Why People Don't Believe In Climate Science

Your question illustrates the problem. Believing in something is a religious concept.
Do you believe you are alive, imbecile? Do you believe the sun will rise tomorrow?

Only morons try to twist the semantics like you're trying to do, shitweasel.

Accepting scientific evidence and believing the testimony of experts is not in any way "religious". It is the sane activity of rational intelligent people.

Denying the scientific evidence and disbelieving the testimony of the experts because of your cult-like rightwingnut political and economic ideologies IS kind of pseudo-religious, or 'cultic'.....as well as irrational, stupid and insane.
The sun doesn't rise, Einstein.
LOLOLOL....just more of your twisted semantics, shitweasel. Hilarious you should mention Einstein. If you weren't such an ignorant anti-science imbecile, you might have some understanding of the Theory of Relativity....and the fact that in the 'frame of reference' of the Earth, the sun indeed "RISES" over the horizon every morning. In the frame of reference of the solar system, the sunlight is, of course, not changing direction, rather the Earth is constantly turning to bring a different face into the sunlight.

And moreover, dumbfuck, my point was that people, including you, 'believe' the sun will rise in the morning, or they 'believe' that they are alive, without any religious connotations whatsoever. People "believe" all kinds of things simply because those are the observed facts of the matter. Conflating "belief" as something inevitably "religious" is insanely stupid. But that is your standard method of operation, you moronic denier cult troll.
Your question illustrates the problem. Believing in something is a religious concept.
Do you believe you are alive, imbecile? Do you believe the sun will rise tomorrow?

Only morons try to twist the semantics like you're trying to do, shitweasel.

Accepting scientific evidence and believing the testimony of experts is not in any way "religious". It is the sane activity of rational intelligent people.

Denying the scientific evidence and disbelieving the testimony of the experts because of your cult-like rightwingnut political and economic ideologies IS kind of pseudo-religious, or 'cultic'.....as well as irrational, stupid and insane.
The sun doesn't rise, Einstein.
LOLOLOL....just more of your twisted semantics, shitweasel. Hilarious you should mention Einstein. If you weren't such an ignorant anti-science imbecile, you might have some understanding of the Theory of Relativity....and the fact that in the 'frame of reference' of the Earth, the sun indeed "RISES" over the horizon every morning. In the frame of reference of the solar system, the sunlight is, of course, not changing direction, rather the Earth is constantly turning to bring a different face into the sunlight.

And moreover, dumbfuck, my point was that people, including you, 'believe' the sun will rise in the morning, or they 'believe' that they are alive, without any religious connotations whatsoever. People "believe" all kinds of things simply because those are the observed facts of the matter. Conflating "belief" as something inevitably "religious" is insanely stupid. But that is your standard method of operation, you moronic denier cult troll.
I didn't say I believed the sun rose, you said that and I pointed out how idiotic it was when pretending to be all science minded, in the hopes of masking your religious beliefs.

And speaking of beliefs and Einstein he accepted the prevailing consensus of the day and believed in a steady state universe. He even fudged some numbers to make it happened. Later, he called it the biggest blunder of his life.

They just about all ridiculed the genius Roman Catholic priest that came along with math showing a beginning. They assumed he was trying to fit his faith into the science. The term of derision spread quickly, calling it The Big Bang.

Come back with more than spittle next time, okay?
Accepting scientific evidence and believing the testimony of experts is not in any way "religious". It is the sane activity of rational intelligent people.

Denying the scientific evidence and disbelieving the testimony of the experts because of your cult-like rightwingnut political and economic ideologies IS kind of pseudo-religious, or 'cultic'.....as well as irrational, stupid and insane.

The sun doesn't rise, Einstein.

LOLOLOL....just more of your twisted semantics, shitweasel. Hilarious you should mention Einstein. If you weren't such an ignorant anti-science imbecile, you might have some understanding of the Theory of Relativity....and the fact that in the 'frame of reference' of the Earth, the sun indeed "RISES" over the horizon every morning. In the frame of reference of the solar system, the sunlight is, of course, not changing direction, rather the Earth is constantly turning to bring a different face into the sunlight.

