Why the Ukraine's Counteroffensive is Difficult.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

The relevant points are being made in the link and so there's no need to repeat them.
There could be a point in rebutting Zelensky's points, but that's not my intent. He does point out that it's only America supplying what he needs now and the lack of long range weapons is causing the delay.

Washington previously declined to provide long-range arms to Kiev over concerns that they might be used by Ukrainian forces for attacks deep into Russian territory, risking a major escalation in the conflict.
There are no F-16's coming to the Ukraine. The reason why has become obvious.

In truth, it's more like Nato and the US are willing to wait for a reason to abandon Zelensky's cause.

Or alternatively, the US is ready to abandon Zelensky as the leader of America's cause.

Russia on the other hand appears to be deciding to wait it out and double the ferocity of any hits the Ukraine can make on the Donbass and Crimea's civilians.

Russia's approach to fighting the war seems to have changed to disregard for civilian collateral damage when the Ukraine military are hiding amongst civilians.
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Ukraine is doing well at degrading Russia's artillery. The Russians are running low on 152mm howitzer ammo, and are increasingly relying on 120mm mortars, which have a shorter range and less boom. Other calibers, like 122mm, 203mm and 240mm are effectively gone. Ukrainian counterbattery radar is much better than what the Russians have, and the Ukrainians are better at shoot-and-scoot. Both sides have found that towed artillery is very vulnerable.

Russia initially had some success with helicopters hitting Ukrainian armored vehicles. Not any more. Ukraine has wised up.

For reasons unexplained, the Russians are coming out of their trenches and trying to attack, resulting in continued lopsided casualties. Many Russians killed, far fewer Ukrainians.

Ukraine is making some substantial gains. The most interesting gains are north and south of Bakmut. The Russians had thrown out westward salients there, Ukraine has now pushed those salients back.

Politically, Europe has gotten quite a bit more aggressive than the USA. Europe will not be abandoning Ukraine, even if a Republican surrender-monkey is elected in the USA.

Russia's approach to fighting the war seems to have changed to disregard for civilian collateral damage when the Ukraine military are hiding amongst civilians.

That's one way of excusing Russia deliberately hitting purely civilian targets. Ukraine, in contrast, only strikes military targets. Russia does terror bombing, Ukraine doesn't.
Beginning to get a picture here of more than one agenda...

I tend to think that NATO and G8 countries with their sanctions want to "win" this rather than allow Zelensky to win his war.

And after watching this short video....it's Beginning to make more sense.

Ukraine is doing well at degrading Russia's artillery. The Russians are running low on 152mm howitzer ammo, and are increasingly relying on 120mm mortars, which have a shorter range and less boom. Other calibers, like 122mm, 203mm and 240mm are effectively gone. Ukrainian counterbattery radar is much better than what the Russians have, and the Ukrainians are better at shoot-and-scoot. Both sides have found that towed artillery is very vulnerable.

Russia initially had some success with helicopters hitting Ukrainian armored vehicles. Not any more. Ukraine has wised up.

For reasons unexplained, the Russians are coming out of their trenches and trying to attack, resulting in continued lopsided casualties. Many Russians killed, far fewer Ukrainians.

Ukraine is making some substantial gains. The most interesting gains are north and south of Bakmut. The Russians had thrown out westward salients there, Ukraine has now pushed those salients back.

Politically, Europe has gotten quite a bit more aggressive than the USA. Europe will not be abandoning Ukraine, even if a Republican surrender-monkey is elected in the USA.

That's one way of excusing Russia deliberately hitting purely civilian targets. Ukraine, in contrast, only strikes military targets. Russia does terror bombing, Ukraine doesn't.
And the pigs have wings and they are going to bomb Moscow.
donald HRussia's approach to fighting the war seems to have changed to disregard for civilian collateral damage when the Ukraine military are hiding amongst civilians. Russians should obviously first inform the Midget War Criminal of their intended targets so that cvilians can be moved . Ha Ha . Regardless , there is no evidence to support your assertion . Why not condemn the MWC for allowing innocent civilians to be deliberately used as "shields"?
They can't make up their minds whether to tell us Russia is a weak pitiful country, that can't even beat poor little Ukraine, or a country so dangerous they might take over all of Europe and even threaten the US.
So they just tell us both, because it's not like we'd notice
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Zelensky simply fell victim to his own propaganda (as did parts of NATO) - not wanting to acquit that last years "liberation" of occupied territory was simply due to the Russians shortening the front-line (too little manpower) and thus giving up territory without real resistance.

