Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

Your claims that our own government intentionally blew up buildings sending thousands to their deaths with no supporting evidence is despicable and shows you to be nothing more than scum

How dare you mock victims families and those who jumped with such nonsense

Your post tells me you have no idea of what I claim.

I mock no one. You mock reason, justice and constitutional government.

How about we start at the beginning and determine what you say I say was blown up?

I can prove that the towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete core. The WTC commission was decieved about the core structure.

Your position is concealing treason if you cannot produce evidence establishing that the core structure NIST Analyzed actually existed. I prove it did not, with evidence in my last post.

Supporting secret methods of mass murder is not okay.

You mock every victim who was in that building and every citizen of the United States

Like all truthers, you are nothing more than scum
Scum is represented by those with no evidence and no reason.

You mock humanity itself.

Your text is empty words and characters with no substance behind it. My words have facts behind them and stand to find justice for each and every person who died honoring them and their familes, myself and my family.

I fight today for each and every soldier who's courage is abused by an infiltrated government using and abusing them. I work to help them fulfill their oath WITHOUT exposing them to danger.


The PTSD that afflicts them is something I've come to understand how to treat. But our corrupt government will not allow it. It will take their precious lives, their courage and waste it without a thought. Here is the proof of the corruption I've faced and exposed.


The sheriffs department failing to appear on subpoeana. You can tell they wanted to appear with the records subpoeaned because they expose the county counsel influencing their failure to appear, a serous civil rights violation. They are like soldiers, they follow orders.

The records subpoeaned would have made it possible to develop a treatment for PTSD and other serious mental illness endangering all of us. Here us a letter from the director of the mental health department providing a defacto approval of a proposed treatment that would help millions of people.


If your corrupted ass would get out of the way soldiers could see through to ending the abuse of their lives and families and truly protect Americans lives with their devotions.

Even yours scumbag, with your baseless support for secret mass murder and treason.

At least I have evidence and have posted it.
gargantuan stack of pretentious bullshit!

That's what mass murders and traitors want you to say.

Me, I work for truth, justice, peace and the best mental health care possible because our soldiers need it badly and I have just proved all of that prompting you to spew empty text supporting secret methods of mass murder and treason.

The NWO loves you.

You have proved nothing, except you aren't reasonable. I don't care whether you believe what you believe, but to expect others to believe it is pretty arrogant.
The claim that there's all these false-flag attacks is like the overarching theme in "Ancient Aliens" that every kinda remarkable human achievement was only possible with alien help.

As Freud said, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'
Physics cares not about freud..freud can not explain the free-fall collapse of a steel framed hi-rise from office fires and either can you

It did not fall at free fall speed
If uiu
Your post tells me you have no idea of what I claim.

I mock no one. You mock reason, justice and constitutional government.

How about we start at the beginning and determine what you say I say was blown up?

I can prove that the towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete core. The WTC commission was decieved about the core structure.

Your position is concealing treason if you cannot produce evidence establishing that the core structure NIST Analyzed actually existed. I prove it did not, with evidence in my last post.

Supporting secret methods of mass murder is not okay.

You mock every victim who was in that building and every citizen of the United States

Like all truthers, you are nothing more than scum
Scum is represented by those with no evidence and no reason.

You mock humanity itself.

Your text is empty words and characters with no substance behind it. My words have facts behind them and stand to find justice for each and every person who died honoring them and their familes, myself and my family.

I fight today for each and every soldier who's courage is abused by an infiltrated government using and abusing them. I work to help them fulfill their oath WITHOUT exposing them to danger.


The PTSD that afflicts them is something I've come to understand how to treat. But our corrupt government will not allow it. It will take their precious lives, their courage and waste it without a thought. Here is the proof of the corruption I've faced and exposed.


The sheriffs department failing to appear on subpoeana. You can tell they wanted to appear with the records subpoeaned because they expose the county counsel influencing their failure to appear, a serous civil rights violation. They are like soldiers, they follow orders.

The records subpoeaned would have made it possible to develop a treatment for PTSD and other serious mental illness endangering all of us. Here us a letter from the director of the mental health department providing a defacto approval of a proposed treatment that would help millions of people.


