Why it might be a good idea to stop Russia before they are able to take Ukraine


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

This idea is not original. In fact, I just an old clip on YouTune of the Joe Rogan podcast. His guest summarized the concern.


If Russia eventually stops tripping over its owns dick and manages at some point to take Ukraine, it could focus next on Poland. (In fact, some Russian minister of something or other has recently spewed some stuff about Russia’s desire to invade Poland.)

BUT POLAND is a NATO member. So that would entail a fight against all of NATO’s members. Russia is already pathetically ineffective at war. Its military sucks dead donkey ass. There is almost zero chance that Russia could withstand a military conflict with NATO. SO, it’s only recourse might very well be deemed to be going nuclear.


It might be wise to prevent Putin from obtaining his preliminary goal. The assumption is that until and unless Russia first gets Ukraine, they wouldn’t dare try to seize Poland. Therefore, to prevent them from taking Poland, don’t let them win that first step.

No Ukraine = No Poland.

No attack against Poland = no risk of destruction of Russia by NATO.

NO risk of military destruction of Russia by NATO = no “reason” to go nuclear.

MAYBE, therefore, defending Ukraine is a militarily desirable thing for “the West.”

Here is a link to the podcast mentioned above:

Russia doesn't have the ability to fight a war against any Nato country, due to article 5.

And Russia has never intended on doing so!

How can America stop Russia?

In the very least, Russia's win will (is) in destroying the Ukraine and killing so many Ukrainians that it won't exist as a country anymore. The Ukraine has already been reduced to nearly half it's population, and it's being estimated by American authorities that Ukraines' military has been reduced by 300,000 soldiers.

Russia didn't get involved in this war with that objective in mind. Putin's plan was in striving for as few Ukrainian casualties as possible. Now Russia is fighting for the country's survival against America's agenda. Details can be added.

How did it work out when we tried to keep the V.C. from taking Vietnam?
The Vietnamese people finally reunited their country and got to live in peace for half a century?

Did you watch Macgregor? He hits on a lot of the key observations.
How did it work out when we tried to keep the V.C. from taking Vietnam?
The U.S and it's allies failed to liberate North Korea sadly the result is the imprisonment and servitude of countless millions, that's why Ukraine is so critical.
There may be better military intelligence and planning involved in this than some of us seem to assume.

Not saying it’s “the” truth. But if Russia proved able, despite their own military incompetence, to defeat Ukraine, then maybe the deluded and monstrous Putin will be Hitler-esq by then moving into Poland.

That would trigger NATO. Then, like Hitler before him, when Putin sees the end is at hand, maybe Putin will kill himself provided he takes us all out at that same time. Nuclear weapons could be unleashed.

Deprive the criminal of ever taking Ukraine, though, and he is much less likely to try anything against Poland.

This idea is not original. In fact, I just an old clip on YouTune of the Joe Rogan podcast. His guest summarized the concern.


If Russia eventually stops tripping over its owns dick and manages at some point to take Ukraine, it could focus next on Poland. (In fact, some Russian minister of something or other has recently spewed some stuff about Russia’s desire to invade Poland.)

BUT POLAND is a NATO member. So that would entail a fight against all of NATO’s members. Russia is already pathetically ineffective at war. Its military sucks dead donkey ass. There is almost zero chance that Russia could withstand a military conflict with NATO. SO, it’s only recourse might very well be deemed to be going nuclear.


It might be wise to prevent Putin from obtaining his preliminary goal. The assumption is that until and unless Russia first gets Ukraine, they wouldn’t dare try to seize Poland. Therefore, to prevent them from taking Poland, don’t let them win that first step.
Redirect Notice
No Ukraine = No Poland.

No attack against Poland = no risk of destruction of Russia by NATO.

NO risk of military destruction of Russia by NATO = no “reason” to go nuclear.

MAYBE, therefore, defending Ukraine is a militarily desirable thing for “the West.”

Here is a link to the podcast mentioned above:

Is this the army you're going to subdue Russia with?
Good luck.
----- it could focus next on Poland. (In fact, some Russian minister of something or other has recently spewed some stuff about Russia’s desire to invade Poland.)

BUT POLAND is a NATO member. So that would entail a fight against all of NATO’s members. Russia is already pathetically ineffective at war. Its military sucks dead donkey ass. There is almost zero chance that Russia could withstand a military conflict with NATO. SO, it’s only recourse might very well be deemed to be going nuclear.
Yet another "If" argument .
IF this , and , IF that , and , IF pigs could fly -----

Dear Uncle P is in a class of his own when it comes to strategy and execution and to feel that you need to remind him of consequences of straying onto NATO territory is absurd .

