Why Is This Not A National Tragedy?

You see, I hold Rep's just as responsible. They don't even put up candidates anymore in most of these places, because they can't seem to get past the Dem storylines. It's time to restart the fight, by visiting these communities, and find a message that will be listened to. Or is it the fraud is so solid that noone else can possibly make inroads anyway. People need to start holding their reps accountable.
Same thing every day. Total it up and report out at end of year. They don't want to report on it because:

a.) It would be admission that 50 years of DemWitted policies Nationwide have failed.
b.) Someone would start demanding solutions........and they don't have any that won't upset votes.
It has a human factor advantage. Most of the people living in these neighborhoods are victims, themselves. They either join the crowd for ridiculous safety reasons, or shut themselves off, to try to protect themselves. Why are not local, state and feds trying to get to these black market dealers? With a joint task force much could be done, and most would involve federal crimes.
It is true that citizens do need to want to fight to take their cities back, first and foremost, but we need to be willing to make an all out effort to those cities that do. And the states probably need to become very much involved for I suspect local corruption runs extremely high.
What is wrong with this picture?
There is no political advantage to be gained from it.

And in fact, taking it head on would create a political disadvantage.

I think everyone knows this.
Don't you think local corruption also plays a great deal in to it?
It's not so much because it's Chicago.
There's nothing there to latch hold to.

When there's a shooting in a school or a movie theater, the ideologues want to grasp for a solution. Their all-purpose solution - take away the guns from this violent culture.
When it happens in the inner-city, where there are too many guns to try to reach out and grab, they know that this particular problem requires more thought and more inward-looking to solve the people problem. That's too much work and it requires them to admit that there's a breakdown in the family unit....that poverty begets crime and crime begets poverty.....that there has been a deterioration in moral values....that human life has less value in the 'hood'.
To admit all of that would be admitting their own domestic policy failures
You see, you are wrong. The black market gun trade in the US is a multi billion dollar a year business. Criminals want a gun, they can get it.

With the UK's strict gun laws, there is more crime there than here.
Chicago Tribune
3 dead, 5 wounded in Chicago shootings

Updated at 8:17 am

I understand why the Colorado Springs shooting is a tragedy, but my question is, why is this not? Why is it of the attitude, it is just Chicago.
The lives of those killed and injured are of importance, too. All 8 were within 24 hours. Three separate incidence involved someone exiting a dark/black sedan and firing on others in different places. Another involved someone exiting a white sedan.
.Why is this just accepted, and doesn't deserve the attention of federal authorities, as did the Colorado Springs incident?

What is wrong with this picture? I would like to hear from you.

Why is this allowed to go on? Why aren't all resources used to help weed this poison out? Why is it not a national conversation? Is it simply because of race? And if so, what does that say about our/their leaders, representatives? Ir has been happening for years and only getting worse.

Do remember that gun laws have not solved it. This is do e by illegally acquired guns. No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them. Only the vunerable, law abiding can't get them.

"No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them."

This false cliché just won't die. It is a worthless statement. If this is true then there is no reason for any law, because according to you and every other gun licker bad guys do what they want anyway.

Why are there laws against owning dynamite.
Why are there laws against owning fully auto machine guns.
Why are there laws against owning a tank.

Ad absurdum. Laws DO keep bad guys from getting their hands on most things by keeping these things scarce. A lot tougher with guns because the NRA and gun lobby has spent every waking hour making sure the entire country is flooded with guns, guns, guns, guns.
Wouldn't the National Guard be ideal for this?
Chicago Tribune
3 dead, 5 wounded in Chicago shootings

Updated at 8:17 am

I understand why the Colorado Springs shooting is a tragedy, but my question is, why is this not? Why is it of the attitude, it is just Chicago.
The lives of those killed and injured are of importance, too. All 8 were within 24 hours. Three separate incidence involved someone exiting a dark/black sedan and firing on others in different places. Another involved someone exiting a white sedan.
.Why is this just accepted, and doesn't deserve the attention of federal authorities, as did the Colorado Springs incident?

What is wrong with this picture? I would like to hear from you.

