Why Saudi Arabia is Important

Having destabilized the ME, America can now step away, fund both sides, and get about its own business at home.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.
most shia people are pro west .shia are anti isis.
problem is wahabism . wahabism=suidia arabia
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.

Yet another fool who does nt know we pulled our residual forces from Iraq because Iraq would not sign the agreement that protects our troops.
Then why did we pull out? All we had to do is tell Iraq President it's our way or the highway and we can easily put a bullet in his fuckimg grape. Pussy Obama diplomacy was a failure in SW Asia and Middle-East.
So, we spend years supporting the Iraqi government as running their country & you want the US to ruin that?
First, W fucked everything up when he removed Saddam. Should have let him keep that shit hole of a nation in line. But, under Bush, they understood who had the final word on things. The guy that became Iraq leader after Bush left got the green light through inaction by Obama, to start a Shia, Sunni civil war. Welcome ISIS. US should have always let Iraqi leaders know where the line was drawn on what they could or could not do.
Everyone with a brain knew Iraq would fall into a civil war when we left.

Quit blaming Obama for Bush's mistakes.

Bush helped Iran move up in the power rankings in the Middle East.

Obama stopped their nuclear weapon program.

Trump will be a disaster for the US & the world.
Having destabilized the ME, America can now step away, fund both sides, and get about its own business at home.

What? Not meddle in the affairs and gov'ts in the Middle East? But that is an American tradition dating back to WWII.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece.

Yeah, I know, you saw 300, right?

Okay, let's get real about the middle east.

Not our circus, not our Monkeys.
Nope. Never saw the 300. Yes, let's get real about the Middle-East and SW Asia and how much of the worlds oil supply they control and the growing influence of Russia and China there. Both who favor Iran.
The situation in Iraq WAS AND IS a big issue galvanizing the filth of Iranian
Imperialism------but there are also other issues-----like Iran's alliance with Imperialist
Russia. In any case----GOOD OF YOU to highlight the present Imperialist Threat
which is primarily IRAN and the rest of the Shiites of the world (lots of Shiites
outside of Iran) Russian Imperialism is an aggravating factor. The alliance
between the two most powerful and ambitious IMPERIALISM threats is more
important than DA BOMB. Some people trivialize it

Okay, you see, here's the thing. The only reason why we care about Iran, why we've spend 50 years caring about Iran and fucking it up, is because of our thirst for oil.

If we had invested in energy independence in the 1970's instead of spending hundred billions of dollars spending Hall Monitor in the Middle East, the Shi'ites and Wahhabis arguing over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin wouldn't be a problem.
We can't have energy independence because tree hugging liberals want to protest every time we want to drill for more oil or dig for more coal.
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.

Yet another fool who does nt know we pulled our residual forces from Iraq because Iraq would not sign the agreement that protects our troops.
Then why did we pull out? All we had to do is tell Iraq President it's our way or the highway and we can easily put a bullet in his fuckimg grape. Pussy Obama diplomacy was a failure in SW Asia and Middle-East.
So, we spend years supporting the Iraqi government as running their country & you want the US to ruin that?
First, W fucked everything up when he removed Saddam. Should have let him keep that shit hole of a nation in line. But, under Bush, they understood who had the final word on things. The guy that became Iraq leader after Bush left got the green light through inaction by Obama, to start a Shia, Sunni civil war. Welcome ISIS. US should have always let Iraqi leaders know where the line was drawn on what they could or could not do.
Everyone with a brain knew Iraq would fall into a civil war when we left.

Quit blaming Obama for Bush's mistakes.

Bush helped Iran move up in the power rankings in the Middle East.

Obama stopped their nuclear weapon program.

Trump will be a disaster for the US & the world.
Obama never stopped Irans nuclear program and anyone who belives that is an idiot. Obama left Iraq without thinking of future consequences.
B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.
You don't seem to understand that Saddam's removal and the promotion of Nouri al Maliki was the catalyst for the Shia expansion. Obama stepping aside and allowing a fundamentalist Sunni uprising to gain strength was the response to counter Bush's failure in the region.
No. Obama just left without a plan.
The situation in Iraq WAS AND IS a big issue galvanizing the filth of Iranian
Imperialism------but there are also other issues-----like Iran's alliance with Imperialist
Russia. In any case----GOOD OF YOU to highlight the present Imperialist Threat
which is primarily IRAN and the rest of the Shiites of the world (lots of Shiites
outside of Iran) Russian Imperialism is an aggravating factor. The alliance
between the two most powerful and ambitious IMPERIALISM threats is more
important than DA BOMB. Some people trivialize it

Okay, you see, here's the thing. The only reason why we care about Iran, why we've spend 50 years caring about Iran and fucking it up, is because of our thirst for oil.

