Why Jim Webb will win 2016 Democratic Nomination

Trump is an ego-maniacal, braggart. So far, he's really not given anything but "magical" campaign positions, saying "I can fix that, but I'm not going to tell you how." If you support this, you're not very smart.

I don't support him, but the point I was trying to make, which you clearly didn't get, is that we Americans love our celebrities. We LITERALLY let them get away with murder.

By contrast, we HATE our politicians.

This is why Trump is viable as a candidate, and they shouldn't take him lightly.

I cant wait to see the circus he will create at the GOP debates. It will be classic!
A.) Hillary is too clever by half for most voters and people see through the Clinton ruse.
B.) Clinton fatigue.
C.) Hillary voted the wrong way on authorization to invade Iraq. The most important vote she ever cast...and she blew it.
D.) Sanders is too far left.
E.) O'Malley is a wimp. He will say anything to please anybody depending on where he is at.
F.) Webb is Annapolis graduate and decorated Vietnam vet. Author of books and a former U.S. Senator. His wife is Asian and that will appeal to the anti-white wing of the Democratic Party. Also, he is right on the direction of Democratic Party becoming a much smaller tent appealing only to the votes of inner city minority groups.

Can you turn this into a probability? How certain are you that it will be Webb? At least say 60% certain? More?

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