Great Barrier Reef: scientists ‘exaggerated’ coral bleaching


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Great Barrier Reef: scientists ‘exaggerated’ coral bleaching

Now this is just to funny..
Activist scientists and lobby groups have distorted surveys, maps and data to misrepresent the extent and impact of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, according to the chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Russell Reichelt.

A full survey of the reef released yesterday by the authority and the Australian Institute of Marine Science said 75 per cent of the reef would escape unscathed.

It appears the dire emergency isn't so dire after all. That the coral shells are frequently left by those who build them as salinity and temperatures change. Over 75% of the reef has already recovered in just 6 months and the last remaining area is showing signs of palup recolonization as the conditions return to their liking.

Funnier still is those scientists who actually work on the reef have just blown the whole lie to hell with pesky facts and real life science..

Just one more lie exposed about CAGW...
Oh so only 22% of the reef has died. Well gee... what fantastic news! *sarcasm*
Its not dead... Its the calcium skeleton left by the palup and is only vacant for now. That was the whole point of the article. The calcification is and always has been dead. The surface life is all that is missing and it can quickly be recolonized as massive ares of the reef have already recovered.

But I expected alarmists would not read the article and learn anything not spoon feed them from their masters pile of shit.
Oh so only 22% of the reef has died. Well gee... what fantastic news! *sarcasm*
Its not dead... Its the calcium skeleton left by the palup and is only vacant for now. That was the whole point of the article. The calcification is and always has been dead. The surface life is all that is missing and it can quickly be recolonized as massive ares of the reef have already recovered.

But I expected alarmists would not read the article and learn anything not spoon feed them from their masters pile of shit.
A quote from the expert in your article:

“This is a frightening enough story with the facts, you don’t need to dress them up."

But I expected Earth-hating losers wouldn't even read their own link.
the coral shells are frequently left by those who build them as salinity and temperatures change.

Wow...I suppose that's one way to put it, although the sentence above has a tenor connoting that "those who built" coral reefs leave them in much the same ways eagles build nests, migrate elsewhere for a time, and then either return to the same nest or at least to the same general area. The reality is that when "those who build" coral reefs leave them, it's because they died, but yes, temperature and salinity changes are among the causes of death.
Oh so only 22% of the reef has died. Well gee... what fantastic news! *sarcasm*
Its not dead... Its the calcium skeleton left by the palup and is only vacant for now. That was the whole point of the article. The calcification is and always has been dead. The surface life is all that is missing and it can quickly be recolonized as massive ares of the reef have already recovered.

But I expected alarmists would not read the article and learn anything not spoon feed them from their masters pile of shit.
A quote from the expert in your article:

“This is a frightening enough story with the facts, you don’t need to dress them up."

But I expected Earth-hating losers wouldn't even read their own link.

Then you fail to recognize that this is cyclical and normal life changes for the coral reef. Amazing how ignorant you are.
the coral shells are frequently left by those who build them as salinity and temperatures change.

Wow...I suppose that's one way to put it, although the sentence above has a tenor connoting that "those who built" coral reefs leave them in much the same ways eagles build nests, migrate elsewhere for a time, and then either return to the same nest or at least to the same general area. The reality is that when "those who build" coral reefs leave them, it's because they died, but yes, temperature and salinity changes are among the causes of death.
This cycle has never happened before? Right? Oh wait, that's the whole point of the article, that is and has happened before, and is all natural cycle.
Oh so only 22% of the reef has died. Well gee... what fantastic news! *sarcasm*
Its not dead... Its the calcium skeleton left by the palup and is only vacant for now. That was the whole point of the article. The calcification is and always has been dead. The surface life is all that is missing and it can quickly be recolonized as massive ares of the reef have already recovered.

But I expected alarmists would not read the article and learn anything not spoon feed them from their masters pile of shit.
A quote from the expert in your article:

“This is a frightening enough story with the facts, you don’t need to dress them up."

But I expected Earth-hating losers wouldn't even read their own link.