If your corrupted ass would get out of the way soldiers could see through to ending the abuse of their lives and families and truly protect Americans lives with their devotions.

Even yours scumbag, with your baseless support for secret mass murder and treason.

At least I have evidence and have posted it.
gargantuan stack of pretentious bullshit!

That's what mass murders and traitors want you to say.

Me, I work for truth, justice, peace and the best mental health care possible because our soldiers need it badly and I have just proved all of that prompting you to spew empty text supporting secret methods of mass murder and treason.

The NWO loves you.

You have proved nothing, except you aren't reasonable. I don't care whether you believe what you believe, but to expect others to believe it is pretty arrogant.

If you cannot use evidence you cannot bd reasonable and I posted enough to prove my point that needed evidence.

The traitor proved his own betrayal by doing the same thing you are doing, failing to use evidence.

I can prove what I know and have all of the evidence assembled here.

The truth of the Twin Towers structure and 9-11 demolition

You need to stick with the structural
Information first. That makes a point which cannot he denied relating to the towers destruction.
Last edited:
If uiu
You mock every victim who was in that building and every citizen of the United States

Like all truthers, you are nothing more than scum
Scum is represented by those with no evidence and no reason.

You mock humanity itself.

Your text is empty words and characters with no substance behind it. My words have facts behind them and stand to find justice for each and every person who died honoring them and their familes, myself and my family.

I fight today for each and every soldier who's courage is abused by an infiltrated government using and abusing them. I work to help them fulfill their oath WITHOUT exposing them to danger.


The PTSD that afflicts them is something I've come to understand how to treat. But our corrupt government will not allow it. It will take their precious lives, their courage and waste it without a thought. Here is the proof of the corruption I've faced and exposed.


The sheriffs department failing to appear on subpoeana. You can tell they wanted to appear with the records subpoeaned because they expose the county counsel influencing their failure to appear, a serous civil rights violation. They are like soldiers, they follow orders.

The records subpoeaned would have made it possible to develop a treatment for PTSD and other serious mental illness endangering all of us. Here us a letter from the director of the mental health department providing a defacto approval of a proposed treatment that would help millions of people.


If your corrupted ass would get out of the way soldiers could see through to ending the abuse of their lives and families and truly protect Americans lives with their devotions.

Even yours scumbag, with your baseless support for secret mass murder and treason.

At least I have evidence and have posted it.
gargantuan stack of pretentious bullshit!

That's what mass murders and traitors want you to say.

Me, I work for truth, justice, peace and the best mental health care possible because our soldiers need it badly and I have just proved all of that prompting you to spew empty text supporting secret methods of mass murder and treason.

The NWO loves you.

You have proved nothing, except you aren't reasonable. I don't care whether you believe what you believe, but to expect others to believe it is pretty arrogant.

If you cannot use evidence you cannot bd reasonable and I posted enough to prove my point that needed evidence.

The traitor proved his own betrayal by doing the same thing you are doing, failing to use evidence.

I can prove what I know and have here and both threads have been removed making it easy for you to deny the facts.

People on this board are trying to silence you?
Mostly damaging my use of evidence by external redirects.

If you say so.
I'm posting on a phone so assembling all the evidence and making a thread is really difficult, so I need active links to my website because it's hard enough to get deniers to use an active link. They won't use the redirects.
I do have opportunity to get on a laptop with wifi occasionally so will make a point to build a thread for this forum.

All of the threads I made in 2010-11 have been deleted and only my oppositions threads remain. My avatar was changed and my sig altered.

I generally do not return to forums after being banned. I was asked to return here so have. I find the mass advertising very difficult to deal with on my phone with the new forum software.

It crashes my phones browser 1/3 of the time trying to load a page and jumps to the top of a post when pasting information. Often I touch ads and end up leaving the page in scrolling up to reposition in the text.

