Why should we have to tip people for just doing their job?

Wrong, you hollow excuse for a human being. You are not "taking care of people" if you demand something from them and they have to grovel at your feet for a few more pennies. That is NOT taking care, that is lording it over people so you can feel better about yourself. Don't kid yourself about how those people really see you.
Funny that you think 20% of a meal at a decent restaurant is "a few more pennies". 20% on $200 gives the waiter $40 for that hour, a lot more than the pathetic $15/hour the usual suspects are bleating about. He's not complaining about tips and would find a different job entirely if you eliminated tips for MW. Heck, there's a lot of people who would like to work for $40/hour, well trained people.

Here's a fun little fact. Those people who handle your medicine 8 hours a day are paid maybe $12-15/hour.
So whats different about customer facing work? Cant you do excellent work as a waiter and get paid more for it?
Because in non-customer facing jobs, the customer is not there to tip for performance, obviously. Of course you can eliminate tips and simply pay waiters more. Just expect a corresponding increase in menu prices as a result. It WOULD happen, and the difference would be that you would pay the higher price whether the service was great or sucked.
Funny that you think 20% of a meal at a decent restaurant is "a few more pennies". 20% on $200 gives the waiter $40 for that hour, a lot more than the pathetic $15/hour the usual suspects are bleating about. He's not complaining about tips and would find a different job entirely if you eliminated tips for MW. Heck, there's a lot of people who would like to work for $40/hour, well trained people.

Here's a fun little fact. Those people who handle your medicine 8 hours a day are paid maybe $12-15/hour.
How about DOUBLE everything on the menu, have the establishment pay the staff well, and stop all this archaic extortion performance? I certainly don't want to see hard working waitstaff to be paid poorly.
How about DOUBLE everything on the menu, have the establishment pay the staff well, and stop all this archaic extortion performance? I certainly don't want to see hard working waitstaff to be paid poorly.
I agree!

The last thing I want to be doing after a big meal and drinks is a lot of damn math.
The last thing I want to be doing after a big meal and drinks is a lot of damn math.

A lot of damned math. :frown:

All you need to do is take 10% of the net total before taxes. All that takes is moving the decimal one place to the left.

Then adding half of that.

If your bill was $100, then 10% would be $10 and another half would be $5 for a total of $15, or a total of 15% as is customary.

If you can't do that easily in your head, you don't deserve to graduate high school. Or maybe Junior High. Hell, Elementary School.

I always suspected the elitist Left were all really hiding their illiterate and stupid natures.

If the tip bothers you, consider it better than if the employer paid his workers more and automatically just tagged it onto the menu as part of the bill! This way, if the service from the staff sucks, you have the option of REFLECTING IT in a small or no tip.

Or rewarding them if they really do an exceptional job.

The point of the tip is as a means of motivating good service and behavior from service workers by placing part of the cost of the meal under YOUR CONTROL. Not to charge you more.
On a separate note, I will say that it would be nice if waiters and waitresses got paid more by their employees but it isn't a high paying job to wait tables so that's why the tips come in to play.
Wrong, you hollow excuse for a human being. You are not "taking care of people" if you demand something from them and they have to grovel at your feet for a few more pennies. That is NOT taking care, that is lording it over people so you can feel better about yourself. Don't kid yourself about how those people really see you.
I've never made a server or bartender "grovel at my feet"! If that's what you think tipping means then you obviously have never learned HOW to tip! People like you are why servers and bartenders quit the business. You don't see them as valuable. You think their job demeans them. My tip tells them the opposite...that I do value what they do and appreciate that they are good at it!
How about DOUBLE everything on the menu, have the establishment pay the staff well, and stop all this archaic extortion performance? I certainly don't want to see hard working waitstaff to be paid poorly.
People like you feel the need to "control" everything through government edicts, Unk! You think that the solution to everything is to regulate it. It's amazing how often that "solution" ends up making things far worse than they were before!
How about if we don't change anything...let good servers get rewarded with big tips and bad ones not be...and we don't have to push around a wheelbarrow of cash to pay for dinner?
On a separate note, I will say that it would be nice if waiters and waitresses got paid more by their employees but it isn't a high paying job to wait tables so that's why the tips come in to play.

Are you rilly kidding? Tips are tax free money and much of them never gets reported to the IRS. Between the base salary and tips, many waiters/waitresses make a VERY good living. As good or better than many people with degreed careers.
It's figurative, dimwit.
Find me a single server or bartender that feels like someone who was pleasant to wait on and who leaves them a huge tip every time they come in...is making them "grovel" for that tip! Most of the servers and bartenders I know would laugh at you for even suggesting that!
Are you rilly kidding? Tips are tax free money and much of them never gets reported to the IRS. Between the base salary and tips, many waiters/waitresses make a VERY good living. As good or better than many people with degreed careers.
With all due respect...tips are NOT tax free money! They used to be but now the IRS wants it's cut from servers and bartenders as well as the rest of us! The IRS looks at what servers and bartenders claim they made and then compare that total to what the IRS KNOWS they made...transactions that were paid for by credit cards!

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