Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???

Allende received 36% of the vote, a bare plurality. Under Chilean law, Congress (who had the final say) were not required to elect Allende President with only a plurality. Nevertheless, Congress had not previously challenged a plurality, and moderate Christian Democratic deputies were not ready to start now. Congress elected Allende on conditions (Oct 1970), the most important of which turned out to be the Army's autonomy

And they got decades of military dictatorship and thousands of citizens murdered. This by you is a good thing?

They would have got far worse under Allende: gulags, block wardens, mass executions and crushing poverty, possibly even mass starvation. Most citizens wouldn't even notice they were under a dictatorship. Hell, we're under a dictatorship now, and turds like you love it.

The so-called "citizens" were traitors to their country who were assisting a foreign invader to take over their country.
You keep bringing up bullshit that you know would not happen. Gulags? Mass executions? Utter bullshit, you know nothing about Allende, and you always bitch about communists being apologetic to lenin or whatever, look at what you're doing.

Name one communist country where it didn't happen?
Your article was written by a John Birch Society staffer. Those loons saw commies under every bed. This article parrots the lies fed to Congress by the CIA, whose accounts were widely discredited by every independent source of the day.

Allende was a leftist, and was most certainly being courted by Moscow, but suggestions that he had an army of Cubans and was preparing to massacre his people have been completely refuted.

So you reject article because it was written by John Birch Society staffer, regardless if article was true or not. OK, then you wont have problem accepting the facts that came from source itself. I mentioned earlier Mitrokhin archives that support in details all that KGB was doing in that time period in Chile and elsewhere. Just don't say you know more about what KGB did there then KGB themselves.

I've been a political junkie since I was in my teens and remember well what happened in South America during this time frame. It was violent and it was brutal and the entire continent suffered. People risked their lives just asking what happened to their loved ones. The most courageous of these were the Argentinian grandmothers who were raising their grandchildren after their parents were "disappeared". The grandmothers appeared silent in public squares to ask what had happened to their children.

You for sure remember a lot that happened. Even more that didn't.
Btw, what's courageous about staying silent?

For God's sake man, check your sources, read everything out there. Stop pretending that right wingers are benevolent leaders keeping their people safe. They're not,.

And Nazis were most definitely right wingers. The reason Hilter was tolerated and appeased by England, France and other European counties was that he hated communism. I realize that you on the right don't want to acknowledge that he was one of you, but the bald fact is that Hilter was a rightwing extremist.

Hitler used the word socialism to appeal to the lower classes, if i find a quote of a genocidal maniac supporting capitalism, I guess that means capitalism is to blame.
Allende received 36% of the vote, a bare plurality. Under Chilean law, Congress (who had the final say) were not required to elect Allende President with only a plurality. Nevertheless, Congress had not previously challenged a plurality, and moderate Christian Democratic deputies were not ready to start now. Congress elected Allende on conditions (Oct 1970), the most important of which turned out to be the Army's autonomy

And they got decades of military dictatorship and thousands of citizens murdered. This by you is a good thing?

They would have got far worse under Allende: gulags, block wardens, mass executions and crushing poverty, possibly even mass starvation. Most citizens wouldn't even notice they were under a dictatorship. Hell, we're under a dictatorship now, and turds like you love it.

The so-called "citizens" were traitors to their country who were assisting a foreign invader to take over their country.
You keep bringing up bullshit that you know would not happen. Gulags? Mass executions? Utter bullshit, you know nothing about Allende, and you always bitch about communists being apologetic to lenin or whatever, look at what you're doing.

Name one communist country where it didn't happen?
Name one capitalist country where crushing poverty, starvation, prisons never happened throughout its history.
Industry is what made Britain wealthy, and it's colonies also became wealthy. Russia conquered about 1/5th of the world and it wallowed in poverty until the end of the 19th Century.

no, the colonies got looted, and when they finally could throw off the British yoke, they did.

"They did" what?

Former British colonies are poor because they follow the economic polices you endorse.
Utter bullshit.
Industry is what made Britain wealthy, and it's colonies also became wealthy. Russia conquered about 1/5th of the world and it wallowed in poverty until the end of the 19th Century.

no, the colonies got looted, and when they finally could throw off the British yoke, they did.