Nasty software with way too many ads.
I suggest anyone interested in Christa's Twilight Zone read the forward to his vanity publication, After The Event (no, not the T.A. Williams series) in which he describes his motivation as "a lifetime of post hypnotic control via somnambulism established at 3.5 yrs by an Indigenous Medicine woman" ... his baby-sitter. No wonder the poor guy is broke (and broken). He was a poster child for the "Truther" Movement.

After The Event - Kindle edition by Christopher A. Brown. Health Fitness Dieting Kindle eBooks Amazon.com.

Click the Amazon link then click on the book cover.
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I am really brokenhearted but the government and its out-of-control secret services are trusted to do things like that.

Appeal To Anonymous Authority:

an Appeal To Authority is made, but the authority is not named. For example, "Experts agree that ..", "scientists say .." or even "they say ..". This makes the information impossible to verify, and brings up the very real possibility that the arguer himself doesn't know who the experts are. In that case, he may just be spreading a rumor.
The situation is even worse if the arguer admits it's a rumor.
Your claims that our own government intentionally blew up buildings sending thousands to their deaths with no supporting evidence is despicable and shows you to be nothing more than scum

How dare you mock victims families and those who jumped with such nonsense

Your post tells me you have no idea of what I claim.

I mock no one. You mock reason, justice and constitutional government.

How about we start at the beginning and determine what you say I say was blown up?

I can prove that the towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete core. The WTC commission was decieved about the core structure.

Your position is concealing treason if you cannot produce evidence establishing that the core structure NIST Analyzed actually existed. I prove it did not, with evidence in my last post.

Supporting secret methods of mass murder is not okay.

You mock every victim who was in that building and every citizen of the United States

Like all truthers, you are nothing more than scum
Scum is represented by those with no evidence and no reason.

You mock humanity itself.

Your text is empty words and characters with no substance behind it. My words have facts behind them and stand to find justice for each and every person who died honoring them and their familes, myself and my family.

I fight today for each and every soldier who's courage is abused by an infiltrated government using and abusing them. I work to help them fulfill their oath WITHOUT exposing them to danger.


The PTSD that afflicts them is something I've come to understand how to treat. But our corrupt government will not allow it. It will take their precious lives, their courage and waste it without a thought. Here is the proof of the corruption I've faced and exposed.


The sheriffs department failing to appear on subpoeana. You can tell they wanted to appear with the records subpoeaned because they expose the county counsel influencing their failure to appear, a serous civil rights violation. They are like soldiers, they follow orders.

The records subpoeaned would have made it possible to develop a treatment for PTSD and other serious mental illness endangering all of us. Here us a letter from the director of the mental health department providing a defacto approval of a proposed treatment that would help millions of people.


If your corrupted ass would get out of the way soldiers could see through to ending the abuse of their lives and families and truly protect Americans lives with their devotions.

Even yours scumbag, with your baseless support for secret mass murder and treason.

At least I have evidence and have posted it.
gargantuan stack of pretentious bullshit!

That's what mass murders and traitors want you to say.

Me, I work for truth, justice, peace and the best mental health care possible because our soldiers need it badly and I have just proved all of that prompting you to spew empty text supporting secret methods of mass murder and treason.

The NWO loves you.
typical nut job yammering..
that proves jack shit .every contractor, electrician, maintenance crews janitor etc. could find out those points if they had not already been shown them as part of familiarizing them with the building. ...

Uhh...it proved the point I intended it to prove; which was that Wrongringer's claim that the elevator shafts did "not provide access to SUPPORT COLLUMNS" (sic)...was nothing more than an unsupported pile of crap.

daws101 said:
...as to the elevators they almost without exception are not structural they are in fact a free standing frame with some attachment points to the shaft. ...

In the case of the Twin Towers, the elevators were housed in the core columns, Dwas. Don't take my word for it; look it up yourself. Whether they served an auxiliary support purpose or not, a top to bottom renovation would have provided unfettered access to all of the core columns and beams.

daws101 said:
...the people in the right places ploy does not wash.
somebody would notice .
end of story.

Well, judging by the smell of your usual bullshit, you're the only thing that doesn't wash around here. End of story.
butt hurt again?
If uiu
You mock every victim who was in that building and every citizen of the United States

Like all truthers, you are nothing more than scum
Scum is represented by those with no evidence and no reason.

