Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You

Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You
5/19/2019 ~ By Brian Cates
President Donald Trump rolled out a new immigration plan in a press conference held in the White House Rose Garden on May 16 that focused on addressing the major flaws in America’s current immigration laws and border control system. In an act of brazen dishonesty, here’s how CNN’s Jim Acosta summarized on Twitter for his audience what the president had said:“Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: ‘These are frivolous claims.'” “How can you do this and go home at night thinking you’ve turned in an honest day’s work as a journalist?”
Far from making the U.S. political news industry better, accountability journalism totally ruined it. It created an atmosphere in which being neutral and objective in reporting on political issues is seen as counterproductive and outdated. Meanwhile, all the hip and sophisticated people who are going places and changing the world were the ones who were shaping the news to fit the “right” narratives that people “needed” to hear. What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.... The good news is that the DNC media complex has almost completely rotted itself to the point of total ruin at this point, and the collapse of the industry has already begun.

These journOlists lie because they are enemies who seek to dominate, and eventually eliminate, us. They should be treated with extreme prejudice. There’s a radical base of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats who hate so fervently that they don’t care if the negative stories are true or not.
A good and most recent examples is, this morning’s story on the European elections that showed wins by right and left wingers? “European Union leaders and party officials plotted strategy Monday after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties and revealed an altered political landscape where the far-right and environmentalists stand as forces to be reckoned with.”
So according to the crAP, one side is the “far-right” (intentionally word-crafted to sound like extremists) and the other side are the “environmentalists”, fully intended to sound like peace-loving, concerned people who just want to save the earth. Yeah, no bias there.
There are, of course, more flagrant examples on a daily (actually hourly) basis, but this morning that one really grabbed me.
Acosta in particular should be in Gitmo for that stunt he pulled at the NK summit.
Only a stupid reporter would report on Trump's fake immigration plan without framing it against current policies and Trump's inclination to lie his ass off about such things. Do you think it was an actual serious plan? You might be the only one.
Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You

Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You
5/19/2019 ~ By Brian Cates
President Donald Trump rolled out a new immigration plan in a press conference held in the White House Rose Garden on May 16 that focused on addressing the major flaws in America’s current immigration laws and border control system. In an act of brazen dishonesty, here’s how CNN’s Jim Acosta summarized on Twitter for his audience what the president had said:“Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: ‘These are frivolous claims.'” “How can you do this and go home at night thinking you’ve turned in an honest day’s work as a journalist?”
Far from making the U.S. political news industry better, accountability journalism totally ruined it. It created an atmosphere in which being neutral and objective in reporting on political issues is seen as counterproductive and outdated. Meanwhile, all the hip and sophisticated people who are going places and changing the world were the ones who were shaping the news to fit the “right” narratives that people “needed” to hear. What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.... The good news is that the DNC media complex has almost completely rotted itself to the point of total ruin at this point, and the collapse of the industry has already begun.

These journOlists lie because they are enemies who seek to dominate, and eventually eliminate, us. They should be treated with extreme prejudice. There’s a radical base of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats who hate so fervently that they don’t care if the negative stories are true or not.
A good and most recent examples is, this morning’s story on the European elections that showed wins by right and left wingers? “European Union leaders and party officials plotted strategy Monday after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties and revealed an altered political landscape where the far-right and environmentalists stand as forces to be reckoned with.”
So according to the crAP, one side is the “far-right” (intentionally word-crafted to sound like extremists) and the other side are the “environmentalists”, fully intended to sound like peace-loving, concerned people who just want to save the earth. Yeah, no bias there.
There are, of course, more flagrant examples on a daily (actually hourly) basis, but this morning that one really grabbed me.
Acosta in particular should be in Gitmo for that stunt he pulled at the NK summit.

When they have so many liberals believing the lies I wouldn't be surprised if they take it up a notch to get a real feel for how stupid their audience really is.
Only a stupid reporter would report on Trump's fake immigration plan without framing it against current policies and Trump's inclination to lie his ass off about such things. Do you think it was an actual serious plan? You might be the only one.

Yep, only tell you what they feel you need to know and keep out all the other stuff.
Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You

Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You
5/19/2019 ~ By Brian Cates
President Donald Trump rolled out a new immigration plan in a press conference held in the White House Rose Garden on May 16 that focused on addressing the major flaws in America’s current immigration laws and border control system. In an act of brazen dishonesty, here’s how CNN’s Jim Acosta summarized on Twitter for his audience what the president had said:“Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: ‘These are frivolous claims.'” “How can you do this and go home at night thinking you’ve turned in an honest day’s work as a journalist?”
Far from making the U.S. political news industry better, accountability journalism totally ruined it. It created an atmosphere in which being neutral and objective in reporting on political issues is seen as counterproductive and outdated. Meanwhile, all the hip and sophisticated people who are going places and changing the world were the ones who were shaping the news to fit the “right” narratives that people “needed” to hear. What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.... The good news is that the DNC media complex has almost completely rotted itself to the point of total ruin at this point, and the collapse of the industry has already begun.