Actually, no, the colonies were not "looted." The British built every mile of railroad track that currently exists in India. How is that "looting?"
You honestly belief the british didn't exploit their colonies? You're embarrassing yourself. Yeah, railroads to transport goods for their profit.
I have no idea what the "no true Scotsman theory" is.

Why am I not surprised.

Okay, time to education you. The No True Scotsman fallacy works like this.

"No True Scotsman would put sugar on his Haggis".

"I know McConnell puts sugar on his Haggis everyday."

"McConnell is no true Scotsman, then."

You excuse the worst abuses of a group by saying the worst abusers weren't truly members of your group.

But the Spanish Empire went to the Americas for a reason. Profit. And it was Capitalism in its truest form. Investors put up money hoping for a return. At first, gold, but when all the gold had been looted, then other resources.

That's not an example of your so-called "fallacy." You claimed Capitalism is solely responsible for the genocide of native peoples. That clearly isn't the case. The fact that the Spanish did it for money doesn't make it capitalism. That's like saying capitalism existed in Ancient Egypt and Babylonia. People have been lusting after gold for 10,000 years.
Yeah, and you're just as guilty if we count that, by saying that socialism is responsible for mass starvation when it hasn't existed in your cherry picked fantasy examples.
Your article was written by a John Birch Society staffer. Those loons saw commies under every bed. This article parrots the lies fed to Congress by the CIA, whose accounts were widely discredited by every independent source of the day.

Allende was a leftist, and was most certainly being courted by Moscow, but suggestions that he had an army of Cubans and was preparing to massacre his people have been completely refuted.

So you reject article because it was written by John Birch Society staffer, regardless if article was true or not. OK, then you wont have problem accepting the facts that came from source itself. I mentioned earlier Mitrokhin archives that support in details all that KGB was doing in that time period in Chile and elsewhere. Just don't say you know more about what KGB did there then KGB themselves.

I've been a political junkie since I was in my teens and remember well what happened in South America during this time frame. It was violent and it was brutal and the entire continent suffered. People risked their lives just asking what happened to their loved ones. The most courageous of these were the Argentinian grandmothers who were raising their grandchildren after their parents were "disappeared". The grandmothers appeared silent in public squares to ask what had happened to their children.

You for sure remember a lot that happened. Even more that didn't.
Btw, what's courageous about staying silent?

For God's sake man, check your sources, read everything out there. Stop pretending that right wingers are benevolent leaders keeping their people safe. They're not,.

And Nazis were most definitely right wingers. The reason Hilter was tolerated and appeased by England, France and other European counties was that he hated communism. I realize that you on the right don't want to acknowledge that he was one of you, but the bald fact is that Hilter was a rightwing extremist.

Hitler used the word socialism to appeal to the lower classes, if i find a quote of a genocidal maniac supporting capitalism, I guess that means capitalism is to blame.

So did Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol, Castro, Ceausescu... to name a few...
Really? Tell me more about our role in stopping the vietnam elections when we knew Ho chi would get the people's support.

What elections and where exactly?
the non-communist Vietnamese delegation objected strenuously to any division of Vietnam, but lost out when the French accepted the proposal of Viet Minh delegatePhạm Văn Đồng,[60] who proposed that Vietnam eventually be united by elections under the supervision of "local commissions".[61] The United States countered with what became known as the "American Plan," with the support of South Vietnam and the United Kingdom.[62] It provided for unification elections under the supervision of the United Nations, but was rejected by the Soviet delegation and North Vietnamese.[62]
Chile was undergoing a civil war. Cuban mercenaries and their local allies were waging war on the government. Spies and traitors get executed during wars. Lincoln executed thousands of Americans without a trial, but I don't see any of you Lincoln worshippers whining about that.

well, no, because it wasn't true. Lincoln didn't execute thousands of people. Nor were there Cuban mercenaries.

The general population supported Pinochet and his actions to get rid of foreign communist and the traitor allies.

Okay, you've gone off into crazy town now.

Yes, actually, Lincoln did execute thousands of people. Furthermore, he put thousands of people into his own personal gulag. He shut down 300 hundred news papers and arrested their editors.