You mock humanity itself.

Your text is empty words and characters with no substance behind it. My words have facts behind them and stand to find justice for each and every person who died honoring them and their familes, myself and my family.

I fight today for each and every soldier who's courage is abused by an infiltrated government using and abusing them. I work to help them fulfill their oath WITHOUT exposing them to danger.


The PTSD that afflicts them is something I've come to understand how to treat. But our corrupt government will not allow it. It will take their precious lives, their courage and waste it without a thought. Here is the proof of the corruption I've faced and exposed.


The sheriffs department failing to appear on subpoeana. You can tell they wanted to appear with the records subpoeaned because they expose the county counsel influencing their failure to appear, a serous civil rights violation. They are like soldiers, they follow orders.

The records subpoeaned would have made it possible to develop a treatment for PTSD and other serious mental illness endangering all of us. Here us a letter from the director of the mental health department providing a defacto approval of a proposed treatment that would help millions of people.


If your corrupted ass would get out of the way soldiers could see through to ending the abuse of their lives and families and truly protect Americans lives with their devotions.

Even yours scumbag, with your baseless support for secret mass murder and treason.

At least I have evidence and have posted it.
gargantuan stack of pretentious bullshit!

That's what mass murders and traitors want you to say.

Me, I work for truth, justice, peace and the best mental health care possible because our soldiers need it badly and I have just proved all of that prompting you to spew empty text supporting secret methods of mass murder and treason.

The NWO loves you.

You have proved nothing, except you aren't reasonable. I don't care whether you believe what you believe, but to expect others to believe it is pretty arrogant.

If you cannot use evidence you cannot bd reasonable and I posted enough to prove my point that needed evidence.

The traitor proved his own betrayal by doing the same thing you are doing, failing to use evidence.

I can prove what I know and have all of the evidence assembled here.

The truth of the Twin Towers structure and 9-11 demolition

You need to stick with the structural
Information first. That makes a point which cannot he denied relating to the towers destruction.
a nut job blog as proof? nope, does not fly!
If uiu
Scum is represented by those with no evidence and no reason.

You mock humanity itself.

Your text is empty words and characters with no substance behind it. My words have facts behind them and stand to find justice for each and every person who died honoring them and their familes, myself and my family.

I fight today for each and every soldier who's courage is abused by an infiltrated government using and abusing them. I work to help them fulfill their oath WITHOUT exposing them to danger.


The PTSD that afflicts them is something I've come to understand how to treat. But our corrupt government will not allow it. It will take their precious lives, their courage and waste it without a thought. Here is the proof of the corruption I've faced and exposed.


The sheriffs department failing to appear on subpoeana. You can tell they wanted to appear with the records subpoeaned because they expose the county counsel influencing their failure to appear, a serous civil rights violation. They are like soldiers, they follow orders.

The records subpoeaned would have made it possible to develop a treatment for PTSD and other serious mental illness endangering all of us. Here us a letter from the director of the mental health department providing a defacto approval of a proposed treatment that would help millions of people.


If your corrupted ass would get out of the way soldiers could see through to ending the abuse of their lives and families and truly protect Americans lives with their devotions.

Even yours scumbag, with your baseless support for secret mass murder and treason.

At least I have evidence and have posted it.
gargantuan stack of pretentious bullshit!

That's what mass murders and traitors want you to say.

Me, I work for truth, justice, peace and the best mental health care possible because our soldiers need it badly and I have just proved all of that prompting you to spew empty text supporting secret methods of mass murder and treason.

The NWO loves you.

You have proved nothing, except you aren't reasonable. I don't care whether you believe what you believe, but to expect others to believe it is pretty arrogant.

If you cannot use evidence you cannot bd reasonable and I posted enough to prove my point that needed evidence.

The traitor proved his own betrayal by doing the same thing you are doing, failing to use evidence.

I can prove what I know and have here and both threads have been removed making it easy for you to deny the facts.

