Why is the following so hard to understand


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
From 2001 to 2011 the US revenue was reduced by over $2.4 trillion.
Not because of Bush tax cuts.
Not because businesses went offshore.

In addition Social Security/Medicare taxes were reduced dramatically at the same time.

So what happened to the nearly $3 trillion in lost revenue in those ensuing years?

ONE fact that evidently MANY people that hate corporations, those evil business owners, the greedy wealthy don't know and I am sure it sounds stupid, but it is true.

The FACT is most people don't know that the social security/medicare payments deducted from their paychecks.... ARE MATCHED by the employer!

It is true! And I am absolutely confident by the comments made on this forum that a majority of the business-hating, corporate-bashing people don't know this!

If they knew that in 2011 of the $818 billion reported by the Federal government as revenue received from social security/medicare deductions was made up of less then half from the employees and more then half from the employers!

I kid you not! Almost ALL the OWS don't know this and I am sure most of you on this forum that bash businesses don't know it!

Now the importance of this is, what would the Federal Government do if there were reductions in the $818 billion a year in social security/Medicare which by the way goes into the general fund, mixed with other revenue and counted as general revenue.

Why then does Obama and his ilk proudly say:
"I'm in favor of single payer health system"? Does he not know $100 billion a year in
Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes property taxes AND social security /Medicare contributions come from these 1,300 employer businesses?

Or does he NOT know that when he says:
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Again, does he realize that going bankrupt will mean losing tax revenue, employees losing jobs, and reduced social security/medicare payments as well as FUTA and increasing outgoing unemployment checks?

Why would ANYONE much less the President WISH and desire such outcomes ?

So in addition to the $2.4 trillion over the last 10 years lost due to events beyond yes dare I say it! Even the Messiah Obama's control..
1) $5 trillion dot com bust - the losses being written off every year against income tax!
2) $2 trillion (anyone remember 9/11??) Airlines stopped 3 days, WS closed 10 days.
And the aftermath were as this web page DRAMATIC changes in Life in the USA!
For some examples look at this web site:

Television coverage of the terrorist attacks and their aftermath was the longest uninterrupted news event in the history of U.S. television. It lasted for 93 hours, day and night. After 9/11, a collection of movies were cancelled that were in production, and many movies were edited. The most common way of editing was to delete or obscure shots of the World Trade Center. In all, roughly 45 films were edited or postponed because of the terrorist attacks. Some of these include Spider-Man, Zoolander, Men in Black II, The Bourne Identity, and The Incredibles.

Stellar Wind is the open secret code name for a collection of activities performed by the United States National Security Agency in the wake of 9/11 and revealed by Thomas M. Tamm. The operation was approved by President George W. Bush. The program’s activities involve data mining a large database of the communications of American citizens, including e-mail conversations, phone calls, financial transactions, and Internet activity.
Top 10 U.S. Government Changes Since 9/11 | Top 10 Lists | TopTenz.net
These are just TWO of the top ten CHANGES in the USA due to 9/11.

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina?? made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992 as a Category 5. It caused 40 deaths and $30 billion in property damage. More than 250,000 people were left homeless and 82,000 businesses were destroyed or damaged.

NOW you idiots that keep calling Bush a drunken sailor spendthrift!
YOU idiots that don't seem to remember the above 3 events events that could have happened to a Democrat President and then how sympathetic would you have been?

NO that's the point here...
The point is WHY is it So hard to understand the tremendous HIT our economy took and Federal revenue decline due to these events? Forget the housing crisis it just was a minor contributor!

NO the point is YOU people evidently have NO idea how social security/Medicare works much less WHO pays for it! Yet to scream and hollar how bad evil wealthy,corporate,business owners are including our idiot President!

YOU people are the idiots that have caused these problems to be worse then they had to be!
Because you politicized them! You divided the country! You made it a Dem/GOP..Liberal/Conservative!

When all you had to do was have a little understanding and shut the f...k UP!
So as a business owner you know I pay my own 15.3% for ss and medicare?
What happened to the missing 3 trillion again?
So as a business owner you know I pay my own 15.3% for ss and medicare?
What happened to the missing 3 trillion again?

Of course I know it!
That's not the point!

