Why is it important for a SCOTUS nominee to answer what is a woman?

Not one of you clowns has yet made a case as to why trans people bother you SO FUCKING MUCH. It's creepy.

You're obsessed with trans people.
Perhaps you clowns should stop yelling about them from the roof tops and saying they have the right to have a wanker and go into girls bathrooms.

Your attack on COMMON MORALITY is a standard Communist attack. Same as religion.............It is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR and your side yelling accept it doesn't change that. They need MENTAL HELP.
Not one of you clowns has yet made a case as to why trans people bother you SO FUCKING MUCH. It's creepy.

You're obsessed with trans people.

They don't bother me.

I sort of agree with you.

I never had a problem with them, when their drag shows were restricted to the bars, and not our children's elementary school reading time hours.

I never had a problem with them until they wanted to actually have society recognize them as the opposite gender than they actually are, on their legal documents, and have them pretend, their reality is society's reality.

I never had a problem letting them live their reality, until they wanted to force all of society to have to live the same dystopian nightmare, putting our children at risk, and turn them into the same socialized mess. Mandating the instruction of such madness in the schools.

. . . if they want to live out their own madness in their own little communities, that is their right, in a free society. But it is not their right to shoe-horn that madness, and normalize it as if, there is nothing inheirnently wrong with such a lifestyle, onto the public education system, and making children feel like it is an acceptable alternative lifestyle, without the consent of parents.

Such, is civilization level suicide.

The elites have made no secrete of their desire of depopulation, and thus, allowing and propagandizing such madness is a clear way to destroy civil society. It is up to responsible members to push back on normalizing such deviancy.

NOW? If members of society are adversely affected by the chemical pollutants and endocrine disrupters of the chemical industry, and happen to be affected by gender dysphoria and want to live such deviancy?

. . . really, they don't bother me. Live and let live. But let us all pause, and really, hold the responsible parties. . . RESPONSIBLE. Not the various individuals.

Shanna Swan: 'Most couples may have to use assisted reproduction by 2045'​

".. . You’ve spent more than
20 years examining the effects of hormone disrupting chemicals on reproductive health. Are you now sounding the alarm?
I am directly speaking to this hidden problem people don’t like to talk about, which is their sub-fertility or reproductive problems, and how that is tied to the environment. People are recognising we have a reproductive health crisis, but they say it’s because of delayed childbearing, choice or lifestyle – it can’t be chemical. I want people to recognise it can. I am not saying other factors aren’t involved. But I am saying chemicals play a major causal role. It is difficult to use that word, “cause”, but it’s a body of evidence. We have mechanisms, animal studies, and multiple human studies.

Female fertility declines rapidly after about 35. Isn’t that why so many people are turning to IVF?
It’s not that simple. When a colleague and I looked at the change in impaired fecundity [the ability to have children] we were surprised to see younger women had experienced a bigger increase than older age groups. This suggests that something besides ageing and delayed childbearing is affecting fertility.
Moreover, there’s compelling evidence that the risk of miscarriage has been rising among women of all ages.
Which chemicals are the most worrying for reproductive health and how do they work?
Those that can interfere with or mimic the body’s sex hormones – such as testosterone and oestrogen – because these make reproduction possible. They can make the body think it has enough of a particular hormone and it doesn’t need to make any more, so production goes down.

Sperms' swimming and navigational skills disrupted by common chemicals
Read more
Phthalates, used to make plastic soft and flexible, are of paramount concern. They are in everybody and we are probably primarily exposed through food as we use soft plastic in food manufacture, processing and packaging. They lower testosterone and so have the strongest influences on the male side, for example diminishing sperm count, though they are bad for women, too, shown to decrease libido and increase risk of early puberty, premature ovarian failure, miscarriage and premature birth.
Bisphenol A (BPA), used to harden plastic and found in cash-register receipts and the lining of some canned-food containers, is another. It is oestrogen mimicking and so is a particularly bad actor on the female side, increasing risks of fertility challenges, but likewise it can affect men. Men occupationally exposed to BPA have shown decreased sperm quality, reduced libido and higher rates of erectile dysfunction. Other chemicals of concern include flame retardants and certain pesticides such as atrazine.. . . "

No, you're either have XX or XY chromosomes. There is no ambiguity.