People on this board are trying to silence you?
no, he like all those guys just wish's it was true.
Speaking of the evidence for wishful thinking, from a 2001 Washington Post article by Barbara Vobejda:

"Steve Patterson, who lives in Pentagon City, said it appeared to him that a commuter jet swooped over Arlington National Cemetery and headed for the Pentagon 'at a frightening rate .‚.‚. just slicing into that building.' "


More eyewitness accounts of a smaller jet have been documented here.

Donald Wright:I watched this—it looked like a commuter plane, twin-engine, come down from the south real low…it just dipped down and came down right over 395.[140]

Steven Gerard: Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this plane coming down…I saw what looked to be maybe a 20-passenger corporate jet, no markings on the side, coming in at a shallow angle like it was landing right into the side of the Pentagon I was across the I-395 from the Pentagon in an office tower with a direct view of the Pentagon.[186]

D.S. Khavkin:[From an 8th floor high-rise:] At first, we thought it was the jets that sometimes fly overhead. However, it appeared to be a small commercial aircraft[187]

Meseidy Rodriguez:It was a mid size plane.[188]

...(among many other ambiguous accounts as to the size and specifics of the plane.)...


In the video at the following link, an eyewitness named Janet describes "a commuter plane".

Pentagon witness Janet ABC 9 11 09 51 - YouTube

And maybe the most damning eyewitness account of all, at the following link, Omar Campos can be heard in Spanish as his friend translates (correctly, BTW) his description of the plane - a description that perfectly matches the picture of the Lockheed Jetstar linked to in one of my previous posts. Omar was outside working on the grounds in dangerously close proximity to the crash site. He got a good, close-up look at the plane as it came in and struck the building.

Pentagon witness Omar Campo CBS 10 53 9 11 - YouTube

I realize there are many other accounts that match Flight 77's general description, but most of them are from far greater distances than those of the witnesses who saw the smaller plane.

There are also significant time anomalies and news reports of nearby evacuations due to additional threats after the first reported explosions at the Pentagon (one report had up to three additional inbound aircraft threats), so the evidence is there for a post-crash flyover of a silver jumbo jet, complete with a large secondary explosion which increased the damage at the site of the earlier impact. In other words, I think the wide variance in the plane descriptions and reported times of impact were due to a quickly orchestrated cover-up effort.

Can't "prove it", though... ;)
Speaking of the evidence for wishful thinking, from a 2001 Washington Post article by Barbara Vobejda:

"Steve Patterson, who lives in Pentagon City, said it appeared to him that a commuter jet swooped over Arlington National Cemetery and headed for the Pentagon 'at a frightening rate .‚.‚. just slicing into that building.' "


More eyewitness accounts of a smaller jet have been documented here.

Donald Wright:I watched this—it looked like a commuter plane, twin-engine, come down from the south real low…it just dipped down and came down right over 395.[140]

Steven Gerard: Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this plane coming down…I saw what looked to be maybe a 20-passenger corporate jet, no markings on the side, coming in at a shallow angle like it was landing right into the side of the Pentagon I was across the I-395 from the Pentagon in an office tower with a direct view of the Pentagon.[186]

D.S. Khavkin:[From an 8th floor high-rise:] At first, we thought it was the jets that sometimes fly overhead. However, it appeared to be a small commercial aircraft[187]

Meseidy Rodriguez:It was a mid size plane.[188]

...(among many other ambiguous accounts as to the size and specifics of the plane.)...


In the video at the following link, an eyewitness named Janet describes "a commuter plane".

Pentagon witness Janet ABC 9 11 09 51 - YouTube

And maybe the most damning eyewitness account of all, at the following link, Omar Campos can be heard in Spanish as his friend translates (correctly, BTW) his description of the plane - a description that perfectly matches the picture of the Lockheed Jetstar linked to in one of my previous posts. Omar was outside working on the grounds in dangerously close proximity to the crash site. He got a good, close-up look at the plane as it came in and struck the building.

Pentagon witness Omar Campo CBS 10 53 9 11 - YouTube

I realize there are many other accounts that match Flight 77's general description, but most of them are from far greater distances than those of the witnesses who saw the smaller plane.