As such the Goebbels scholar propagated another "victorious" offensive - simply not wanting to realize that now the UAF would have to face the odds of attacking a prepared and strengthened Russian defense line and entrenchments. Independent of having F-16's or not.

NATO is aware that is hasn't and is also not willing (due to various reasons) to send respective weapon-systems in such numbers that would be required to launch a successful offensive - and therefore enacting/enforcing a NBC response from Russia.

Therefore keep the war going as it is (financially not a real problem for NATO) then - either Putin/Russia might give in, or Ukraine. In the latter case NATO can reenact Pontius Pilate in regards to washing their hands in view off "respecting" Ukraine's "sole decision".
Zelensky simply fell victim to his own propaganda (as did parts of NATO) - not wanting to acquit that last years "liberation" of occupied territory was simply due to the Russians shortening the front-line (too little manpower) and thus giving up territory without real resistance.

As such the Goebbels scholar propagated another "victorious" offensive - simply not wanting to realize that now the UAF would have to face the odds of attacking a prepared and strengthened Russian defense line and entrenchments. Independent of having F-16's or not.

NATO is aware that is hasn't and is also not willing (due to various reasons) to send respective weapon-systems in such numbers that would be required to launch a successful offensive - and therefore enacting/enforcing a NBC response from Russia.

Therefore keep the war going as it is (financially not a real problem for NATO) then - either Putin/Russia might give in, or Ukraine. In the latter case NATO can reenact Pontius Pilate in regards to washing their hands in view off "respecting" Ukraine's "sole decision".
All very reasonable, imho , except I suggest that it is an increasing problem for NATO and the EU to keep this scrap going on for much longer for financial reasons -- broke and with barely any remaining reserves . Small example -- the mighty UK ( !! ) has officially admitted that its tank reserves total 40 --- Russia is wiping out that number sometimes in a couple of good days . Unbelievable, but made official publicly to Parliament . And we separately know that the US is cluster bombing because it has no other 155mm ammunition available.

The relevant points are being made in the link and so there's no need to repeat them.
There could be a point in rebutting Zelensky's points, but that's not my intent. He does point out that it's only America supplying what he needs now and the lack of long range weapons is causing the delay.

There are no F-16's coming to the Ukraine. The reason why has become obvious.

In truth, it's more like Nato and the US are willing to wait for a reason to abandon Zelensky's cause.

Or alternatively, the US is ready to abandon Zelensky as the leader of America's cause.

Russia on the other hand appears to be deciding to wait it out and double the ferocity of any hits the Ukraine can make on the Donbass and Crimea's civilians.

Russia's approach to fighting the war seems to have changed to disregard for civilian collateral damage when the Ukraine military are hiding amongst civilians.
It amazes how many Americans, if this board is any indicator, support an authoritarian ruler like Putin, someone with a long history of working against the interests of the US and interfering with our elections.
All very reasonable, imho , except I suggest that it is an increasing problem for NATO and the EU to keep this scrap going on for much longer for financial reasons -- broke and with barely any remaining reserves . Small example -- the mighty UK ( !! ) has officially admitted that its tank reserves total 40 --- Russia is wiping out that number sometimes in a couple of good days . Unbelievable, but made official publicly to Parliament . And we separately know that the US is cluster bombing because it has no other 155mm ammunition available.
Yes okay - but as an example:

The famous invincible German Bundeswehr - 80% of it's equipment is not usable due to missing $. So now again for the 24th time the government has pledged to raise the defense budget from 1.4% to 2% - that would equate to around +US$ 8 Billion per year. (everyone in the topic knows that Germany would need to spend approx. US$ 200 Billion within 5 years to get the "numerical" existing Bundeswehr into an effective fighting force). And would need to maintain an around 3% budget to keep it in that state.

Even if Germany raises it's budget "realistically" to 1,6% it would equate into +US$ 2.7 Billion per year. - which is two times more then what Germany supplied in weaponry to Ukraine a year. (far more $ went into humanitarian aid and feeding/clothing and assimilating 1 million Ukrainian refugees).

Investing an additional US$ 2.7 Billion into the formidable Bundeswehr - it would essentially change nothing in regards to its 80% problem, - so just give e.g. US$ 2 billion to Ukraine every year and let them do the fighting and dying. - right?
It amazes how many Americans, if this board is any indicator, support an authoritarian ruler like Putin, someone with a long history of working against the interests of the US and interfering with our elections.
Actually, Biden has much longer history of working against the interests of the USA, say nothing about cheating at elections.
Putin is almost done....
And I wonder what is going to happen to Russia when it's over for him. The Russian troops are decimated and the leadership of Russia is highly fractured.