And there were plenty of Cuban mercenaries in Chile. Allende invited them in so he could slaughter his critics and turn the country into a Soviet client state.

General Augusto Pinochet in Perspective

Salvador Allende and his Marxist-Socialist coalition party "Unidad Popular", employing massive electoral fraud and with financial backing from the Soviet Union, barely succeeded in obtaining a plurality of 36 per cent in Chile's 1970 presidential elections.

· With an army of some 14,000 foreign Communists, Allende began to transform Chile into a totalitarian dictatorship.

· Allende's administration was thoroughly packed with Cubans, Soviets, and other international Communists.

· In short order, the Allende forces had depleted the treasury, destroyed the economy, illegally expropriated thousands of private farms, homes, and businesses and unleashed a wave of terror.

· Chile's judiciary and legislature, as well as prominent leaders of all sectors of Chilean society, repeatedly condemned Allende's actions and called upon the military to intervene.

· The Pinochet-led coup was supported overwhelmingly by the Chilean people, who also voted to approve the new constitution offered by the junta.

· Documents and arms captured when Allende was overthrow, on 11 September 1973, proved that Allende was planning to stage his own coup on 19 September, and to kill large numbers of his opponents.

Your article was written by a John Birch Society staffer. Those loons saw commies under every bed. This article parrots the lies fed to Congress by the CIA, whose accounts were widely discredited by every independent source of the day.

Allende was a leftist, and was most certainly being courted by Moscow, but suggestions that he had an army of Cubans and was preparing to massacre his people have been completely refuted.

I've been a political junkie since I was in my teens and remember well what happened in South America during this time frame. It was violent and it was brutal and the entire continent suffered. People risked their lives just asking what happened to their loved ones. The most courageous of these were the Argentinian grandmothers who were raising their grandchildren after their parents were "disappeared". The grandmothers appeared silent in public squares to ask what had happened to their children.

For God's sake man, check your sources, read everything out there. Stop pretending that right wingers are benevolent leaders keeping their people safe. They're not,.

And Nazis were most definitely right wingers. The reason Hilter was tolerated and appeased by England, France and other European counties was that he hated communism. I realize that you on the right don't want to acknowledge that he was one of you, but the bald fact is that Hilter was a rightwing extremist.

If you don't like the John Birch Society, then how about the Wall Street Journal?

Chile s Pinochet FoughtMarxist Violence - WSJ

After the coup, Mr. Frei again spoke out. In a moving letter to the head of the World Union of Christian Democracy, Italy's Premier Mariano Rumor, the former Chilean president wrote: "The military have saved Chile. . . .Civil war was fully planned by the Marxists. . . the economy of Chile was headed for disaster. . . this country is destroyed." In those sentiments, he was joined by Chile's then two other living ex-presidents. One of them, Gabriel González Videla, said he "did not have words to thank the armed forces for having liberated us from the Marxist claws." Looking ahead, he said he expected "the best, because they have saved us and will permit us to live in democracy. . . the totalitarian apparatus which had been prepared to destroy us has itself been destroyed. . . ."

Such judgments--expressed by mere Chileans--would not, however, spare the military the wrath of leftist political elites around the world. To counter the still existing well-armed and well-funded guerrilla and urban terrorist forces, the embattled government created, in 1974, a military intelligence agency which--before Mr. Pinochet disbanded it in 1978--would become a rogue elephant responsible for most of the human rights abuses. What is seldom spoken of is that most of the victims were terrorists. Before Fidel Castro sentenced him to 30 years in prison in 1989, Cuban Gen. Patricio de la Guardia bragged at his "trial" of his service in Chile during the Allende years. He said he had led part of an international para-military brigade--one that the Chilean government estimated to number about 15,000.

In June 1974, the Communist Party in Chile reiterated its doctrine that the right to use violence was "non-negotiable." But the talk of violence was muted for a time as the party attempted to gain political allies. In 1976, however, party ideologue Volodia Teitelboim in a Radio Moscow broadcast spoke of the need to "rethink the military problem," adding that Communists could not be "Gullivers bound hand and foot by legality."

