Why I remain a Practicing Catholic


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.
If it works for you...do it.

Organized religion never worked well for me so pretty much as soon as I could make my own decisions, I stopped attending.
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.
Catholics have a bad stigma right now due to the sex abuse. The church is still dragging their feet about it although they have made significant progress on the issue.

At least Catholics accept the theory of evolution, unlike the dumb as can be evangelical "christians".
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.
It’s not 5%. The vast majority were homosexual dalliances with teenagers. There were only 200 to 300 predators out of 47,000 priests.
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.
Nothing wrong with Catholics

But their church has put the reputation of the Church above the victims of sexual predators. Keep the story quiet and move the creep to a different parish

Child molestation is a criminal act and should be referred to the police
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.

Funny how you did not mention as a reason being saved from damnation by worshipping and eating Jesus...

Salvation must not be a high priority.....

Yeah so there have been child molesters, masochists, sadists, misogynists, antisemites, persecutions, pogroms, and perverted Popes perpetuating evil for thousands of years ..So what. Whats the big deal? At least they are trying to hide it.

And they even feed soup to the people whose lives were screwed up since they were children after their minds were destroyed by ritualized abuse and religious flotsam...Whats not to love?

We are the oldest and bestest Church organization openly dedicated to defying the law of the Hebrew God and desecrating the Body of Christ who received its power and authority directly from Caesar.

We believe. You are going to hell. Neener neener.

"We're number one! We're number one! Woo hoo!

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(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.

Funny how you did not mention as a reason being saved from damnation by worshipping and eating Jesus...

Salvation must not be a high priority.....

Yeah so there have been child molesters, masochists, sadists, misogynists, antisemites, persecutions, pogroms, and perverted Popes perpetuating evil for thousands of years ..So what. Whats the big deal? At least they are trying to hide it.

And they even feed soup to the people whose lives were screwed up since they were children after their minds were destroyed by ritualized abuse and religious flotsam...Whats not to love?

We are the oldest and bestest Church organization openly dedicated to defying the law of the Hebrew God and desecrating the Body of Christ who received its power and authority directly from Caesar.

We believe. You are going to hell. Neener neener.

"We're number one! We're number one! Woo hoo!

Nothing wrong with eating Jesus

Tastes like Chicken
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.

Funny how you did not mention as a reason being saved from damnation by worshipping and eating Jesus...

Salvation must not be a high priority.....

Yeah so there have been child molesters, masochists, sadists, misogynists, antisemites, persecutions, pogroms, and perverted Popes perpetuating evil for thousands of years ..So what. Whats the big deal? At least they are trying to hide it.

And they even feed soup to the people whose lives were screwed up since they were children after their minds were destroyed by ritualized abuse and religious flotsam...Whats not to love?

We are the oldest and bestest Church organization openly dedicated to defying the law of the Hebrew God and desecrating the Body of Christ who received its power and authority directly from Caesar.

We believe. You are going to hell. Neener neener.

"We're number one! We're number one! Woo hoo!

Nothing wrong with eating Jesus

Tastes like Chicken

lol.... Did you go back for seconds?

All I know is that its a good thing that Jesus said, "eat this" instead of "suck my ass". Just imagine.

Then there would be tens of thousands of mystery cults, legions of dedicated believers usurping places of authority in government, persecuted unbelievers everywhere walking around dumbfounded, and strange rituals with donkeys and who knows what going on all over the world in church...

Who can say? Maybe things would have turned out better....
My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.
That wouldn't change, if you suddenly rejected the belief in a zombie god, though.
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.

Can't get past number one. I have no problem with individual Catholics but there can be no doubt that the Catholic church is NOT the "optimal expression of Biblical Christianity". Catholicism adds much to the Bible that is simply not there:

1. Mary's Perpetual Virginity
2. Purgatory
3. The Roman Catholic Church is necessary for salvation
4. Prayers to the saints

And so many others. None of which are Biblical at all.
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

They weren't raped by 'clerics', they were raped by faggot predators for the most part, not genuine priests. We know From the NAMBLA investigations that many faggots will rape little girls, too if they have no other victims around to groom, so we can safely sa some 905 of them were faggots deliberately infiltrating the Church in order to get to kids.

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

Yes, the Church politicians are at fault here, no way around that.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

Ignore them, they're mostly faggots and pedoes themselves; their attacks are purely self-interest, as deviants they hate anybody who stands in the way of mindless self-indulgence, and not just Xians.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.

That's the reason they were appointed to handle the Roman Empire's social programs in the first place, their enormous success at implementing and managing such enterprises. The pagans tried to imitate them and couldn't even come close to pulling it off.
Their churches are prettier, the guy swinging the incense burner is pretty cool, and the very best idea is being able to light a little candle for someone you are worrying about or who died. That is the very best idea of all.
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.
It’s not 5%. The vast majority were homosexual dalliances with teenagers. There were only 200 to 300 predators out of 47,000 priests.
(1) The RC church is the optimum expression of Biblical Christianity.

(2) The crimes of the 5% of evil clerics does not outweigh the virtue, leadership, and exemplary lives of the other 95%. (You think it's 10%? I disagree but the point remains).

(3) No Catholic Bishop ever reassigned a pedophile priest with the expectation that there would be more victims. Shame on them all for believing that with the grace of God, this vile pattern of behavior can be overcome. I think they get it now.

(4) There is a veritable cottage industry of people who, for whatever reasons (money, bigotry, political ambition, etc.), want to make the worst of the situation. It's a horrible history and it remains horribly recent, but right-minded people view each new outrage with the figurative grain of salt.

(5) My Church continues to do wonderful things, in spite of All This. My own parish has more then 50 community outreach groups, supporting the poor, homeless, immigrants, hungry, pregnant, sick, elderly and infirm, you name it.
It’s not 5%. The vast majority were homosexual dalliances with teenagers. There were only 200 to 300 predators out of 47,000 priests.

Small, compared to 100% of faggots, and 99.99% of Democrats. Have a point?

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