Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace?

Disdain for Our Kenyan President is not because he's black, but because he is a lying, murderous bumbling fool. He allowed Benghazi to happen......

Do I really need to continue? I'm just restating old news........

Wot goes around comes around, so suck it up liberal, suck it up good.
Disdain for Shrub is not because he's white, but because he is a lying murderous war criminal. He allowed 9/11 to happen, and invaded Iraq, which had nothing to do with it. He killed over a million innocent women, children and elderly civilians, not to mention over 5,000 American U.S. troops. 50,000 troops gave body parts for the profit of Halliburton.

You should go back on your meds.

True story.
Disdain for Our Kenyan President is not because he's black, but because he is a lying, murderous bumbling fool. He allowed Benghazi to happen......

Do I really need to continue? I'm just restating old news........

Wot goes around comes around, so suck it up liberal, suck it up good.

You should go back on your meds.

When cons can't refute the truth, they say stupid shit like this and double down on their stupidity. That's why they look like this....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHjIb6trxBI]Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube[/ame]
Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace?
The cons have spent five years trying to smear Obama, with no results. But it's not their lack of trying, they just get caught in their lies every time. They tried to pin deficit spending on him, but it was Shrub Jr. that left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit and a collapsed economy. Nixon was caught in lies about Watergate. Raygun was caught in lies about Iran/Contra. Shrub Daddy was caught in lies about no new taxes. And Shrub was caught in lies about yellow cake and Mission accomplished. Now the cons are trying to convince America that Obama is untrustworthy. But not only are the cons the biggest liars, they're also the biggest deficit spenders. They are the ones that have added $12 trillion of the $17 trillion to the national debt. And because they destroyed the economy in 2007, the spending Obama has done has been to dig this country out of the mess the cons put us in. If you want to see the definition of untrustworthy, it's the GOP.

yeah yeah, that Obama is as clean as the first fallen snow...
now all bow, salute and say Hail Obama
Obama's Fascist Care is his signature "achievement."

Did Fascist Care cover more people than it booted from coverage?

Will Fascist Care lower Americans' health insurance costs?
Did people get to keep their doctors and plans they wanted?
Did Fascist Care significantly reduce the the number of uninsured?

Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace over this?
"Mr. President, we'd probably be better off if you called off your presidency off right now. Just quit. Because if this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nirnIV5pfs]Poor Chicago Blacks to Obama: "Just Quit" - YouTube[/ame]
Obama's Fascist Care is his signature "achievement."

Did Fascist Care cover more people than it booted from coverage?

Will Fascist Care lower Americans' health insurance costs?
Did people get to keep their doctors and plans they wanted?
Did Fascist Care significantly reduce the the number of uninsured?

Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace over this?
"Mr. President, we'd probably be better off if you called off your presidency off right now. Just quit. Because if this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nirnIV5pfs]Poor Chicago Blacks to Obama: "Just Quit" - YouTube[/ame]

don't tell hangover...his little Obambam bubble he lives in might burst
ODSers, the black guy whupped your asses and sent you running home to mama in tears. Twice. Get over it already. Crying about it all the time isn't going to convince anyone you didn't get your asses whupped.
Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace?
The cons have spent five years trying to smear Obama, with no results. But it's not their lack of trying, they just get caught in their lies every time. They tried to pin deficit spending on him, but it was Shrub Jr. that left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit and a collapsed economy. Nixon was caught in lies about Watergate. Raygun was caught in lies about Iran/Contra. Shrub Daddy was caught in lies about no new taxes. And Shrub was caught in lies about yellow cake and Mission accomplished. Now the cons are trying to convince America that Obama is untrustworthy. But not only are the cons the biggest liars, they're also the biggest deficit spenders. They are the ones that have added $12 trillion of the $17 trillion to the national debt. And because they destroyed the economy in 2007, the spending Obama has done has been to dig this country out of the mess the cons put us in. If you want to see the definition of untrustworthy, it's the GOP.

yeah yeah, that Obama is as clean as the first fallen snow...
now all bow, salute and say Hail Obama
Be careful you don't burn your pointy hat on that burning cross that you keep lighting.

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