Zone1 Why Most People End up in Hell (Jesus himself said this)

"MOST"..........the majority of mankind will go to hell because: They choose to live in sin without repentance while refusing to accept the conditions of God's grace that was made possible because Jesus (God incarnate) Himself became sin and took our sins upon Himself.

The conditions of Grace are simple. Live in Truth. Truthfully repent, Truthfully attempt to live a sin free life, Truthfully attempt to run this race called life in a righteous manner as defined by God's laws of morality. The wages of sin (all sin) is death......the wages of truth is "freedom".......freedom from sin, freedom from guilt, freedom from the love of money, most importantly freedom to love.

Where is truth found? In the Word of God. One becomes sanctififed in truth by believing and acting on those words of truth.

The "Gospel" is the good news........Jesus described His mission statement in coming to earth was to deliver the "Gospel Truth"

We all live by God's Grace......we control nothing, we have our existence "within God" (Acts 17) The word Grace simply means "Favor". We live and breathe and move .........we have our very being by the Grace of God. God provides the air.......its up to man to breath the air. God provides our food, its up to man to eat the food. God provides the water, its up to man to drink the water. God provides Grace........its up to man to accept this grace. Just like Food, Water, and Air are provided by God and we act upon that grace in order to must look/seek in the correct places in order to partake of God's grace. You don't look for air at the bottom of a don't look for food in a place that is barren of all life........and you don't look for water in a barren desert. It takes faith to know where each of these items of grace exist......and you act (work) upon that faith to access your life's substance where you believe they following the advise from God.

You must first begin the journey that ends in salavtion. All it takes is coming to the knowledge of the truth by having faith in God's word/truth. God would have everyone saved by coming to the knowledge of this truth (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Tim. 2:4)

God provides the Grace to save man's spirit just as He provides the Grace to sustain man's physical life. The difference. The flesh will decay...........its created with an experiation date, man's spirit is eternal and its up to you to seek out the spiritual items of God's grace to man's spirit. "God so loved the world......" God provided the means, its up to man to seek and find the method, acceptance of the fact that man can do nothing that is worthy of such grace.......coming to the knowledge that Jesus (who was sin free) became Sin in order to stand between the Father and our Sin. (2 Cor. 5:21)

If you refuse to accept this Gospel Truth, refuse to act upon this faith/ are doomed to live and die in your sins. Just as God does not make man, eat, drink, and breathe the necessities of life.....God will not make man partake of the Spiritual meat, drink and air that He has provided by His Grace. You must "choose" to live.........decisions are free will judgments. God did not create robots. God created Spiritual Beings, now with the capacity to know good from evil (because man now knows and compreheneds the law of God)........all men are endowed with free will.

"........choose you this day whom you will serve....... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." -- Joshua 24:15
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Everyone is personally judged after death. I don't know where you get your information but even if the Original Church did not teach this, it is only common sense.

Why would God bother to make all these different 'places' (paradise, but it's not heaven, according to you) when.. you had a chance to choose Truth (Jesus) on this earth and if you didn't.. or if you did.. it's simple: you go where you belong. Purgatory is not something some Catholic clergy made up hundreds of years ago. There is a book in the Old T (for all you who go by bible alone or claim to) that speaks of how, after a war and the dead were lying about on the battlefied, someone suggested praying for them.. dead people, that they be "loosed from their sins." (I'm pretty sure it was the "general" who suggested that or some higher up person)

but of course the human who started HIS church (Luther and all the protestants coming after him because Christ's Church wasn't good enough 4 them) didn't like that book, so they threw it out.. it's part of the Apocrypha that was rejected by one sect of the Jews and by Protestants, but is included in Catholic bibles

What book are you talking about?
OK, technically what Jesus said was that FEW find the Narrow way that leads to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13)

Lk 13:24 makes the point that most attempting to enter Heaven at death "will not be strong enough." My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

My experiences would tell me this (that very few make it) even if Jesus (and canonized saints) did not say so because you look around at all the heinous evil going on (homosexual acts, divorce for no valid reason, murdering the unborn) and things getting worse by the day and .. What? People who do these vile things are going to be allowed into Heaven (?)-- where all is good and holy and pure and just?

