Zone1 Why Most People End up in Hell (Jesus himself said this)

My question is what happens to people of other religions who have heard of Christ but chose to stick with their religion?
If they only KNEW Him

they wouldn't. The REal Presence of Christ is found only in HIS Church, the Catholic Church

Most people don't know that. Even Catholics don't. It may not be and probably isn't their fault. But Jesus said Seek and you will find so we pray they do that..
The REal Presence of Christ is found only in HIS Church, the Catholic Church
Protestants have the communion of bread and wine as well, however it is only symbolic of the body and blood of Christ, not actually the body and blood.
If they only KNEW Him

they wouldn't. The REal Presence of Christ is found only in HIS Church, the Catholic Church

Most people don't know that. Even Catholics don't. It may not be and probably isn't their fault. But Jesus said Seek and you will find so we pray they do that..
Before the printing press and mass public education (reading) I can understand the importance of priests, cardinals and a Pope. Today a person can read the Bible and study in depth commentary on his own.

I have read the entire Bible several times and read a number of commentary books on Christianity. I believe many Catholics will go to heaven but I also believe the same for Protestants. I believe faith is more important than works but feel a true Christian will have some works to show. The Pope seems to be a nice guy but I question if all or even any Popes have been God’s representatives on earth.
The Pope seems to be a nice guy but I question if all or even any Popes have been God’s representatives on earth.
Actually, the purpose of the Pope is to be the Servant of the Servants of God. (I put this in caps because it is considered his title.) I haven't heard that the Pope is God's representative on earth, but it is true that he represents a direct line back to Jesus.
Actually, the purpose of the Pope is to be the Servant of the Servants of God. (I put this in caps because it is considered his title.) I haven't heard that the Pope is God's representative on earth, but it is true that he represents a direct line back to Jesus.
My statement that the Pope is God’s representative on earth is something I heard decades ago, likely from a Protestant source.

There have been some really good Popes but also some really bad Popes. If the Pope has a direct connection with God, the really bad Popes are hard for me to explain.

I have met some Catholics I have considered to be excellent examples of what a Christian should be. I see Catholic politicians on TV who belong to the Democratic Party and find it hard to believe they accept the basic tenants of their faith especially on the issue of abortion.

The Catholic religion does appear to be a more serious religion than the Protestant varieties. I have attended only one Catholic Mass. It was in New Orleans at the Basilica on Jackson Square. I have to admit I was favorably impressed. The Priest spent some time addressing the activities in the French Quarter and painted the owners of the establishments in a negative light. In many Protestant churches it often seems the Preacher will avoid directly discussing the sins of the people in his congregation fearing a drop in contributions.
My statement that the Pope is God’s representative on earth is something I heard decades ago, likely from a Protestant source.

There have been some really good Popes but also some really bad Popes. If the Pope has a direct connection with God, the really bad Popes are hard for me to explain.
No, the Pope has no more a direct line to God than any person/believer of any faith. He is another follower of Christ whose part in the Body of Christ may have more attention, but certainly no greater purpose than any other follower. The good popes are well versed in Christology, Apostolic Traditions, and Spirituality, and they do not stray outside this focus into the current politics of any era.

The current Pope has critics because his focus--too often--strays into politics, when Jesus focused on the everyday issues of individual lives, not the political issues of the powerful.
I see Catholic politicians on TV who belong to the Democratic Party and find it hard to believe they accept the basic tenants of their faith especially on the issue of abortion.
And here is where a Pope played politics. A US bishop rightly (many, including myself believe) refused the Eucharist to Nancy Pelosi based on her very public stance pushing for abortions. Mrs. Pelosi flaunted this by hightailing it to the Pope who publicly gave her Communion. Many of us were appalled.

As for the President...shrug. All throughout his political life, he has had no true code, swinging with whichever way the political winds blow. A true follower of Christ--no matter which denomination--has a code. Poor Mr. Biden has always been easily controlled and manipulated. Yet, despite this, people keep voting him back into office.
I'm not so sure the word Grace translates into Favor?

those with God's grace do have some of His favor, presumably.. (OK, definitely.. sometimes) but what happens when the person experiences some godawful thing and wonders WHY, God? I am serving You and you allow THIS to happen!

