Why Mitt Is Desperate to Force Newt Out


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Why Mitt Is Desperate to Force Newt Out « Mark America

First, he called Adelson to convince him to stop adding financial support of Gingrich via his SuperPAC. When that didn’t work, he piled on some more of his own money, and those who fund the SuperPacs advocating on his behalf or at least slamming his competitors. When that didn’t work, some shills in the press dropped the conspicuous rumor that Newt’s “…hold a press conference after the Nevada Caucus on Saturday, raising new speculation about his future in the race,” implying he would get out Saturday evening. This was solely to try to undermine the vote in Nevada in Romney’s favor by creating the impression among Caucus-goers that Gingrich would be out of the race by night-fall anyway. You might wonder why Romney who is the putative front-runner, and his army of establishment hacks, would go through all this trouble if he’s got this “all sewn up,” as the “inevitable” meme pretends. The answer is as simple as this: It isn’t over, and Mitt knows it, because he can read a calendar.

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ummmm... because he wants the nomination.

Wow...and you wonder why we call you stupid behind your back.

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this it the poster who said he prefers the time of kings and queens to democracy

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