a history classes a few years back Muhammed believed that he was a prophet sent by God to deliver a message. There were many prophets that came before him such as Abraham and Jesus. Furthermore, under his beliefs you could practice any religion you chose to practice as long as you paid a tax for not practicing islam. Women also had more rights under his beliefs.

It wasn't until after he died that the two factions split off and decided to interpret it how they chose to interpret it to suit their needs.
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How nice....tho you are slightly outnumbered if they all hate you the same way.

The Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) has said: "The faith of a believer is never complete until his love is for Allah's sake and his hatred is for Allah's sake". And he also said: "Love for Allah and love for His enemy can never co-exist in the heart of a believer".

Well, based on what I learned in a history classes a few years back Muhammed believed that he was a prophet sent by God to deliver a message. There were many prophets that came before him such as Abraham and Jesus. Furthermore, under his beliefs you could practice any religion you chose to practice as long as you paid an a tax for not practicing islam. Women also had more rights under his beliefs.

It wasn't until after he died that the two factions split off and decided to interpret it how they chose to interpret it to suit their needs.

philisophical BS..........nobody cares s0n.

The fringe left loves theory..............but almost invariably, it has nothing to do with the real world
I think that they are trying to help the country have a better understanding of muslim viewpoints and culture with the hearings in order to gain a better understanding of the religion of choice of the majority of modern day terrorists.
:confused: do you mean to say they are trying to paint all Muslims as terrorists? If so, how counterproductive.

I dont think so at all.

The fact is that the majority of terrorist activities have been carried out by people who claim Islam as their faith. This fact has led many to do what you say above and paint all muslims as terrorists.

These hearings are an opportunity for the american people to hear from and about true muslims and giving americans the opportunity to see that the majority of muslims are not like those who hijacked their religion in the name of terrorism.
.....And, avoid historical-precedence at ANY cost!

I dont think so at all.

The fact is that the majority of terrorist activities have been carried out by people who claim Islam as their faith. This fact has led many to do what you say above and paint all muslims as terrorists.

These hearings are an opportunity for the american people to hear from and about true muslims and giving americans the opportunity to see that the majority of muslims are not like those who hijacked their religion in the name of terrorism.

Really? So sure about that? Was Tim McVeigh a Muslim? How many Muslims in the US bomb abortion clinics? How about Scott Roeder? How many fanatical ALF and ELF members are Muslims? Members of Alpha 66? The BLA? I bet the KKK is a bunch of Muslims, right?

Majority does not equal all.

Please don't put words in my mouth in an effort to give yourself an opportunity to go off on a pre-determined rant.

You put the words in your own mouth. You claimed it was fact and only provided an opinion. BTW what words did he put in your mouth?? Seems to me he was asking you questions based on your own claim. Yet all you could do was spin and make a false accusation instead of debating the validity of your own argument. How typical.
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

The GOP had and still have no ideas on how to turn around the economy or help to create jobs, so since taking back the House, they have orchestrated a number of initiatives that they and the Tea Party feel are much more important, such as redefining the defition of rape. Now, they have moved onto fear mongering and singling out a group based on their religious beliefs. I am REALLY starting to wonder if any of them remember why our founding fathers came here in the first place.:eusa_eh:

Wow and to think I used to take your posts seriously?

what happened to you VaYank?

If my comments don't make sense just ask yourself how a republican house can affect any changes in the laws when the senate and presidency are controlled by their opposition?

Wow more of the same. you can't deal with the content so you go after the poster and then make lame excuses as to why the republicans are catering to their base focusing on social issues and fear mongering instead of doing what they campaigned on. LOL

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