Jesus' words do in fact tell us fewer people will make it than don't. Some of the canonized saints said very very few make it to Heaven, although St. Padre Pio believed that most eventually make it. My feeling is that Heaven is like losing weight or getting rich in that the secret of doing it is readily attainable and anyone can do it. But few choose to.

In other words, if you really want it, you'll do what it takes to get to Heaven.
Hell is a human construct designed to scare people into becoming members of the Christian religion. Fear has been the strongest motivator since humans first began walking upright.
I do not fear Hell, any more than Kobe Bryant feared having to run punishment laps for not hustling during practice.

My concern is that I will have to do time in purgatory, because I don't know if I can do enough on earth to make up for my sins.
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I wish people would get back to the simplicity of the Gospel. But what I see is some people putting so much devotion into their church (religion)… instead of in God and learning the word of God. When I see people who are so devoted to their church, it reminds me of the extreme partisans here who care more about political party than principle. But anyway....

As for the topic, yes, the way is narrow that leads to life! You must be born again. It's not about religion but about being reconciled to God, dying to our old self and becoming a new creation... a child of God. If it's genuine, it will be the best decision you ever made, and your only regret will be that you didn't do it sooner. :)
Catholics who are devoted to their faith are devoted to Jesus, so it's really the same thing, not different. I am always hesitant when people say good works can't get us to Heaven, because unless we love others (which entails good works), we aren't getting to Heaven.
One of the main problems with theology and apologetics.

If you actually believe in an all powerful and all knowing God and hold the contention that this God is allowing the majority to go to hell, whatever your version of it may be, then you are objectively worshipping an evil God.

You need to square your idea that an all powerful and all knowing entity is allowing most people to suffer the worst possible punishment with the ideas of an all good God. Those are incoherent concepts.
One of the main problems with theology and apologetics.

If you actually believe in an all powerful and all knowing God and hold the contention that this God is allowing the majority to go to hell, whatever your version of it may be, then you are objectively worshipping an evil God.

You need to square your idea that an all powerful and all knowing entity is allowing most people to suffer the worst possible punishment with the ideas of an all good God. Those are incoherent concepts.
God is also a just God. Sin/evil is punished. People have free will; those that end up in hell chose satan.
One of the main problems with theology and apologetics.

If you actually believe in an all powerful and all knowing God and hold the contention that this God is allowing the majority to go to hell, whatever your version of it may be, then you are objectively worshipping an evil God.

You need to square your idea that an all powerful and all knowing entity is allowing most people to suffer the worst possible punishment with the ideas of an all good God. Those are incoherent concepts.
God allows for free will. People make the decisions for themselves.
Anyone can go to Heaven who wants to.
I think most people end up in Hell because they do not love TRUTH

2nd to that are those who like truth but do not obey it as Jesus requires..

what good is to know truth but not live it?
One of the main problems with theology and apologetics.

If you actually believe in an all powerful and all knowing God and hold the contention that this God is allowing the majority to go to hell, whatever your version of it may be, then you are objectively worshipping an evil God.

You need to square your idea that an all powerful and all knowing entity is allowing most people to suffer the worst possible punishment with the ideas of an all good God. Those are incoherent concepts.

With my faith the view I have is not including what hell is but that there is something lasting that is from God's justice, which is essential and within God's goodness. God would not be good without fair justice, and we had Christ come from God to bear justice due to any of us and deliver us who will be in Christ, coming with faith.

