Why has Obama not resigned in disgrace?

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto companies and banks
Passed Obamacare
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden

Top ten president
obama "saved banks"

sorry leftard but the bank bailout was Bush's idea; i know you want obama to take credit for a TRILLION IN CORPORATE WELFARE TO WALL STREET; but again TARP was Bush's idea

obama didnt "save auto companies" you mindless moron. neither GM nor Chrysler were in LIQUIDATION bankruptcy; there were in REORGANIZATION; they were NEVER going under. all obama did was give them MORE CORPORATE WELFARE; and re-arrange their debt to benefits HIS UNION CRONIES


record welfare and food stamps

worst president ever
Why haven't you chickenshits impeached him yet? He's so "lawless" and all. :rolleyes:

WHY doesn't he do the right thing and Resign?
because that isn't in an Ego Maniac to do the RIGHT thing, that's why

Ah...Stephanie hates Obama so he should resign. No other reason needed. :lol:

Yup, chickenshits.

obama should resign because he's an abject failure and an inept, divisive demagogue.

what more do you need leftard?
wow, you got an atta boy for that...and the love for others is touching
and all this over the Dear leader

Oh there is no love lost with some of you wingnuts. You lie so much, I wouldn't take anything you say as gospel.

you need a :smiliehug:
that you are still defending Obama when almost 60% of the people disapprove him show who is and who takes the side of a liar over your fellow country men and women

Only in your little limited world, Steph.
Oh there is no love lost with some of you wingnuts. You lie so much, I wouldn't take anything you say as gospel.

you need a :smiliehug:
that you are still defending Obama when almost 60% of the people disapprove him show who is and who takes the side of a liar over your fellow country men and women

Only in your little limited world, Steph.

Well at least mine isn't filled with hate for my fellow country men and women over some MAN who is President
now have a good day
WHY doesn't he do the right thing and Resign?
because that isn't in an Ego Maniac to do the RIGHT thing, that's why

Ah...Stephanie hates Obama so he should resign. No other reason needed. :lol:

Yup, chickenshits.

I don't hate him anymore than you all did and still DO BUSH

I never hated President Bush so it would be impossible to do so now. I disliked many of his policies (Cheney's policies, really) and I certainly hated the war he lied us into, but hate is not something I reserve for Presidents of the United States. They are the President, elected to serve a country they believe in. No one in that position is worthy of hate by an American citizen.
obama "saved banks"

sorry leftard but the bank bailout was Bush's idea; i know you want obama to take credit for a TRILLION IN CORPORATE WELFARE TO WALL STREET; but again TARP was Bush's idea

obama didnt "save auto companies" you mindless moron. neither GM nor Chrysler were in LIQUIDATION bankruptcy; there were in REORGANIZATION; they were NEVER going under. all obama did was give them MORE CORPORATE WELFARE; and re-arrange their debt to benefits HIS UNION CRONIES


record welfare and food stamps

worst president ever

When Bush did it, it didn't work. That is why they had to come back begging to Obama
Bush threw them money, Obama demanded restructuring. It worked for Obama
obama "saved banks"

sorry leftard but the bank bailout was Bush's idea; i know you want obama to take credit for a TRILLION IN CORPORATE WELFARE TO WALL STREET; but again TARP was Bush's idea

obama didnt "save auto companies" you mindless moron. neither GM nor Chrysler were in LIQUIDATION bankruptcy; there were in REORGANIZATION; they were NEVER going under. all obama did was give them MORE CORPORATE WELFARE; and re-arrange their debt to benefits HIS UNION CRONIES


record welfare and food stamps

worst president ever

When Bush did it, it didn't work. That is why they had to come back begging to Obama
Bush threw them money, Obama demanded restructuring. It worked for Obama

"it worked for obama...'


lets' talk about what :"worked" for Bush and didnt work for obama!


record welfare and food stamps under obama

what a joke you are
obama "saved banks"

sorry leftard but the bank bailout was Bush's idea; i know you want obama to take credit for a TRILLION IN CORPORATE WELFARE TO WALL STREET; but again TARP was Bush's idea

obama didnt "save auto companies" you mindless moron. neither GM nor Chrysler were in LIQUIDATION bankruptcy; there were in REORGANIZATION; they were NEVER going under. all obama did was give them MORE CORPORATE WELFARE; and re-arrange their debt to benefits HIS UNION CRONIES


record welfare and food stamps

worst president ever

When Bush did it, it didn't work. That is why they had to come back begging to Obama
Bush threw them money, Obama demanded restructuring. It worked for Obama

"it worked for obama...'


lets' talk about what :"worked" for Bush and didnt work for obama!


record welfare and food stamps under obama

what a joke you are

Welfare and Foodstamps go to those under economic hardship. The Great Bush Economic collapse of 2008 created a crisis in which our lowest economic sector is still recovering.......That trickle down takes time......especially when Republicans block any effort of recovery
The kenyan has no intention of resigning. Why would he do that when he's so close to accomplishing his goal?


