Why Not Have North American Homelands for the Races?

So you support giving Jews their own State in the middle of a predominantly Arab/Muslim population... and that's somehow different because Jews are special?

I never said that. Jews already have their own state.

Which, according to you, means there can never be peace.
So you oppose the creation and existence of a Jewish State? Are you now condemning ionism and demanding the end of the Jewish State?
You cant expect that once the new states are created, Jews will do their own thing, and Arabs to do theirs,
Yet that's exactly what the zionists insists upon
andthey will forget that each other exist
Especially not those the Jews have displaced, oppressed, and killed

You're doing a great job showing why the US needs to abandon Isra-El and stop support Zion[az]ism

JB you are a little off topic. The OP asked if America would be better of segregating the races, my reply was no. You are the one that tried to analogise this to the Jewish/Arab situation, and I merely pointed out that separating the populations in that case would not be a viable solution either. I am neither supporting nor opposing Zionism, if that is the issue that you want to discuss perhaps you should start another thread.
Everybody want's to live where the white people are....
Tank and High_Gravity...

Thanks for the thank you... :lol: :lol:

I don't want to discriminate against anybody... Hell, I'm Latino myself, if William Joyce had his way I would be the first one to be discriminated.

I just want the white race to survive... I have a lifelong fascination with blue/green eyes, fair skin, blond/red hair and will continue to think it is wonderful till the day I die.

Only people who are fucked in the head wish to see the extermination of what they find beautiful.
That's so they can have someone to bring down.
A white state, a black state, a Hispanic state, a Jewish state...

Why not?

I suppose you would just love to be forcibly relocated if you happened to end up in the wrong state. You are such a nice guy.


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José;3303351 said:
Tank and High_Gravity...

Thanks for the thank you... :lol: :lol:

I don't want to discriminate against anybody... Hell, I'm Latino myself, if William Joyce had his way I would be the first one to be discriminated.

I just want the white race to survive... I have a lifelong fascination with blue/green eyes, fair skin, blond/red hair and will continue to think it is wonderful till the day I die.

Only people who are fucked in the head wish to see the extermination of what they find beautiful.

Jose I agree, white women are sexy and I also don't want them to leave especially women like this hottie Scarlett Johannsen.

Where would the interracial people go? spend half the time in the black area and half the time in the white one?

William Joyce is a batshit crazy racist, High Gravity. I dun waste time on him, but if it amuses you to do so, feel free.

Just don't expect him to respond rationally.

Oh, I'm pretty rational, Madeline. The fact that you don't like what I have to say doesn't mean I'm not rational. I have proposed a rational solution to racial strife: geographic homelands in which one race is the predominant race by population and political control. For mixed race people, how about a mixed-race homeland? Or, as proposed by Prof. Michael Hart, a land for anyone who claims not to care about race -- open to anyone, of any race, mixed-race, etc. Plenty of options. (Hart was being a little sneaky here -- this is a hypothetical country that most of today's whites would proclaim to want, but when shit came to shove, they'd move to the "white" country!)

Do you have a rational response to this?

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