Why is it difficult for Russia to maintain friendly relations with Great Britain?


Sep 6, 2010
In the article specially written for Valdai Discussion Club Alexei Fenenko explores the intricate relationship between two first rank countries.

“At first sight, the negativity in Russian-British relations seems quite strange. The two countries have developed a set of stabilizing bonds. Russian businesses are willing to invest in the British economy and buy property in the UK. Also, Russians consider it prestigious to have been educated in Britain.

Since the Cold War, American and British diplomats have had a special division of labor. Washington has conducted arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union and then Russia. And Britain was responsible for fostering a negative perception of Soviet (and later Russian) actions. Naturally, this is why the British media depicts Russia in a largely negative light.

All four British nuclear submarines are equipped with American made Trident II ballistic missiles. London also does not participate in the Washington Treaty (1987) on intermediate- and shorter-range missiles. Theoretically, the United States can bypass the START treaty’s limits and resume the production of medium-range missiles in a joint program with Britain. Therefore, Moscow believes that Britain undermines the arms control regime between the United States and Russia”

Read full article : valdaiclub.com/content/why-it-difficult-russia-maintain-friendly-relations-great-britain
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In the article specially written for Valdai Discussion Club Alexei Fenenko explores the intricate relationship between two first rank countries.

“At first sight, the negativity in Russian-British relations seems quite strange. The two countries have developed a set of stabilizing bonds. Russian businesses are willing to invest in the British economy and buy property in the UK. Also, Russians consider it prestigious to have been educated in Britain.

Since the Cold War, American and British diplomats have had a special division of labor. Washington has conducted arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union and then Russia. And Britain was responsible for fostering a negative perception of Soviet (and later Russian) actions. Naturally, this is why the British media depicts Russia in a largely negative light.

All four British nuclear submarines are equipped with American made Trident II ballistic missiles. London also does not participate in the Washington Treaty (1987) on intermediate- and shorter-range missiles. Theoretically, the United States can bypass the START treaty’s limits and resume the production of medium-range missiles in a joint program with Britain. Therefore, Moscow believes that Britain undermines the arms control regime between the United States and Russia”

Read full article : valdaiclub.com/content/why-it-difficult-russia-maintain-friendly-relations-great-britain
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Because Russia is run by fascist troglodytes. When Putin sends his thugs to Britain to assassinate someone for criticizing his regime, it should come as no surprise when Britain doesn't respond warmly to foreign governments murdering law-abiding residents of the United Kingdom.

Alexander Litvinenko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russian apes don't like it when their FSB pawns go rogue.
Oh, it might have been the bitching over Georgia, among other things. :lol:

Why is it difficult for Russia to maintain friendly relations with Great Britain?

Because during the era of the British empire Britain's entire geopolitical scheme revolved around the threat of a rival named Russia. The Brit's conquests in the ME were largely focused on repelling any challenge from Russia.

Fear of Russia's centuries-old southward expansion was a further factor in British policy: in 1878, Britain took control of Cyprus as a base for action against a Russian attack on the Ottoman Empire, and invaded Afghanistan to forestall an increase in Russian influence there. The Great Game in Inner Asia ended with a bloody and wholly unnecessary British expedition against Tibet in 1903-1904.

New Imperialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Great Game (Russian: Большая игра, Bol'sháya igrá) is a term used for the strategic rivalry and conflict between the British Empire and the Russian Empire for supremacy in Central Asia. The classic Great Game period is generally regarded as running approximately from the Russo-Persian Treaty of 1813 to the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. A second, less intensive phase followed the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The Great Game dwindled after the United Kingdom and Russia became Allies of World War II.

The Great Game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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