Why other countries offer healthcare and job retraining:


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
When you go to other western countries, they offer full healthcare and job retraining if your job is automated or sent elsewhere.

Why do they do that in other countries and not here?

The wealth gap is hitting everywhere. Not just here where the top 1% owns 40% of the wealth and the bottom 90% owns 27% of the wealth. In the 1950's the numbers were reversed and the middle class were getting better raises.

But the wealthy got greedy. The wealthy bought Republican politicians they could get into office to pass legislation to send them the wealth of the nation. Like the Bush Tax cuts for the rich or today's Trump Tax cut scam.

Tards like to say "oh, it's because the rich worked harder". So did they not work in the 1950's? Of course they worked. That's just something the tards are taught to say, like parrots.

So the least we should get is healthcare and job retraining if our jobs are sent away or automated. They do it in other countries. Why not here?

Republicans keep saying people are lazy. Well, get them healthy and train them for today's jobs.
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Besides, the wealthy already learned that lesson in France. Just keep ripping off the poor and the middle class and see what happens. They last thing they heard after "Let them eat cake" was "off with their heads".
They don't have millions of blacks and Hispanics to take care of
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They don't have millions of blacks and Hispanics to take care of
Take care of? You mean like the millions of ignorant poor whites who live in Appalachia?
When you go to other western countries, they offer full healthcare and job retraining if your job is automated or sent elsewhere.

Why do they do that in other countries and not here?

The wealth gap is hitting everywhere. Not just here where the top 1% owns 40% of the wealth and the bottom 90% owns 27% of the wealth. In the 1950's the numbers were reversed and the middle class were getting better raises.

But the wealthy got greedy. The wealthy bought Republican politicians they could get into office to pass legislation to send them the wealth of the nation. Like the Bush Tax cuts for the rich or today's Trump Tax cut scam.

Tards like to say "oh, it's because the rich worked harder". So did they not work in the 1950's? Of course they worked. That's just something the tards are taught to say, like parrots.

So the least we should get is healthcare and job retraining if our jobs are sent away or automated. They do it in other countries. Why not here?

Republicans keep saying people are lazy. Well, get them healthy and train them for today's jobs.

Those other western nation have trade policies designed to make jobs available to displaced workers.

Here, we do plenty of retraining. And when they graduate, they end up flipping burgers because there are no jobs.
But the wealthy got greedy. The wealthy bought Republican politicians they could get into office to pass legislation to send them the wealth of the nation.

Let's examine that statement. In almost every instance I know, it is the Democrats, not the Republicans, which seem to attract the deep pockets! For instance, looking back at the 2016 election, Hillary raised $1,190,700,000 vs. Trump's $646,800,000 (184% greater, see Total Raised To Date, first chart), and some of Trump's money came out of his own back pocket:

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race

If you read down through the data, you will see that the Democrats out-raised and outspent Trump and the GOP in nearly every category, and whereas much of Trump's money came from true grassroots (less than $200) contributions, Hillary's came much more from large fundraisers of the rich and exclusive. SO I FAIL TO SEE how the wealthy are all going after the evil Republicans and not the Democrats to send them "the wealth of the nation" that they apparently already have! If anyone has demonstrated a vast propensity to make incredible amounts of taxpayer money disappear down into the foxhole of the wealthy, that would seem to be the Democrats along with the likes of puppet people like Barack Obama:

Obama, Geithner and the Missing Six Trillion Dollars

18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

Quantitative Easing Is Ending. Here’s What It Did, in Charts.

So you see, I don't see any evidence that the wealthy are favoring republicans, they seem to get much richer from Democrats, much less that any of them are keeping healthcare out of the hands of the poor. Healthcare is a NATIONAL decision, not a partisan one, and it seems that if the wealthy liberals and democratic-leaning rich want to, they could finance healthcare and job training for the poor tomorrow! BTW, these programs already exist.

No, this is just one more ignorant, partisan, class-envy case of class envy and the desire of income redistribution: some people work for their money while everyone else benefits from it! This entire thread might be better defined as: Europe Is Very Socialized! Why Not Us???!

Ah, Socialists just never seem to learn that socialism works just fine until you run out of other people's money.
There’s a reason why people were referring to you as rderp before you changed your name to deanrd. Just saying.

Did you really think changing your name would make you seem less stupid?
Why other countries offer healthcare and job retraining:

You want job retraining ... OK, but pay attention this time.

What's healthcare like in mexico or Haiti?
Is that what you want here? Healthcare like in Mexico and Haiti?
Like in Cuba, the lefts pinnacle of modern healthcare systems.


We could save a fortune on healthcare by eliminating wasteful practices like hand-washing and sterilized instruments.

Why do we insist on all those bells and whistles?
The left sure are not flocking to Cuba for healthcare after decades of worshipping it.

Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | HuffPost

It's almost as if they think Cuban healthcare is to be avoided or something.


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