Some people leave Him when that happens.. they don't see they are at all in His favor despite living for Him. Some become atheists.
There is a "flip" side to the coin called grace which literally means sanctification through favor......because mankind does nothing worth salvation as all have fallen short of the mark (every man sins through freewill -- Romans 3:23-24)....there is no flesh that can be justified in the eyes of God through the works of the Law in and by itself (Gal.2:16) as James declared, Works void of Faith through grace is Dead. Faith and Works compliment, not contradict. (James 2:5) One without the other is worthless. There is no doctrine of "once saved, always saved". Paul lived in fear that he would one day fall from grace as he described salvation as gift/prize that comes after the race called life is over......he declared it was a daily struggle to bring his carnal flesh under submission . (1 Cor. 9:24,27. 2 Tim. 4:7)

The other side of the coin? "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God." -- Heb.10:31. In fact, the scriptures declare that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. (Prov. 9:10)
Protestants have the communion of bread and wine as well, however it is only symbolic of the body and blood of Christ, not actually the body and blood.
and symbolic is not good enough. We need the actual Presence of Christ in order to know Him as He really is. It's too bad there's so much corruption in the Catholic Church or I should say in what APPEARS to be that.. That keeps people away, but Jesus did promise he would be with us ALWAYS, even until the END. (Mt 28;20)

He knew human nature better than anyone.. He knew evildoers would attempt to destroy His Church, and also knew they would come very close to doing so... especially in 1958 when the Vatican was overcome by Christ's enemies... but God watches over His Church (in exile) and His people... When Catholics cannot be in Christ's Presence, they can pray the rosary and that is ... well, words fail but the rosary is what made me a practicing Christian, and what keeps me from falling into egregious error.
There is a "flip" side to the coin called grace which literally means sanctification through favor......because mankind does nothing worth salvation as all have fallen short of the mark (every man sins through freewill -- Romans 3:23-24)....there is no flesh that can be justified in the eyes of God through the works of the Law in and by itself (Gal.2:16) as James declared, Works void of Faith through grace is Dead. Faith and Works compliment, not contradict. (James 2:5) One without the other is worthless. There is no doctrine of "once saved, always saved". Paul lived in fear that he would one day fall from grace as he described salvation as gift/prize that comes after the race called life is over......he declared it was a daily struggle to bring his carnal flesh under submission . (1 Cor. 9:24,27. 2 Tim. 4:7)

The other side of the coin? "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God." -- Heb.10:31. In fact, the scriptures declare that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. (Prov. 9:10)
well, I don't know why you are telling "the choir" about this. I already know this.

I say (and this may be where I do not necessarily agree or maybe it's a matter of word choice?)

but I say that grace is God's presence in our lives. The danger in any case is thinking that when life is good (according to us), that means we have God's grace

and/or favor.

I guess the main point I am trying to make is that people are easily deceived... just because "life is good" does not mean we are perfectly right with God and in fact, it could mean exactly the opposite. I say the devil (who rules the world .. Jn? 8:44) allows people to have the good things of this world so they will not question whether... that is sufficient or whatever.. won't seek God. On the other hand, this vile POS who rules the world... despises those who .. shall we say Love Jesus too much..
And here is where a Pope played politics. A US bishop rightly (many, including myself believe) refused the Eucharist to Nancy Pelosi based on her very public stance pushing for abortions. Mrs. Pelosi flaunted this by hightailing it to the Pope who publicly gave her Communion. Many of us were appalled.

As for the President...shrug. All throughout his political life, he has had no true code, swinging with whichever way the political winds blow. A true follower of Christ--no matter which denomination--has a code. Poor Mr. Biden has always been easily controlled and manipulated. Yet, despite this, people keep voting him back into office.
There are a few errors here

for one thing, biden was not voted in. There were insufficient votes for him. But he got to be president anyway because of fraud. I have viewed massive evidence, read many books on this.

And why should a Catholic be appalled when the fake pope acts like a fake pope (giving a pro abortionist) "Communion"? Well, it wasn't really the Body of Christ she was given anyway, so no harm, no foul...

Only a true pope (priest) can confect the host (although it is really Christ working through the priest). And we havent had a valid pope since 1958.

and I could go on and on but that seems quite sufficient for the time being
Before the printing press and mass public education (reading) I can understand the importance of priests, cardinals and a Pope. Today a person can read the Bible and study in depth commentary on his own.

I have read the entire Bible several times and read a number of commentary books on Christianity. I believe many Catholics will go to heaven but I also believe the same for Protestants. I believe faith is more important than works but feel a true Christian will have some works to show. The Pope seems to be a nice guy but I question if all or even any Popes have been God’s representatives on earth.
There are two keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Faith and acceptance of the Grace of God. If you do have Faith and accept the Grace then good deeds will follow. However, they are not prescribed.