And moreover, dumbfuck, my point was that people, including you, 'believe' the sun will rise in the morning, or they 'believe' that they are alive, without any religious connotations whatsoever. People "believe" all kinds of things simply because those are the observed facts of the matter. Conflating "belief" as something inevitably "religious" is insanely stupid. But that is your standard method of operation, you moronic denier cult troll.

I didn't say I believed the sun rose, you said that and I pointed out how idiotic it was when pretending to be all science minded, in the hopes of masking your religious beliefs.

There is nothing unscientific or religious in describing the sun as rising or setting.

And speaking of beliefs and Einstein he accepted the prevailing consensus of the day and believed in a steady state universe. He even fudged some numbers to make it happened. Later, he called it the biggest blunder of his life.

He did believe in a steady state universe and added a mutual repulsion property to empty space - his cosmological constant - to prevent the collapse that general relativity predicted. However, he withdrew that concept and accepted The Big Bang and the expanding universe in 1931.

They just about all ridiculed the genius Roman Catholic priest that came along with math showing a beginning. They assumed he was trying to fit his faith into the science. The term of derision spread quickly, calling it The Big Bang.

I do not know to what "genius Roman Catholic priest" you refer. The expansion of the universe was determined theoretically by Russian mathematician and physicist Alexander Friedmann in 1922. The universe was first observed to be expanding, of course, by astronomer Edwin P Hubble. In 1927, astronomer Georges Lemaître first noted that an expanding universe indicated it could have begun with a singularity. The conflict between The Big Bang and The Steady State theories was not resolved till well after WW-II. The term "The Big Bang" was coined by astronomer Fred Hoyle, who actually supported Steady State. The final clincher was the discovery by Penzias and Wilson of the Cosmic Microwave Background predicted by Ralph Apher and Robert Herman (working with George Gamow). None of these persons were Roman Catholic priests.
He did believe in a steady state universe and added a mutual repulsion property to empty space - his cosmological constant - to prevent the collapse that general relativity predicted. However, he withdrew that concept and accepted The Big Bang and the expanding universe in 1931.
...and the consensus was wrong. He finally accepted the fact.
I do not know to what "genius Roman Catholic priest" you refer. The expansion of the universe was determined theoretically by Russian mathematician and physicist Alexander Friedmann in 1922. The universe was first observed to be expanding, of course, by astronomer Edwin P Hubble. In 1927, astronomer Georges Lemaître first noted that an expanding universe indicated it could have begun with a singularity. The conflict between The Big Bang and The Steady State theories was not resolved till well after WW-II. The term "The Big Bang" was coined by astronomer Fred Hoyle, who actually supported Steady State. The final clincher was the discovery by Penzias and Wilson of the Cosmic Microwave Background predicted by Ralph Apher and Robert Herman (working with George Gamow). None of these persons were Roman Catholic priests.
You're an ignorant fuck, I'm not why you feel qualified to criticize anyone. Yes, I know Hoyle coined the phrase, it was an insult. And yours don't make you look any smarter.

Georges Lemaître - Important Scientists - The Physics of the Universe

Monsignor Georges Lemaître was a Belgian Roman Catholic priest, physicist and astronomer. He is usually credited with the first definitive formulation of the idea of an Arthur Eddington, who initiated him into modern cosmology, stellar astronomy and numerical analysis. He spent 1924 at Harvard College Observatory in Massachusetts, U.S.A., and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1925, he returned to Belgium and became a part-time lecturer (and later a full-time professor) at the Catholic University of Leuven, where he remained for the rest of his career.

In 1927, he discovered a family of solutions to Einstein's field equations of Alexander Friedmann in 1922). The report which would eventually bring him international fame, entitled “A homogeneous Edwin Hubblepublished his definitive report that the Arthur Eddington, who described it as a "brilliant solution" to the outstanding problems of cosmology, and arranged for Lemaître’s theory to be translated and reprinted in the “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society” in 1931.

Later in 1931, at a meeting of the British Association in London to discuss the relationship between the physicalFred Hoyle in 1949, and its importance today is arguably due more to the revival and revision it received at the hands ofGeorge Gamow in 1946.