These journOlists lie because they are enemies who seek to dominate, and eventually eliminate, us. They should be treated with extreme prejudice. There’s a radical base of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats who hate so fervently that they don’t care if the negative stories are true or not.
A good and most recent examples is, this morning’s story on the European elections that showed wins by right and left wingers? “European Union leaders and party officials plotted strategy Monday after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties and revealed an altered political landscape where the far-right and environmentalists stand as forces to be reckoned with.”
So according to the crAP, one side is the “far-right” (intentionally word-crafted to sound like extremists) and the other side are the “environmentalists”, fully intended to sound like peace-loving, concerned people who just want to save the earth. Yeah, no bias there.
There are, of course, more flagrant examples on a daily (actually hourly) basis, but this morning that one really grabbed me.
Acosta in particular should be in Gitmo for that stunt he pulled at the NK summit.

What kind of fucking moron thinks Tweeter is the fucking News?
Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You

Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You
5/19/2019 ~ By Brian Cates
President Donald Trump rolled out a new immigration plan in a press conference held in the White House Rose Garden on May 16 that focused on addressing the major flaws in America’s current immigration laws and border control system. In an act of brazen dishonesty, here’s how CNN’s Jim Acosta summarized on Twitter for his audience what the president had said:“Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: ‘These are frivolous claims.'” “How can you do this and go home at night thinking you’ve turned in an honest day’s work as a journalist?”
Far from making the U.S. political news industry better, accountability journalism totally ruined it. It created an atmosphere in which being neutral and objective in reporting on political issues is seen as counterproductive and outdated. Meanwhile, all the hip and sophisticated people who are going places and changing the world were the ones who were shaping the news to fit the “right” narratives that people “needed” to hear. What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.... The good news is that the DNC media complex has almost completely rotted itself to the point of total ruin at this point, and the collapse of the industry has already begun.

These journOlists lie because they are enemies who seek to dominate, and eventually eliminate, us. They should be treated with extreme prejudice. There’s a radical base of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats who hate so fervently that they don’t care if the negative stories are true or not.
A good and most recent examples is, this morning’s story on the European elections that showed wins by right and left wingers? “European Union leaders and party officials plotted strategy Monday after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties and revealed an altered political landscape where the far-right and environmentalists stand as forces to be reckoned with.”
So according to the crAP, one side is the “far-right” (intentionally word-crafted to sound like extremists) and the other side are the “environmentalists”, fully intended to sound like peace-loving, concerned people who just want to save the earth. Yeah, no bias there.
There are, of course, more flagrant examples on a daily (actually hourly) basis, but this morning that one really grabbed me.
Acosta in particular should be in Gitmo for that stunt he pulled at the NK summit.
Damn that Rush Limbaugh that fat black cigar sucking liar..He goes on and on with his lies and misinformation.
Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You

Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You
5/19/2019 ~ By Brian Cates
President Donald Trump rolled out a new immigration plan in a press conference held in the White House Rose Garden on May 16 that focused on addressing the major flaws in America’s current immigration laws and border control system. In an act of brazen dishonesty, here’s how CNN’s Jim Acosta summarized on Twitter for his audience what the president had said:“Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: ‘These are frivolous claims.'” “How can you do this and go home at night thinking you’ve turned in an honest day’s work as a journalist?”
Far from making the U.S. political news industry better, accountability journalism totally ruined it. It created an atmosphere in which being neutral and objective in reporting on political issues is seen as counterproductive and outdated. Meanwhile, all the hip and sophisticated people who are going places and changing the world were the ones who were shaping the news to fit the “right” narratives that people “needed” to hear. What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.... The good news is that the DNC media complex has almost completely rotted itself to the point of total ruin at this point, and the collapse of the industry has already begun.

These journOlists lie because they are enemies who seek to dominate, and eventually eliminate, us. They should be treated with extreme prejudice. There’s a radical base of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats who hate so fervently that they don’t care if the negative stories are true or not.
A good and most recent examples is, this morning’s story on the European elections that showed wins by right and left wingers? “European Union leaders and party officials plotted strategy Monday after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties and revealed an altered political landscape where the far-right and environmentalists stand as forces to be reckoned with.”
So according to the crAP, one side is the “far-right” (intentionally word-crafted to sound like extremists) and the other side are the “environmentalists”, fully intended to sound like peace-loving, concerned people who just want to save the earth. Yeah, no bias there.
There are, of course, more flagrant examples on a daily (actually hourly) basis, but this morning that one really grabbed me.
Acosta in particular should be in Gitmo for that stunt he pulled at the NK summit.
Damn that Rush Limbaugh that fat black cigar sucking liar..He goes on and on with his lies and misinformation.