With the grace of God we still would come necessarily with repentance, to turn from sin in our lives, to live more for God, our response is also needed, it is not just God's whim for who is saved and who is not. But there is always more of God's will for us than what we need with our response for salvation.
With my faith the view I have is not including what hell is but that there is something lasting that is from God's justice, which is essential and within God's goodness. God would not be good without fair justice, and we had Christ come from God to bear justice due to any of us and deliver us who will be in Christ, coming with faith.

With the grace of God we still would come necessarily with repentance, to turn from sin in our lives, to live more for God, our response is also needed, it is not just God's whim for who is saved and who is not. But there is always more of God's will for us than what we need with our response for salvation.
"MOST"..........the majority of mankind will go to hell because: They choose to live in sin without repentance while refusing to accept the conditions of God's grace that was made possible because Jesus (God incarnate) Himself became sin and took our sins upon Himself.

The conditions of Grace are simple. Live in Truth. Truthfully repent, Truthfully attempt to live a sin free life, Truthfully attempt to run this race called life in a righteous manner as defined by God's laws of morality. The wages of sin (all sin) is death......the wages of truth is "freedom".......freedom from sin, freedom from guilt, freedom from the love of money, most importantly freedom to love.

Where is truth found? In the Word of God. One becomes sanctififed in truth by believing and acting on those words of truth.

The "Gospel" is the good news........Jesus described His mission statement in coming to earth was to deliver the "Gospel Truth"

We all live by God's Grace......we control nothing, we have our existence "within God" (Acts 17) The word Grace simply means "Favor". We live and breathe and move .........we have our very being by the Grace of God. God provides the air.......its up to man to breath the air. God provides our food, its up to man to eat the food. God provides the water, its up to man to drink the water. God provides Grace........its up to man to accept this grace. Just like Food, Water, and Air are provided by God and we act upon that grace in order to must look/seek in the correct places in order to partake of God's grace. You don't look for air at the bottom of a don't look for food in a place that is barren of all life........and you don't look for water in a barren desert. It takes faith to know where each of these items of grace exist......and you act (work) upon that faith to access your life's substance where you believe they following the advise from God.

You must first begin the journey that ends in salavtion. All it takes is coming to the knowledge of the truth by having faith in God's word/truth. God would have everyone saved by coming to the knowledge of this truth (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Tim. 2:4)

God provides the Grace to save man's spirit just as He provides the Grace to sustain man's physical life. The difference. The flesh will decay...........its created with an experiation date, man's spirit is eternal and its up to you to seek out the spiritual items of God's grace to man's spirit. "God so loved the world......" God provided the means, its up to man to seek and find the method, acceptance of the fact that man can do nothing that is worthy of such grace.......coming to the knowledge that Jesus (who was sin free) became Sin in order to stand between the Father and our Sin. (2 Cor. 5:21)

If you refuse to accept this Gospel Truth, refuse to act upon this faith/ are doomed to live and die in your sins. Just as God does not make man, eat, drink, and breathe the necessities of life.....God will not make man partake of the Spiritual meat, drink and air that He has provided by His Grace. You must "choose" to live.........decisions are free will judgments. God did not create robots. God created Spiritual Beings, now with the capacity to know good from evil (because man now knows and compreheneds the law of God)........all men are endowed with free will.

"........choose you this day whom you will serve....... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." -- Joshua 24:15
My question is what happens to people of other religions who have heard of Christ but chose to stick with their religion?
No, that was not your point. It was your assertion. If that is the best you can do then you have no understanding of the topic. Otherwise bring more to the table than nu uh.
My apologies. You may have indeed studied the subject. My comment was meant reflect the fact that most people have a wrong understanding of 'hell', based on 'apologetics', as your comment also suggested.
The word Grace simply means "Favor".

I'm not so sure the word Grace translates into Favor?

those with God's grace do have some of His favor, presumably.. (OK, definitely.. sometimes) but what happens when the person experiences some godawful thing and wonders WHY, God? I am serving You and you allow THIS to happen!

Some people leave Him when that happens.. they don't see they are at all in His favor despite living for Him. Some become atheists.

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