Lemaître’s proposal initially met with skepticism from his fellow scientists at the time, and even the supportiveEddington found Lemaître’s notion “repugnant”. Einstein was initially unwilling to accept Lemaître's idea of an expanding universe, although he did appreciate Lemaître's argument that the static-Einsteinian model of the universe could not be sustained indefinitely into the past, commenting "Your math is correct, but your physics is abominable".[/QUOTE]
There is nothing unscientific or religious in describing the sun as rising or setting.
It doesn't rise so there's nothing scientific about it. Licking his ass won't help either of you.
And the shitweasel is still braindead.
You can get spittle bibs at Toy R Us


You haven't got shite to actually bring to this discussion, do you.
I pointed out the fact that you are deeply religious. It's blasphemy to even question the high priests of Warming.
It's actually really simple. These so called "scientists" have been wrong over and over
I pointed out the fact that you are deeply religious. It's blasphemy to even question the high priests of Warming.

You haven't demonstrated the factuality of your claim. Ever. You haven't presented a single iota of evidence to support that charge. Not one. You have failed to even comment in regards to the clear refutation I provided courtesy of the nearest dictionary.

You just haven't got shite.
Why People Don't Believe In Climate Science
Good question!!!

Here's a fairly complete answer in a single sentence.

Mostly, as seems obvious from the demented, anti-science, ideologically-driven, crackpot posts of the forum's resident rightwingnut deniers, their 'disbelief' in the scientifically confirmed and observationally well recorded reality of human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes and disruptions, stems in great part from their being kind of stupid, severely lacking in both logic and rationality, poorly educated in science, very, very gullible, massively brainwashed by the media stooges for the fossil fuel industry, and ideologically opposed in a crackpot rightwingnut way to the coming international governmental legal restrictions on carbon emissions that are necessary to at least slow down the still accelerating global warming and somewhat limit the range of future damages...(opposed also, of course, to any other governmental regulations to deal with the crisis whatsoever, simply because they are paranoid anti-governmental kooks first and foremost).....let alone how opposed they are or will be to the more drastic measures the world will take as the severity of the climate change crisis rapidly grows more deadly and destructive in the coming years and decades.....like, fairly soon, legally requiring that all of the oil, coal and natural gas still in the ground, remain in the ground...un-burnt forever.

I don't just believe in Climate Science, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Earth climate change happens, what its parameters are, what causes it, and hence what does not. See my other topics and get a clue fast...
You haven't proved anything. You haven't even provided evidence that addresses any of the current pertinent questions.
But still ignorant and paranoid enough to worry about communist conspiracies
Green is the new RED..it's all about controlling people!


And there's the denier cult troll paranoid-crackpot-conspiracy-theory propaganda meme #2.

...(shudder)..."It's all a 'YUGE' commie conspiracy".....(oh, the horror)...

Suitable for terrifying extremely gullible, very brainwashed, completely ignorant, and virulently anti-science, anti-regulatory rightwingnuts into a panic! Or, in other words, most of them.

Watch them run in circles, waving their arms, and praising the virtues of The Almighty Dollar and Unrestrained Free Market Capitalism like true devotees of their cult....so that their corporate puppetmasters can continue to make high profits selling the stuff that is killing our only planet.
Why People Don't Believe In Climate Science

He makes some good points. What do you think?

One reason is because most people are morons. Also, I heard something a long time ago that I agree with. Which is that our whole economy is based on waste. To believe in human caused global warming, most people would have to believe they are assholes. Though far to many people are proud to admit to that, generally speaking, being an asshole isn't a good thing. So many people fight the idea that human caused global warming is a reality.
But still ignorant and paranoid enough to worry about communist conspiracies

MY GOD, does this NOT DESCRIBE the Manchurian muslim EXACTLY...and said by a COMMUNIST 2 years before the cock sucker in the White House was born...NICKY was a better SEER OF THE FUTURE than Carnac!


Better than Carnac? Now THAT is quite the commendation.
Why People Don't Believe In Climate Science

He makes some good points. What do you think?

One reason is because most people are morons. Also, I heard something a long time ago that I agree with. Which is that our whole economy is based on waste. To believe in human caused global warming, most people would have to believe they are assholes. Though far to many people are proud to admit to that, generally speaking, being an asshole isn't a good thing. So many people fight the idea that human caused global warming is a reality.

I'd like to suggest you do your best to stop beginning sentences with "Also, I heard...".

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