^^^^ "Kenyan" ... all I need to know, right there, about what a baaaaaaad prez Obama is.

lol!! still making the same misdirection attempts and pathetic excuses for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE.
what a tool. there are 16 million MORE people on food stamps now than at the height of the economic downturn at the end of the Bush years.
that isnt getting better slowly you idiotic, self-deceiving imbecile; that is getting WORSE.

and you wouldnt be as much of a clown as you are now if you could say just what was "Bush" about that "Bush Economic Collapse"; other than he was President at the time.
i have an idea dope; why dont you provide a list of things Democrats even TRIED TO OPPOSE from the Bush years that would have avoided the "Bush Economic Collapse"
you list all the so-called disastrous Bush policies Dems DIDNT vote FOR, vote to fund, to continue funding and carrying out; and i'll show a list of things Dems DID VOTE FOR not only during the Bush years but the same Bush policies continued long after Bush left office and Dems became the majority of BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS?

When Bush did it, it didn't work. That is why they had to come back begging to Obama
Bush threw them money, Obama demanded restructuring. It worked for Obama

"it worked for obama...'


lets' talk about what :"worked" for Bush and didnt work for obama!


record welfare and food stamps under obama

what a joke you are

Welfare and Foodstamps go to those under economic hardship. The Great Bush Economic collapse of 2008 created a crisis in which our lowest economic sector is still recovering.......That trickle down takes time......especially when Republicans block any effort of recovery

Actually, food stamps are now used for disaster victims, where as before, they were not.

You can't point out vital information like that when it is being used to attack Obama, though ... no sir.
lol!! still making the same misdirection attempts and pathetic excuses for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE.
what a tool. there are 16 million MORE people on food stamps now than at the height of the economic downturn at the end of the Bush years.
that isnt getting better slowly you idiotic, self-deceiving imbecile; that is getting WORSE.

and you wouldnt be as much of a clown as you are now if you could say just what was "Bush" about that "Bush Economic Collapse"; other than he was President at the time.
i have an idea dope; why dont you provide a list of things Democrats even TRIED TO OPPOSE from the Bush years that would have avoided the "Bush Economic Collapse"
you list all the so-called disastrous Bush policies Dems DIDNT vote FOR, vote to fund, to continue funding and carrying out; and i'll show a list of things Dems DID VOTE FOR not only during the Bush years but the same Bush policies continued long after Bush left office and Dems became the majority of BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS?


You are being quite a prick for a noob. You might want to slow your roll a tad.

Like i just mentioned, food stamps are used for quite a bit more than just low income people ... not that I expect you to ever buy into the truth....
lol!! still making the same misdirection attempts and pathetic excuses for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE.
what a tool. there are 16 million MORE people on food stamps now than at the height of the economic downturn at the end of the Bush years.
that isnt getting better slowly you idiotic, self-deceiving imbecile; that is getting WORSE.

and you wouldnt be as much of a clown as you are now if you could say just what was "Bush" about that "Bush Economic Collapse"; other than he was President at the time.
i have an idea dope; why dont you provide a list of things Democrats even TRIED TO OPPOSE from the Bush years that would have avoided the "Bush Economic Collapse"
you list all the so-called disastrous Bush policies Dems DIDNT vote FOR, vote to fund, to continue funding and carrying out; and i'll show a list of things Dems DID VOTE FOR not only during the Bush years but the same Bush policies continued long after Bush left office and Dems became the majority of BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS?


You are being quite a prick for a noob. You might want to slow your roll a tad.

Like i just mentioned, food stamps are used for quite a bit more than just low income people ... not that I expect you to ever buy into the truth....

you're a boring idiot pointing out a few rare examples.

how about this dimwit?
the lowest level of participation in the labor market in 40 years?

the highest number of Americans on some form of federal disability ever?
We have the highest number of ABLED-BODIED Americans not working in a generation.
your pathetic excuse for RECORD WELFARE is the weather (disasters)?

please stop embarrassing yourself Mad_Cabbie
higher poverty under Progressives
more welfare, more food stamps
less participation in the labor market
more disability

it is what it is dork

and you have the gall to cry about somebody else refusing to buy into the truth?

food stamps are sold on the streets for 2 to 1. give somebody $100 dollars and you can get $200 dollars of food stamps. and it isnt just one or two people doing it; it's all over.

loser Progressives; got to hand it to these morons; seems like they dont know much about what goes on in the world of people they are pandering and patronizing.
and you say "attacking obama"

the usual pathetic victim-speak

implies criticism of him is unjust

were you "attacking" Bush while leaving out "vital information" a few years back?

why dont you go cry somewhere?

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