On April 5, 1977, a group of cashiered Chilean military men in London announced the formation of a "Front of Democratic Armed Forces of Chile in Exile." A second such group was formed the same day in Brussels and a third shortly afterwards in Communist East Berlin. On April 6, a spokesman named Jaime Estevez said in a Radio Moscow broadcast that the purpose of these Soviet-backed entities was to lead the fight "for the overthrow of the fascist junta." In August of that year, the Central Committee of the Chilean Communist Party constituted itself as "The General Staff of Revolution."

In 1979, one month after the Sandinistas shot their way into power in Nicaragua, Chilean Communist Party Secretary General Luis Corvalan said Chile "could become the second Nicaragua." A month later, he warned that "if fascism is not eradicated. . . terrorism would find in Chile a wide open field for its action." A year later, from his Moscow refuge, Corvalan proclaimed a new era of "acute violence." Corvalan endorsed guerrilla warfare, terrorism and a massive armed uprising.

By 1986, increasingly legalized political activity in Chile was gathering momentum in preparation for what would be free elections in 1988. Early that year, the military stumbled onto part of one of the largest clandestine arms shipments in the history of the hemisphere, enough to arm 5,000 men. It was traced to Cuba. That same year, a meticulously planned assassination plot involving 70 terrorists narrowly missed killing Gen. Pinochet; five of his escorts were murdered.
Allende received 36% of the vote, a bare plurality. Under Chilean law, Congress (who had the final say) were not required to elect Allende President with only a plurality. Nevertheless, Congress had not previously challenged a plurality, and moderate Christian Democratic deputies were not ready to start now. Congress elected Allende on conditions (Oct 1970), the most important of which turned out to be the Army's autonomy

And they got decades of military dictatorship and thousands of citizens murdered. This by you is a good thing?

They would have got far worse under Allende: gulags, block wardens, mass executions and crushing poverty, possibly even mass starvation. Most citizens wouldn't even notice they were under a dictatorship. Hell, we're under a dictatorship now, and turds like you love it.

The so-called "citizens" were traitors to their country who were assisting a foreign invader to take over their country.
You keep bringing up bullshit that you know would not happen. Gulags? Mass executions? Utter bullshit, you know nothing about Allende, and you always bitch about communists being apologetic to lenin or whatever, look at what you're doing.

The empirical evidence shows we do know what would happen, and that's exactly what I described.
Your article was written by a John Birch Society staffer. Those loons saw commies under every bed. This article parrots the lies fed to Congress by the CIA, whose accounts were widely discredited by every independent source of the day.

Allende was a leftist, and was most certainly being courted by Moscow, but suggestions that he had an army of Cubans and was preparing to massacre his people have been completely refuted.

So you reject article because it was written by John Birch Society staffer, regardless if article was true or not. OK, then you wont have problem accepting the facts that came from source itself. I mentioned earlier Mitrokhin archives that support in details all that KGB was doing in that time period in Chile and elsewhere. Just don't say you know more about what KGB did there then KGB themselves.

I've been a political junkie since I was in my teens and remember well what happened in South America during this time frame. It was violent and it was brutal and the entire continent suffered. People risked their lives just asking what happened to their loved ones. The most courageous of these were the Argentinian grandmothers who were raising their grandchildren after their parents were "disappeared". The grandmothers appeared silent in public squares to ask what had happened to their children.

You for sure remember a lot that happened. Even more that didn't.
Btw, what's courageous about staying silent?

For God's sake man, check your sources, read everything out there. Stop pretending that right wingers are benevolent leaders keeping their people safe. They're not,.

And Nazis were most definitely right wingers. The reason Hilter was tolerated and appeased by England, France and other European counties was that he hated communism. I realize that you on the right don't want to acknowledge that he was one of you, but the bald fact is that Hilter was a rightwing extremist.

Hitler used the word socialism to appeal to the lower classes, if i find a quote of a genocidal maniac supporting capitalism, I guess that means capitalism is to blame.