Why is this allowed to go on? Why aren't all resources used to help weed this poison out? Why is it not a national conversation? Is it simply because of race? And if so, what does that say about our/their leaders, representatives? Ir has been happening for years and only getting worse.

Do remember that gun laws have not solved it. This is do e by illegally acquired guns. No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them. Only the vunerable, law abiding can't get them.

"No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them."

This false cliché just won't die. It is a worthless statement. If this is true then there is no reason for any law, because according to you and every other gun licker bad guys do what they want anyway.

Why are there laws against owning dynamite.
Why are there laws against owning fully auto machine guns.
Why are there laws against owning a tank.

Ad absurdum. Laws DO keep bad guys from getting their hands on most things by keeping these things scarce. A lot tougher with guns because the NRA and gun lobby has spent every waking hour making sure the entire country is flooded with guns, guns, guns, guns.
You don't get it do you? We have the RIGHT to be armed. You don't like that right? Change the Constitution. There is no further law or laws that will address current problems on gun control. NONE. You want shooters off the street? Treat the problem. I would suggest the Military be authorized the police power in inner cities to raid and destroy gangs. I would suggest that prison sentences be changed so shooter go to Prison a LOT longer then they do now. The same people are the shooters and they go for a couple years and are back in the hood shooting it up again shortly. Repeat offender? Permanent jail no parole no release.
It has a human factor advantage. Most of the people living in these neighborhoods are victims, themselves. They either join the crowd for ridiculous safety reasons, or shut themselves off, to try to protect themselves. Why are not local, state and feds trying to get to these black market dealers? With a joint task force much could be done, and most would involve federal crimes.
It is true that citizens do need to want to fight to take their cities back, first and foremost, but we need to be willing to make an all out effort to those cities that do. And the states probably need to become very much involved for I suspect local corruption runs extremely high.
What is wrong with this picture?
There is no political advantage to be gained from it.

And in fact, taking it head on would create a political disadvantage.

I think everyone knows this.
Individual citizens - as brave as they can be - can do a lot, but can only do so much. At some point elected leaders have to be brave themselves, for a change, and risk political defeat to do what's right.

Democrat and Republican politicians are both afraid to do the heavy lifting, for different reasons.

"Public servants" my ass.
Wrong, it is accepted. I am talking about 3 murders, and 5 others shot within 24 hours. That is not the norm in most cities and shouldn't be accepted in any city. Period.
Why, Luddly? Why is it just accepted? Why is it less worse than the other? Even before any officers were shot, it was national headline news. Was it because the potential ,of more harm was greater? Even the 3 killed in Colorado Springs on Oct. 31, made headline news. Yet these, will be but a blip on the screen.

You're the one who says it's "accepted." Murder is wrong, full stop. But unless you expect the national media to consist of nothing but a roll-call of every murder nationwide, what does a headline accomplish?

Are the police investigating? Are arrests being made? Will the perps be caught and put on trial? Then that aspect of the national tragedy has been addressed.

Now, if you start talking about prevention, you get certain people upset, and when they get upset, they start screaming about "free stuff" and "government programs" and trotting out bogus stats about how "blacks murder EVERYBODY!!!!" and "Ur just trynta tak away ur gunz!"

And what does that accomplish?
Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...
Your insipid reply does little more than illustrate how dangerously stupid you are.
No guns = no gun deaths. It's not complicated.
What is your specific plan for getting guns out of the hands of criminals?

And is your plan to get them out of the hands of criminals before or after you've taken them from law-abiding citizens?
And therein lies the problem. Should we use the National Guard to help clean up these hell holes? Could it be a start?Local corruption just might disappear or they will end up in prison, finally.
It has a human factor advantage. Most of the people living in these neighborhoods are victims, themselves. They either join the crowd for ridiculous safety reasons, or shut themselves off, to try to protect themselves. Why are not local, state and feds trying to get to these black market dealers? With a joint task force much could be done, and most would involve federal crimes.
It is true that citizens do need to want to fight to take their cities back, first and foremost, but we need to be willing to make an all out effort to those cities that do. And the states probably need to become very much involved for I suspect local corruption runs extremely high.
What is wrong with this picture?
There is no political advantage to be gained from it.

And in fact, taking it head on would create a political disadvantage.