If we had invested in energy independence in the 1970's instead of spending hundred billions of dollars spending Hall Monitor in the Middle East, the Shi'ites and Wahhabis arguing over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin wouldn't be a problem.
The Rise of ISIS
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.

Yet another fool who does nt know we pulled our residual forces from Iraq because Iraq would not sign the agreement that protects our troops.
Then why did we pull out? All we had to do is tell Iraq President it's our way or the highway and we can easily put a bullet in his fuckimg grape. Pussy Obama diplomacy was a failure in SW Asia and Middle-East.
So, we spend years supporting the Iraqi government as running their country & you want the US to ruin that?
First, W fucked everything up when he removed Saddam. Should have let him keep that shit hole of a nation in line. But, under Bush, they understood who had the final word on things. The guy that became Iraq leader after Bush left got the green light through inaction by Obama, to start a Shia, Sunni civil war. Welcome ISIS. US should have always let Iraqi leaders know where the line was drawn on what they could or could not do.
Everyone with a brain knew Iraq would fall into a civil war when we left.

Quit blaming Obama for Bush's mistakes.

Bush helped Iran move up in the power rankings in the Middle East.

Obama stopped their nuclear weapon program.

Trump will be a disaster for the US & the world.
Educate yourself.
The Rise of ISIS
The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?

The situation in Iraq WAS AND IS a big issue galvanizing the filth of Iranian
Imperialism------but there are also other issues-----like Iran's alliance with Imperialist
Russia. In any case----GOOD OF YOU to highlight the present Imperialist Threat
which is primarily IRAN and the rest of the Shiites of the world (lots of Shiites
outside of Iran) Russian Imperialism is an aggravating factor. The alliance
between the two most powerful and ambitious IMPERIALISM threats is more
important than DA BOMB. Some people trivialize it

Okay, you see, here's the thing. The only reason why we care about Iran, why we've spend 50 years caring about Iran and fucking it up, is because of our thirst for oil.

If we had invested in energy independence in the 1970's instead of spending hundred billions of dollars spending Hall Monitor in the Middle East, the Shi'ites and Wahhabis arguing over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin wouldn't be a problem.
The Rise of ISIS

And the saudis fund them? Why not. They have funded the Taliban, Hamas, and other terrorist groups.
So basically, you think we should give as much military hardware as possible to a brutal Wahabi fundamentalist regime that regularly stages public beheadings?

Do we not have public executions? Should any other nation be telling us who we may, or may not execute?

Right now, this very minute, President Donald Trump is giving the speech of his life to 50 Muslim nations. Repeatedly he is telling them of the suffering they have endured under terrorism and asking them to drive them, the terrorists out of their nations.

Some in the vast audience are nodding in agreement.
So basically, you think we should give as much military hardware as possible to a brutal Wahabi fundamentalist regime that regularly stages public beheadings?

Do we not have public executions? Should any other nation be telling us who we may, or may not execute?

Right now, this very minute, President Donald Trump is giving the speech of his life to 50 Muslim nations. Repeatedly he is telling them of the suffering they have endured under terrorism and asking them to drive them, the terrorists out of their nations.

Some in the vast audience are nodding in agreement.

Plenty will agree with him. Probably the majority of them. But that does not matter one bit. The fact that the majority of any group are peaceful does not change the dangers of the radical minority. There were over 1 million muslims in the US on 9/11. The overwhelming majority were peaceful people who enjoyed living in the US. It did not change the outcome one bit.
Everyone with a brain knew Iraq would fall into a civil war when we left.

Quit blaming Obama for Bush's mistakes.

Bush helped Iran move up in the power rankings in the Middle East.

Obama stopped their nuclear weapon program.

Trump will be a disaster for the US & the world.

You are 100% correct. Everyone with a brain knew Iraq would fall into a civil war when we left EXCEPT PETULANT FORMER PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

He was warned by his advisers and made the choice to ignore them.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.
- Former President Clinton
Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."
- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.


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