Your belief in US and NATO military capabilities in Ukey land is touchingly sweet .
Not even the Pentagon and CIA believe that .
The only danger of escalation comes from people like you who are stuck in the past and either do not DYOR or prefer to immediately forget the reality of today and what experts believe and have said independently and in public .
Presumably Russia's huge advantage in the last year, and the obliteration of the original Ukey force of 200 000 lined up on the Donbas border, was a huge fluke ?
Somebody had better tell dear Uncle P before he takes Odessa and links up with Moldavia .Tell him that he will not succeed because his constant good luck will now run out , albeit only because you believe so, despite all the facts being against you .

This idea is not original. In fact, I just an old clip on YouTune of the Joe Rogan podcast. His guest summarized the concern.


If Russia eventually stops tripping over its owns dick and manages at some point to take Ukraine, it could focus next on Poland. (In fact, some Russian minister of something or other has recently spewed some stuff about Russia’s desire to invade Poland.)

BUT POLAND is a NATO member. So that would entail a fight against all of NATO’s members. Russia is already pathetically ineffective at war. Its military sucks dead donkey ass. There is almost zero chance that Russia could withstand a military conflict with NATO. SO, it’s only recourse might very well be deemed to be going nuclear.


It might be wise to prevent Putin from obtaining his preliminary goal. The assumption is that until and unless Russia first gets Ukraine, they wouldn’t dare try to seize Poland. Therefore, to prevent them from taking Poland, don’t let them win that first step.

No Ukraine = No Poland.

No attack against Poland = no risk of destruction of Russia by NATO.

NO risk of military destruction of Russia by NATO = no “reason” to go nuclear.

MAYBE, therefore, defending Ukraine is a militarily desirable thing for “the West.”

Here is a link to the podcast mentioned above:

Its not complicated is it ?
Yet another "If" argument .
IF this , and , IF that , and , IF pigs could fly -----

Dear Uncle P is in a class of his own when it comes to strategy and execution and to feel that you need to remind him of consequences of straying onto NATO territory is absurd .

Your belief in US and NATO military capabilities in Ukey land is touchingly sweet .
Not even the Pentagon and CIA believe that .
The only danger of escalation comes from people like you who are stuck in the past and either do not DYOR or prefer to immediately forget the reality of today and what experts believe and have said independently and in public .
Presumably Russia's huge advantage in the last year, and the obliteration of the original Ukey force of 200 000 lined up on the Donbas border, was a huge fluke ?
Somebody had better tell dear Uncle P before he takes Odessa and links up with Moldavia .Tell him that he will not succeed because his constant good luck will now run out , albeit only because you believe so, despite all the facts being against you .
If is a concession that someone speculating doesn’t know for sure.

It’s ok. Don’t be afraid of honesty.

Also, Putin is a dimwit motherfucker.
Relax Comrade. You point to outliers. Your entire pathetic military is like that. Plus old partially blind men.

Putin fucked all y’all.
Outliers? Half the forum talks about shit that normal people can't even imagine exist and you are talking about them being outliers? I told you already that you are the civilizational dead end. There's no need to waste a Sarmat on you, you'll die out by yourself.
Yes. Outliers.
Half the forum talks about shit that normal people can't even imagine exist and you are talking about them being outliers?
There is no nexus between your opening phrase and your would-be conclusion. But they are indeed outliers.
I told you already that you are the civilizational dead end.
You have posted a lot of stupid meaningless shut. So what?
There's no need to waste a Sarmat on you, you'll die out by yourself.
You’re still a worthless hack bitch retard, comrade.
God help us when a YouTube short of the Joe Rogan podcast is our source for military and political insight.

I would say that the reasons we want to stop Russia now include:
A) We read about World War II, and saw how well appeasement worked;
B) There's no way Putin will stop there;
C) They're an expansionist dictatorship invading a fledgling liberal democracy, and we like liberal democracies;
D) Russia is setting on fire more than a half century of relatively stable borders, and a worldwide understanding to not invade each other; and
E) They're committing atrocities.
Yes. Outliers.

There is no nexus between your opening phrase and your would-be conclusion. But they are indeed outliers.

You have posted a lot of stupid meaningless shut. So what?

You’re still a worthless hack bitch retard, comrade.
Come on, the outliers are a majority now. You yourself is one of them I bet. Remember that leather suited crip on a leash from the basement in Pulp Fiction?

In my mind's eye I can't picture you other than that. Of course you know half of the Russian alphabet, at least you claimed you knew, and that lessens a bit your overall crippiness, but I guess even if you knew the whole of it, the alphabet, it wouldn't be enough to negate the crippiness altogether.
What's with the avatar? Did you lose weight a bit?
Come on, the outliers are a majority now. You yourself is one of them I bet. Remember that leather suited crip on a leash from the basement in Pulp Fiction?
View attachment 755600
In my mind's eye I can't picture you other than that. Of course you know half of the Russian alphabet, at least you claimed you knew, and that lessens a bit your overall crippiness, but I guess even if you knew the whole of it, the alphabet, it wouldn't be enough to negate the crippiness altogether.
What's with the avatar? Did you lose weight a bit?
To have an image in your mind’s eye, you’d first have to have a mind.

You clearly don’t.


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