So did Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol, Castro, Ceausescu... to name a few...
They were not socialist in any way, and straight out lied if they said they were, and they were all bad to some degree, but I happen to know a capitalist dictator who threw pregnant women out of helicopters..
Allende received 36% of the vote, a bare plurality. Under Chilean law, Congress (who had the final say) were not required to elect Allende President with only a plurality. Nevertheless, Congress had not previously challenged a plurality, and moderate Christian Democratic deputies were not ready to start now. Congress elected Allende on conditions (Oct 1970), the most important of which turned out to be the Army's autonomy

And they got decades of military dictatorship and thousands of citizens murdered. This by you is a good thing?

They would have got far worse under Allende: gulags, block wardens, mass executions and crushing poverty, possibly even mass starvation. Most citizens wouldn't even notice they were under a dictatorship. Hell, we're under a dictatorship now, and turds like you love it.

The so-called "citizens" were traitors to their country who were assisting a foreign invader to take over their country.
You keep bringing up bullshit that you know would not happen. Gulags? Mass executions? Utter bullshit, you know nothing about Allende, and you always bitch about communists being apologetic to lenin or whatever, look at what you're doing.

The empirical evidence shows we do know what would happen, and that's exactly what I described.
We do not know what would happen, we did know that we were putting in a psychopathic military dictator who crushed those in poverty, but we didn't care.
Chile was undergoing a civil war. Cuban mercenaries and their local allies were waging war on the government. Spies and traitors get executed during wars. Lincoln executed thousands of Americans without a trial, but I don't see any of you Lincoln worshippers whining about that.

well, no, because it wasn't true. Lincoln didn't execute thousands of people. Nor were there Cuban mercenaries.

The general population supported Pinochet and his actions to get rid of foreign communist and the traitor allies.

Okay, you've gone off into crazy town now.

Yes, actually, Lincoln did execute thousands of people. Furthermore, he put thousands of people into his own personal gulag. He shut down 300 hundred news papers and arrested their editors.

And there were plenty of Cuban mercenaries in Chile. Allende invited them in so he could slaughter his critics and turn the country into a Soviet client state.

General Augusto Pinochet in Perspective

Salvador Allende and his Marxist-Socialist coalition party "Unidad Popular", employing massive electoral fraud and with financial backing from the Soviet Union, barely succeeded in obtaining a plurality of 36 per cent in Chile's 1970 presidential elections.

· With an army of some 14,000 foreign Communists, Allende began to transform Chile into a totalitarian dictatorship.

· Allende's administration was thoroughly packed with Cubans, Soviets, and other international Communists.

· In short order, the Allende forces had depleted the treasury, destroyed the economy, illegally expropriated thousands of private farms, homes, and businesses and unleashed a wave of terror.

· Chile's judiciary and legislature, as well as prominent leaders of all sectors of Chilean society, repeatedly condemned Allende's actions and called upon the military to intervene.

· The Pinochet-led coup was supported overwhelmingly by the Chilean people, who also voted to approve the new constitution offered by the junta.

· Documents and arms captured when Allende was overthrow, on 11 September 1973, proved that Allende was planning to stage his own coup on 19 September, and to kill large numbers of his opponents.

Your article was written by a John Birch Society staffer. Those loons saw commies under every bed. This article parrots the lies fed to Congress by the CIA, whose accounts were widely discredited by every independent source of the day.

Allende was a leftist, and was most certainly being courted by Moscow, but suggestions that he had an army of Cubans and was preparing to massacre his people have been completely refuted.

I've been a political junkie since I was in my teens and remember well what happened in South America during this time frame. It was violent and it was brutal and the entire continent suffered. People risked their lives just asking what happened to their loved ones. The most courageous of these were the Argentinian grandmothers who were raising their grandchildren after their parents were "disappeared". The grandmothers appeared silent in public squares to ask what had happened to their children.

For God's sake man, check your sources, read everything out there. Stop pretending that right wingers are benevolent leaders keeping their people safe. They're not,.

And Nazis were most definitely right wingers. The reason Hilter was tolerated and appeased by England, France and other European counties was that he hated communism. I realize that you on the right don't want to acknowledge that he was one of you, but the bald fact is that Hilter was a rightwing extremist.

If you don't like the John Birch Society, then how about the Wall Street Journal?