Then you fail to recognize that this is cyclical and normal life changes for the coral reef. Amazing how ignorant you are.
Yeah okay. Humans have never had any impact on anything, and never will. Great stance there buddy.
the coral shells are frequently left by those who build them as salinity and temperatures change.

Wow...I suppose that's one way to put it, although the sentence above has a tenor connoting that "those who built" coral reefs leave them in much the same ways eagles build nests, migrate elsewhere for a time, and then either return to the same nest or at least to the same general area. The reality is that when "those who build" coral reefs leave them, it's because they died, but yes, temperature and salinity changes are among the causes of death.

We can get Mexicans to do the work Palups don't want to do. First rebuild the reefs, then the wall!
the coral shells are frequently left by those who build them as salinity and temperatures change.

Wow...I suppose that's one way to put it, although the sentence above has a tenor connoting that "those who built" coral reefs leave them in much the same ways eagles build nests, migrate elsewhere for a time, and then either return to the same nest or at least to the same general area. The reality is that when "those who build" coral reefs leave them, it's because they died, but yes, temperature and salinity changes are among the causes of death.

We can get Mexicans to do the work Palups don't want to do. First rebuild the reefs, then the wall!


Geez. As long as they have been mentioned in the discussion, I wonder what share of the unemployed are Palups? Do you think the Palups who don't vote for the Green Party nominee will vote for Trump or Clinton?

Off Topic: are the second person I've seen write it, so I have to ask because I cannot find the word in a dictionary, which is why I opted to write the silly questions I did above....What the heck is a "palup?"
the coral shells are frequently left by those who build them as salinity and temperatures change.

Wow...I suppose that's one way to put it, although the sentence above has a tenor connoting that "those who built" coral reefs leave them in much the same ways eagles build nests, migrate elsewhere for a time, and then either return to the same nest or at least to the same general area. The reality is that when "those who build" coral reefs leave them, it's because they died, but yes, temperature and salinity changes are among the causes of death.

We can get Mexicans to do the work Palups don't want to do. First rebuild the reefs, then the wall!


Geez. As long as they have been mentioned in the discussion, I wonder what share of the unemployed are Palups? Do you think the Palups who don't vote for the Green Party nominee will vote for Trump or Clinton?

Off Topic: are the second person I've seen write it, so I have to ask because I cannot find the word in a dictionary, which is why I opted to write the silly questions I did above....What the heck is a "palup?"

sorry was a mis-spell should be polyp , those sea micro organisms. I'm sure a study of polyp unemployment could be easily funded with the proper polyp representation. It's my suspicion there are already polyps deeply rooted in Washington. Not only will Polyps vote for Clinton, I'm pretty sure that under the proper environment one of the fatter ones easily could have supplanted Hillary as Democratic nominee........... unfortunantly there was some bias involved
Great Barrier Reef: scientists ‘exaggerated’ coral bleaching

Now this is just to funny..
Activist scientists and lobby groups have distorted surveys, maps and data to misrepresent the extent and impact of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, according to the chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Russell Reichelt.

A full survey of the reef released yesterday by the authority and the Australian Institute of Marine Science said 75 per cent of the reef would escape unscathed.

It appears the dire emergency isn't so dire after all. That the coral shells are frequently left by those who build them as salinity and temperatures change. Over 75% of the reef has already recovered in just 6 months and the last remaining area is showing signs of palup recolonization as the conditions return to their liking.

Funnier still is those scientists who actually work on the reef have just blown the whole lie to hell with pesky facts and real life science..

Just one more lie exposed about CAGW...

Bottom line: a government agency that very likely has very strong reasons to want to minimize such news (ie, tourist dollars) says it's okay because they believe that only 25% of the world's largest reef will turn out to be permanently dead. Gosh, am I reassured.
Some good news from the other side of the Pacific: Sea Stars (starfish) are making a recovery in some areas.

Pacific Rocky Intertidal Monitoring: Trends and Synthesis

Sea star wasting disease is somewhat of a mystery. The virus causing it has been identified, but that virus has always been around, and why the sudden big outbreak happened is not known.

As for the recovery, it's most likely natural selection. Susceptible sea stars died, leaving the few resistant ones behind to breed resistant baby sea stars.

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