Are you aware of the IRS rule - Net Operating Loss NOL..
Eligible losses, farming losses, qualified disaster losses, and specified liability losses, defined next, qualify for longer carryback periods. Publication 536 (2011), Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
$8 trillion in operating losses from the dot.com/9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS in history allow this to be written off over 30 years!

That is one component!
The other component is the businesses that were destroyed in the dot.com/9/11 and hurricanes that as exemplified again by this statement:

Katrina destroyed or damaged 82,000 businesses.
That meant most if not all were not opened at least for awhile. Did the employees get paid? Did the employer MATCH the social security/Medicare payments? Of course not!

Those three major events that caused $8 trillion in write off losses PLUS thousands of businesses destroyed in 9/11 and hurricanes that couldn't write paychecks and pay the employers' share of social security/medicare all factors LoWERING federal revenue.

YET people evidently don't take ANY of that into consideration! Consideration that in the years to come when forensic accountants look at these losses and rebuild revenue streams if these events hadn't occurred.. BUSH's economy would have a huge surplus every year!
There would be no Homeland Security sucking billions. There would not have been Iraq. There would NOT have been the long waits at airports
which is a productivity drain!
Think about it! And for once consider what did happen and IN spite of it.. our economy grew!
This bullcrap about 800,000 jobs a month loss? CRAP! The worst month was 815,000 and prior to 2008 Bush economy IN SPITE of
the worst attack, the dot.com/ and hurricanes generated over 4 million new jobs... IN SPITE of those events!

So you tell me what President could have done any differently with the hand dealt Bush?
THE ONLY MAJOR ISSUE was Iraq! And frankly Bush was doing the will of what 90% of Americans wanted... someone to pay!
And Saddam the idiot who for the prior ten years thumbed his nose at the 1991 Cease Fire that let him live!
Bush rightly along with DEMOCRATS after 9/11 after the anthrax attacks (again something you seemingly forgot...!) said enough!

The Liberation of Iraq worked! It wasn't until Democrats like Obama telling the terrorists they were justified in their sending little kids with bombs to blow up when troops handed out candy.. or Kerry actually calling our troops "Terrorists" or Murtha saying our troops were cold blooded killers or Durbin saying our troops were like Nazis!

Geez with people like that encouraging the thug/barbarians to blow up children why wouldn't a terrorist feel justified? Encouraged! Prolonging!
From 2001 to 2011 the US revenue was reduced by over $2.4 trillion.
Not because of Bush tax cuts.
Not because businesses went offshore.

In addition Social Security/Medicare taxes were reduced dramatically at the same time.

So what happened to the nearly $3 trillion in lost revenue in those ensuing years?

ONE fact that evidently MANY people that hate corporations, those evil business owners, the greedy wealthy don't know and I am sure it sounds stupid, but it is true.

The FACT is most people don't know that the social security/medicare payments deducted from their paychecks.... ARE MATCHED by the employer!

It is true! And I am absolutely confident by the comments made on this forum that a majority of the business-hating, corporate-bashing people don't know this!

If they knew that in 2011 of the $818 billion reported by the Federal government as revenue received from social security/medicare deductions was made up of less then half from the employees and more then half from the employers!

I kid you not! Almost ALL the OWS don't know this and I am sure most of you on this forum that bash businesses don't know it!

Now the importance of this is, what would the Federal Government do if there were reductions in the $818 billion a year in social security/Medicare which by the way goes into the general fund, mixed with other revenue and counted as general revenue.

Why then does Obama and his ilk proudly say:
"I'm in favor of single payer health system"? Does he not know $100 billion a year in
Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes property taxes AND social security /Medicare contributions come from these 1,300 employer businesses?

Or does he NOT know that when he says:
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Again, does he realize that going bankrupt will mean losing tax revenue, employees losing jobs, and reduced social security/medicare payments as well as FUTA and increasing outgoing unemployment checks?

Why would ANYONE much less the President WISH and desire such outcomes ?

