Why isn't Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes not in jail?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This lying bitch stole billions of dollars from investors through her blood test company Theranos. She got off with an SEC fine of a few hundred thousand dollars which is a fraction of a percent of what she stole. She is every bit the monster that Bernie Madoff was she's just a young blonde somewhat attractive woman so she gets a pass. I guess. This wacko is still trying to raise more money for her fraudulent company! She needs to do some serious time in prison.

Elizabeth Holmes faked the baritone of her voice, secretly dated COO
I agree, she should be in custody.......arrested and indicted. I would not be surprised that she doesn’t still have a few million bucks that she could use to disappear to some tropical island to live a very comfortable life.
Doesn't she have a lot of politically important people who are either on her board or invested heavily in her firm? I seem to recall that she is related to some important person or another. They all cover for each other.
Doesn't she have a lot of politically important people who are either on her board or invested heavily in her firm? I seem to recall that she is related to some important person or another. They all cover for each other.
Yes her board was loaded with big name old time politicians like Kissinger, Schultz and Sam Nunn. From what I've read she wasn't born into her connections. She is very bright and holds about 80 patents. She just has that pathological liar conman personality.
This lying bitch stole billions of dollars from investors through her blood test company Theranos. She got off with an SEC fine of a few hundred thousand dollars which is a fraction of a percent of what she stole. She is every bit the monster that Bernie Madoff was she's just a young blonde somewhat attractive woman so she gets a pass. I guess. This wacko is still trying to raise more money for her fraudulent company! She needs to do some serious time in prison.

Elizabeth Holmes faked the baritone of her voice, secretly dated COO

Crimes in the stock market are rarely punished. Don't trust anyone.
I am currently reading the book by that Wall Street Journal reporter who broke the story. Bad Blood. She wasn't subtle, that's for sure. She just ---- lied! Lied, lied, lied for years.

One scary thing about her is that her voice is an actual baritone. Which is really abnormal for a woman. She does seem to be genetically a woman, but there is something seriously wrong with her voice, apparently, and everyone who met her just had a startle reaction. I don't know what that means.

I am trying to figure out what was wrong with her thinking that she went so drastically wrong ---- she wasted many billions. Got nothing. Lied to everyone. She literally never had a product.

Well, it just goes to show, women can be crooks, too. Doesn't happen as often as with men, but it can happen.
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes is facing criminal charges of wire fraud...

Theranos: Scandal hit blood-testing firm to shut
5 September 2018 - Scandal-hit US blood-testing start-up Theranos is to formally dissolve, the firm's chief executive David Taylor has told shareholders in an email.
Mr Taylor said Theranos had run "out of time" to secure further investment or secure a buyer for its assets. Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes and former president Ramesh Balwani are facing criminal charges of wire fraud. Prosecutors say they engaged in a multi-million dollar scheme to defraud investors, doctors and patients. Mr Taylor, who also serves as general counsel to the firm, said that Theranos had engaged the services of investment bank Jeffries to try to "maximise the value of the company" for shareholders.


Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes is facing criminal charges of wire fraud​

In the email obtained by the Wall Street Journal, he said the investment bank had "reached out" to over 80 potential buyers, but to no avail. "Unfortunately, none of those leads has materialized into a transaction. We are now out of time," he wrote. Mr Taylor said the firm had breached the terms of its loan agreement with investor Fortress Investment Group, meaning the firm was now entitled to sell or take ownership of Theranos' intellectual property and assets. Shareholders are expected to receive nothing after the firm's collapse.

Criminal charges

Theranos, founded in 2003 when Ms Holmes was 19, had claimed its Edison devices could test for conditions such as cancer and cholesterol with only a few drops of blood from a finger-prick, rather than taking full blood samples by needle from a vein. Ms Holmes raised over $700m in funding for Theranos, but when she tried to pitch the technology to the US Department of Defense in 2012, her pitch was rejected due to the devices' unpredictable results. The Wall Street Journal began investigating and published a series of exposes starting from October 2015. Theranos denounced these articles, but by June 2016 it was facing legal challenges from investors, medical authorities and five federal agencies.

In April 2017, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sanctioned Theranos and revoked its clinical laboratory testing certificate, which caused the pharmacy chain Walgreens to terminate its partnership with the start-up and sue Theranos for $140m. In March, Ms Holmes settled charges with the Securities and Exchange Commission, a top US financial regulator. The regulator alleged that Theranos, Ms Holmes and Mr Balwani made a series of false and misleading statements in investor presentations, product demonstrations and interviews. As part of the settlement, Ms Holmes had to return millions of shares to the privately held company and pay a $500,000 fine. She was also banned from serving as an officer or director of a public company for 10 years.

Scandal hit blood-testing firm to shut

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