There are also significant time anomalies and news reports of nearby evacuations due to additional threats after the first reported explosions at the Pentagon (one report had up to three additional inbound aircraft threats), so the evidence is there for a post-crash flyover of a silver jumbo jet, complete with a large secondary explosion which increased the damage at the site of the earlier impact. In other words, I think the wide variance in the plane descriptions and reported times of impact were due to a quickly orchestrated cover-up effort.

Can't "prove it", though... ;)

Speaking of the evidence for wishful thinking, from a 2001 Washington Post article by Barbara Vobejda:

"Steve Patterson, who lives in Pentagon City, said it appeared to him that a commuter jet swooped over Arlington National Cemetery and headed for the Pentagon 'at a frightening rate .‚.‚. just slicing into that building.' "


More eyewitness accounts of a smaller jet have been documented here.

Donald Wright:I watched this—it looked like a commuter plane, twin-engine, come down from the south real low…it just dipped down and came down right over 395.[140]

Steven Gerard: Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this plane coming down…I saw what looked to be maybe a 20-passenger corporate jet, no markings on the side, coming in at a shallow angle like it was landing right into the side of the Pentagon I was across the I-395 from the Pentagon in an office tower with a direct view of the Pentagon.[186]

D.S. Khavkin:[From an 8th floor high-rise:] At first, we thought it was the jets that sometimes fly overhead. However, it appeared to be a small commercial aircraft[187]

Meseidy Rodriguez:It was a mid size plane.[188]

...(among many other ambiguous accounts as to the size and specifics of the plane.)...


In the video at the following link, an eyewitness named Janet describes "a commuter plane".

Pentagon witness Janet ABC 9 11 09 51 - YouTube

And maybe the most damning eyewitness account of all, at the following link, Omar Campos can be heard in Spanish as his friend translates (correctly, BTW) his description of the plane - a description that perfectly matches the picture of the Lockheed Jetstar linked to in one of my previous posts. Omar was outside working on the grounds in dangerously close proximity to the crash site. He got a good, close-up look at the plane as it came in and struck the building.

Pentagon witness Omar Campo CBS 10 53 9 11 - YouTube

I realize there are many other accounts that match Flight 77's general description, but most of them are from far greater distances than those of the witnesses who saw the smaller plane.

There are also significant time anomalies and news reports of nearby evacuations due to additional threats after the first reported explosions at the Pentagon (one report had up to three additional inbound aircraft threats), so the evidence is there for a post-crash flyover of a silver jumbo jet, complete with a large secondary explosion which increased the damage at the site of the earlier impact. In other words, I think the wide variance in the plane descriptions and reported times of impact were due to a quickly orchestrated cover-up effort.

Can't "prove it", though... ;)

The length of this post is rock solid proof that it's bullshit.
butt hurt again?

Yeah, the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people and the ever-rising death toll of the illegal wars wrongly justified by those initial casualties...sort of keep me in a state of perpetual 'butt-hurt'. :(

On the bright side though, it's a nice emotional release to repeatedly hand you and other mindless tools your asses on a fairly regular basis. So, thanks for the pressure valve release, Chode. :thup:
butt hurt again?

Yeah, the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people and the ever-rising death toll of the illegal wars wrongly justified by those initial casualties...sort of keep me in a state of perpetual 'butt-hurt'. :(

On the bright side though, it's a nice emotional release to repeatedly hand you and other mindless tools your asses on a fairly regular basis. So, thanks for the pressure valve release, Chode. :thup:
It's delusion's like that , that makes these threads so enjoyable.
It's delusion's like that , that makes these threads so enjoyable.

That would've been a nice comeback, Poindumpster, if only our little back-and-forth in this thread actually corroborated it.

Too bad, for you, the record's there for pretty much everyone else to assess for themselves.
It's delusion's like that, that makes these threads so enjoyable.
...Too bad, for you, the record's there for pretty much everyone else to assess for themselves.

And pretty much everyone else has yawned, shook their heads at your continued inability to get a real life, and moved on. Your 9/11 "Truther" Movement is O-V-E-R, Cappy, and most of you still haven't gotten laid.

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