So in addition to the $2.4 trillion over the last 10 years lost due to events beyond yes dare I say it! Even the Messiah Obama's control..
1) $5 trillion dot com bust - the losses being written off every year against income tax!
2) $2 trillion (anyone remember 9/11??) Airlines stopped 3 days, WS closed 10 days.
And the aftermath were as this web page DRAMATIC changes in Life in the USA!
For some examples look at this web site:

Television coverage of the terrorist attacks and their aftermath was the longest uninterrupted news event in the history of U.S. television. It lasted for 93 hours, day and night. After 9/11, a collection of movies were cancelled that were in production, and many movies were edited. The most common way of editing was to delete or obscure shots of the World Trade Center. In all, roughly 45 films were edited or postponed because of the terrorist attacks. Some of these include Spider-Man, Zoolander, Men in Black II, The Bourne Identity, and The Incredibles.

Stellar Wind is the open secret code name for a collection of activities performed by the United States National Security Agency in the wake of 9/11 and revealed by Thomas M. Tamm. The operation was approved by President George W. Bush. The program’s activities involve data mining a large database of the communications of American citizens, including e-mail conversations, phone calls, financial transactions, and Internet activity.
Top 10 U.S. Government Changes Since 9/11 | Top 10 Lists | TopTenz.net
These are just TWO of the top ten CHANGES in the USA due to 9/11.

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina?? made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992 as a Category 5. It caused 40 deaths and $30 billion in property damage. More than 250,000 people were left homeless and 82,000 businesses were destroyed or damaged.

NOW you idiots that keep calling Bush a drunken sailor spendthrift!
YOU idiots that don't seem to remember the above 3 events events that could have happened to a Democrat President and then how sympathetic would you have been?

NO that's the point here...
The point is WHY is it So hard to understand the tremendous HIT our economy took and Federal revenue decline due to these events? Forget the housing crisis it just was a minor contributor!

NO the point is YOU people evidently have NO idea how social security/Medicare works much less WHO pays for it! Yet to scream and hollar how bad evil wealthy,corporate,business owners are including our idiot President!

YOU people are the idiots that have caused these problems to be worse then they had to be!
Because you politicized them! You divided the country! You made it a Dem/GOP..Liberal/Conservative!

When all you had to do was have a little understanding and shut the f...k UP!

Well I guess that just shows how wonderful these businesses are. Making record profits and being so "put upon".

I'm with you. Fuck the American People. Only corporations are good. People should die. They aren't half as good as BP and Exon, who are the "real" people. Republicans did all that because they know corporations are the only people worth helping. Glad you cleared that up for us. I can sleep better now.
At the minimum I hope those of you that are still undecided at least understand that Obama's bashing of businesses is an example of his ignorance!

I mean as Eastwood said.. Obama works for us! So why in heavens name does Obama look at businesses,wealthy people corporations as the enemy? After all as I pointed out I think Obama and obviously a lot of people still think that ONLY the employees pay Social Security /Medicare!

After all remember all the MSM illustrations of how people actually have a tax to pay.. i.e. social security/Medicare?
And at the same time these SAME MSM idiots don't fathom that while the corporations who may pay a lower INCOME tax are also
paying a MATCHING social security/Medicare tax per employee!

Consider that all you OWS sympathizers when you hear so much crap about evil businesses, corporations,etc.!
These "evil" businesses/EMPLOYERS are paying health insurance benefits, matching social security/Medicare and what is left over
they then are TAXED corporate taxes. THEN what is left over is paid out in dividends AND taxed again to the shareholder!

So that's the problem I have with many of you on the cusp of voting ...
A) Obama was and always will be against businesses ... it is a fact!
B) Businesses employ people which pay taxes which pays Obama... how dumb is he?

Why then for you fence straddlers is there any question?
Do you really understand how businesses work, hire people, pay matching benefits, pay taxes pay dividends that are taxed?
If you understand and Obama evidently doesn't still comprehend.. THEN WHY IS HE STILL EMPLOYED?
As Clint said he works for US!
From 2001 to 2011 the US revenue was reduced by over $2.4 trillion.
Not because of Bush tax cuts.
Not because businesses went offshore.

In addition Social Security/Medicare taxes were reduced dramatically at the same time.

So what happened to the nearly $3 trillion in lost revenue in those ensuing years?

ONE fact that evidently MANY people that hate corporations, those evil business owners, the greedy wealthy don't know and I am sure it sounds stupid, but it is true.

The FACT is most people don't know that the social security/medicare payments deducted from their paychecks.... ARE MATCHED by the employer!

It is true! And I am absolutely confident by the comments made on this forum that a majority of the business-hating, corporate-bashing people don't know this!

