Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

what do hillary and obama believe? do you care?
Any intelligent American cares.

OK, then tell us. what do hillary and barry believe on creationism vs evolution? Don't know? Hmmm, no surprise there.
Are Republicans unable or incapable of asking candidates simple questions that are beyond their usual trite clichés?

Probably both.

its a question asked by you on the left. All we are saying is that all candidates need to be asked the same questions. Why is no one asking HRC and Barry the same questions asked of Walker and every possible GOP candidate?

Every single candidate was asked the same question...during the GOP primary.
what do hillary and obama believe? do you care?
Any intelligent American cares.

OK, then tell us. what do hillary and barry believe on creationism vs evolution? Don't know? Hmmm, no surprise there.
Are Republicans unable or incapable of asking candidates simple questions that are beyond their usual trite clichés?

Probably both.

its a question asked by you on the left. All we are saying is that all candidates need to be asked the same questions. Why is no one asking HRC and Barry the same questions asked of Walker and every possible GOP candidate?

Stay tuned.
Walker believes in evolution not creationism.

He does not want the far right to know that.

what do hillary and obama believe? do you care?
Any intelligent American cares.

OK, then tell us. what do hillary and barry believe on creationism vs evolution? Don't know? Hmmm, no surprise there.
Are Republicans unable or incapable of asking candidates simple questions that are beyond their usual trite clichés?
Marriage is between one man and one woman
There is no such thing as global warming
Tax cuts always pay for themselves
The earth is flat
Walker's position on evolution could jeopardize the First Amendment rights of each American should he become president.
What if liberals stopped trying to force people to believe everything they do? Could they really be liberals if they were tolerant of diversity? :S

It's not a matter of "forcing someone" to believe something.

It's whether the guy knows the difference between established proven science and bronze age fairy tales.
The far right does not believe in diversity.

Neither does the far left.

Those who believe in critical thinking skills believe in diversity.
How have Scott Walker's views on evolution slowed the progress of knowledge so far in Wisconsin?
That's not the issue.

Walker's position on evolution could jeopardize the First Amendment rights of each American should he become president.

How creationism has affected his governance is -exactly- the issue. He has an existing record to which we can refer!

Or maybe, if I have this right, you're saying that if Walker believes in creationism, he has suppressed his urges to make it illegal to disagree in Wisconsin, knowing all along that eventually he'd be president, where he can somehow (you haven't explained how a president can do this) take away our right to espouse a belief in something other than creationism?

Somebody get this kid a tinfoil hat.
Walker's position on evolution could jeopardize the First Amendment rights of each American should he become president.
What if liberals stopped trying to force people to believe everything they do? Could they really be liberals if they were tolerant of diversity? :S

It's not a matter of "forcing someone" to believe something.

It's whether the guy knows the difference between established proven science and bronze age fairy tales.

LMFAO, seriously!? As someone who generally finds evolution to be the most compelling theory out there, PROVEN!?

If it was proven, what's this shit about a missing link? Jesus fucking Christ, people, learn the definition of proven.
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LMFAO, seriously!? As someone who generally finds evolution to be the most compelling theory out there, PROVEN!?

If it was proven, what's this shit about a missing link? Jesus fucking Christ, people, learn the definition of proof.

Scientists don't use the term "Missing Link".

The fossils we DO have are pretty comprehensive in terms of proof that man evolved from apes. But even if you didn't have ONE fossil, you would still have genetics (humans and chimps share 98% of the same DNA) and physiology (Humans and chimps have very similar physical structures)
Sorry, transitional fossil, and claims of pretty comprehensive evidence aside, the fossil evidence is not yet -fully- comprehensive.

The fact that we share many characteristics and genetics with chimps doesn't prove anything. The scientific community still hasn't made law of this, and before you go lecturing me about the difference between theories and scientific theories, I get the nature of probability and the fact that for a theory to last this long all evidence must at least potentially point toward verification. The fact remains, however, that high probability is not factual proof. Until you have factual proof, don't call your favorite explanation proven, or I'll have to point out that you're as arrogantly dogmatic as any Christian republican I've had the displeasure of being lectured by.
Sorry, transitional fossil, and claims of pretty comprehensive evidence aside, the fossil evidence is not yet -fully- comprehensive.

