Why I lost all respect for John McCain


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing
McCain is a monster in so many ways.

It is instructive how the elite media covers for monsters like him. He is a warmongering statist first and foremost. That appears to the main prerequisite for media protection and promotion.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means
A few months ago:

McCain released his own new defense budget: five years – five trillion dollar defense budget; a lot of that is aimed at Russia. It is great for the American military-industrial complex, which is what keeps John McCain in office. So that is one of the reasons he does this. One of the reasons why he cannot stand Donald Trump and he could not stand to have any change in Washington’s anti-Russia policies… If anyone is hurting American democracy, it’s people like John McCain

Most people will remember the salacious details of this dossier; they won’t remember all the finer points about how it came about, McCain’s role in it. They don’t remember this; they remember the headlines.

‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’
McCain has been and still is a RINO. He has sold his soul to special interests, and he will have to answer for it after his days are done.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.

Yeah, remember when Democrats were calling for McCain's death? Let's not forget about that time that Obama called out McCain's service record? Yeah, didn't happen.

I disagree with McCain on almost everything and he's made some pretty questionable votes in the past, but at least for whatever he is, he did the right thing here.
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing
The Veterans Choice program that started under Obama has cut the wait times for most procedures from 6-8 weeks to 1 week.

I understand why Trump needs you to think Obamacare and VA care is a "nightmare" that's "imploding"

But what Trump needs to do, is let go of feeling like he needs a victory to prove himself to people like you......and encourage a bi-partisan overhaul of Obamacare that includes the best parts of the failed Trumpcare, and the very imperfect Obamacare.

I don't give a shit about whether or not Trump supporters or the Donald get's a fucking "win"
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing

Well, he's no different to most of the other politicians people vote for because... because... I have no idea why people vote for these people, maybe the voters are just stupid.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.
Hard to show respect for someone you think has something wrong with his head. I have held this idea ever since he ran for President by his speeches he has made. It may not be his fault do to the POW day that messed up his mind. Don't tell he that the dark methods he under went during Nam. He refused to be let out of the H Hilton because his father was in Office, this did get my respect in that incident, I don't know if I could have stood up and said no. But when in Office he did not earn my respect and backing. Sorry but I judge a man by what he does not what he was.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.

Yeah, remember when Democrats were calling for McCain's death? Let's not forget about that time that Obama called out McCain's service record? Yeah, didn't happen.

I disagree with McCain on almost everything and he's made some pretty questionable votes in the past, but at least for whatever he is, he did the right thing here.
When did Obama call out McCains service record?
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.

Yeah, remember when Democrats were calling for McCain's death? Let's not forget about that time that Obama called out McCain's service record? Yeah, didn't happen.

I disagree with McCain on almost everything and he's made some pretty questionable votes in the past, but at least for whatever he is, he did the right thing here.
When did Obama call out McCains service record?

Uh, he didn't. Actually he celebrated it.
PS, John McCain and a handful of Republicans, AKA RINO's...are the last bastion of sanity in the GOP. Trust me...Eisenhower, Goldwater, and Reagan are crying in their graves. Probably trying to figure out a way back to this side to haunt Trump.

You know what that ass hat said the other day?......Trump started a sentence with "MY Generals"

That narcissistic moron thinks they're HIS Generals.

He's losing it
He didn't have a problem repealing Obamacare when Obama wasn't going to sign the bill.

His service is coming to a close regardless. He is accountable to God because he will never be accountable to the people again.

I hope he is prepared for that meeting and the Lord is kind.

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