If they knew that in 2011 of the $818 billion reported by the Federal government as revenue received from social security/medicare deductions was made up of less then half from the employees and more then half from the employers!

I kid you not! Almost ALL the OWS don't know this and I am sure most of you on this forum that bash businesses don't know it!

Now the importance of this is, what would the Federal Government do if there were reductions in the $818 billion a year in social security/Medicare which by the way goes into the general fund, mixed with other revenue and counted as general revenue.

Why then does Obama and his ilk proudly say:
"I'm in favor of single payer health system"? Does he not know $100 billion a year in
Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes property taxes AND social security /Medicare contributions come from these 1,300 employer businesses?

Or does he NOT know that when he says:
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Again, does he realize that going bankrupt will mean losing tax revenue, employees losing jobs, and reduced social security/medicare payments as well as FUTA and increasing outgoing unemployment checks?

Why would ANYONE much less the President WISH and desire such outcomes ?

So in addition to the $2.4 trillion over the last 10 years lost due to events beyond yes dare I say it! Even the Messiah Obama's control..
1) $5 trillion dot com bust - the losses being written off every year against income tax!
2) $2 trillion (anyone remember 9/11??) Airlines stopped 3 days, WS closed 10 days.
And the aftermath were as this web page DRAMATIC changes in Life in the USA!
For some examples look at this web site:

Television coverage of the terrorist attacks and their aftermath was the longest uninterrupted news event in the history of U.S. television. It lasted for 93 hours, day and night. After 9/11, a collection of movies were cancelled that were in production, and many movies were edited. The most common way of editing was to delete or obscure shots of the World Trade Center. In all, roughly 45 films were edited or postponed because of the terrorist attacks. Some of these include Spider-Man, Zoolander, Men in Black II, The Bourne Identity, and The Incredibles.

Stellar Wind is the open secret code name for a collection of activities performed by the United States National Security Agency in the wake of 9/11 and revealed by Thomas M. Tamm. The operation was approved by President George W. Bush. The program’s activities involve data mining a large database of the communications of American citizens, including e-mail conversations, phone calls, financial transactions, and Internet activity.
Top 10 U.S. Government Changes Since 9/11 | Top 10 Lists | TopTenz.net
These are just TWO of the top ten CHANGES in the USA due to 9/11.

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina?? made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992 as a Category 5. It caused 40 deaths and $30 billion in property damage. More than 250,000 people were left homeless and 82,000 businesses were destroyed or damaged.

NOW you idiots that keep calling Bush a drunken sailor spendthrift!
YOU idiots that don't seem to remember the above 3 events events that could have happened to a Democrat President and then how sympathetic would you have been?

NO that's the point here...
The point is WHY is it So hard to understand the tremendous HIT our economy took and Federal revenue decline due to these events? Forget the housing crisis it just was a minor contributor!

NO the point is YOU people evidently have NO idea how social security/Medicare works much less WHO pays for it! Yet to scream and hollar how bad evil wealthy,corporate,business owners are including our idiot President!

YOU people are the idiots that have caused these problems to be worse then they had to be!
Because you politicized them! You divided the country! You made it a Dem/GOP..Liberal/Conservative!

When all you had to do was have a little understanding and shut the f...k UP!

Well I guess that just shows how wonderful these businesses are. Making record profits and being so "put upon".

I'm with you. Fuck the American People. Only corporations are good. People should die. They aren't half as good as BP and Exon, who are the "real" people. Republicans did all that because they know corporations are the only people worth helping. Glad you cleared that up for us. I can sleep better now.

Are you truly that hard up for refuting the facts?
Corporations are MADE UP of people you dumb f...!

If "corporations" are so bad why are more Americans shareholders of corporations ?

In 2011, an estimated 90 million individual investors owned mutual funds and held 89 percent of total mutual fund assets at year-end.
Altogether, 52.3 million households, or 44 percent of all U.S. households, owned mutual funds compared to less than 6 percent in 1980.

2012 Investment Company Fact Book

ALL those 90 million investors are also in most cases EMPLOYEES of what... corporations!
Corporations are made up of what??? SHAREHOLDERS!

I guess in your fantasy world a "corporation" is entirely run by a computer? NO humans involved?
Excuse me for sharing your stupidity ok, but is it possible for a corporation to exist without ANY human?

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