I think everyone knows this.
Individual citizens - as brave as they can be - can do a lot, but can only do so much. At some point elected leaders have to be brave themselves, for a change, and risk political defeat to do what's right.

Democrat and Republican politicians are both afraid to do the heavy lifting, for different reasons.

"Public servants" my ass.
...It's not accepted. It's just not covered nationally...
Chicago ghetto-dwellers killing each other = Dog Bites Man (commonplace and hardly newsworthy)

The sun rises in the east... the sun sets in the west... inner-city Blacks slaughter each other... slow news day... MEH.

The situation is not going to change until inner-city Blacks get their own house in order...

Nobody did it for other ethnic groups that had a lawless phase in the cities, and nobody but the Blacks can fix what's wrong with inner-city Blacks...

Given the present situation, they'd better begin getting their house in order, sooner rather than later...
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Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...
Your insipid reply does little more than illustrate how dangerously stupid you are.
No guns = no gun deaths. It's not complicated.
What is your specific plan for getting guns out of the hands of criminals?

And is your plan to get them out of the hands of criminals before or after you've taken them from law-abiding citizens?
Sweep the country, all at the same time, and anyone with a gun in their hands after that who isn't in uniform is DOA, no questions asked.
Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...
Your insipid reply does little more than illustrate how dangerously stupid you are.
No guns = no gun deaths. It's not complicated.
What is your specific plan for getting guns out of the hands of criminals?

And is your plan to get them out of the hands of criminals before or after you've taken them from law-abiding citizens?
Sweep the country, all at the same time, and anyone with a gun in their hands after that who isn't in uniform is DOA, no questions asked.
Well, that would certainly be exciting from a Constitutional perspective.

And the criminals would be the last with guns in their hands. Field day for them.
Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...
Your insipid reply does little more than illustrate how dangerously stupid you are.
No guns = no gun deaths. It's not complicated.
What is your specific plan for getting guns out of the hands of criminals?

And is your plan to get them out of the hands of criminals before or after you've taken them from law-abiding citizens?
Sweep the country, all at the same time, and anyone with a gun in their hands after that who isn't in uniform is DOA, no questions asked.
That violates so many laws so many Constitutional restrictions it is unbelievable.Meanwhile you won't support using the Military to disarm gangs. Go figure.
And therein lies the problem. Should we use the National Guard to help clean up these hell holes? Could it be a start?Local corruption just might disappear or they will end up in prison, finally.

Oh hell to the fuck no!!!

Turn the local police loose. They know who the scumbags are, they know who's doors to kick in. Higher level agencies are likely already investigating what ever corruption between local cops and thugs, so you cut them loose.

When you watch COPS, and a drug warrant is served by SWAT, in almost every briefing they mention "months of surveillance and investigation". They know it's a meth lab or crack house, but they have to waste that sort of resource to prove it?

For fucks sake we still hear about doors being kicked in at the wrong house?

We can either go full blown jack boot police state in the ghettos, or just pull out all together. End the drug war, and stop policing these communities. The problem will sort itself out.

That violates so many laws so many Constitutional restrictions it is unbelievable.Meanwhile you won't support using the Military to disarm gangs. Go figure.

PMH's incredible idiocy is breath taking to behold. The fact that this sniveling imbecile survived childhood without walking in front of a vehicle is just dumb luck.

He actually believes the members of the military would follow those orders, that none of them would stash weapons for themselves and their friends, or that some of them wouldn't sell weapon to scumbags.

Never mind the fact you'd have to ignore international smuggling or the fact that a whole lot of people have the equipment and ability to manufacture just about any small arm that has already been issued or sold.

He believes his messiah can wave a magic pen and make all the guns disappear. If I lived in an apartment with an idiot like that I would move, because you know one day he will burn it down trying to grill tofu burgers on the back porch.

It has nothing to do with legal guns. Only in your fantasies.
Inner City violence is no longer newsworthy. We've gone through and to great lengths to make guns cheap, affordable, and readily available. This is the price society pays when it lives under 230 y/o laws and don't adjust them to 21st century reality.

Oh, so what you're saying is that some manufacturers make illegal guns and others make "legal" guns? I didn't know that. Thanks.

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