Why the Democrats are WINNING, Despite LOSING Every Federal Election Since Trump Won


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Jackie Mason nails this one dead on.

EXCLUSIVE – Jackie Mason: Democrats Tell You They Are Winning While Losing Every Election

Mason continued:

Meanwhile, they tell you Trump is failing; he is fading; he is going to become a worthless proposition within an hour and a half… One way or another he’ll be wiped out. And while they are announcing it, all of the sudden you notice that they are losing every election.

If Trump is so worthless and the country hates him so much how come they are losing every election? There were just now four or five elections and they just lost every one of them. And they keep trying to find excuses for why they lost. They didn’t lose because they are not popular. They are popular, the Democrats are doing great it is just the votes that they are losing. If not for the votes they would be doing much better.

But they say another excuse they keep announcing is that they are losing by less and less. The fact that they are losing by less and less doesn’t mean that they are losing, it means that they are winning. You just need time before you notice that they are winning because they keep losing. You can’t judge by a person losing that they are not winning. And they are coming closer and closer to winning. By the time 20 or 30 years passes who knows? They might actually win a real election.​

And of course, the Democrats are associated with extremist groups like the violent Antifa and the racist BLM, Mecha, and more, but they never denounce those groups because these groups are doing the kind of thing that libtards would like to do but cant publicly, unless they wear a mask, like Antifa.

Here Antifa announces that they will desecrate the graves of American soldiers who died at Gettysburg and the libtards are completely silent about it because they secretly agree with it. ITs like how in 2008 Obama denied that he was in favor of gay marriage as did Hillary, but suddenly boom, in 2012 Obama came out for it and far more as we have had to learn. Not only was Obama and Hillary in favor of gay marriage, but also all the other transgender bullshit that has been shoved on America since.

This is why they are losing the elections as Americans are sick to death of the Dimmocrats violent racist bullshit and know that the oldest trick in the conman book is to accuse the innocent of ones one evil intentions.


The Dimmocrats are the biggest bunch of lying jack ass frauds in history and about 2/3rds of America is finally aware of it and they have had enough.
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