There is a lot of ambiguity, because not everyone just has XX of XY Chromosomes:

Nothing is EVER all black and white.
... because the transgender/woman issues are going to come to a head in this country, and it will likely end up in the SCOTUS.
So, in fact, this nominee refuses to provide an answer to an extremely easy question that she would have to reside on.
Her refusal to answer is, of course, an answer itself. She will side with the trangenders. And that is what she won't answer because she knows the overwhelming majority of Americans do not.
Al of of folks haven't seen the whole questions about what is a woman, she not only refused to answer that, but refused to answer if there is a difference between a male and a female.
Why is it that every single liberal SCOTUS nominee's most common answer is... not to answer? We have seen this played out every time.
How many threads do we have on the Right being upset that Judge Jackson wouldn't help them out on defining a woman?
It is so evident that they have issues. Have you seen how many threads on this? :heehee:
They lost their battle against Homosexuality Bigly

Now they are saying, “If we can’t discriminate against the Fags, can’t we just discriminate against the Trannies?”
I can't be pretending and lying about the reality that I see. I'm just not going to do that.

Any time someone tells me, "Stop believing what you see, and believe this instead because it's nicer! NO, I don't have any proof, do it because I'm not going to like you!" they can piss up a rope.
There is a lot of ambiguity, because not everyone just has XX of XY Chromosomes:

Nothing is EVER all black and white.

"Look, there are really rare genetic defects, so that justifies people who don't have those defects pretending to be something they aren't!"

Shut. Up.
This is where you are wrong.

For any of a number of purely biological reasons (endocrine problems) people born of one genetic sex, are exposed to high levels of the opposite sex hormones. Whether in-utero or after, the effect is to alter both the physical and mental characteristics.

This review critically examines whether sex hormone exposure during prenatal or early postnatal development determines the adult sexual orientation (sexual preferences) of animals. In rats, hamsters, ferrets, pigs, zebra finches, and possibly dogs, either early castration of males or early testosterone treatment of females or both have been shown to change or reverse sexual orientation.

Which might have relevance to a discussion of homosexuality, but doesn't have a damned thing to do with transgenderism, unless your "Aha!" article had a section that said, "And opposite sex hormones can change your chromosomes and anatomical indicators" that I missed.
Which might have relevance to a discussion of homosexuality, but doesn't have a damned thing to do with transgenderism, unless your "Aha!" article had a section that said, "And opposite sex hormones can change your chromosomes and anatomical indicators" that I missed.
Nobody said you change your chromosomes or genitalia
But the sexuality that you affiliate with will not match your chromosomes

This is nothing new, transgenders have existed as long as there have been humans

But Conservatives are hung up on genitalia
Actually about 1 in every 5,000 live births results in sexual indeterminate exterior genitalia.

And are we talking about people with rare birth defects? Are you suggesting that every person who claims to be transgender has these defects?

I knew a girl in high school who was born with only one arm. The other arm was just a stump that tapered off somewhere between the shoulder and where her elbow should have been. Does the existence of a girl born with only one arm invalidate the reality that humans are bilaterally symmetrical organisms with two arms? Does her existence require us to be uncertain as to the existence and importance of arms? Does her existence make it okay to chop off one of a person's arms?
Actually, we want people to have the freedom to identify with the sex they feel most comfortable with
It is not always defined by genitalia
People can identify any which way the want, but no one should be forced to indulge in other peoples fantasies. Whether gay or straight I don’t believe anyone can change their gender. And I think women, particularly those that compete in sports, have been the Victims in this movement.

Having said that the OP is wrong. Because transvestite issues are headed to the Supreme Court, that’s why it’s inappropriate for Brown to talk about her opinion relating to them.

I'm saying making definitive statements from which you have to backtrack shows this area is not cut and dried.

No one has "backtracked". They've just refused to follow you down your irrelevant tangent.

I'M saying that introducing irrelevant tangents to try to deflect the topic shows that you're full of shit, and know it, and spew it anyway.

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