Why Jim Webb will win 2016 Democratic Nomination


May 23, 2014
A.) Hillary is too clever by half for most voters and people see through the Clinton ruse.
B.) Clinton fatigue.
C.) Hillary voted the wrong way on authorization to invade Iraq. The most important vote she ever cast...and she blew it.
D.) Sanders is too far left.
E.) O'Malley is a wimp. He will say anything to please anybody depending on where he is at.
F.) Webb is Annapolis graduate and decorated Vietnam vet. Author of books and a former U.S. Senator. His wife is Asian and that will appeal to the anti-white wing of the Democratic Party. Also, he is right on the direction of Democratic Party becoming a much smaller tent appealing only to the votes of inner city minority groups.
He's too far to the right for most members of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to stomach but too far left for most Republicans. Although, the RINO branch of the RP might like him as he's within kissing distance of Jeb on the spectrum.....
I'm starting to wonder if Jim Webb is even running. Maybe he still will though.
He's too far to the right for most members of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to stomach but too far left for most Republicans. Although, the RINO branch of the RP might like him as he's within kissing distance of Jeb on the spectrum.....

He accomplished nothing of note as Senator from Virginia.
He's too far to the right for most members of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to stomach but too far left for most Republicans. Although, the RINO branch of the RP might like him as he's within kissing distance of Jeb on the spectrum.....

Democrats would nominate Genghis Khan if they perceived that was required for them to retain power. Republicans are a bit more discriminating...
A.) Hillary is too clever by half for most voters and people see through the Clinton ruse.
B.) Clinton fatigue.
C.) Hillary voted the wrong way on authorization to invade Iraq. The most important vote she ever cast...and she blew it.
D.) Sanders is too far left.
E.) O'Malley is a wimp. He will say anything to please anybody depending on where he is at.
F.) Webb is Annapolis graduate and decorated Vietnam vet. Author of books and a former U.S. Senator. His wife is Asian and that will appeal to the anti-white wing of the Democratic Party. Also, he is right on the direction of Democratic Party becoming a much smaller tent appealing only to the votes of inner city minority groups.
I would love for that to happen, but I just don't see it. Hillary has an empire behind her.
He's too far to the right for most members of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to stomach but too far left for most Republicans. Although, the RINO branch of the RP might like him as he's within kissing distance of Jeb on the spectrum.....

Democrats would nominate Genghis Khan if they perceived that was required for them to retain power. Republicans are a bit more discriminating...

Weeeeeeeeeeee! You betchya!
I can't see Jim Webb having the temperament to be President.

Let's look at the two singular accomplishments of this guy's life.

1) He resigned from the Navy Department in a huff because he didn't want to cut ships the Navy really didn't want and couldn't recruit enough sailors to man, anyway. And this was Under Reagan, who lavished obscene amounts money on the Navy to start with.

2) He got elected to the Senate and his sole accomplishment was to throw a hissy at a White House reception because the President asked him how his son was doing.

Sweet Evil Jesus, what's this guy going to do when he runs into a Congress that doesn't want to do things his way? How's he going to handle a foreign leader who doesn't agree with our policy?
I can't see Jim Webb having the temperament to be President.

Let's look at the two singular accomplishments of this guy's life.

1) He resigned from the Navy Department in a huff because he didn't want to cut ships the Navy really didn't want and couldn't recruit enough sailors to man, anyway. And this was Under Reagan, who lavished obscene amounts money on the Navy to start with.

2) He got elected to the Senate and his sole accomplishment was to throw a hissy at a White House reception because the President asked him how his son was doing.

Sweet Evil Jesus, what's this guy going to do when he runs into a Congress that doesn't want to do things his way? How's he going to handle a foreign leader who doesn't agree with our policy?

I agree. Not sure I want his finger on the button. Besides, not sure why he is a Democrat anyway.....:confused-84:
He's too far to the right for most members of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to stomach but too far left for most Republicans. Although, the RINO branch of the RP might like him as he's within kissing distance of Jeb on the spectrum.....

Democrats would nominate Genghis Khan if they perceived that was required for them to retain power. Republicans are a bit more discriminating...