Rush hasn’t be wrong in years. What he says always comes true. He’s the best.
Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You

Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You
5/19/2019 ~ By Brian Cates
President Donald Trump rolled out a new immigration plan in a press conference held in the White House Rose Garden on May 16 that focused on addressing the major flaws in America’s current immigration laws and border control system. In an act of brazen dishonesty, here’s how CNN’s Jim Acosta summarized on Twitter for his audience what the president had said:“Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: ‘These are frivolous claims.'” “How can you do this and go home at night thinking you’ve turned in an honest day’s work as a journalist?”
Far from making the U.S. political news industry better, accountability journalism totally ruined it. It created an atmosphere in which being neutral and objective in reporting on political issues is seen as counterproductive and outdated. Meanwhile, all the hip and sophisticated people who are going places and changing the world were the ones who were shaping the news to fit the “right” narratives that people “needed” to hear. What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.... The good news is that the DNC media complex has almost completely rotted itself to the point of total ruin at this point, and the collapse of the industry has already begun.

These journOlists lie because they are enemies who seek to dominate, and eventually eliminate, us. They should be treated with extreme prejudice. There’s a radical base of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats who hate so fervently that they don’t care if the negative stories are true or not.
A good and most recent examples is, this morning’s story on the European elections that showed wins by right and left wingers? “European Union leaders and party officials plotted strategy Monday after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties and revealed an altered political landscape where the far-right and environmentalists stand as forces to be reckoned with.”
So according to the crAP, one side is the “far-right” (intentionally word-crafted to sound like extremists) and the other side are the “environmentalists”, fully intended to sound like peace-loving, concerned people who just want to save the earth. Yeah, no bias there.
There are, of course, more flagrant examples on a daily (actually hourly) basis, but this morning that one really grabbed me.
Acosta in particular should be in Gitmo for that stunt he pulled at the NK summit.
Damn that Rush Limbaugh that fat black cigar sucking liar..He goes on and on with his lies and misinformation.

Rush hasn’t be wrong in years. What he says always comes true. He’s the best.

Soooooooo Sherrod Brown is going to turn black?
Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You

Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You
5/19/2019 ~ By Brian Cates
President Donald Trump rolled out a new immigration plan in a press conference held in the White House Rose Garden on May 16 that focused on addressing the major flaws in America’s current immigration laws and border control system. In an act of brazen dishonesty, here’s how CNN’s Jim Acosta summarized on Twitter for his audience what the president had said:“Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: ‘These are frivolous claims.'” “How can you do this and go home at night thinking you’ve turned in an honest day’s work as a journalist?”
Far from making the U.S. political news industry better, accountability journalism totally ruined it. It created an atmosphere in which being neutral and objective in reporting on political issues is seen as counterproductive and outdated. Meanwhile, all the hip and sophisticated people who are going places and changing the world were the ones who were shaping the news to fit the “right” narratives that people “needed” to hear. What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.... The good news is that the DNC media complex has almost completely rotted itself to the point of total ruin at this point, and the collapse of the industry has already begun.

These journOlists lie because they are enemies who seek to dominate, and eventually eliminate, us. They should be treated with extreme prejudice. There’s a radical base of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats who hate so fervently that they don’t care if the negative stories are true or not.
A good and most recent examples is, this morning’s story on the European elections that showed wins by right and left wingers? “European Union leaders and party officials plotted strategy Monday after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties and revealed an altered political landscape where the far-right and environmentalists stand as forces to be reckoned with.”
So according to the crAP, one side is the “far-right” (intentionally word-crafted to sound like extremists) and the other side are the “environmentalists”, fully intended to sound like peace-loving, concerned people who just want to save the earth. Yeah, no bias there.
There are, of course, more flagrant examples on a daily (actually hourly) basis, but this morning that one really grabbed me.
Acosta in particular should be in Gitmo for that stunt he pulled at the NK summit.
Damn that Rush Limbaugh that fat black cigar sucking liar..He goes on and on with his lies and misinformation.

Rush hasn’t be wrong in years. What he says always comes true. He’s the best.

Soooooooo Sherrod Brown is going to turn black?

If he got .001% black blood
Many of Today’s News Reporters Political Forum Core Respondents Believe It’s Their Duty to Lie to You.

At first they appear as clever as bots, only less funny.

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