Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Attacks on clinics are not always violent, though they are often threatening, designed to sow fear and to make it harder for abortion providers and clinic workers to do their jobs. In Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism, David S. Cohen and Krysten Connen detail the many ways in which clinics have been attacked or threatened in the last several decades:

Extremists have also thrown butyric acid into clinics, glued clinic locks shut, locked themselves into clinic property using items such as bicycle locks or chains, drilled holes into clinic roofs so that the clinic floods, invaded clinics, vandalized clinics, made threatening phone calls, tried to persuade patients to go to fake clinics, put spikes in driveways, talked outside clinics about bomb-making chemicals, laid down on sidewalks, jumped on cars, camped out in front of clinics for multiple-day stretches, and sent decoy patients into clinics to disrupt business.​

More: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..
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The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut".

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

Oh, so you're trying to spin this anti-choice terrorist act into an LGBT terrorist act? Interesting spin. Sick, but interesting.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut".

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

Oh, so you're trying to spin this anti-choice terrorist act into an LGBT terrorist act? Interesting spin. Sick, but interesting.
Maybe she the shooter just wanted a mammogram, and they told her they don't have the resources to do that procedure.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.

I don't think he's gay either, he's a loon who went over the edge. People should call it for what it is and stop trying to create the agenda.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.

Yes, that is really sick.
I don't believe this a frightening new trend and it would prudent to wait until all the facts from this incident are made public instead of blindly pointing fingers. It seems some are more interested in finding a way to smear their perceived political opponents then waiting for the investigation to run it's course.
Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.

It is difficult for anyone with any functioning conscience to muster much sympathy over “terrorism” against an organization that is a willing and eager participant in the brutal slaughter of thousands of the most defenseless and innocent of all Americans, every day.
Yes...he has unlimited access to the planned parenthood/murder facility.........and shoots no one........and from what rumors we have he looks completely unstable and non political and non religious...not exactly the profile of past mureder site attackers....

This is starting to sound like another disappointment for the left.....just like ferguson fell apart...and Zimmerman fell apart.........they are going to wrap themselves up in this and it could very well turn into a big zero for their agenda...
Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.

It is difficult for anyone with any functioning conscience to muster much sympathy over “terrorism” against an organization that is a willing and eager participant in the brutal slaughter of thousands of the most defenseless and innocent of all Americans, every day.

that's why you are s subhuman piece of shit
Yes...he has unlimited access to the planned parenthood/murder facility.........and shoots no one........and from what rumors we have he looks completely unstable and non political and non religious...not exactly the profile of past mureder site attackers....

This is starting to sound like another disappointment for the left.....just like ferguson fell apart...and Zimmerman fell apart.........they are going to wrap themselves up in this and it could very well turn into a big zero for their agenda...

Of course, those on the left wrong will never own up to their part in creating and promoting the social and moral degradation that leads to this sort of thing.

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