6,000 nuclear weapons will be up for grabs....that's going to be troublesome for decades to come. Many of the "mobiks" haven't been paid as promised....I wonder if anyone is getting their pay. Will they get pay when Russia's economy and banking system fails?

Zelensky, I'm sure, is getting increasingly tired of being jerked around by Western Governments. They gonna tell him how and when to use toilet paper next?

I'm sure they have some sort of plan....but who, what, when, where, how, and why isn't ever going to appear on any news stream or social media.

And the Russian claims are so ridiculous anymore.....pictures of explosives on top of the ZNPP and they STILL lie? Xi from PRC had to call and tell Putin to fix it or else.

It's going to end as all the whales figure out who gets what....but are we going going to be able to live with the results?
It amazes how many Americans, if this board is any indicator, support an authoritarian ruler like Putin, someone with a long history of working against the interests of the US and interfering with our elections.
It shouldn't amaze you. Putin hasn't started 35-40 wars of aggression against other countries since the end of WW2 like America has. Sometimes the facts speak louder than slobbering propagandists!
It shouldn't amaze you. Putin hasn't started 35-40 wars of aggression against other countries since the end of WW2 like America has. Sometimes the facts speak louder than slobbering propagandists!
That's not true....not at all true.

Russia began assembling (with armed forces invading) several countries after WW2....including territories belonging to China, India, Pakistan.....as well as many of the former countries that constituted the Soviet Union. Including their own invasion of Afghanistan.
That's not true....not at all true.

Russia began assembling (with armed forces invading) several countries after WW2....including territories belonging to China, India, Pakistan.....as well as many of the former countries that constituted the Soviet Union. Including their own invasion of Afghanistan.
Most were awarded to the Soviet Union as war reparations.

But then that wasn't Putin and the war aggression didn't come close to equalling America's aggression against 35-40 countries.

Was America's aggression against Vietnam somehow justifiable? Can a country's people be slaughtered on account of them not choosing America's politics?
Most were awarded to the Soviet Union as war reparations.

But then that wasn't Putin and the war aggression didn't come close to equalling America's aggression against 35-40 countries.

Was America's aggression against Vietnam somehow justifiable? Can a country's people be slaughtered on account of them not choosing America's politics?
That's a popular myth but the soldiers with guns went unopposed because everyone was tired of fighting and didn't want to get into another war with a former ally during WW2.

That's the truth.

These former Soviet Bloc nations that are currently so opposed to what Russia is currently doing should be a clue that your recollection/assessment is not accurate.

People were trying to keep it all as calm as possible because the Japanese were still fighting and those bombs we were dropping were very destructive. On one hand they were effective...but they destroyed EVERYONE in a city....something that we considered abhorrent.

Meanwhile Russia kept invading and controlling a blend of countries in their neighborhood
Ukraine is doing well at degrading Russia's artillery. The Russians are running low on 152mm howitzer ammo, and are increasingly relying on 120mm mortars, which have a shorter range and less boom. Other calibers, like 122mm, 203mm and 240mm are effectively gone. Ukrainian counterbattery radar is much better than what the Russians have, and the Ukrainians are better at shoot-and-scoot. Both sides have found that towed artillery is very vulnerable.

Russia initially had some success with helicopters hitting Ukrainian armored vehicles. Not any more. Ukraine has wised up.

For reasons unexplained, the Russians are coming out of their trenches and trying to attack, resulting in continued lopsided casualties. Many Russians killed, far fewer Ukrainians.

Ukraine is making some substantial gains. The most interesting gains are north and south of Bakmut. The Russians had thrown out westward salients there, Ukraine has now pushed those salients back.

Politically, Europe has gotten quite a bit more aggressive than the USA. Europe will not be abandoning Ukraine, even if a Republican surrender-monkey is elected in the USA.

That's one way of excusing Russia deliberately hitting purely civilian targets. Ukraine, in contrast, only strikes military targets. Russia does terror bombing, Ukraine doesn't.
Utter nonsense from start to finish . I notice there are no links or sources .Did you make it up over a couple of beers ? Or did it come in a dream?
broke and with barely any remaining reserves
Well yeah, Russia is.

That's why you're here begging and pleading that we leave Russia alone.

Thanks, but no thanks. The war doesn't end until the fascist invaders withdraw from Ukraine.

Utter nonsense from start to finish . I notice there are no links or sources .Did you make it up over a couple of beers ? Or did it come in a dream?

You've been totally wrong about every single thing for over a year now. Your record of failure is perfect and unblemished.

That makes you useful, in a way. If you say something, everyone can correctly assume the exact opposite is true.
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