Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace?

There'd be a better chance of Obozo resigning in disgrace if there were a town in Hawaii named "Disgrace". Especially if Disgrace, Hawaii had a really lust golf course with a magnificent hotel. And, of course, a gigantic airport - but if push came to shove He'd just issue one of those famous Executive Orders to have one built.
..because he's done absolutely nothing "disgraceful".


Obama's Fascist Care is his signature "achievement."

Did Fascist Care cover more people than it booted from coverage?

Will Fascist Care lower Americans' health insurance costs?
Did people get to keep their doctors and plans they wanted?
Did Fascist Care significantly reduce the the number of uninsured?

Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace over this?

Because he isn't Catholic...? :)
To resign in disgrace would require that Obama have at least rudimentary amounts of integrity, sense of duty, and conscience.

Fat chance of that.

plus he doesn't want to give up the PERKS...He could care less if the people wanted him to resign...He doesn't think much of us anyway
40 straight months of job creation in spite of the R obstruction.

Dow at an all time high in spite of the R obstruction.

Economy coming back in spite of the R obstruction.

For starters.

If you want more and I know you don't, go to what the fuck has obama done dot com.

Since you state that republicans have stopped obama, your giving republicans credit for anything good thats happening.
Obama's Fascist Care is his signature "achievement."

Did Fascist Care cover more people than it booted from coverage?

Will Fascist Care lower Americans' health insurance costs?
Did people get to keep their doctors and plans they wanted?
Did Fascist Care significantly reduce the the number of uninsured?

Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace over this?

I suppose because he doesn't not consider stupid rhetorical questions worthy of note.
Progressives are not capable of admitting their agenda has failed; hence the endless excuses and false charges of "hate" and "racism"
They are still whining how Republicans have stopped the Dear Leader and cause Obstruction

Well and here we thought that was the REASON THE PEOPLE gave the HOUSE to Republicans back in 2010

Democrat/liberals sure love that Democracy when it favors THEM

Note to Progressives:

record numbers of Americana on welfare, food stamps, and federal disability isnt "forward progress".

or IS that the Progressive idea of forward progress?
Obama's Fascist Care is his signature "achievement."

Did Fascist Care cover more people than it booted from coverage?

Will Fascist Care lower Americans' health insurance costs?
Did people get to keep their doctors and plans they wanted?
Did Fascist Care significantly reduce the the number of uninsured?

Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace over this?

I feel that some of you should leave this board in disgrace but that isn't happening either. Go figure.

wow, you got an atta boy for that...and the love for others is touching
and all this over the Dear leader
In my mind, the number of outright lies he has told, and the seriousness of them, should have him impeached and convicted! He's a lying, non-transparent POS!
I agree, His changing the RULES with OScamCare is enough to impeach him
People should be on their Representatives butts to stop this maniac and his comrades in arms from doing more DAMAGE TO US
Obama's Fascist Care is his signature "achievement."

Did Fascist Care cover more people than it booted from coverage?

Will Fascist Care lower Americans' health insurance costs?
Did people get to keep their doctors and plans they wanted?
Did Fascist Care significantly reduce the the number of uninsured?

Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace over this?

I feel that some of you should leave this board in disgrace but that isn't happening either. Go figure.

wow, you got an atta boy for that...and the love for others is touching
and all this over the Dear leader

Oh there is no love lost with some of you wingnuts. You lie so much, I wouldn't take anything you say as gospel.
I feel that some of you should leave this board in disgrace but that isn't happening either. Go figure.

wow, you got an atta boy for that...and the love for others is touching
and all this over the Dear leader

Oh there is no love lost with some of you wingnuts. You lie so much, I wouldn't take anything you say as gospel.

you need a :smiliehug:
that you are still defending Obama when almost 60% of the people disapprove him show who is and who takes the side of a liar over your fellow country men and women
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