Ummm, I've seen the list of Republicans. You might want to rethink that last statement.
He's too far to the right for most members of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to stomach but too far left for most Republicans. Although, the RINO branch of the RP might like him as he's within kissing distance of Jeb on the spectrum.....

Democrats would nominate Genghis Khan if they perceived that was required for them to retain power. Republicans are a bit more discriminating...

Ummm, I've seen the list of Republicans. You might want to rethink that last statement.

Funny but True! Wait until Trump takes over the debate stage with his boasting and egomania.....He will probably throw cash to the audience to buy their applause, because he is "very rich."

And you know how voters just love for prospective candidates for President to tell them they are "very rich." Especially if many of those voters are working two jobs to make ends meet.
Funny but True! Wait until Trump takes over the debate stage with his boasting and egomania.....He will probably throw cash to the audience to buy their applause, because he is "very rich."

And you know how voters just love for prospective candidates for President to tell them they are "very rich." Especially if many of those voters are working two jobs to make ends meet.

The thing about Trump is that he's a celebrity. Americans, basically being stupid about everything, love them some celebrities.

We made Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger Governors.
A.) Hillary is too clever by half for most voters and people see through the Clinton ruse.
B.) Clinton fatigue.
C.) Hillary voted the wrong way on authorization to invade Iraq. The most important vote she ever cast...and she blew it.
D.) Sanders is too far left.
E.) O'Malley is a wimp. He will say anything to please anybody depending on where he is at.
F.) Webb is Annapolis graduate and decorated Vietnam vet. Author of books and a former U.S. Senator. His wife is Asian and that will appeal to the anti-white wing of the Democratic Party. Also, he is right on the direction of Democratic Party becoming a much smaller tent appealing only to the votes of inner city minority groups.
I hope Webb does take some of Hillary's votes away. Hillary might as well be a Republican, with all the corporate support she's grabbed. She cozies up to the war without end crowd, she wants to continue spending vast sums to bomb other countries, instead of fixing America, which is rotting from neglect all around us. It wouldn't surprise me if Webb, barely a democrat, recently a Republican, won some votes from Hillary.
Funny but True! Wait until Trump takes over the debate stage with his boasting and egomania.....He will probably throw cash to the audience to buy their applause, because he is "very rich."

And you know how voters just love for prospective candidates for President to tell them they are "very rich." Especially if many of those voters are working two jobs to make ends meet.

The thing about Trump is that he's a celebrity. Americans, basically being stupid about everything, love them some celebrities.

We made Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger Governors.
Trump is an ego-maniacal, braggart. So far, he's really not given anything but "magical" campaign positions, saying "I can fix that, but I'm not going to tell you how." If you support this, you're not very smart.
Funny but True! Wait until Trump takes over the debate stage with his boasting and egomania.....He will probably throw cash to the audience to buy their applause, because he is "very rich."

And you know how voters just love for prospective candidates for President to tell them they are "very rich." Especially if many of those voters are working two jobs to make ends meet.

The thing about Trump is that he's a celebrity. Americans, basically being stupid about everything, love them some celebrities.

We made Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger Governors.

Schwarzenegger wasn't all that bad of a governor, especially for California with all of its problems.
Funny but True! Wait until Trump takes over the debate stage with his boasting and egomania.....He will probably throw cash to the audience to buy their applause, because he is "very rich."

And you know how voters just love for prospective candidates for President to tell them they are "very rich." Especially if many of those voters are working two jobs to make ends meet.

The thing about Trump is that he's a celebrity. Americans, basically being stupid about everything, love them some celebrities.

We made Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger Governors.
Trump is an ego-maniacal, braggart. So far, he's really not given anything but "magical" campaign positions, saying "I can fix that, but I'm not going to tell you how." If you support this, you're not very smart.

And saying stuff like "I will be the greatest job President God ever created!" How? Is he going to bankrupt some more companies, or what?
Trump is an ego-maniacal, braggart. So far, he's really not given anything but "magical" campaign positions, saying "I can fix that, but I'm not going to tell you how." If you support this, you're not very smart.

I don't support him, but the point I was trying to make, which you clearly didn't get, is that we Americans love our celebrities. We LITERALLY let them get away with murder.

By contrast, we HATE our politicians.

This is why Trump is viable as a candidate, and they shouldn't take him lightly.

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