Isn't that kind of like when you say, "This deck is missing the Jack of Hearts, therefore there must not be a deck of cards?"

But you are right, we have proof that the fossils were all left by the devil!

what do hillary and obama believe? do you care?

Yeah, I'd like to know.

I think that someone's most fundamental belief system is an issue, because we tend to make decisions, especially critical decisions, from that belief system.

If a person claims to be a Christian but doesn't want to admit they think evolution is crazy, that's an inconsistency that speaks to their character, I'd think.

Yeah, I'd like to know.

I think that someone's most fundamental belief system is an issue, because we tend to make decisions, especially critical decisions, from that belief system.

If a person claims to be a Christian but doesn't want to admit they think evolution is crazy, that's an inconsistency that speaks to their character, I'd think.

I think it's a bit more than that.

The real problem is that if Evolution is true, then Christianity if false.

If there was no Garden of Eden, there was no original sin. If there was no original sin, then there was no reason for Yahweh to get all Drama Queen about lifting a curse he imposed and incarnating himself as Jesus.

So really, we have three options.

Those of us who are just fine with Christianity being false, because we didn't have that much of an investment in it. Polls show that about 19% of the population thinks that man evolved with no intervention from God.

The same polls show that 32% of the population believes that God created man in his current form.

So in the middle are the ones who try to reconcile evolution with the Bible, and that works if you don't think about it too hard.

Walker is trying to make sure we don't waste time thinking about it too hard.
what do hillary and obama believe? do you care?

Yeah, I'd like to know.

I think that someone's most fundamental belief system is an issue, because we tend to make decisions, especially critical decisions, from that belief system.

If a person claims to be a Christian but doesn't want to admit they think evolution is crazy, that's an inconsistency that speaks to their character, I'd think.


Both President Obama and soon to be President Hillary Clinton have stated their views.

''I believe in evolution, and I am shocked at some of the things that people in public life have been saying. I believe that our founders had faith in reason and they also had faith in God, and one of our gifts from God is the ability to reason." ~ Hillary Clinton

Walker believes in evolution not creationism.

He does not want the far right to know that.

what do hillary and obama believe? do you care?
Any intelligent American cares.

Why? Washington is spending us into the ground and suffocating our economy and all you liberal losers can focus on is what people think about something that has nothing to do with the job. It's just deflection for what your tax and spend policies are doing to us.
Why? Washington is spending us into the ground and suffocating our economy and all you liberal losers can focus on is what people think about something that has nothing to do with the job. It's just deflection for what your tax and spend policies are doing to us.

The Federal Government only spends about 25% of the GDP, which is BELOW average for an industrial democracy.

Again, Somalia beckons!
Why? Washington is spending us into the ground and suffocating our economy and all you liberal losers can focus on is what people think about something that has nothing to do with the job. It's just deflection for what your tax and spend policies are doing to us.

The Federal Government only spends about 25% of the GDP, which is BELOW average for an industrial democracy.

Again, Somalia beckons!

Gosh, we're below average for spending like the Euro socialist weenies. Great argument that. We are a leader, but the quest of liberals is drive us back into the pack.

And just think about that, 1/4 our economy on overhead. Any company that spent that would be long gone. The only reason we survive is government collects it's revenue using guns.
Gosh, we're below average for spending like the Euro socialist weenies. Great argument that. We are a leader, but the quest of liberals is drive us back into the pack.

And just think about that, 1/4 our economy on overhead. Any company that spent that would be long gone. The only reason we survive is government collects it's revenue using guns.

The country is not a company. I'm sorry you guys don't get this.

We have a government to do things that there is no profit in doing, but need to get done, anyway. There's no profit in fire fighting or law enforcement or roads or schools- but a society couldn't operate without them.

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