Too many sects put emphasis on deeds and that is not what Christianity is all about.
There are two keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Faith and acceptance of the Grace of God. If you do have Faith and accept the Grace then good deeds will follow. However, they are not prescribed.

Too many sects put emphasis on deeds and that is not what Christianity is all about.
and too many put NO emphasis on deeds and that is not what Christianity is.. far from it
and too many put NO emphasis on deeds and that is not what Christianity is.. far from it
If you are a real Christian then appropriate deeds will follow. However, like all humans you will fail at it.

If we are measured on deeds then then we all will be going to Hell.
and too many put NO emphasis on deeds and that is not what Christianity is.. far from it
Disassociated 'deeds' eventually become an attitude of service in all areas of one's life, which then becomes one's 'ministry'.
well, I don't know why you are telling "the choir" about this. I already know this.

I say (and this may be where I do not necessarily agree or maybe it's a matter of word choice?)

but I say that grace is God's presence in our lives. The danger in any case is thinking that when life is good (according to us), that means we have God's grace

and/or favor.

I guess the main point I am trying to make is that people are easily deceived... just because "life is good" does not mean we are perfectly right with God and in fact, it could mean exactly the opposite. I say the devil (who rules the world .. Jn? 8:44) allows people to have the good things of this world so they will not question whether... that is sufficient or whatever.. won't seek God. On the other hand, this vile POS who rules the world... despises those who .. shall we say Love Jesus too much..
Why declare that YOU DON'T KNOW.........then pretend that you knew all along? Verbatim, "I don't know that GRACE means FAVOR". I once met someone who was never wrong, except ONCE.......turns out, he was never wrong, he was simply mistaking. :wink:

Another example of finding Grace through God that demonstrates that Works alone or Grace through Faith alone is not sufficient to enter the kingdom of God...i.e, the church given to Jesus by the Father. Read and comprehend the Conversion of Cornelius' household. It was God who sent Peter, telling him that he should go to the house of Cornelius after an angel communicated with Cornelius in a dream, declaring your prayers and alms (doing good works for the poor) have come up for a "memorial" before God. (Memorial: recognition/favor from authority) -- Acts 10:3-7

Was these works alone enough to save Cornelius and his household? Even when God intervenes in a supernatural fashion, this does not overrule the established method of gaining entrance into the kingdom of God. Cornelius was commanded to repent and be baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.....even after the Holy Spirit fell upon the house of Cornelious......baptism was the final instruction to Cornelious. "Can any man forbid water, that these should be baptized........" -- Acts 10:47
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OK, technically what Jesus said was that FEW find the Narrow way that leads to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13)

Lk 13:24 makes the point that most attempting to enter Heaven at death "will not be strong enough." My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

My experiences would tell me this (that very few make it) even if Jesus (and canonized saints) did not say so because you look around at all the heinous evil going on (homosexual acts, divorce for no valid reason, murdering the unborn) and things getting worse by the day and .. What? People who do these vile things are going to be allowed into Heaven (?)-- where all is good and holy and pure and just?


if I may

In Romans 1:24, 26, 28; God gives them up to a Reprobate mind,

And Romans 1:29-31; There are 24 Sins, God speaks about in these verses.

In Romans 1:32; Man knows he deserves to be damned and that he persists in his sins, and that he even enjoys and delights to see others sin against God, because of his depravity.

Romans 6:23 For the Wages of Sin is Death. This is the second death.

Revelation 2:11 He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

In Rom. 1:18; God’s wrath is in view.

In Rom. 1:19-20; Man can see the power of God in the world.

In Rom. 1:21-22; Man refuses to give God glory and honor, and man’s manifestation, total spiritual deadness, and total depravity, beginning with our first parents, Adam and Eve.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Cor 6:9-10 (NKJV)

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Gal 5:18-21 (NKJV)
It is idolatry to worship ‘consecrated’ bread? The Catholic Church says that, during Mass, the bread and wine literally turn into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. Catholics are taught to bow before the bread and to worship it. According to Catholic Canon Law, Catholics are supposed to worship the Eucharist (consecrated bread and wine) with "supreme adoration." They also pray to it.

Only the Catholic priest has the power to make the wafer and juice change, what incredible supernaturalism this is. So why is the blood not in his body? Why is His body not His body? Where does the Bible teach about priests turning the wafer and juice into Jesus, where did Jesus say they can do this? He didn’t. This is all made up by a church that refuses to give the gospel message to its people to be saved so that the people can give it to others.

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