Chile s Pinochet FoughtMarxist Violence - WSJ

After the coup, Mr. Frei again spoke out. In a moving letter to the head of the World Union of Christian Democracy, Italy's Premier Mariano Rumor, the former Chilean president wrote: "The military have saved Chile. . . .Civil war was fully planned by the Marxists. . . the economy of Chile was headed for disaster. . . this country is destroyed." In those sentiments, he was joined by Chile's then two other living ex-presidents. One of them, Gabriel González Videla, said he "did not have words to thank the armed forces for having liberated us from the Marxist claws." Looking ahead, he said he expected "the best, because they have saved us and will permit us to live in democracy. . . the totalitarian apparatus which had been prepared to destroy us has itself been destroyed. . . ."

Such judgments--expressed by mere Chileans--would not, however, spare the military the wrath of leftist political elites around the world. To counter the still existing well-armed and well-funded guerrilla and urban terrorist forces, the embattled government created, in 1974, a military intelligence agency which--before Mr. Pinochet disbanded it in 1978--would become a rogue elephant responsible for most of the human rights abuses. What is seldom spoken of is that most of the victims were terrorists. Before Fidel Castro sentenced him to 30 years in prison in 1989, Cuban Gen. Patricio de la Guardia bragged at his "trial" of his service in Chile during the Allende years. He said he had led part of an international para-military brigade--one that the Chilean government estimated to number about 15,000.

In June 1974, the Communist Party in Chile reiterated its doctrine that the right to use violence was "non-negotiable." But the talk of violence was muted for a time as the party attempted to gain political allies. In 1976, however, party ideologue Volodia Teitelboim in a Radio Moscow broadcast spoke of the need to "rethink the military problem," adding that Communists could not be "Gullivers bound hand and foot by legality."

On April 5, 1977, a group of cashiered Chilean military men in London announced the formation of a "Front of Democratic Armed Forces of Chile in Exile." A second such group was formed the same day in Brussels and a third shortly afterwards in Communist East Berlin. On April 6, a spokesman named Jaime Estevez said in a Radio Moscow broadcast that the purpose of these Soviet-backed entities was to lead the fight "for the overthrow of the fascist junta." In August of that year, the Central Committee of the Chilean Communist Party constituted itself as "The General Staff of Revolution."

In 1979, one month after the Sandinistas shot their way into power in Nicaragua, Chilean Communist Party Secretary General Luis Corvalan said Chile "could become the second Nicaragua." A month later, he warned that "if fascism is not eradicated. . . terrorism would find in Chile a wide open field for its action." A year later, from his Moscow refuge, Corvalan proclaimed a new era of "acute violence." Corvalan endorsed guerrilla warfare, terrorism and a massive armed uprising.

By 1986, increasingly legalized political activity in Chile was gathering momentum in preparation for what would be free elections in 1988. Early that year, the military stumbled onto part of one of the largest clandestine arms shipments in the history of the hemisphere, enough to arm 5,000 men. It was traced to Cuba. That same year, a meticulously planned assassination plot involving 70 terrorists narrowly missed killing Gen. Pinochet; five of his escorts were murdered.
I don't see what this is supposed to prove.
Really? Tell me more about our role in stopping the vietnam elections when we knew Ho chi would get the people's support.

What elections and where exactly?
the non-communist Vietnamese delegation objected strenuously to any division of Vietnam, but lost out when the French accepted the proposal of Viet Minh delegatePhạm Văn Đồng,[60] who proposed that Vietnam eventually be united by elections under the supervision of "local commissions".[61] The United States countered with what became known as the "American Plan," with the support of South Vietnam and the United Kingdom.[62] It provided for unification elections under the supervision of the United Nations, but was rejected by the Soviet delegation and North Vietnamese.[62]

I thought you said we stopped election and your own link says otherwise. Why they rejected it?

Bottom line, communists cant win election unless they're only choice on the ballot.
They would have got far worse under Allende: gulags, block wardens, mass executions and crushing poverty, possibly even mass starvation. Most citizens wouldn't even notice they were under a dictatorship. Hell, we're under a dictatorship now, and turds like you love it.

yeah, "I'm not getting my way on stuff" isn't a dictatorship. It just means you got outvoted.

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