Why more Syrian refugees are leaving Jordan than arriving


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
What a way to have to live!!! So sad.

Why more Syrian refugees are leaving Jordan than arriving
October 12, 2015 at 6:35 PM EDT

In Jordan, there's intense sympathy for the thousands of refugees who have landed there. But it's illegal for most Syrians to work in that nation, and limited food aid doesn't go very far. So refugees are increasingly making the dangerous journey to Europe, or even back home, because they are struggling to survive in countries that neighbor their own. Special correspondent Jane Arraf reports.


JUDY WOODRUFF: But first, we take a closer look at what’s driving many Syrian refugees to risk their lives by attempting the journey to Europe.

Syria’s neighbor, Jordan, has taken in more than 600,000 refugees over the past four years, and has quite literally been buckling under the strain on its scarce resources and a massive drop in international aid. The refugees themselves are the hardest-hit there.

And, tonight, special correspondent Jane Arraf introduces us to a few of them who are willing to risk everything to leave.

JANE ARRAF: Every evening, Ali goes out with his daughters and his son, Hassan. It’s not for the fresh air. It’s illegal for most Syrian refugees to work in Jordan. In the daytime, he tries to find odd jobs without getting arrested. To help put food on the table, at night, he looks for soda cans to sell and broken appliances to repair.

ALI, Syrian Refugee (through interpreter): Sometimes, I take the girls with me and walk for three or four miles. At the end of the month, people get their salaries and throw a lot of things away. But when I walk for longer distances, I just take Hassan, and I carry two or three bags with me.

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Why more Syrian refugees are leaving Jordan than arriving

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