Why is it important to know the age of COVID-19 patients?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I sent this email to Texas Department of Health because the MSM is NOT sharing with people the below facts and if they don't share
then the concept of "opening" the economy is doomed to fail!

In looking at your web site https://dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/additionaldata/

I’ve yet to find any COVID-19 table on your site that identifies both the number of cases BY age of patient and number of deaths by age of patient.
Now this is very important because the below table shows that fatality is associated with age as I’m sure you know!
But the problem is the media takes your statement “1,000 cases per day in Texas after opening up Texas” creates a false story!
The story is that while there may be 1,000 cases..I question as do the majority of people why the AGE is not shared?
The majority of the working public IS NOT 50 years and older where 27% of fatalities occur.
So I don’t know the age of the case and THAT should be a clue to why opening of Texas is essentially NOT an issue.
Please review…

Now I'm 77 years old. Part of the 8% that can die if I get COVID-19. And that's OK!
Because I'm selfish though and want to see our economy grow, my family working, this concept of "stay at home" is killing America!
Please analyze the make up of the deaths and who gets COVID-19 and come to understand... It is NOT a working age group issue!
Yes some in that age group get it BUT they are because of this MOBIDITY rate:
i would think we need as much data as possible....in most research you want as many variables covered as possible...sex...age...race...economic class...all those factors basically anything that may affect the course of the virus and its complications

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